1、动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWuhan Institute of Shipbuilding TechnologyPower Engineering DepartmentLuobin动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentLesson 9 Operation and Maintenance of Main Engine 第9课 主机的操作与维护 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentOperating Procedures 操作程序动力工程系动力工程系Power Engine
2、ering Department Medium-speed and slow-speed diesel engines will follow a fairly similar procedure for starting and manoeuvring. 中、低速柴油机的起动和操作的程序完全相似。 Where es(换向齿轮箱) or s(变距桨) are used then engine reversing is not necessary. 当采用换向齿轮箱或变距桨时主机换向就不必要。 变距桨:CPP(controllable pitch propeller) VPP(variable
3、pitch propeller) 定距桨:FPP(fixed pitch propeller)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department船舶换向方法船舶换向方法 1)直接换向:主机曲轴经轴系直接与螺旋桨相联,通过主机本身换向改变曲轴转向,使螺旋桨轴向推力向后或向前。大、中型船舶广泛采用这种换向方法。 2)间接换向:主机曲轴转向不变,通过主机与螺旋桨之间特设的换向装置(船用齿轮箱),操纵螺旋桨正转或反转,使船舶前进或后退。一般用于小型船舶。 3)“Z”型推进装置换向:它又称为悬挂式螺旋桨装置,主机曲轴转向不变,船舶需要换向时,只要由驾驶通过传动装置使蜗杆11转动
4、,便能通过蜗轮10带动尾管连同螺旋桨7一起作水平回转,螺旋桨的推力方向可随意选定,螺旋桨可在绕垂直轴360范围内任意定位,将螺旋桨回转180即为船舶倒航位置。 “Z”型换向装置操纵灵活,回转性能好,还能省去舵设备,便于实现驾机合一,轴系和螺旋桨不必进坞拆装修理,可缩短修期,但其结构较为复杂。多用在换向较频繁的港口作业船和拖轮上。 4)可调距螺旋桨装置:其桨叶螺旋面与桨毂可作相对转动,通过转动桨叶来达到改变螺距的目的。其主机的曲轴转向不变,由驾驶台通过操纵装置(机械或液压式)改变桨叶的螺距角。螺距越大,在相同转速下推力越大,转矩也越大;当螺距为0时,螺旋桨转动时不产生推力;当螺距为负值时,船舶即
5、能倒退。 可调距桨对船舶航行条件的适应性强,机动性高,动力装置经济性好。但构造较复杂,制造工艺要求高。适用于运行工况较多,机动性要求较高的船舶。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department A general procedure is now given for engine operation whichs(详述) the (要点) in their correct sequence(顺序). 如下给出的为主机操作的一般程序,它详述了(主机)正确(操作)顺序的要点。 Where a manufacturers (说明书) is available(能得到的)
6、 this should be ed(参照) and used. 当厂家的说明书能得到时,应参照并使用该说明书。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 1. Before a large diesel is started it must be ed(vt.暖机) through by circulating hot water through thes(缸套), etc. This will enable the various engine parts to expand (与相比) one another 1.在大型主机起动前,应利用经过缸套循环的
7、热水对主机进行暖机,以使主机各部分相对膨胀。Preparations for standby(备车)(备车)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 2. The various s(补给柜), s(过滤器), s(阀) and s(放残) are all to be checked. 2.检查各补给柜、过滤器、阀件,并放残。 3. The s(滑油泵) and s(循环水泵) are started and all the visible(看得见的) returns(回流) should be observed(察看). 3.起动滑油泵、循环水泵,并察看看
8、得见的回流(情况)。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 4. All (控制设备) and alarms should be examined for correct operation. 4.检查所有控制设备和报警装置是否工作正常。 5. The s(示功器旋塞,示功考克) are opened, the (盘车机) d(啮合,合上) and the engine turned through several s(整转). In this way any water which may have collected in the cylinders
9、will be d (排出). 5.打开示功器旋塞,合上盘车机,转动主机几个整转。用这种方式,可能汇集在气缸中的所有水将会被排出。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 6. The (燃油系统) is checked and circulated with hot oil. 6检查燃油系统,并用热油对系统进行循环。 7. (辅助的) s(扫气鼓风机), if (手动操作的), should be started. 7.如果辅助的扫气鼓风机为手动操作,应将其起动。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 8. The (
10、盘车机) is d(脱开) and if possible the engine should be ed (转动) on air before closing the s(示功器旋塞,示功考克). 8.脱开盘车机,如果可能,在关闭示功器旋塞前,应使用(压缩)空气转动主机。 9. The engine is now available for standby. The length of time involved in these preparations will (取决于) the size of the engine. 9.主机现在已备好。备车时间的长短取决于主机的尺寸。 动力工程系动
11、力工程系Power Engineering Department 1. The (转向手柄) is ed(置于位置) ahead or astern. This handle may be built into the (车钟传令手柄). The (凸轮轴) is thus positioned relative to the crankshaft(曲轴) to operate the various cams for (燃油喷射), valve operation, etc. 1.将转向手柄置于正车或倒车位置(转向手柄可与车钟手柄做成一体),此时,凸轮轴相对曲轴处于某一位置以转动用于燃油喷射
