高考英语一轮基础达标选题 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions(含解析)新人教选修8_第1页
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高考英语一轮基础达标选题 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions(含解析)新人教选修8_第5页
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1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions李仕才一、阅读理解。Angry men appear to gain influence in a group,but angry women lose influence,according to a new study.Researchers from Arizona State University(ASU)published their findings in the journal Law and Human Behavior.Jessica Salerno is a psychologist and was co­

2、;author of the study.The findings suggest that“women might not have the same opportunity for influence when they express anger”. The study found that when men expressed their opinion with anger,participants rated them as more believable.But when women expressed anger,they were viewed as more emotion

3、al and,thus,less convincing.In other words,a man could benefit from using anger in power and persuasion.A woman,however,could be ignored or hurt by her group if she expressed anger. The study was based on the responses of 210 students.They were shown evidence and photographs online from a real murde

4、r trial.A man was said to have murdered his wife.The students were asked to decide if the man was guilty or not.Before making their decision,the students discussed the case online with five jurors(陪审员).But these were not real jurors:They were computers making responses and comments back to the stude

5、nts.Some of the fake jurors had male identities. Others had female identities. Some male jurors were angry about the judgment.When this happened,the students reacted by doubting their own decisions about the case.Confidence in their responses on the judgment “dropped obviously,”said the study.But,wh

6、en female jurors seemed angry,the student participants“became obviously more confident in their original judgments,”the study found. The study could have wider importance.“Our results have implications(启示)for any woman who is trying to have influence on a decision in their workplace and everyday liv

7、es,”said Salerno.She added that in a political debate,a female candidate might have less influence if she shows anger.1.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Powerful Men Must Be Those Who Often Get AngryB.Women,be Careful Not to Turn Angry EasilyC.Angry Men Win Influence While Angry Women Los

8、eD.Angry Women Are Not Unfit for Leaders While Men Are2.The underlined word“rated”in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by“_.”A.forgaveB.ignoredC.regardedD.praised3.How did the students react to the female jurors anger with their judgments?A.They more firmly stuck to their judgments.B.They began to doubt a

9、bout their judgments.C.They gave up their judgments willingly.D.They had to change their judgments.4.If a woman politician wants to have more influence,shed better_.A.always keep smilingB.avoid losing her temperC.become angryD.give orders firmly参考答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.A; 4.B解析: 1.主旨大意题。本文讨论的话题是生气的男人更有影响力,

10、而生气的女人却会减少影响力。由主题段第一段得出。2.词义猜测题。研究发现,当男人用气愤的方式表达意见时,参与者认为他们更可信。rate此处的意思是“认为”,与regard同义。3.细节理解题。试验中,如果女陪审员对学生的判断生气,学生会更坚信自己的判断。由第五段最后一句得出。4.细节理解题。女政治家要想获得更大的影响力,不要生气发火。由第六段She added that in a political debate,a female candidate might have less influence if she shows anger得出。二、单句语法填空1Some people say

11、that classical music _(associate) only with old people.答案:is associatedbe associated with . “与有关”。2Though we are living a better life, I cant bear _(see) food thrown away.答案:seeingcant bear doing . “不能忍受做某事”。3What was it that distinguished her _her classmates?答案:fromdistinguish . from . “把与区分/辨别开”。4

12、We must always bear in mind _China is a big country with a huge population.答案:thatbear in mind that . “记住”。5The service offers young people _(practice) advice on finding a job.答案:practical此处应用形容词修饰其后的名词advice。practical “实用的;实际的;实践的”。6We all have an _(expect) that he can pass the driving test next we

13、ek.答案:expectation由空前的冠词可知应填名词。7In my opinion, only by facing difficulties bravely and _ (seize) opportunities can one succeed.答案:seizing该句为“only状语”位于句首引起倒装的句式。face与seize为and连接的两个并列成分,且均作by的宾语,故由facing可知应填seizing。8It was not until she got home _ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.答案:that该句为含有not

14、 until的强调句。由该句型“It is/wasnot until .that其他”可知,应填that。9She _(tap) me on the shoulder but I didnt feel it.答案:tapped由but连接并列成分可知,设空处动词在句中作谓语;且后面并列句的谓语为didnt .,所以空格处也应用一般过去时,应填tapped。10Prices of daily goods _ (buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices.答案:bought过去分词短语在句中作后置定语修饰goods。三、完形填空。阅

