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1、LOGO第五讲第五讲翻译技巧翻译技巧(一一):词义的选择与引申词义的选择与引申v词义的选择词义的选择(与引申与引申)是英汉翻译中最基础的工作,是英汉翻译中最基础的工作,只有选择了恰当的词义,并在必要时加以适度只有选择了恰当的词义,并在必要时加以适度的引申,才能确保最终获得准确通顺的译文。的引申,才能确保最终获得准确通顺的译文。 v在掌握词典基本释义的基础上,根据有关词语在掌握词典基本释义的基础上,根据有关词语所处的语境,依循上下文提供的各种线索,判所处的语境,依循上下文提供的各种线索,判定其确切含义,并按译入语的行文规范及搭配定其确切含义,并按译入语的行文规范及搭配方式选用恰当的词语表达这一意

2、义。方式选用恰当的词语表达这一意义。Contents词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素5.1.词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据5.2.词义的引申词义的引申词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素v要做出正确精当的词义选择,必须辨词义、看要做出正确精当的词义选择,必须辨词义、看大小、分轻重、论褒贬。大小、分轻重、论褒贬。v5.1.1注意一词多义注意一词多义 一词多义现象的产生一方面是由于有些词的词一词多义现象的产生一方面是由于有些词的词义原本就有不止一种;另一方面是有些词虽然义原本就有不止一种;另一方面是有些词虽然基本意义相对比较固定,但由于使用场合不同基

3、本意义相对比较固定,但由于使用场合不同而产生了多种含义。而产生了多种含义。 5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素(1)London Transport run extra trains during the rush hour.(2)Election campaigns in Britain run for three weeks(3)The lease on my house has only a year to run.(4)The newspaper ran the story on page one.(5) The party is running three can

4、didates in the next election.5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素(6)The dyes in this fabric are guaranteed not to run in washing(7)The foreword of the book runs for six pages.(8)Urban unemployment is running at 15 percent(9)The party is running two candidates in the next election.(10) The federal government

5、is running a huge deficit.5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素v5.1.2注意词义的轻重注意词义的轻重v要准确地选定词义,还必须权衡词义的轻重,要准确地选定词义,还必须权衡词义的轻重,把握词义的分寸。只有恰如其分地确定了词义把握词义的分寸。只有恰如其分地确定了词义的分量,才能避免将重词看轻、轻词看重。的分量,才能避免将重词看轻、轻词看重。v试比较下列例句:试比较下列例句:5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素(11)Though he felt his anger mounting,he kept perfect control of

6、 himself(12)He flew into a rage when he learned that his son had again failed in the examination。(13)Mad with fury,he pounded his fists on the wall and beat his breast(14)Reports of child abuse aroused public indignation,v(15) a. She is no fool.她绝对不傻。 b. She is not a fool.她不是傻瓜。v (16)a. Hes only for

7、ty-seven,and thats no age these days. a. 他还只47岁,如今这年龄根本算不上老。v b. Hes already forty-seven, and thats not the age for entering the contest.v 他已47岁,那不是参加这场比赛的年龄。5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素v掂量译文选字措辞同样需要掂量分寸。掂量译文选字措辞同样需要掂量分寸。 (17)Every president,Im sure,leaves the White House p

8、oorer than he was when he went in. 我确信,每一位总统在离开白宫时,其财产都不我确信,每一位总统在离开白宫时,其财产都不如刚进白宫的时候多。如刚进白宫的时候多。(比他刚进白宫的时候比他刚进白宫的时候穷。穷。)(18)His military career had been inglorious 他的军旅生涯是不光彩的。他的军旅生涯是不光彩的。(不足称道。不足称道。)(19)I have no opinion of that sort of man 我对那种人没有一点好感。我对那种人没有一点好感。(看法。看法。)5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干

9、因素v5.1.3注意词义的褒贬注意词义的褒贬 v英语同汉语一样也讲词义的褒贬。两种语言中英语同汉语一样也讲词义的褒贬。两种语言中都有一定数量的褒义词和贬义词。都有一定数量的褒义词和贬义词。v但是,英语中专用的褒义词或贬义词要比汉语但是,英语中专用的褒义词或贬义词要比汉语少得多,其褒贬往往取决于特定的上下文。这少得多,其褒贬往往取决于特定的上下文。这就要求译者以原文的立场为基准,从原文的上就要求译者以原文的立场为基准,从原文的上下文出发,辨别词义的褒贬色彩。下文出发,辨别词义的褒贬色彩。v尤其要注意以下两种情况尤其要注意以下两种情况: 5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素v第一