12、、气阀启闭等的各种凸轮。 crankcase 曲轴箱Engine starting(主机起动)(主机起动)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 2. The (操纵手柄) is moved to “start”. This will admit (压缩空气) into the cylinders in the correct sequence to turn the engine in the (预定的方向). A separate (空气起动按钮) may be used. 2.将操纵手柄置于“起动”,此时,压缩空气将按正确的顺序依次进入气缸,从而使主
13、机按期望的方向转动。(另外)可使用单独的空气起动按钮来起动主机。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. When the engine reaches its (发火转速) the (操纵手柄) is moved to the (运转位置). Fuel is admitted and the (燃烧过程) will accelerate the engine and starting air (进气) will cease(停止). 3.当主机转速达到发火转速时,将操纵手柄打至运转位置,燃油喷入气缸,燃烧过程开始并使主机加速运转,此时,起动空气的进气
14、将会停止。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department When running at manoeuvring speeds: 当机动航行时: 1. Where (手动操作的) s(辅助鼓风机) are fitted they should be started. 如果安装了手动操作的辅助鼓风机,则应起动它。Engine reversing(主机换向)(主机换向)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 2. The fuel supply is (切断) and the engine will quickly slow do
15、wn. 2.切断燃油供给,主机(转速)会迅速降低。 3. The (方向手柄) is ed(置于位置) astern. 3.将方向手柄置于倒车位置。 4. (压缩空气) is admitted to the engine to turn it in the astern direction. 4.压缩空气进入气缸,从而使主机按倒车方向转动。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 5. When turning astern under the action of (压缩空气), fuel will be admitted. The (燃烧过程) will
16、(开始) and (进气) (停止). 5.当主机在压缩空气作用下倒车转动时,燃油喷入气缸,燃烧过程开始,而进气停止。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department When running at full speed: 当全速航行时: 1. The s(辅助鼓风机), where (手动操作的), should be started. 1.手动操作的辅助鼓风机应手动起动。 2. Fuel is (切断) from the engine. 2.切断主机的燃油。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. s(一股) of (压
17、缩空气) may be used to slow the engine down. 3.可以使用压缩空气使主机降速。 4. When the engine is stopped the (方向手柄) is positioned astern. 4.当主机停车后,将方向手柄置于倒车位置。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 5. Compressed air is admitted to turn the engine astern and fuel is admitted to accelerate the engine.The compressed a
18、ir supply will then cease. 5.压缩空气进入气缸,使主机倒车转动,燃油喷入气缸以加速主机运转。此时,压缩空气供给停止。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Diesel engines are (相当地) simple (原理上) and require little in the way of (日常维护), although what little is required is essential to a long life. 柴油机在原理上相当简单,且仅需较少的日常维护,虽然该维护对于柴油机维持较长的使用寿命至关重要。M
19、aintenance(维护)(维护)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The s(喷油嘴) of the engine should when necessary (清除) (积炭), which, especially when s(重油) containing (沥青) are used, may (沉积) around and in the s(喷油孔). 必要时,清除发动机喷油嘴处的积炭,尤其是当使用含沥青的重油时,该积炭会沉积在喷油孔周围及其内部。 If these s(沉积物) become so large that the spray
20、ing(喷射) of the fuel oil is ed(妨碍的质量), the combustion will be poor and the (冒黑烟). 如果这些沉积物(积炭)过多,以致妨碍燃油喷射的质量,燃烧不良并且冒黑烟。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The engine should be regularly cleaned and inspected. 应定期清洁和检查发动机。 this should be done, s, of course, principally(主要地) the s(工况), and the engine
21、er(轮机员) (主管) the engine should therefore (判断) himself of this guided by experience and (制订出) a (计划) of necessary operations. 当然,清洁和检查发动机的频率主要取决于发动机的工况,因此,主管主机的轮机员(大管轮)应该根据自身的经验来判断,并制订出必要的保养计划。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The following schedule may be useful as a guide. 下述(保养)计划可作为有益参考。 It
22、assumes ordinary s(运行状况), (周到的) attendance and the use of suitable lubricating and fuel oils. 该计划旨在保证运行状况正常、保养周到,并且使用合适的滑油和燃油。 A further condition is that the engine is well run in. 更进一步是使发动机运行良好。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department When necessary: 有必要: 1. Clean the s(喷油嘴). 1.清洁喷油嘴。 2. Clean the s