15、读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I am a social worker.I wanted to tell everyone about my very dear friend who passed away a few months ago.I met him many years ago while doing my internship(实习期)in the country prison.He was _1_ a program he had designed to help prisoners with drug and alcoh

16、ol problems.He was always _2_ new ways to bring hope and help to these men and their _3_.One of his favorite _4_ was the Toy Drive.He would run every Christmas for the children of the prisoners.He did this for twenty years _5_ his sudden death.As last Christmas _6_,I decided that this tradition had

17、to be _7_,for the children as well as the _8_ of my friend.But the file where he kept the names of the people who had been helped by him over the years was _9_.I had to start anew(重新) and with very little _10_!I started making phone calls,explaining about the project and my _11_.I prayed every night

18、 that the event would,_12_,be worthy of my friend.To my great _13_,individuals,churches and businesses began to come on board and,_14_,I had enough toys to give to all the children of the prisoners with some left over for the local community _15_!When Christmas Eve finally arrived,I felt very happy,

19、thinking I had done all I could do and reflecting on what a(n) _16_ it had been for me.I was bagging up the remaining toys _17_ if there was anyone left who might like them.Then my phone rang.It was my daughter.She _18_ to explain about a woman she knew in Kentucky who had five children,one seriousl

20、y ill,no husband,no heating in the home,no toys!Oh!How could we not?My daughter and I drove all night,from New York to Kentucky, and those children woke up in a nice warm house with plenty of _19_!My friends _20_ of kindness lived on that year,reaching all the way to Kentucky!1A.recording Battending

21、Cdirecting Dimproving2A.putting up with Bcoming up withCkeeping up with Dcatching up with3A.group BfamilyCcompany Dclub4A.events BsportsChobbies Dgames 5A.after BsinceCbecause Duntil6A.arrived BfollowedCapproached Dfinished7A.carried out Blived onCcarried on Dlived out8A.benefit BmemoryCpleasure Dfa

22、vor9A.active BextraChiding Dmissing10A.time BpressureCenergy Dconfidence11A.difficulties BimpressionCimportance Datmosphere12A.otherwise BhoweverCsomehow Dthough13A.curiosity BdisappointmentCrelief Dthought14A.eventually BoccasionallyCabsolutely Dgenerally15A.in particular Bas wellConce more Dat fir

23、st16A.honor BpityCburden Ddiscovery17A.predicting BwonderingCevaluating Drealizing18A.drove BcameCreturned Dcalled19A.chocolates BcandiesCtoys Dflowers20A.spirit BpositionCcourage Dattention【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者多年前在实习期间被朋友帮助他人的精神所感动,而在朋友逝世后继续朋友的活动以使朋友的精神得以延续的感人故事。【核心词汇】file n文件箱,文件夹reflect v反射,仔细思考remaini

24、ng adj.剩余的,留下的1C根据下文的“He would run every Christmas for the children of the prisoners”,并与空后的“program”呼应可推知,作者的朋友当时负责这样的一个项目。record“记录,记载”;attend“参加,出席,到场”;improve“提升”;direct“负责,管理”。2B根据语境可知,此处表示想出办法。put up with“忍受”;come up with“想出”;keep up with“跟上”;catch up with“赶上”。3B根据下文的“He would run every Christm

25、as for the children of the prisoners”可推知,作者的朋友不仅帮助那些服刑的人,而且还帮助他们的家人。4A根据下文的“I started making phone calls, explaining about the project”可推知,此处作者介绍了朋友最喜欢做的活动项目,与下文的“I prayed every night that the event would,_12_,be worthy of my friend”呼应。event“事件,活动”。5D根据语境可推知,作者的朋友坚持了20年,一直做这样的活动,直到最后自己突然离逝。6C根据语境可知,

26、朋友去世后,在上一个圣诞节来临之际,作者准备把这个圣诞传统继续下去,且与下文的“When Christmas Eve finally arrived”呼应。approach“临近”。7C参见上题解析。carry out“实行”;live on“以为生”;carry on“继续”;live out“不住在工作场所,实现某事(指曾计划或期望的事)”。8B上一个圣诞节来临之际,为了孩子们,也为了朋友的善意行为,作者决定延续这一传统。benefit“好处,益处”;memory“记忆”;pleasure“乐趣”;favor“善意的行为”。9D根据下文的“I had to start anew(重新)an

