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1、Thanks giving Day- Jennifer LvBe thankful for what you have; youll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you dont have, you will never, ever have enough.要学会对拥有的一切怀有感恩之心要学会对拥有的一切怀有感恩之心 ,最终你会得到更多。最终你会得到更多。如果你总是对那些没有得到的东西耿耿于怀,如果你总是对那些没有得到的东西耿耿于怀,那么你永远也不会满足。那么你永远也不会满足。Key to Culture:1.The inter

2、net is an extensive computer network made up of thousands of others, smaller business, academic, and governmental networks.2.On-line “chat rooms” have changed the way people make friends.Key to Riddles:1. A clock.(hand: 手;指针)2. A nail. (head: 头;顶端)冰公主窈窕冰公主 茕茕处深宫 冰梳莹莹洁 秀发徐徐拢 漫天寒彻骨 佳人自翩跹 匝地冰雪中 嬉戏复流连 灿

3、灿眸若星 盈盈泪如冰 寂寂深宫里 杳杳几度春 留此不复去不重读的动词不重读的动词助动词助动词 We were impressed by their achievements.Much has been said about it.They will be surprised at that.情态动词情态动词 He should be criticized for doing that.Mary could do it better than Herbert. I must go now.Who can answer this question?动词动词 be(是是),have(有有)一般不重读

4、一般不重读 I have so many things to do today.Few people had TV sets in those days.The key was in the box.以上几类通常不重读的动词用于简短回答时,或以上几类通常不重读的动词用于简短回答时,或用于一般疑问句句首时要重读用于一般疑问句句首时要重读;()Have you any brothers and sisters? Yes, I have.()Are you a student? Yes, I am.副词一般都重读副词一般都重读 They came back early yesterday. Wher

5、e did you buy it? Why do you come? You meet people everywhere. Ive never heard of such a thing before. Tell him to come in. Thank you for coming to see me off.但关系副词不重读但关系副词不重读 He visited the small village where he was born.They came right at the time when we needed their help.This is the reason why

6、they failed.介词介词 单音节介词一般都不重读单音节介词一般都不重读 How far is it from Paris to London? What are you looking at? 代词代词常重读的代词有常重读的代词有 1指示代词指示代词This is not what I mean.That isnt the one I asked for.Do you like ()these flowers?但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音去重音How do you like those little ones?Who wro

7、te this interesting story?2. 疑问代词疑问代词 Who are you talking to?What can I do for you?Who came to see you this morning?冠词一般都不重读冠词一般都不重读Its an hours drive from the old station.The man over there is my brother.An elephant is an animal.连接词连接词 单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词both and neithernor等)不重读等)不重读 H

8、e came and spoke to us. I saw it but didnt read it. That takes both time and energy. Neither you nor I can solve the problem. He was angry with me because I was late. 不合乎语句重音一般规律的例外情况(不合乎语句重音一般规律的例外情况(1)任何本来有句子重音的词,如果上文刚出现过,任何本来有句子重音的词,如果上文刚出现过,第二次提到时一般不应重读第二次提到时一般不应重读-How many times have you been t

9、here? -Three times. The boy shouted to the other boys. -They want strong men. -Very well. I am strong.不合乎语句重音一般规律的例外情况(不合乎语句重音一般规律的例外情况(2)P81Pre-reading questions:Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for class?Reading A (The 2nd - 3rd Period) Students Learn at Home at an Online SchoolRea

10、ding A Word Studygrade N-COUNT. 等级;职别;成绩等级;年级等级;职别;成绩等级;年级 vt. 依序排列,依等级排列;评分依序排列,依等级排列;评分 列入二级文物保护的建筑a grade II listed building你希望得到什么样的成绩?What grade are you hoping to get? 对学生的作业评分 grade the students work Reading A Word Studychinese 语文 biology 生物physics 物理chemistry 化学geography 地理history 历史politics

11、政治学economics 经济学maths 数学Key to Reading A:Task 1: 1.T 2 T 3.F 4 F 5. TTask 2: 1.B 2.A 3.F 4. E 5.C 6.DTask 3:1. test 2. cheated fortable 4. daily 5. final 6. instructionTask4:1.他认为学校的电脑房太嘈杂了他不能很好地学他认为学校的电脑房太嘈杂了他不能很好地学习。习。2.准备开始上课时,学生先是打开电脑,然后看准备开始上课时,学生先是打开电脑,然后看老师给的一些指导,就开始一天的功课。老师给的一些指导,就开始一天的功课。 4