23、(滑油过滤器) and (保证) their (过滤器) inserts(滤芯) (没有) s(缺损). 2.清洗滑油过滤器并且保证其滤芯没有缺损。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. The (润滑剂) s(喷嘴) of the (扫气泵)-fitted at each (阀轴承) and at the bearing and (捕捉装置) of the (操纵机构) - are lubricated with (润滑脂) from time to time(经常). 3.扫气泵的润滑剂喷嘴应经常用润滑脂润滑,扫气泵安装在各个阀轴承,以及操纵机构
24、的轴承和捕捉装置上。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Some of the (润滑剂)s(喷嘴) are located under the (防护罩). (Does not (涉及) turbo charged engines) 某些润滑剂喷嘴位于防护罩之下。(不涉及涡轮增压式柴油机)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department After about 300 hours running: 经300 h运转后: 1. Clean the s(燃油过滤器) and see that their strainer in
25、serts are free from defects. 1.清洗燃油过滤器并且保证其滤芯没有缺损。 2. Clean the (进气过滤器). 2.清洗进气过滤器。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. Check the (拧紧) of the(拉杆螺栓)s(螺母) first time and afterwards once yearly. 3.拉杆螺栓螺母初次使用时应检查拧紧,以后每年检查一次。 4. Lubrication of the s(润滑油嘴) on the control board (when such occur). 4. 控
26、制板上润滑油嘴的润滑(如果有)。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department After about 2,000 hours running: 经2 000 h运转后: 1. inspect the starting and s(安全阀). 1.检查起动阀和安全阀。 2. (吊出) and clean the working pistons. Check the (压缩室) and measure the s(缸套). 2.吊出活塞并清洁。检查压缩室并测量缸套。 starting valve 起动阀 lift out,remove 吊出动力工程系动力工程系Pow
27、er Engineering Department Replace (磨损坏的) piston and s(刮油环). When renewing s(活塞环), place then in the lower s(环槽). 更换磨损坏的活塞以及刮油环。当活塞环换新时,应将其装于下环槽。 气环:起密封和导热的作用。 油环:起布油和刮油的作用。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. Clean the scavenging and s(排气口). 3.清洁扫气口和排气口。 (N
28、ote: Under (恶劣的) working conditions or if the fuel oil used, is of a (品质低劣的), a more (定期的) cleaning of pistons, scavenging and exhaust ports may be necessary.) (注:在工况恶劣或使用的燃油质量较差时,有必要对活塞、扫气口和排气口进行更多次的定期清洁)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 4. Inspect the (环形活塞式鼓风机). 4.检查环形活塞式鼓风机。 (拆卸) the s(排气阀)
29、 or s(阀盖) and inspection covers. 拆卸排气阀或阀盖并检查阀盖。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Check the piston “(松紧度)” and the minimum (间隙) between s(活塞环) and the (部分)s(缸壁). 检查活塞的“松紧度”,以及活塞环和部分缸壁之间的最小间隙。 Check the (外径向间隙) between piston and (壳体). (Does not concern turbo charged engines) 检查活塞和壳体之间的外径向间隙。(不涉及
30、涡轮增压式柴油机)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 5. Inspect the (弹性联轴节) es(橡皮垫). (Does not concern turbo charged engines) 5.检查弹性联轴节的橡皮垫。(不涉及涡轮增压式柴油机)动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department After about 4,000 hours running: 经4 000 h运转后: 1. At plants having s(滑油柜), drain and clean the tanks thus full wit
31、h fresh or (彻底地) cleaned oil. 1.当动力装置有滑油柜时,应进行放残和清洁,并加满新油或彻底清洁过的油。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Engines with “(湿油底壳)” must (必须经过) cleaning and replacement of oil when necessary. 如有必要,有“湿油底壳”的柴油机必须经过清洁和更换滑油。 For all plants, more frequent cleaning and replacement of oil is necessary when the
32、engine is new. 对所有的动力装置,如发动机是新的,应更加频繁地清洁和更换滑油。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 2. Check the (曲轴) and its (对中) in the s(轴承). 2.检查曲轴及其轴承的对中。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department 3. Inspect the (环形活塞式鼓风机). 3.检查环形活塞式鼓风机。(拆卸) the piston. 拆卸活塞。 Check the (径向的) and (轴向的) s(间隙) and the slackness of the piston. 检查活塞的径向和轴向间隙以及松弛度。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Check the min. (间隙) between the piston rings(活塞环) and the partition s(缸壁). 检查活塞环与缸壁之间的最小间隙。 Check the s(齿轮), the bearings and the (轴承间隙). (Does not concern turbo charged engines) 检查齿轮、轴承及其轴承间隙。(不涉及涡轮增压式柴油机
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