



1、年级下册词及句Unit 1 TimeVocabulary:half 一半clock 钟oclock 整点bathroom 浴室check 检查crazy 疯狂的downstairs 楼下的everywhere 到处garden 花园hall 大厅midnight 午夜police 警察quick 迅速的watch 表someone 某人hour 小时minute 分钟wake up 醒来at 在某具体地点或时刻get up 起床careful 小心的Sentences:1. What time is it?It s five o clock.现在什么时间? 五点整。2. It s half p

2、ast three by the purple colck. 那个紫色的钟是三点半。3. It s four o clock on the watch on the table. 在桌上那块表上是四点整。4. Time for bed/ school/ lunch. 到时间去睡觉 / 上学/ 吃午饭了。Time to have lunch.到时间吃午饭了。5. Time to go to bed.Time to go to school.到时间去睡觉了。 到时间去上学了。6. I get up at six o clock. 我六点整起床。7. Classes begin at half pa

3、st eight. 八点半开始上课。8. At midnight. 在午夜时分。9. At one o clock my crazy clock strikes two. 在一点整的时候我疯狂的时钟敲了两下。10. At ten o colck it doesn tdo a thing. 在十点整的时候它什么也没做。11. At midnight it starts to sing. 在午夜时分它开始唱歌。Unit 2 FriendsVocabulary :best 最好的 spider 蜘蛛 pet 宠物 silly 愚蠢的 ( an hour )they 他们 place 地方friend

4、s 朋友们 butterfly 蝴蝶 afternoon 下午 group 组合 later 一小时之后music 音乐 sport 运动rat 耗子 team 团队 together 一起Sentences :1. She/He likes books and dogs.她/他喜欢书和狗。2. Her n ame is Lin da.她的名字是Linda。3. She/ He is my best frie nd.她/他是我最好的朋友。4. He/ She is nine years old.他/她今年9岁。His n ame is Terry.他的名字是Terry。They are my

5、best frie nds. 他们是我最好的朋友们。5. Her/ His birthday is in February.她的/他的生日在二月份。6. Her/ His favourite is .她/他最喜欢的是。7. Can you come to my place this after noon?你今天下午能去我那儿吗?8. I going to Diana (place).我要去Diana那儿。9. Are you all right?你还好吗?10. What the matter?怎么了?11. So what?那又如何?12. This is Emma. 我是Emma。(a t

6、eleph one situati on)Come on over to Diana place. 过来Diana这儿。( 场景)13. Is Diana your best friend now?现在Diana是你最好的朋友吗?14. Don btsilly!We can play together.别傻了!我们可以一起玩儿。Unit 3 An imalsVocabulary :1. It lives in Africa.它生活在非洲。Does it live in Africa?它生活在非洲吗?lion狮子pig猪cow牛hippo河马fox狐狸wolf狼sheep 纟帛羊snake 蛇d

7、uck鸭子tiger 老虎elepha nt大象rabbit 兔子crocodile鳄鱼crocofrog青蛙鳄鱼budgie 八哥hamster 仓鼠(fish 鱼mouse老鼠animal 动物lovely可爱的guess 猜ready 准备Africa非洲farm 农场fat胖的chanee 时机tomorrow明天better更好的basket篮子prese nt 礼物other 其他的ano ther另一个Sentences :2. It has got two legs.它有两条腿。3. It can swim. 它会游泳。Has it got two legs? 它有两条腿吗?

8、Can it swim?它会游泳吗?4. It is green and grey. 它是绿色和灰色的。5. Is it a crocodile? 它是一只鳄鱼吗?Is it green and grey? 它是绿色和灰色吗? It snot a crocodile. 它不是一只鳄鱼。6. Guess my animal. 猜猜我的动物。7. What a lovely fat pig! 多么可爱的一只肥猪啊!8. Let s give the wolf a chance. 让我们给狼一次时机吧。9. Come tomorrow at six. 明天六点来吧。10. That s much b

9、etter. 好多了。11. A present for you. 一份给你们的礼物。12. Please, don etat us! 求求你了,别吃我们!13. One more song, then you can eat us. 再来一首歌,然后你就可以吃我们了。14. Here we go. 开始啦。Unit 4 My RoomVocabulary :mirror 镜子wardrobe 衣柜clock时钟lamp台灯sofa 沙发window 窗户table 桌子curtains窗帘chair板凳picture 图画gold 金子coin 金币 wonderful超棒的left左边的r

10、ight 右边的Sentences :1. Where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪儿?Look behind the curtains. 看看窗帘后面。2. You are reading a book. 你正在看书。3. You can hear a bee. 你可以听到一只蜜蜂的声音4. The bee lands on your toes. 这只蜜蜂落在你的脚趾上。5. You jump up, roar. 你跳起来,咆哮。6. You climb on the wardrobe. 你爬到衣柜上面。7. There is a mirror under the bed. 床底下

