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1、unit 2the united kingdomreading富源县第二中学 唐老五2016-10-24warming up do this quiz and find out how much you know about uk? 1. how many countries does the uk consist of ? a. two b. three c. four be made up of2. who rules the country: the prime minister or the queen? a. the queen b. the prime minister c. bo

2、th3. what are the provinces called in england? a. counties b. departments c. statescan you name the capital cities of the countries of the uk?pre-readingscotlandedinburghenglandlondonwalescardiffnorthern irelandbelfastrepublic of irelanddubline sirish seawalesengland scotland north ireland the unite

3、d kingdom13th century17th century20th centuryabout the ukparagraph 1-3ukcontains _, _, scotland and _.in the 13thcentury_ was linked to _.in 17th century_ and wales were joined to _.readingenglandwalesnorthern irelandscotlandwalesenglandenglandsome time later_ ireland broke away and _ ireland joined

4、 with _ ,wales and _. thus _ come into being.englandthe _ of the four countries, consists of the _, _ and _ of englandscotlandsouthernnorthernenglandthe uklargestsouthmidlandsnorthlondonthe greatest _ treasure of all, has _, art _, theatres, parks and _.the four groups of invadersare the romans, _,

5、_ and normans.historical museumscollectionsbuildings anglo-saxons vikings summary&discussion1. how the union jack flag come into being?2. the geographic divides england into 3 zones, find out their characteristics. 3. the cultural importance of london.please find out the main idea .please read the w

6、hole text as fast as you can, and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph.comprehending 1.what is the main idea of the text a. how many countries make up the united kingdom? b. explain how england is divided into three zonesc. the reason why london became the cultural capital of england.d. a

7、 brief introduction to the uk about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture.2.what is the main idea of each paragraphpara 1:para 2:para 3:para 4:pa 5&6: states the topic to be examined in the reading.explains the cultural importance of london.explains how england is divided into three zones ;


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