12、.如果真是这样的话,学生不用踏进教室就可如果真是这样的话,学生不用踏进教室就可以拿高中毕业文凭。以拿高中毕业文凭。3.他做完作业后,又通过邮件给老师发回去他做完作业后,又通过邮件给老师发回去批改。批改。Paragraph Onew 我们可以谴责交通阻塞、汽油价格、以及现代生活的快节奏,但马路礼貌确实越来越糟糕。所有的人都知道:即便脾气最好的人在车里也会变成怪兽。老虎在油箱里还好说,可老虎若坐在驾驶员的位置上就完全是另一回事了。你也许能够容忍粗鲁且不体谅人的司机但现今文明驾驶的司机却实属罕见。可能这需要发起一场“对其他司机友善”运动,否则,情形会完全失控。Paragraph Twow 马路文明不

13、仅是一种礼貌行为,还是一种良好的意识。司机需要非常冷静的头脑和好脾气才能在碰到不文明行为时克制住自己不进行报复。另一方面,些许文明行为十分有助于缓解驾车时的紧张情绪。一个友好的颔首、感谢对方礼貌行为的一个轻轻的挥手有助于形成友好宽容的氛围,而这在当前的交通条件下是非常必要的。但现在,这种对礼貌表示认可的行为非常罕见。现今很多司机即使见到礼貌行为也似乎视若惘然。Paragraph Threew 但是,误用礼貌同样危险。典型的事例为:司机为了让从路上突然出现的车而采取急刹车,却对后面的交通造成了危险。(而若不出现这种情况),本来只需几秒钟的等待,道路就会畅通无阻;或者,有人会为一个穿过 斑马线的孩

14、子让路,示意其进入行车道,但随后驶来的车辆却无法及时停车。同样,鼓励老太太随时随地横穿马路的行为也是如此。我经常感到奇怪:高速公路上居然没有屡屡出现这些老太太被撞死的交通事故。Paragraph Fourw 一位经验丰富的老司机曾告诉我:在不引起交通阻塞,从而惹怒其他司机的前提下,司机们学会逐个插入车流有助于缓解交通。但现代的驾驶员甚至不会学如何驾车,更别说掌握公路驾车技能的微妙之处了。多年前专家就曾警告我们:汽车拥有量的突增要求所有马路使用者的互谅互让。现在是我们该把这项警告铭记于心的时候了。Keys to Reading A:Task 1: 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. TA

15、fter-reading questions1. According to this passage, troubles on the road are primarily caused by _. A peoples attitude towards the road-hog B the rhythm of modern life C the behavior of the driver D traffic conditions 2.The sentence “You might tolerate the ,but. the rule.”(Para. 1) implies that _. A

16、 our society is unjust towards well-mannered motorists B rude drivers can be met only occasionally C the well-mannered motorist cannot tolerate the road-hog D nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motorists 3. By “good senses,(Para.2)”the writer means _. A the drivers ability to react

17、 reasonably B the drivers prompt response to difficult and severe conditions C the drivers tolerance of rude or even savage behavior D the drivers acknowledgement of politeness and regulations 4. Experts have pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion, _. A road users should make more s

18、acrifice B drivers should be ready to yield to each other C drivers should have more communication among themselves D drivers will suffer great loss if they pay no respect to others 5. In the writers opinion, _. A strict traffic regulations are badly needed B drivers should apply road politeness pro

19、perly C rude drivers should be punished D drivers should avoid traffic jams Key to Task 4: 1. 可能这种情形要求我们开展一场可能这种情形要求我们开展一场“善待其他司机善待其他司机”的运动。的运动。2. 道路礼节不仅是指良好的行为礼貌,而且还指道路礼节不仅是指良好的行为礼貌,而且还指良好的判断力。良好的判断力。3. 同样的例子还有,无论何时何地,都鼓励老奶同样的例子还有,无论何时何地,都鼓励老奶奶们过马路。奶们过马路。4. 是我们该把这个警告牢记于心的时候了!是我们该把这个警告牢记于心的时候了!Walki

20、ng with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.Everyday Quotes和朋友在黑暗里同行,和朋友在黑暗里同行,好过一人在光明中独步。好过一人在光明中独步。Do your think good manners are important in our life? Why?Reading B Good MannersThe 4th-5th PeriodBecause good manner can(1) help us make friends; (2) show that we are well

21、-educated;(3) help to get things done.1. No man is an island:No one is isolated from society or can separate himself / herself from others.Translation:没有人是一座孤岛。没有人是一座孤岛。2. What keeps us from being cut off from our fellows is our ability to communicate with each other.cut off 隔绝;隔离;切断隔绝;隔离;切断I was cu

