



1、重点词组:1.at the birthday party 在生日聚会上2.perform ballet 跳芭蕾舞3.da nee to disco 跳迪斯科10.with one s help / with the help of在某人的帮助下重点句型12.What can you do I can speak English. He cant sing English songs.13.Do you want to sing Chinese songsorEnglish songs -Chinese songs.14.One year ago , she couldn t do it at

2、all.一年前她根本不会做这件事。15.They could do it before , but not very well.他们一年前会做这件事,但是做得不是很好。16.Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year_ , but he couldn t do it a year ago.张军今年会骑自行车,但是他一年前并不会。17.Michael can t come to school today because hehurthis right leg.18.Michael 今天不能来上学了,因为他伤到了他的右腿。Un it7Topic26.read books

3、 读书7.fly a kite放风筝8.be good at / do well indoing 擅长做9.have a good time /enjoy on eself玩得开心5.work out math problems解出数学题4.take these flowers to把这些花带去.11.Can/Could you danceYes, I can/could. No, I cant/couldn t.19.I couldn t play the piano when I was four and I 我四岁时不会弹钢琴而且我现在仍然不会。20.Kangkang is good a

4、tplayingsoccer,whileMichaeldoes well inbasketball.康康擅长踢足球, 而 Micheal 篮球打得好。(表示对比)21.Six years ago,there wassomething wrong with her eyes. ( there be 过去时)六年前,她的眼睛出了毛病。22.She could ntsee an ythi ng . = She could seenoth ing .她什么都看不见了。23.Life was very hardforher whe n she was you ng.当她年轻的时候,生活对她来讲是艰难的。

5、24.In English,“hard”means“difficult ” here. 英语中,“ hard”的意思是困难的。25.No way! 没门!绝对不行!重点讲解1.Do you want to sing Chin ese songs or En glish songs Chin ese son gs.选择疑问句中,回答时只能选择一者作答,不能用“Yes”或“ Nd回答。2.take sb./sth. to + 地点.带某人 / 某物去某地 I d like to take these flowers to the party.巧辩异同 Take , bring , fetch 禾口

6、 carryBring “带来,拿来”表示“拿到靠近说话着的地方”(由别处带到说话人处);“拿走,带走”表示“拿到远离说话着的地方”(从说话人处带到别处)ca “拉,搬”表示“用力移动,没有方向”;fetch | “去取,去拿”,表示“往返拿物”。Please take the books to the classroom。Remember to your homework to school tomorrowThe bag is too heavy , please it to my office。Don t worry ,I canthe key.3.一段时间+ago 是表示过去的时间状语

7、。two years ago4.at the age of在. 岁的时候stillcan t now.5.with oneshelp = with the helpof 在.的帮助下6.Can you count the photosfor me 你能为我数数这些照片吗-Yes, I can. / No, I can t. 好的,可以。 / 不,不可以。7.What elsecan you do 你还能做其他什么吗 -I can dance and play the guitar.(else 为形容词,做后置定语。一般放在不定代词和疑问词之后)8.I canonly/alsosing Engl

8、ish songs.我只 / 也会唱英文歌。(only/also 一般放在 be 动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前)9.lean swim a little / very well._ (修饰动词不能用very good )我会一点游泳/ /我游泳游得很好I cantswimat all.我根本不会游泳。10.I m sure we ll have a good time at the party.我确信我们在晚会上一定会过得很愉快。be sureof/ be sure to do.be sure (that)+ 句子11.Happy birthdaytoyou! 生日快乐!Best wish

9、estoyou! 衷心祝福你!-Tha nk you(very much) / Tha nks (a lot).(非常)谢谢!12.When shewasfive, shecouldonly dance a little.当她五岁时,她会跳一点儿舞。(when 在这里是连词,后跟句子。也可做疑问词,引导提问日期的特殊疑问句)重要语法情态动词 can / could 的用法1.情态动词本身有各种意义,但不能单独做谓语,只能和动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情感。没有人称和数的变化。2.情态动词 can 的用法1(表示有能力做或能够发生)能会 Icouldn t ride a bike at

10、the age of6I ll do what I can to finish it ontime2(表示知道如何做)懂得,会 She can speak English3(表示允许)可以We can t wear jeans at work4(请求帮助)能 Can you feed my cat while I am away5(请求允许)可以 Can I read your newspaper6表示可能性,用于否定句表示事实肯定不真实That cantbe Mary. She s in New York.7(表示常有的行为)有时会It can be quite cold in winter

11、8can t help doing情不自禁做某事,can t wait to do迫不急待做某事9can 和 a little ,very well not.at all连用表示能会的程度Can you dance Yes, a little /very well . No ,not at all10Ca n/Could/Will/would you please .你能.表示有礼貌的请求。Excuse me , could I borrow some money from you-Of course, you can.3.can 和 could 的使用-can/could 表示一般的能力(1) can( could)可以,同意,准许”表示请求,允许。(2)can 会,能”,表现在或将来的能力.could 表示过去的能力.could 语气较 can 委婉。4.当表示允许别人某事时,用can 而不用 co


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