11、有一面镜子。The mirror is under the bed. 镜子在床底下。8. There are three lamps on the table. 桌上有三个台灯。The three lamps are on the table. 这三个台灯在桌上。9. How much is the lamp? 这台灯多少钱?Five gold coins. 五个金币。10. Sorry, I can t give it to you.抱歉,我不能把它给你。Please, give it to us, here is a bag of gold coins. 求求你了,把它给我们吧,这儿有一袋

12、子金币。11. It looks nice.It sounds great.看起来不错。 听起来很棒。12. I can t find my book. 我找不到我的书。13. Can we have our gold back? 我们能拿回我们的金子吗?Let s take it back.咱们把它拿回来。Of course.当然。14. What a nice clock!What a lovely boy!多么好的一面时钟啊!多么可爱的男孩啊!15. The picture is on the left, the TV is on the right. 图画在左边,电视机在右边。16.

13、Our room is big and bright. 我们的房间又大又明亮。It s clean and tidy, too. 它也干净又整洁。17. I like it very much. 我非常喜欢它。What about you? 你呢?Unit 5 School LifeVocabulary :shoes 皮鞋 shirt 男士衬衫 tie 领带 need 需要 dear 亲爱的 new 新的 wear 穿戴socks 袜子 skirt 短裙 chain 锁链 water 水 match 搭配 way 道路;方法sweater 套头毛衣 blouse 女士衬衫 poor 可怜的;穷

14、的 blazer 运动上衣 boy 男孩 photo 照片 yours 你的;你们的cardigan 开襟毛衣 trousers 长裤 stupid 愚蠢的 poster 海报 girl 女孩 uniform 制服 every 每个Sentences :1. I like the songs best. 我最喜欢歌曲。2. On the way to school. 去学校的路上。3. The next day. 第二天。4. Go away! 走开!On the way home. 回家的路上。A day/a week/two hours later. 一天/一周/ 两小时之后。You st

15、upid dog! 你这只蠢狗!5. He n eeds food, water and love.他需要食物、水和爱。6. Hello, this is Emma Benson speak ing.喂,这边是 Emma Benson 在通话我是 Emma Benson 。7. I come from Wuha n, China.我来自中国武汉。8. I am in Class 1, Grade 4.我在四年级1班。9. I study at Wanson gyua n Road Primary School.我在万松园路小学上学。10. In my English lessons I lik

16、e the songs best.在我的英语课中我最喜欢歌曲。11. My Chinese teacher is Miss Li, she is very nice.我的语文老师是李老师,她人很好。12. What about you?你呢?13. Do you like my new school uni form?你喜欢我的新校服吗?14. John is wearing a blue shirt, a red cardigan, grey trousers and brown shoes.John穿着一件蓝色衬衫,一件红色开襟毛衣,灰色的长裤和棕色的皮鞋。15. They are wea

17、ring black blazers.他们穿着黑色的运动上衣。Unit 6 HolidaysVocabulary:本单元动词以进行时呈现,意思不变ridi ng a bike 骑单车pain ti ng a picture画画swimming 游泳play ing football踢足球eat ing spaghetti吃意面watchi ng TV看电视play ing the pia no弹钢琴hav ing a bath洗澡dancing 跳舞roller-bladi ng 轮滑sleep ingstanding on one head 倒立 singing a song 唱歌 visi

18、t ing my uncle 拜访我叔叔washi ng the dishes 洗盘子 睡觉getti ng up 起床putt ing on the clothes 穿衣服hav ing an En glish class上英语课going to school去上学doing sport做运动skii ng滑雪talki ng讲话readi ng 阅读writ ing写liste ning听worki ng工作knocking敲门holiday 假日hockey曲棍球park公园world世界together一起party 派对moon月亮bright明亮的rock roll摇滚的pool池

19、子asleep睡着的bathroom 浴至bedroom卧室livi ng room 客厅kitche n 厨房Senten ces:1. What am I doi ng?What is she/he doi ng? What are they/we/you doin g?我在干什么?她/他再干什么?他们/我们/你你们在干什么?2. I am readi ng.You are writi ng.She is liste ning.They are talk ing.我在看书。你在写字。她在听。他们在说话。3. There is a party toni ght. 今晚有个派对。4. The

20、lion and the duck are dancing rock roll. 狮子和鸭子正在跳摇滚舞。5. She is swimming in the pool.她正在水池里游泳。6. The hippo and the fox are weari ng purple socks. 河马和狐狸正穿着紫色的袜子。7. But the sheep is asleep. 可是绵羊睡着了。8. Have a nice holiday!过个愉快的假期!9. Home, sweet home.家,温馨的家。10. What do they see?他们看到什么?11. A hippo is having a bath in the bathroom. 一只河马正在浴室洗澡。12. A lion is watching TV in the bedroom. 一头狮子正在卧室看电视。


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