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1、一、场地、设备 1.playing court 球场 2.basketball 篮球 3.team bench areas 球队席区域 4.side line 边线 5.center line 中线 6.end line 端线 7.boundary line 界线 8.lane place line 分位线 9.free throw line 罚球线 10.free throw lane 罚球区 11.three Point line 三分线 12.front court 前场 13.mid court 中场 14.back court 后场 15.centre circle 中圈 16.re

2、stricted area 限制区 I7.ring 篮圈 篮网 19.lane place 位置区 20.threePoint field goal areas 三分投篮区 21.neutral zone 中立区 22.backboard 篮板 23.basket 球篮 24.basket。uPPort 篮架 25.basket Post 篮架支柱 26.used ball 用过的球 27.game clock 开表 28.stop the clock 停表 29.team foul marker 全队犯规标志 30.foul markers 犯规次数牌 31.team bench 球队席 3

3、2.substitute bench 替补队员席 33.whistle 哨 34.technical equipment 技术设备 35.dimension of the court 球场面积 36.ownkasket 本方球篮 37.oPPonents basket 对方球篮 二、记录台 1.scorer 记录员 2.time keeper 计时员 3.thirty-second operator 30秒钟计时员 4.score sheet 记录表 5.same clock 比赛计时表 6.scoreboard 记分牌 7.substitution 替换 8.scorer table 记录台

4、 9.line-up 上场阵容(五人) 10.recording of the foul 犯规的登记 11.termination of playing time signal 比赛时间结束的信号 12.end of game 比赛结束 13.rules 规则 14.the signal is sound 发出信号 15.score of first half time 上半时比分 16score of second half time下半时比分 17score of extras period 决胜期比分 18.number of player 队员号码 19.number of capta

5、in 队长号码 20.team leader 领队 21.doctor 医生 22masseur 按摩员 23statistician 统计员 24interpreter 译员 25. procedure for substitution 替换程序 26procedtire to follow in case of protest 抗议程序 27game played 比赛场数 28. wins 胜场数 29losses 负场数 30polllts 积分 31goal difference 得失分 32goal average 得失分率 33. final Place 最终名次 34team“

6、A”bnch area “A”球队席区域 35team“B”bench area “B”球队席区域 36assistant scorer 助理记录员 37commissioner of chairman 技术代表 38final score 最后比分 39wining team 优胜队 40decision of a game 比赛胜负 41recording of the foul 犯规登记 42tie score 比分相等 43operate the game match 开动计时表 44stop the time 停止比赛时间 45charged time-out 请求暂停 46stop

7、 the clock 停表 47broad caster 广播员 第八章 篮球裁判员专业英语简介第一节 组织竞赛(organize the contest) 1. International Basketball Federation(FIBA) 国际篮球联合会2.Asian Basketball Confederation (ABC) 亚洲篮球联合会3. Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) 中国篮球协会4. China University Basketball Association (CUBA) 中国大学生篮球协会5. organizing comm

8、ission组织委员会 6. competition COmmission竞赛委员会7. reception commission接待委员会 8. inforlnation commission 新闻委员会9. board of appeal 仲裁委员会 10. referee s committee 裁判委员会11.technical commission技术委员会12. championship锦标赛13 invitational tournament邀请赛14. friendly match友谊赛 15. consolation match安慰赛 16. exhiibition comp

9、etition表演赛17. league basketball matches篮球联赛 18. contest竞赛 19. preliminary contest预赛20. semi - final半决赛 21. final contest 决赛 22. host country主办国 23. participator 参加者24. regulation规程 25. programme秩序册 26. schedule of play比赛日程27. method of play比赛方法 28. game played比赛场数 29. wins胜场数 30. losses负场数31 .single

10、 round- robin单循环 32. double round - robin双循环 33 group round - robin小组循环34. elimination system淘汰制 35. draw lots抽签 36. first round第一轮37. opening ceremony开幕式 38. closing ceremony闭幕式 39. prize - giving ceremony发奖式40. cup奖杯 41. prize奖品 42. tournament result成绩册 43. total point总分 44. point积分45. final score

