



1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx新人教版八年级上unit10必背词组及句子【精品文档】 八年级英语上册第十单元必背词组1. go to the party 参加派对2. tomorrow night明晚3. plan to have a class party/ a class meeting/ a birthday party计划举行班级派对/班会/生日派对4. on Friday evening/ afternoon/ morning在周五晚上/ 下午/上午5. half the class半个班的同学6. leave early to study for the test为准备测试而很早离开

2、7. be bored with the party games对派对游戏感到厌倦8. order food from a restaurant从饭店订购食物9. make a lot of money挣许多钱10. make some food做吃的11. make careless mistakes 犯粗心的错误12. make mistakes犯错13. too lazy to cook太懒惰而不做饭14. stay at home呆在家15. give people some small gifts if they win要是人们胜了就给他们一些小礼物16. give advice t

3、o your friends给你的朋友建议17. advice students about common problems就常见的问题给学生建议18. get up late起得迟19. get enough exercise进行足够的锻炼20. get an education获得教育21. get advice from an expert从专家那里获得建议22. study for my English exam为英语考试而准备23. be/ feel upset感到沮丧24. wear nice clothes穿漂亮的衣服25. wear smart trousers穿漂亮的裤子26

4、. look the worst看起来最糟27. take a taxi乘出租车28. have enough time to study有足够的时间学习29. have a lot of worries有许多担忧30. have a lot of problems with their schoolwork在学习上遇到很多问题31. have more experience有更多的经验32. go to the college上大学33. travel around the world环球旅行34. be famous around the world闻名于世35. join the Lio

5、ns加入Lions球队36. become a great soccer player成为一位优秀的足球运动员37. keep them to themselves把它们埋藏在心里38. talk to other people告诉他人39. students these days现在的学生40. be worried about something for days担心了数日41. walk three miles to school each day每天步行3英里到学校42. keep thinking总是想43. in the end= finally = at last最后,终于44.

6、 share my problem 与他们分享我的问题(困难)45. in the future在将来46. discuss your problems讨论你的问题(困难)47. organize the party games组织派对节目八年级英语上册第十单元必背句子1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time.假如你去参加派对,你会过得很快乐。2. If you do, the teachers wont let you in.要是你这样做,老师将不会让你进。3. If you do , youll be sorry.要是你这样做,你

7、会遗憾。4. If you dont do this now, Ill never do it.要是你现在不做这件事情,我将永远不会做。5. If we do that, more people will want to play the game.要是我们做那件事,更多的人都会想玩这个游戏。6. You can come with us if you want.只要你想,你就可以和我们一起来。7. What will happen if they watch a video at the party?假如他们在开派对时看录相,会发生什么呢?8. When is the good time t

8、o have the party?何时才是开派对的好时间呢?9. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food?对于下个周的派对,我产应该叫人们带食物吗?10. Give me some advice, please!请给我一些建议。11. I will not make any friends if I always keep my ideas go myself.要是我总是把我的想法埋在心底, 我将交不到任何朋友。12. Problems and worries are normal in life.生活中,麻烦与担

9、忧是寻常的。13. Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse.除非我们与他人交流,我们当然会感到更糟糕。(unless= ifnot)14. Talking to someone helps a lot.与他们交流有很大的帮助。15. She was afraid to tell her parents about it.总害怕告诉父母这件事。16. Laura once lost her wallet. Laura 曾经丢了钱包。17. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be

10、more careful.他们给她买了新钱包,并且叫她更小心。18. Its best not to run away from our problems.最好不要逃避我们所面对的问题(困难)。19. This person doesnt need to be an expert.这个人不必是专家。20. We should try to solve problems.我们应该努力解决问题。21. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.分享问题(困难)就象把它砍去了一半。22. So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.只要和他们聊聊你的问题,就等于解决了问题的一半。23. Why not have it on the weekend?为什么不在周末进行呢?24. The


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