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1、Architecture Style of the WorldPresented by Even & Lydia & Rose MaryvTake a GuessvJapan Style vEnglish StyleFour Styles Gothic Style Baroque Style Rococo Style Byzantine Style. .Gothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture. .Gothic ArchitectureGothic Architecture Begin: France, 12th century Romanesque arc

2、hitecture Cathedrals, churches, palaces, castlesNotre Dame de Paris(11821345)France Westminster Abbey(105015c )The UKCologne Cathedral(1248-1880)GermanyMilan Cathedral (13861960)ItalyAbout the word “gothic” the French Style Giorgio Vasari (Italian) 1530sFeatures of the Gothic Style 1. Pointed Arch/G

3、othic Arch尖肋拱顶尖肋拱顶2. Flying Buttress飞扶壁 Buttresses: narrow stone walls jutting out from the building to help hold it up. Flying buttresses: buttresses that help to hold the vault up. They are made with an arch that jumps over a lower part of the building to reach the outside wall.Amiens Cathedral3.

4、Stained glass(花窗玻璃花窗玻璃) richly colored glass in the windows, often with pictures telling stories4. Clustered columns(束柱) tall columns that looked like a group of thin columns bundled together. . Baroque Architecture Baroque Architecture . Baroque Architecture begun in late sixteenth century Italybeg

5、un in late sixteenth century Italytook the Roman vocabulary of Renaissance took the Roman vocabulary of Renaissance architecturearchitecture文艺复兴建筑文艺复兴建筑 and used it in a new and used it in a new rhetoricalrhetorical夸张的夸张的 fashion fashion express the triumphexpress the triumph胜利,丰功伟业胜利,丰功伟业 of the Ca

6、tholic of the Catholic Church and the absolutist stateChurch and the absolutist state专制主义国家专制主义国家 characterized by new explorations of form, light and characterized by new explorations of form, light and shadow and dramatic intensityshadow and dramatic intensity强度强度 vDistinctive features of Baroque

7、architecture In churches, broader naves中殿 and sometimes given oval椭圆形的 forms deliberately incomplete architectural elements dramatic use of light; either strong light-and-shade contrasts as at the church of Weltenburg Abbey维尔腾堡修道院教堂, or uniform lighting by means of several windows (e.g. church of We

8、ingarten Abbey) plenty use of color and ornaments装饰品 large ceiling frescoes壁画 an external faade often characterized by a dramatic central projection突出 the Palace of VersaillesvRepresentative buildings St Pauls CathedralvRepresentative buildings The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the VaticanvRepres

9、entative buildings vRepresentative buildings the oval nave in a Baroque buildingSt Pauls CathedralSt Pauls CathedralA baroque architecture decoration in Belgium. .RococoRococo Architecture ArchitecturevBrief introduction:Rococo, also referred to as Late Baroque, is an 18th-century artistic movement

10、and style, which affected several aspects of the arts including painting, sculpture, architecture, interior design, decoration, literature, music and theatre. . .RococoRococo Architecture ArchitectureThe Rococo developed in the early part of the 18th century in Paris, France as a reaction against th

11、e grand, symmetry and strict regulations of the Baroque, especially that of the Palace of Versailles. In such a way, Rococo artists opted for a more jocular, florid and graceful approach to Baroque art and architecture. Rococo art and architecture in such a way was ornate and made strong usage of cr

12、eamy, pastel-like colours, asymmetrical designs, curves and gold. Unlike the more politically focused Baroque, the Rococo had more playful and often witty artistic themes.vDevelopment Although Rococo is usually thought of as developing first in the decorative arts and interior design, its origins li

13、e in the late Baroque architectural work of Borrominimostly in Rome and Guarini mostly in Northern Italy but also in Vienna, Prague, Lisbon, and Paris. The 1730s represented the height of Rococo development in France. The style had spread beyond architecture and furniture to painting and sculpture.

14、In Great Britain, Rococo was always thought of as the French taste and was never widely adopted as an architectural style, although its influence was strongly felt in such areas as silverwork, porcelain, and silks. The beginning of the end for Rococo came in the early 1760s as figures like Voltaire

15、began to voice their criticism of the superficiality and degeneracy of the art. The Queluz National Palace in Portugal was one of the last Rococo buildings to be built in Europe. However,Rococo remained popular in the provinces and in Italy, until the second phase of neoclassicism, Empire style, arr

16、ived with Napoleonic governments and swept Rococo away.vArchitecture Rococo architecture, as mentioned above, was a lighter, more graceful, yet also more elaborate version of Baroque architecture, which was ornate and austere. There are numerous examples of Rococo buildings as well as architects. Am

17、ong the most famous include the Catherine Palace, in Russia, the Queluz National Palace in Portugal, the Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces, Brhl, the Chinese House (Potsdam) the Charlottenburg Palace in Germany, as well as elements of the Palace of Versailles in France. Many architects who were re

18、nowned for their constructions by using this style .sans souci(Potsdam)vRepresentative buildings Fontainebleau Palace(Paris)vRepresentative buildings elements of the Palace of Versailles vRepresentative buildings Place de la ConcordevRepresentative buildings Rococo architecture also brought signific

19、ant changes to the building of edifices.Placing an emphasis on privacy rather than the grand public majesty of Baroque architecture, as well as improving the structure of buildings in order to create a more healthy environment .vInterior design Solitude Palace and Chinese Palace, the Bavarian church

20、 of Wies and Sanssouci in Potsdam are examples of how Rococo made its way into European architecture.A Rococo interior in Gatchina A few anti-architectural hints rapidly evolved into full-blown Rococo at the end of the 1720s and began to affect interiors and decorative arts throughout Europe. The ri

21、chest forms of German Rococo are in Catholic Germany. Rococo is an entirely interior style, because the wealthy and aristocratic moved back to Paris from Versailles. Paris was already built up and so rather than engaging in major architectural additions, they simply renovated the interiors of the ex

22、isting buildings. .ByzantineByzantine ArchitectureArchitecture Byzantine architecture is the architecture of the Byzantine or Later Roman Empire. This terminology is used by modern historians to designate the medieval Roman Empire as it evolved as a distinct artistic and cultural entity centered on

23、the new capitol of Constantinople rather than the city of Rome and environs. . .ByzantineByzantine ArchitectureArchitectureSt. Sophias CathedralSt. Sophias CathedralvRepresentative buildings Buildings increased in geometric complexity, brick and plaster were used in addition to stone in the decorati

24、on of important public structures, classical orders were used more freely, mosaics replaced carved decoration, complex domes rested upon massive piers, and windows filtered light through thin sheets of alabaster to softly illuminate interiors. Most of the surviving structures are sacred in nature, with secular buildings mostly known only through contemporaneous descriptions.Serbian Orthodox ChurchvRepresentative buildings Saint Sophia Cathedral in HarbinvRepresentative buildings St. Basils CathedralvRepresentative buildings uThe distinctive The distinctive


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