11、 最后比分 46. tie score 比分相等 47. wining team优胜队 48. losing team负队49. decision of the game比赛胜负 50. goal average得失分率 51. final standing最终名次52. announcement of result成绩公布 53. bulletin公报 54. champion冠军 55. runner - up亚军56. third place第三名 57. gold medal金牌 58. silver medal银牌 59. bronze medal铜牌60. home - and -

12、 away game主客场比赛 61. regular season常规赛 62. playoff季后赛63. drug test兴奋剂检测 64. physical test身体素质测验第二节 场地和器材(court and equipment) 1. basketball篮球 2. boundary line界线 3. inside edge of the boundary line界线的内沿4. lane place line分位线 5. mid court中场 6.half court半场 7. semi - circle 半圈8. mid point 中点 9. centre cir

13、cle 中圈 l0. pressure release ring 抗压篮圈 11. loop 环圈12. bonder of the backboard 篮板边沿 13. used ball用过的球 14. new ball新球15. substitute bench替补队员席 16. own basket本方球篮 17. opponent s basket对方球篮18. lighted gadget发光装置 19. light unit灯光设置第三节 裁判人员(official)1. official裁判人员 2. referee主裁判员(裁判员) 3. umpire副裁判员4. the r

14、eferee calling the decision做出宣判的裁判员 5. the other referee另一裁判员6. tile active referee执行裁判员 7. the free referee配合裁判员8. international referee (FIBA referee) 国际裁判员 9. national referee国家裁判员10. referee of first category (class A ) 级裁判员11. referee of seemed category (class B) 二级裁判员12. referee of third categ

15、ory (class C) 三级裁判员 13. chief referee裁判长第四节 球队(team )1. team球队 2. home team主队 3. guest team客队 4. attacking team进攻5. defending team防守队 6. trainer训练员 7. starting line - up首发阵容 8. member成员9. list of player队员名单 10. captain队长 11. player队员 12. basketballer 篮球运动员13. fight forward右前锋 14. left forward左前峰 15.

16、 fight guard右后卫 16. left guard左后卫17. centre pivot中锋 18. leading player主力队员 19. team - mate同队队员20. opponent对方队员 21. offensive player进攻队员 22. defensive player防守队员23. guarded player被防守着的队员 24. unguarded player无人防守的队员25. the player with the ball有球队员 26. tbe player without the ball无球队员27. a player who co

17、ntrols the ball控制球队员28. a player who does not control the ball未控制球队员 29. shooter投篮队员30. a player in the act of shooting做投篮动作的队员 31. free - thrower罚球队员32. jumper跳球队员 33. not - jumper非跳球队员 34. dribbler运球队员35. the player raking the throw - in掷界外球队员 36. screener掩护队员37. the pivot player策应队员 38. the playe

18、r who is in the air腾空队员39. injured player受伤队员 40. offending player犯规队员 41. chief of mission团长42. team leader 领队 43. masseur男按摩师 44. masseuse女按摩师第五节 裁判员工作方式与方法(way and method for referee )1. rule规则 2. provision规定 3. article条文 4. penalty罚则 5. comment注解 6. principle原则7. standard标准 8. duty职责9. right权利 l

19、0. power权力11.the mechanic of officiating 裁判法12. referee s manual 裁判员手册 13. mechanics and officiating technique 裁判方法和技巧14.division of area 区域分工 15. co operation 合作 16. communication联系联络17. inspect检查 18. approve核准 19. choose选择 20. observation观察 21. path途径22. position位置 23. distance距离 24. angle角度 25. d

20、irection方向 26. vision 视野27. move移动 28. judgment判断 29. decision宣判 30. penalize处罚 31. misjudge错判32. indicate表明 33. designate 指定 34. official s signal裁判手势35. procedure for substitution替换程序 36. procedure to follow in case of protest抗议程序37. signal信号 38. forfeit弃权 39. warning警告 40.wait a minute等一会儿41 .do

21、not shout不要呼喊 42. time and place for decision宣判的时间和地点43. calling of the foul宣判犯规 44. calling of the violation宣判违例45. location of player and official队员和裁判员的位置 46. official disagree裁判员意见不同47. approve the score批准记录 48. confirm the time that remain to be played确定比赛剩余时间49. blowing the whistle鸣哨 50. admin

