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1、2007年景观设计欣赏 景观是人类的世界观、价值观、伦理道德的反映,是人类的爱和恨,欲望与梦想在大地上的投影。而景观设计是人们实现梦想的途径 . 2007年景观设计欣赏 景观是人类的世界观、价值观、伦理道德的反映,是人类的爱和恨,欲望与梦想在大地上的投影。而景观设计是人们实现梦想的途径 . 波特兰mount tabor中学rain花园 波特兰mount tabor中学rain花园 l 奖项名称:2007年美国景观设计师协会设计荣誉奖(asla general design honor award, 2007)获奖项目:波特兰mount tabor中学rain花园 项目地点:美国俄勒冈州波特兰市

2、 设计单位:美国kevin robert perry景观设计事务所 项目委托:波特兰市可持续雨洪管理计划 评委会评语:“非同寻常,多么难以想象的教育价值!这是我们所见过的最好的绿色工程。一个真实的榜样:让孩子们每天接触到一些真正的功能,这种做法是恰当的。我们可以轻易地想象到其他的学校也会这样做。”项目概述:mount tabor中学rain花园被视作波特兰市可持续雨洪工程的最成功的范例之一。这个项目将一个利用不足的沥青铺设的停车场改造成一个非常有创意的rain花园,它融合了艺术、教育与生态功能等一系列概念。2006年夏天竣工后,mount tabor中学rain 花园不仅将一个“灰色地带”变为

3、“绿色空间”,而且也帮助解决了当地街道错综复杂的下水道设施问题。特兰大beltline重建规划 西雅图奥运雕塑公园西雅图奥运雕塑公园华盛顿互惠银行屋顶花园 华盛顿互惠银行的第17层屋顶花园是一个非常不错的绿色屋顶,它也成为银行办公环境中重要的社会空间和市民活动中心。不仅满足了西雅图的最小化公共空间的要求,而且花园的可用面积还扩大了三倍,还通过铺地和园路将人们的视线引向艾略特海湾。每一个设计元素都向我们讲述银行与它的地方渊源以及社会之间的故事 旧金山curran house低收入房屋 curran house提出经济适用房的供应,展示设计品质,它通过客户的支持和有前瞻性的设计团队的合作才能完成。

4、由于大部分curran house的居民不养车以及住区附近交通便捷,客户与建筑师决定不设计停车位。节省下来的钱,设计师准备用于建设平缓的绿地、园地与私密的阳台。curran house是你想要的也是能够负担得起的实用住房。 woody creek花园 l 获奖类别:residential design categoryresidential design category住区设计奖住区设计奖honor awards honor awards 荣荣誉奖誉奖l woody creekwoody creek花园花园woody creek garden, pitkin vounty, colorado

5、l 项目地点:美国科罗拉多州皮特金县设计单位:美国design workshop事务所l “这一项目有力的证明了景观可以为建筑添彩而不是作为建筑的附属。极这一项目有力的证明了景观可以为建筑添彩而不是作为建筑的附属。极美的颜色,与众不同的细节,精益的石雕工艺都与场地完美的结合。美的颜色,与众不同的细节,精益的石雕工艺都与场地完美的结合。”l 评委会评语l 连接住宅的两个庭院使得每间屋子都能享受到视觉的景观。整个花园就像是住宅的一个功能性的绿色屋顶,使得整个倾斜的场地不受干扰。水是作为一个统一元素出现在设计之中。水雾,小溪,小瀑布还有安静的池塘描绘出了水的不同的状态与形式。而在围墙之后,就是保护完

6、好的乡土景观。l residential design honor awardresidential design honor award l woody creek garden, pitkin county, coloradodesign workshop, inc., aspen, colorado l a stunning example of how the landscape can complement the architecture without being a slave to it. the colors, distinctive detailing, and stri

7、king stonework are beautifully appropriate to the site.l 2007 professional awards jury commentslproject statementltwo courtyards interlink the residence allowing each room to enjoy the visual landscape. the garden is built as a functioning green roof over a portion of the residence, leaving the stee

8、ply sloping site undisturbed. water is the unifying element in the landscape design. atmospheric mist, single rivulets, cascades, and still pools portray water in its various states and forms. just beyond the walls, the native landscape has been retained and preserved.lproject narrativelquality of d

9、esign and executiona walled entry garden in a pinwheel arrangement of granite slabs on the horizontal plane is contrasted by naturalized groups of quaking aspens acting as vertical punctuation. the slabs function as sculptural seating benches and tables. the garden surrounds a central stone misting

10、fountain influencing the enclosed space with an intermittent ethereal ambiance.lthe second garden, in comparison, is an expansive, promontory entertainment space. the design program anticipated large gatherings of the owners friends. with frequent afternoon rains, the space is designed to include th

11、e possibility of tenting the entire yard. a cascading wall of water forms the backdrop to the garden, disappearing suddenly into quiet reflecting pools, one of which also functions as a recreational spa. a separate, geometric pool of shallow water is located in the center of the courtyard. from the

12、promontory above, this plane provides a mirror to the dramatic ever changing sky. the promontory garden is elevated above the surrounding landscape to celebrate the dramatic views at the very edge of the skyline.lenvironmental sensitivity and sustainabilityby limiting the disturbance with walls and

13、adapting the home to the hillside site, the residential garden becomes part of the natural setting. sustainable design elements include:lplants native to the sub-alpine life zone were utilized in the landscape design. often unavailable from commercial nurseries, some species were specifically grown

14、for this site. the concept of the garden was adapted to the conditions of high altitude with selections of plant materials, soils on the site, and revegetation methods to establish native plant communities. the inclusion of a green roof created energy savings for the residence and significantly shel

15、ters the heating required by the home. all drainage has been captured from roofs and terraces and retained in dry wells on site, resulting in no net increase in run-off. sustainable site development guidelines have been followed that were established by the local county and include enhancement of wi

16、ldlife habitats with the planting of certain plant species.lcontextthe residence is located at an elevation of 9,000 feet on a sloping site of mixed conifers and aspen. views are expansive to the west and north; other aspects are hidden in the hillside. the residence and garden are contained by retaining walls to avoid disturbance on an


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