27、d with very little _10_”可推知,之前朋友所帮助过的人的信息都丢失了,作者不得不重新获取。extra“额外的,另外的”;missing“找不到的,丢失的”。10A根据上文的“As last Christmas _6_,I decided that this tradition had to be _7_,for the children as well as the _8_ of my friend”可知,圣诞节马上来临了,作者找到朋友帮助过的人的信息的时间并不多。pressure“压力”;energy“能量”;confidence“信心”。11A在时间紧、文件丢失的情况

28、下,作者要继续朋友生前的活动是困难的。impression“印象”;atmosphere“气氛”。12C根据语境可推知,作者每晚祈祷,这样的活动能以某种方式配得上朋友。otherwise“否则,要不然”;somehow“以某种方式”。13C根据下文的“individuals,churches and businesses began to come on board”可推知,大家都来帮忙,因此作者很宽慰。curiosity“好奇心”;disappointment“失望”;relief“宽慰”。14A根据下文的“I had enough toys”可推知,作者在大家的帮助下,最终收集到了活动所需

29、要的足够多的玩具。eventually“最终”;occasionally“偶尔,偶然,间或”;absolutely“完全地,绝对地”;generally“总体上来说,大致”。15B根据上文的“with some left over for the local community”可推知,作者收集到的玩具不仅够活动本身用,还有剩余。in particular“尤其,特别”;as well“也”;once more“再一次”;at first“开始”。16A根据上文的“I felt very happy”可推知,作者成功地举办了圣诞节活动,感觉能够为逝去的朋友做些值得的事是很大的荣幸。honor“

30、荣誉,荣幸”;pity“可惜”;burden“负担”;discovery“发现”。17B根据上文的“I was bagging up the remaining toys”,并与本句中的if条件句呼应可推知,作者想知道是否有人喜欢剩余的玩具。predict“预计”;wonder“想知道”;evaluate“评估”;realize“实现,意识到”。18D根据上文的“Then my phone rang”和“It was my daughter”可知,是作者的女儿打来了电话。19C根据语境可推知,作者和女儿一路驱车去很远的地方给孩子们送圣诞节玩具。20A根据上文可知,作者的朋友已经逝世,作者通过把

31、其生前的活动继续下去,让这种仁慈的精神继续存活。spirit“精神”。四、单句改错1The sound of seagulls called on happy memories of his childhood holidays._答案:onupcall up “使回忆起;给打电话”。2The telephone is out of the order; therefore, we cannot get in touch with the boss._答案:去掉第二个theout of order “发生故障;次序颠倒”。3After a short while, the boys set o

32、ut doing their homework._答案:outabout或doingto doset about doing . set out to do . “着手/开始做”。4The boy knock down by the car was immediately taken to the nearby hospital._答案:knockknocked过去分词短语在句中作后置定语,修饰the boy, 表被动,故应把knock改为knocked。5The teachers abruptly ending speaking can make some students focus th

33、eir attention on their listening._答案:abruptlyabrupt修饰动名词短语ending speaking应用形容词,故将abruptly改为abrupt。五、七选五Your first step toward healthy living is to get a handle on your health status right now. Heres your todo list:Assess your activity. How much physical activity do you get in a typical week? 1. ? Ho

34、w much variety do you get in your activity, and how much do you enjoy it? The CDC recommends that adults get at least two and a half hours per week of moderateintensity aerobic activity or one hour and 15 minutes per week of vigorousintensity aerobic activity, plus musclestrengthening activity at le

35、ast two days per week.Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat for a dayand no fair skipping the items youre embarrassed about. “2. ,” says Kathianne Sellers Williams, MEd, RD, a nutritionist, wellness coach, and personal trainer with Cafe Physique in Atlanta. “You cant change what youre not

36、 aware of or dont acknowledge.”Check your mood and energy. Healthy living includes emotional wellness and adequate rest. How has your mood been lately? 3. ? Do you usually sleep well for seven to eight hours a night?4 . How strong are your connections with family and friends? Are you plugged into so

37、cial or spiritual groups that enrich your life? “People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships,” CNathan DeWall, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, tells WebMD.If youre not thrilled with the answers to some of those questions, remember that the point is to figure out where you are today so you can set your healthy living goals. Its not about being “good”


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