22、istering penalty执行罚则 51. take place发生、举行52. reprimand惩戒、谴责 53. signature签名 54. please raise hand请举手55. bad toss抛球不好 56. exchange the baskets互换篮球 57. held ball争球58.duty and power- of the captain队长的职责和权力59.time- out in case of injury遇伤害事故中断比赛 60. player leave the court队员离场61.throw-in at the mid-court中

23、场掷界外球 62. free throw is successful罚球中篮63. refusal to play拒绝比赛 64. calling foul procedure宣告犯规的程序65. additional free throw追加罚球 66. banish 罚出场 67. double- referee system两人裁判制68. three - referee system三人裁判制 69. excess time - out超过规定暂停次数 70. spot 场所71. activity活动 72. introduce介绍 73. situation情况 74. consu

24、lt商量 75. inform通知76. report报告 77. decide决定 78. order命令 79. administer管理 80. dispose处置81. collect收集 82 list of competitor比赛人员名单83 name and number of player队员姓名号码84. exchange number 更换号码 85. choice of basket选择球篮 86. warm - up 准备活动87. exercise练习 88. break ten minutes 休息10分钟 89. march in入场 90. march off

25、退场91. change court 交换场地 92. exchange of pennant交换队旗 93. come in进来94. beckon招手 95. already two time - outs已经两次罚停 96. official s time - out裁判员暂停97. time is up 时间到 98. unfair不公平的 99. fair公平的 100. missed shot投篮未中101. mistake失误 102. protest抗议 103. appeal上诉 104. give me the ball给我球105. ball side球侧 106. op

26、posite side对侧 107. strong side强侧 108.weak side弱侧109. switch转换 110. rotation轮换 111. floor position 场上站位第六节 比赛与定义(game and definition )1. game比赛 2. difinition定义 3. playing time比赛时间 4. first period第1节5. second period 第2节 6. third period第3节 7. fourth period第4节8. interval of play比赛休息时间 9. extra period决胜期

27、 I0. beginning of game 比赛开始11. time in时间开始 12. time out时间暂停 13.stop the clock停表14. suspension of play中断比赛 15. delay the game拖延比赛16. expiration of playing time比赛时间终了 17.end of playing time比赛时间结束18. end of game比赛结束 19.status of the ball球的状态 20. ball become alive球成活球21. live ball活球 22. ball become dead

28、球成死球 23. dead ball死球24. dead ball period死球期间 25. possession of the ball球权 26. control of the ball控制球27. a player is in control of the ball 队员控制球 28. a team is in control of the ball球队控制球29. travel rule带球走规则 30. dribbling rule 运球规则 31. tap the ball拍球32. throw - in from out - of - bound掷界外球 33. player

29、 out - of - bound队员出界34. ball out - of- bound球出界 35. shot投篮 36. continuous movement连续运动(动作)37. a goal is made中篮 38. a field goal投中、投篮 39. a goal from the field投球中篮40. no free throw不罚球 41. last free throw最后一次罚球 42.a goal from a free throw罚球中篮43. infraction违犯、违法 44. contact接触 45. personal contact身体接触4

30、6. acceptable contact 可接受的接触 47. legal guarding position合法的防守位置48. the principle of verticality垂直原则49. guarding a player who does not control the ball防守未控制球的队员50. guarding a player who controls the ball防守控制球的队员51 .guarding from the rear从背后防守 52. correctable error能纠正的失误第七节 违例(violation )1. double dri

31、bble两次运球 2. progressing with the ball持球移动、带球行进3. jump ball violation 跳球违例 4. free throw violation罚球违例5. violation of player who is to attempt free throw罚球的队员违例6. the ball accidentally enters the basket from below球意外地从篮圈下面进入7. the ball lodge in the basket support球停在篮圈支颈上8. three - second violation3秒违