10、,英语中一些词具有两面性,虽然时常会第一,英语中一些词具有两面性,虽然时常会有褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中却是中性有褒义或贬义,但在一定的上下文中却是中性词,不含有褒义或贬义。例如:词,不含有褒义或贬义。例如: (20) a.How was the perfect crime found out? b.Where did you get that perfect gemstone?(21) a.Theyre working on a scheme for building a new highway. b.They attempted to assassinate the president

11、,but their schemes were discovered.5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素(22) a.They incited him to go into further investigation b.The soldier was shot for inciting his comrades to rise against their officers.(23) a.Our conference did in the end make detailed plans for the invasion. b.Napoleons invasion of Ru

12、ssia was a disaster.5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素v第二,英语中还有一些词,在不同的上下文中第二,英语中还有一些词,在不同的上下文中会带有不同的褒贬色彩。会带有不同的褒贬色彩。(24)a.She has fulfilled her ambition to become a world champion b.He no longer had ambitions to occupy the throne.(25)a.The Nazis treated them as animals. b.Churchill said,“We are sea animal

13、s,and the United States are to some extent ocean animals.”5.1词义选择须注意的若干因素词义选择须注意的若干因素(26)a.At the moment he is a lawyer,but he wants to become a politician. b.The mayor is a mean, time-serving politician.v(27) a. He was convicted of the crime of embezzling. b. It is a crime you didnt finish school.5

14、.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v一词多义的现象在英语中比比皆是。同样一个一词多义的现象在英语中比比皆是。同样一个单词,可因其在具体使用中词类的不同、上下单词,可因其在具体使用中词类的不同、上下文及搭配关系的差异等而具有不同的含义。因文及搭配关系的差异等而具有不同的含义。因此,翻译中必须充分考虑这些因素,视具体情此,翻译中必须充分考虑这些因素,视具体情况选定确切的词义。况选定确切的词义。5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v5.2.1根据词性确定词义根据词性确定词义 许多英语词兼有不同词性,亦即分属几种不许多英语词兼有不同词性,亦即分属几种不同的词类。其中一些词用于不同词性时意思

15、同的词类。其中一些词用于不同词性时意思并无多大差异,翻译时一般不能导致理解上并无多大差异,翻译时一般不能导致理解上的错误。的错误。 5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v1)right (28)In Britain we drive on the left side of the road,not the right side. (29) He knew all the right people. (30)I must answer that phone,but I11 be right back. (31)He exercised his legal right as Prime Mi

16、nister to halt the investigation 5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据 (32) Jobs are absolutely essential for righting the economy. (33)Right,open your month,lets have a look.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v2) round(34)The Earth is not completely round.(35) The autumn came round once more.(36)The watchman makes his rounds ev

17、ery hour.(37) The blood circulates round the body. (38)An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v5.2.2根据上下文确定词义根据上下文确定词义 许多英语词即使辨明了词性,但仍须从几个许多英语词即使辨明了词性,但仍须从几个或几十个义项中选定确切的词义。这就需要或几十个义项中选定确切的词义。这就需要借助于上下文提供的各种线索做出合

18、理的分借助于上下文提供的各种线索做出合理的分析、推理、判断。析、推理、判断。 5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v(39)Knowledge is power.v (40) The doctors restored his power of speech.v (41) A severe economic slump swept the country shortly after he came into power.v (42) The great powers held an international conference. (43) It is necessary to prov

19、ide industry with power it can afford. (44) The electronic microscope possesses very high resolving power compared with the optical microscope.v (45)Press the INV key and you can raise the constant e(2.71828)to x powers.v (46) That picture must have cost a power of money.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据(47)We

20、had hopes of developing tourism on quite a big scale.(48) Rain and sun develop the grain.(49)Botanists have succeeded in developing many new plants.(50)Id like to develop this idea a little more fully before I go on to my next point.(51)The photographer develops all his films.(52)Land animals are th

21、ought to have developed from sea animals(53)Symptoms of malaria developed.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据(54)a.As luck would have it,no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. b.As luck would have it,there was rain on the day of the picnic. (55)a.The books are closed,as the company is privately o

