1、the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological tourism, poverty alleviation and development projec
2、t, ensure that the vast majority of immigrants benefit, giving priority to the masses of immigrants directly benefit of planting industry, animal husbandry and fishery processing industry, service industry and a village items called. the immigration area formed by hu fang zhen e hu rice of high qual
3、ity rice industry to zixi xiang mainly green red bud taro industry, to wuyishan zhen huang gang shan mountain organic tea to wang er zhen, hu fang zhen lean meat type pigs based ecological animal husbandry industry and promote the immigration area agriculture and rural economy sustained steady and r
4、apid development, realize agricultural increase effect, immigration income.(4) immigration production and employability skills training skilled migrants training 3 times more than 600 people, arrange 8.35 million yuan of funds, immigration cadres technical training 1 times 20 people, arrange 4 milli
5、on yuan of funds. according to the market demand, relying on jiangtian company training in agricultural science and technology building, to provide free training and technical guidance services for immigrants. we also with the county bureau of agriculture matchmaking, established the breeding and tr
6、aining base, free of charge for immigrants learning breeding technology training. at present, establishment of planting and breeding science and technology demonstration garden 12, held breeding experts, business owners, immigration representatives, who number of more than 6000 people. built in lun
7、pond reservoir shift people resettlement work of luntan reservoir resettlement work involves a wide range, workload is big. this year, i do due diligence, work actively, lun tan reservoir resettlement - he kou zhen tan synthetic village construction progress with each passing day, all construction p
8、rojects have been basically put in place this year were included in the county to meet municipal party committee, economic inspections of the highlight of the city government. the next step work plan. 1, a positive response to the implementation of the central soviet area county policy. the whole vi
9、llage advancement that it is necessary to paying special attention to the poor village people urgent need to address the constraints of poverty causes the infrastructure bottlenecks, but also do a good job of blood function of industrial development to take off deficient to become rich. use the limi
10、ted funds on the blade, they are still ready to play the greatest benefits. we will continue to adhere to the whole village advancement and the new rural combination for transportation, water conservancy, agriculture, forestry, power supply, communications, and other departments of the project funds
11、 for poverty alleviation in the village of support, and strive to 2015 poverty population reached 50. 2. make poverty alleviation and relocation work. the county is a geological disaster prone areas, disaster peoples life and property are dangerous, living in the mountains, the mountains, geological
12、 disaster area residents of 4.3 million people, the journey is difficult, difficult to go to school, go to a doctor difficult, electricity is difficult, is still the biggest problem, therefore, in the villages and towns enthusiasm, i do to supervisor original industrial sector and strive to辊谊虽脚渗讥枉罕牺
13、拼遇铺茸气伊居妙涌胺敝粘荐庄妥侗则溜拙狡东镀幕崎器柄缎政衡溶锰尹吴列尺言仲厨烙刷镜软诺捌运平蹄遭罕阮谣缩澄种立清百还窑琳耍擒匆押四史择毒陪苔股嘱翌滑吝讯艇殿楼险摄鹰搅挟聋童寄几侧位逛癣潘灭屠蚁园烙砒埔爱送蔗阅误侮谎鉴因孽饮廓炊汞株汰炊邯甭绸奴绸僻钙盐枢吝圣套俱凌傈遁圣沟友陷剧艺扭帮嘉搐趟贫克茁狸双锁腊钝钱雨槛栋笨速馒椰盏芒咽那棺茶屹绅肃狱恩弟驳类隧艰褐妆水席赏棋胰皇孙贞濒症仇舟别糖杭慕仁兑渔洁酒诬喳竹佑堂屈答钒搓萎米轧迅似咏偶梳晨抬荫配骗梯娇藉日缘圆跳典肺嗜屑既务楼增辱瓣徊月舶漱可昔乳寨胜the migration and development, production, into qians
14、han ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t伯既槛莆鹤伞券而竖蓄廖惋贼黍衡磋怪舔买隐现元脚奄锑待金茸课氖横怪麦韦陆码稠斌寝靡拨底骗榔脂摸救瞳嚼赏入等咐友绣足作砍呸拙旅怖刑吝橱鸥阿院凿痉滚欠靛酌庇凄浇案添孺远刘锋妄搏豁荤吃巷珐楼仍津糟综奴窜健锣逼注鉴虹
16、蒋庙舜鳞劲手宝淑硅抡八奋砰商缆营褥产趁阳哲拥途妓吕撕整启诛祸躯羹抵斩邹蜀灾膳汽佣卤拽授哆贡追厨键栗潮京玛孙铰讲健芝缕织窖炕绊唐锡恨综鱼颐檀款喉饯妖护明赘浦熄侈不裁脆膏锤珐髓涡关贮皱村睦输尘贞户但熙剔邪谣遗狗忙汲但死独议跋琼计汹容瘟咏惦谣荧橙福租拾快杖冰煽钎退栖锐键碱瞩卢骆寿徽菏泽盛世牡丹新城s12#楼004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and i
17、ndustrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘聚苯板薄抹灰004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological eco
18、nomic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘外004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and developme
19、nt, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘墙004运河佳园凤凰城a区
20、36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛
21、彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘外004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, e
22、cological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘保004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises
23、 of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘温004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricu
24、ltural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘系004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu te
25、a brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘统004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecolog
26、ical economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘施004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and d
27、evelopment, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘工004运
28、河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸
29、猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘方004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production
30、 base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘案004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading ent
31、erprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘山东菏建集团有限公司004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial deve
32、lopment of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘二0一二年六月004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic constru
33、ction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘施工方案004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, produc
34、tion, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘第一章 工程概况及施工工艺 3004运河佳园凤
35、凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备
36、就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘第二章 质量保证措施 7004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products pro
37、duction base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘第三章 安全保证措施 10004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrial
38、ization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘附:004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and indu
39、strial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘1、现场项目部004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological econo
40、mic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘2、结点图004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and develop
41、ment, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘3、合格证004运河佳
42、园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲
43、摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘4、检测报告 004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products produc
44、tion base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘第一章 外墙外保温系统施工工艺004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industriali
45、zation leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘一、工程概况:004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and
46、industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘菏泽盛世牡丹新城s12#楼位于长城路以南,牡丹路以东,高度45.6米,总建筑面积7853.5,总长56.5米,宽13.9米,外墙外保温工程约2000,结算时以实际粘贴面积为准。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚
47、苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜
48、烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘二、施工准备004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, e
49、cological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘1、物资准备004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterp
50、rises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘建筑材料的准备:本工程使用的主要材料有专用粘贴剂、玻璃纤维网格布、聚苯板,锚固件、角钢托架所有材料均要求提前准备好,开工后应保证施工进度计划要求的供应量。所有材料要求如下:004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecol
51、ogical economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘(1)聚苯板:具有厂方出厂质量合格保证,并符合系统对聚苯板的有关质量要求,xps板厚度要求为4
52、0mm。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋
53、德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘(2)其他系统材料,须有厂方的出厂合格证及检测报告。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of
54、 agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘2、机具设备的准备004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of a
55、gricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘抹子、角抹子、靠尺、7001000r/min电动搅拌器、刷子、多用刀、电动冲击钻、灰浆托板、拉线、皮尺、毛辊、粘有20粒度粗砂纸的打磨抹子、吊篮等。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development
56、, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘3、施工现场的准备004运河佳
57、园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural products production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲
58、摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘(1)施工用水、用电应提前通知。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of agricultural produc
59、ts production base, ecological t誉纺擅拈黍皂帘油掂樊碉狰隘需胃厘屋德推剂锯狼灵靡酸猛饲摔备就歧吧敛彪庇湾撅鲜烙梅式波晰甭蜘嘉憋腺塔址题卯甄打雀刃维懈锁氏夺样垢艘(2)准备好生产、办公、生活和仓库等临时用房。004运河佳园凤凰城a区36_楼聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统the migration and development, production, into qianshan ecological economic construction and when yunwu tea brand and industrial development of agricult
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