32、例 9. five - second violation5秒违例10. eight - second violation8秒违例 11. twenty - four second violation 24秒违例12illegal dribble非法运球 13vio1ation during jumpball跳球违例14violation On OutOfbound play 掷界外球违例第八节 犯规(foul)1personal foul侵入犯规 2trip绊人 3five fouls 5次犯规 13screen foul掩护犯规4technical foul during interval

33、of play 比赛休息时间内的技术犯规5foul in special situations特殊情况下的犯规 6unsportsmanlike conduct不道德的行为7profane language不尊敬的语言 8obstructed vision妨碍视线9the foul by the coach教练员犯规 10the foul by the player队员犯规11The foul by the substitute 替补队员犯规 12a ct of violence粗暴行为第九节 基本技术(basic skills )1.pass传球 2long pass长传 3short pa

34、ss短传 4catch a ball接住球5backboard recovery抢篮板球 6interception抢断球 7throw for a goal投篮8action shot行进间投篮 9long shot远投 10follow- up shot补篮 11tap - in拍球人篮12break突破 13cut切人 14trail跟进 15slide滑步 16stride跨步17cross - over step交叉步 18instant stop急停 19turn转身 20feint假动作21change of direction改变方向 22change of pace变换速度

35、23. assist助攻24. bank shot擦板投篮 25. blocking a shot盖帽 26. get loose摆脱防守 27. clever pass妙传28. double stop两步急停 29. jump stop跳步急停 30. face guarding面对面盯人防守31.fake a shot投篮假动作 32. guarding distance防守距离 33. mini - basketball小篮球(运动)34. miss pass传球失误 35. passing on the run行进间传球 36. take off起动37. waste motion多

36、余动作第十节 基本战术(basic tactics )1. fast break快攻 2. position阵地战 3. alternating attack交叉进攻4. pattern attack固定配合进攻 5. back screen后掩护 6. stationary screen定位掩护7. dribble screen运球掩护 8. control game控制球战术 9. delay tactic拖延时间战术10.foul - baiting tactic犯规战术 11. man - to - man defence人盯人防守12. zone defence 区域防守 13. c

37、ombination defence混合防守14. half - court press半场紧逼 15. full - court press全场紧逼16. fill in补防 17. shut the gate关门 18. two - on - one play二打一的配合第十一节 篮球比赛宣告员用词(中英文对照)(以第28届奥运会篮球比赛为例)1. Please both sides players stop exercise and ready for matching in.请双方运动员停止练习,准备入场。2. The 28 th Olympic Games Mens (Womens)

38、 basketball competition team A versus team B now begins.第28届奥运会男(女)篮球比赛A队对B队的比赛现在开始。3. Introduce the players, the coaches and the officials.介绍运动员、教练员和裁判员。4.Team A , player NO 4 X 。NO 15 Y.A队运动员4号X。15号Y5. Coach Z , Assistant P.教练员Z,助理教练员P6.Team B , player NO 4 L。NO 15 M.B队运动员4号L15号M7. Coach N , Assis

39、tant Coach O教练员N,助理教练员O8. The referee is C international grade from D. The umpire is E interna-tional grade from F.担任本场比赛的主裁判员C,国际级,D,副裁判员E,国际级,F。 注: 上述D和F均表示该裁判员的国籍。9. Three minutes more.距离比赛开始还有3分钟。10.The second pedcd is over, break fifteen minutes.第二节比赛结束,休息15分钟。1 1. Time out by G , Substitution

40、by H.G队请求暂停。H队要求换人,12.Time is up.暂停时间到。13.No.6 five fouls.6号队员5次犯规。14.Team I has already two time outs.I队已经两次暂停。15.This morning (This afternoon, This evening) matches are over, good bye.今天上午(下午、晚上)的比赛全部结束,再见!16. Now the match has been on for ten minutes already.现在比赛已进行了10分钟。17. Now there are five mi

41、nutes left. 还剩5分钟。18.Now the score is thirty to twenty five.现在场上比分30:25;,19.Team J is leading.J队领先。20. The winning team is K.K队获胜。三、球队 1tearm球队 2hometeam主队 3guestteam客队 4attackingteam进攻队5defendingteam防守队 6coach教练员 7assistantcoach助理教练员8line-up阵容 9member成员10List of players队员名单11captain队长12player队员13ba