22、t off in the middle of the telephone call. 我的话讲了一半,电话中断了. communicate with 与与联系,与联系,与交往;交往;I communicate with him regularly by letter. 我与他定期通信。 Translation:相互交流的能力建立起了我们与相互交流的能力建立起了我们与他人之间的联系。他人之间的联系。3. The best and most useful road to sound communication is common courtesy.sound adj. 合理的;完好的;明智的合理的

23、;完好的;明智的sound sleep 酣睡courtesy 谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止courteous 有礼貌的,谦恭的有礼貌的,谦恭的e.g. It was courteous of him to offer to help the old lady cross the street.Antonym(反义词): discourtesySynonym(同义词): politenessTranslation:建立良好的沟通,最好的也是最建立良好的沟通,最好的也是最有效的方法是有共同的礼节,即要有礼貌。有效的方法是有共同的礼节,即要有礼貌。4. Good manners ha

24、ve two aspects: an inner respect for other peoples needs and feelings; and an outer expression in certain acts.inner: relating to the mind and spirit.outer: relating to the body or appearance rather than the mind or spirit. 外部的,外面的Translation:良好的行为有两个方面:一方面良好的行为有两个方面:一方面是对别人的需要和感受发自内心的尊重;另一是对别人的需要和感

25、受发自内心的尊重;另一反面体现在某些外部行为的表达上。反面体现在某些外部行为的表达上。5. having the shell without the nut: having only the form without the n. 果壳;壳果壳;壳nut n. 果仁果仁Translation:空有形式没有实质内容。空有形式没有实质内容。6. The “ nut” of good manners is thoughtfulness for others, and that just means applying the Golden Rule.Translation:

26、良好行为的实质是替别人着想,良好行为的实质是替别人着想,那就意味着运用黄金法则。那就意味着运用黄金法则。7. One aspect of this thoughtfulness is to dress and conduct oneself in as pleasing a manner as possible. thoughtful adj. 沉思的;体贴的;深思熟虑的沉思的;体贴的;深思熟虑的 a thoughtful and caring man.体贴入微、关心他人的男人thoughtfulness n. 深思;体贴;亲切深思;体贴;亲切conduct oneself 为人;行为表现为人

27、;行为表现No matter where, when, it is all the most important to conduct oneself. 不管在什么地方, 什么时候, 做人都是最重要的。Translation:体贴的一个方面就是着装和为人体贴的一个方面就是着装和为人都尽可能的让人感到愉快。都尽可能的让人感到愉快。in as pleasing a manner as possible:pleasing adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的;惹人喜欢令人愉快的,舒适的;惹人喜欢的;满意的的;满意的 in a manner as pleasing as possible8. The sigh

28、t of tastefully dressed people with gracious manners adds a considerable amount of pleasure to everyday life.tastefully adv. 雅致的;有品位的雅致的;有品位的The room is tastefully furnished. 屋里摆设很雅致。gracious adj. 有礼貌的有礼貌的; 亲切的亲切的; 和蔼的;和蔼的;She was gracious enough to show us round her home.她彬彬有礼地领我们参观了她的家。considerabl

29、e adj. 相当大的;值得考虑的相当大的;值得考虑的 ; He saved the child at considerable risk to himself. 他冒着极大的生命危险救了那个孩子。Translation:看着衣着得体,行为礼貌的人也看着衣着得体,行为礼貌的人也能为日常生活增添了不少乐趣。能为日常生活增添了不少乐趣。9. The absence of it, however, is felt as a source of discomfort and annoyance. absence n. 缺席;缺席;She did not mention her mothers abse

30、nce. 她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。 The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class. 老师要他对缺课作出解释。absence of = lack of n. 缺乏缺乏; 不存在不存在 Her absence/lack of mind during driving nearly caused an accident. 她驾车时心不在焉,几乎肇祸。 annoyance n. 恼怒,烦恼;令人讨厌的人或事恼怒,烦恼;令人讨厌的人或事 To her annoyance the stranger did not go a

31、way.让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。Translation: 然而,生活中缺乏体贴则是不然而,生活中缺乏体贴则是不适合和烦恼的来源。适合和烦恼的来源。10. Often one cannot be too honest. “cannottoo”意为“无论怎样也不为过”或“越越好”。e.g. You cannot be too careful=You cannot be careful enough你越仔细越好。A man can never have too many friends.朋友越多越好。Translation:人越老实越好。人越老实越好。Reading B:Task 1: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A Task 2: 1. gracious 2. communicate 3. conduct 4. interrupt 5. in return 6. take ones timeTask 3:


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