22、wned. b.The books are closed before the dictation gets started.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据(56) a. In reading,we must let our eyes rest once in a while b. We go to a restaurant once in a while一but usually we eat at home.5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据v5.2.3根据搭配关系确定词义根据搭配关系确定词义v词的搭配关系主要指词与词的横向组合关系。词的搭配关系主要指词与词的横向组合关系

23、。英语与汉语在长期的使用过程中,都形成了各英语与汉语在长期的使用过程中,都形成了各自的组合规律或搭配习惯。按照这种规律与习自的组合规律或搭配习惯。按照这种规律与习惯,有些词义与其他词惯,有些词义与其他词(义义)的搭配较为自由,而的搭配较为自由,而另外一些词义的搭配却受到了限制。另外一些词义的搭配却受到了限制。v不仅要在理解原文时注意词义搭配关系,而且不仅要在理解原文时注意词义搭配关系,而且在表达中也要考虑译文的搭配习惯,选择符合在表达中也要考虑译文的搭配习惯,选择符合译文表达习惯的词语。例如:译文表达习惯的词语。例如:5.2词义选择的主要依据词义选择的主要依据(57)The first of

24、these is the application of the machines,products and system of applied knowledge that science and technologists develop. 原译:第一方面是使用科学家和技术专家发展的机原译:第一方面是使用科学家和技术专家发展的机器、产品和应用知识体系。器、产品和应用知识体系。再如下例中的三个再如下例中的三个large,由于汉语搭配习惯不同,就由于汉语搭配习惯不同,就必须有三种译法:必须有三种译法: (58)In order to get a large amount of electric

25、power, we need a large pressure and a large current. 原译:为了获得大量的电力,需要大电压和大电流原译:为了获得大量的电力,需要大电压和大电流。5.3词义的引申词义的引申v对原文形式作必要的转变,并且依据具体的上对原文形式作必要的转变,并且依据具体的上下文和逻辑关系,从有关词语的基本含义出发,下文和逻辑关系,从有关词语的基本含义出发,进行恰如其分的引申,使原文的内容实质在流进行恰如其分的引申,使原文的内容实质在流畅自然的译文中确切充分地再现出来。畅自然的译文中确切充分地再现出来。v词义引申的方法主要有三种,包括词义转换、词义引申的方法主要有三

26、种,包括词义转换、抽象化和具体化引申。抽象化和具体化引申。 5.3词义的引申词义的引申v5.3.1通过词义转换加以引申通过词义转换加以引申v在英汉翻译中,有时会遇到某些词在英汉词典在英汉翻译中,有时会遇到某些词在英汉词典里找不到恰当的释义,若盲目照搬套用,势必里找不到恰当的释义,若盲目照搬套用,势必会使译文生涩别扭。因而应当对词典释义加以会使译文生涩别扭。因而应当对词典释义加以适度的转变和扩充。例如:适度的转变和扩充。例如:(59)Resistivity is a sensitive function of material(60)We already have the technology

27、to make the extraordinary commonplace.5.3词义的引申词义的引申(61)The output of the United Nations has not been commensurate with the input.(62)We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.(63)It is not a good habit for a child to water anywhere.(64)Excessive shaft deflection can be the de

28、ath of an otherwise well designed machine.5.3词义的引申词义的引申(65)The high cost of this new product has discouraged its commercial use(66)The scholars dont dream of accepting established categories and procedures just because they are established.5.3词义的引申词义的引申v5.3.2通过抽象化加以引申通过抽象化加以引申 v英语中有时用表示具体形象的词或短语来表示英

29、语中有时用表示具体形象的词或短语来表示某种特性、事物、概念等。译成汉语时,往往某种特性、事物、概念等。译成汉语时,往往要将这种含义或短语作抽象化的引申,用比较要将这种含义或短语作抽象化的引申,用比较笼统概括的词加以表达,以使译文明快达意。笼统概括的词加以表达,以使译文明快达意。5.3词义的引申词义的引申(67)They have their smiles and tears(68)As far as the head goes,at least,he does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment. (69)

30、During the 1970s, he was an embryo teacher, but he was very confident.(70)It seems to us that the General Assembly should strive,constantly and resolutely, to sharpen its weapons against the violators of the Charter.5.3词义的引申词义的引申(71)The technological process was then a newcomer in the U.S.,so applic

31、ations were not numerous。 (72)An electric power station is a factory in which energy is converted from one form or another into electric energy. (73)The bottom line of the problem was that the recession did not show the least sign of bottoming out.5.3词义的引申词义的引申(74)We would like to build a color-blind society where all men can have equal educational


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