42、sketballer篮球运动员14rightforward右前锋 15leftguard左后卫16center;centrelplvot中锋 17Leading player主力队员 18substitute替补队员19Team mate同队队员 20opponent对方队员 21Offensive player进攻队员22Defensive player防守队员 23The player with the ball持球队员24The player without the ball不持球队员25Aplayer who controls the ball控制球队员26Aplayer who do

43、es not control the ball不控制球的队员 27shooter投篮队员28free-thrower罚球队员 29jumper跳球队员 30non-jumper非跳球队员31dribbler运球队员 32The player taking the throw-in掷界外球队员33screener掩护队员 34The pivot player策应队员 35The player who is in the air腾空的队员36Injuried player受伤的队员 37Offending player犯规队员 38Team leader领队39Team follower随队人员

44、40spectator观众 四、裁判人员 1.officials裁判人员 2referee主裁判 3umpire副裁判 4.officialssignals裁判员手势5Two points两分 6One points一分7Three point attempt试报三分8Three point-succefull shot三分 9Cancel score得分无效 10Time in计时重新开始11timeout比赛时间停止12endofgame比赛结束 13jumpball跳球 14signal信号15forfeit弃权 16unsportsmanlike不道德 17warning警告 18no

45、score投中无效19The leading official前导裁判员20The trailing official追踪裁判员21The referee calling the decision做出宣判的裁判员22The Other referee另一裁判员23The active referee执行裁判员24The free referee配合裁判员25International referee国际裁判26National referee国家级裁判27Referee of first category一级裁判员28chiefreferee裁判长29Official sand their a

46、ssistants裁判员及其助理人员30Duties and powers of referee主裁判的职责和权力31Dunes of officials裁判员的职责32Black trousers黑色长裤33GREyshirt灰色上衣34Black basketball shoes黑色的篮球鞋35Walt a minute等一会36Dont shout不要呼喊37No talking不要说话38alreadytwotimeouts已经两次暂停39Time expired first时间已到40Goal counts投中有效 41Time and place for decisions宣判的时

47、间、地点42Location of player and official队员和裁判员的位置43Choice of the ball选择比赛用球44official disaGREe裁判员意见不同45Carefull examine the scoresheet认真审查记录表46Approve the score批准记录47.Confirm the time that remain to be player确定比赛剩余时间 48Beckoning substitute to come on the court招呼替补队员进场49.blowing the whistle吹哨50.the offi

48、cials shall consulate the game in accordance with rules裁判员应使比赛按照规则的规定进行比赛51Administer ingpenalties执行罚则52Takes place就位53reprimand劝告54signature签名 55Raise hand举手 56Bad toss抛球不好57Choice of baskets 球篮 58Charge the baskets互换球篮59Resetting of 30 second clock 30秒钟复位五、违例 1violation违例 2travelling带球跑 3kickingth

49、eball球4heldball争球5doubledribble两次运球6.strikingballwiththefist拳击球7.Interbrinswithball干扰球8.lmederence with the ball on offence进攻队干扰球9.Interkneme with the ball on offence防守队干扰球10.ProGREssingwiththeball持球移动11.jumpballviolations跳球违例12.three一secondrule三秒钟规则13.byesecon4rde五秒钟规则14.ten一secondrule十秒钟规则15.thirt

50、y一secondrule三十秒钟规则16.Penalty罚则17.ball returned to back court球回后场18.Outofbounds出界,界外19.free throw罚球20.free throw violation罚球违例21.vlhatlons of the throw-infromout-of-boundsplay掷界外球时违例22.Player who Is to attempt free throws执行罚球的队员23.the ball accident all yenters the basket from below球意外的从球篮下面进入24.thee free throw三次罚球25.two freethrow一次罚球26.onefreethrow一次罚球27.theballlodgesinthebasketsupport球停在篮筐支颈上28.violationofthethreesecondrule三秒违例29.violationofthefivesecondrule五秒违例30.tlolotlollOfthetensecondrule十秒违例31.violationofthethirtysecondrule三十秒违例32.Jumpballinspec


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