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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Do you know the history of April Fools Day?On this day, people play jokes and hoaxeson each other. The jokes and their victims are known as April fools. Hoax stories may be reported by the press and other media on this day and explained later.愚人节也称也称万愚节愚人节也称也称万

2、愚节 。一种说法认为这一习俗源自印度的。一种说法认为这一习俗源自印度的“诠俚节诠俚节”。该节规定,每年三月三十一日的节日这天,不分男。该节规定,每年三月三十一日的节日这天,不分男女老幼,可以互开玩笑、互相愚弄欺骗以换得娱乐。另一种较普女老幼,可以互开玩笑、互相愚弄欺骗以换得娱乐。另一种较普遍的说法是起源于法国。遍的说法是起源于法国。15641564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法法格里历格里历( (即目前通用的阳历即目前通用的阳历) ),以一月一日为一年的开端,以一月一日为一年的开端,改变了过去以四月一日作为新年开端的历法。新历法推行过程中,改变了过去以四月一日作为新


4、日西方的民间传统节日愚人节愚人节 。愚人节贺卡愚人节贺卡参加鱼宴的帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小参加鱼宴的帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物或是或是鱼形工艺品,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。鱼形工艺品,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。愚人节习俗愚人节习俗 - 4月月1日的鱼宴日的鱼宴不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成。宴会上成。宴会上,主人端上以鱼为原料精心主人端上以鱼为

5、原料精心烹制的菜肴,煎炸烤烧,应有尽有。根烹制的菜肴,煎炸烤烧,应有尽有。根据传统风俗,主人往往在宴会上给客人据传统风俗,主人往往在宴会上给客人们做假菜,这种假菜宴更增添了轻松欢们做假菜,这种假菜宴更增添了轻松欢快的节日气氛。宴会结束后,主人以糖快的节日气氛。宴会结束后,主人以糖果招待客人,不过,糖果不是放在果盘果招待客人,不过,糖果不是放在果盘中,而是放在药盒里。中,而是放在药盒里。 None is a fool always, every one sometimes.没有终身的傻瓜没有终身的傻瓜, 也没有终身不当傻瓜的人。也没有终身不当傻瓜的人。If wise men play the f

6、ool, they do it with a vengeance.聪明人做起糊涂事来聪明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂透顶。那才糊涂透顶。 愚人谚语、短语愚人谚语、短语How to celebrate April Fools Day?愚人节怎么愚人节怎么过呢过呢?在愚人节基本在愚人节基本上不是整别人上不是整别人就是被人整就是被人整 !最实用的玩笑最实用的玩笑呀!呀! 你你鞋带鞋带散啦!散啦!你的鞋带散了!你的鞋带散了!愚人节愚人节 - 愚人不过愚人不过12点点愚人节这天玩笑只能开到中午愚人节这天玩笑只能开到中午12点之前,这是约定俗点之前,这是约定俗成的严格成的严格规矩规矩。过了中午还找乐子的人是一

7、个比被他。过了中午还找乐子的人是一个比被他取笑的人还大的傻瓜。过了钟点还开玩笑的人会立刻取笑的人还大的傻瓜。过了钟点还开玩笑的人会立刻碰钉子,自找没趣儿。有一首小诗是这样描述的:碰钉子,自找没趣儿。有一首小诗是这样描述的: 愚人节已过十二点,愚人节已过十二点,你这个傻瓜来得晚。你这个傻瓜来得晚。待到来年愚人节,待到来年愚人节,你将是个大笨蛋你将是个大笨蛋 !2a Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on April Fools Day? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your s

8、tory to your partner?搞怪愚人节搞怪愚人节老师叫你马上老师叫你马上去他办公室!去他办公室!对噢,老师对噢,老师让我通知你让我通知你作业重写!作业重写!今天是愚人节今天是愚人节学校说要补课学校说要补课我才不会上当呢!我才不会上当呢!深思熟虑深思熟虑2b Read the passage quickly. Then match each paragraph with the main idea.Paragraph 1 The most famous trick playedParagraph 2 Examples of funny stories that happened o

9、n April Fools DayParagraph 3 An introduction to April Fools DayParagraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fools DayUSING BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGECarefully reading the first sentence in each paragraph can activate your own knowledge of the topic and help you guess what the whole text is about.April F

10、ools Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. It happens on April 1st every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other. One April Fools Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because th

11、e spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti. Many people ran to their local supermarkets tobuy as much spaghetti as they could. By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. In another famous trick a TV show in Englan

12、d reported the discovery of special water. They said this water would help people lose weight and that one customer had already lost a lot of weight in just four months. By the end of the day, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how to get this water.Many April Fools jokes

13、may end up being not very funny. A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fools Day. He asked her to marry him. The lady was so happy because she really wanted to get married. However, when she said “yes”, he replied, “April Fool!” That little joke didnt have a very happy

14、ending. The TV star lost his girlfriend and his show was canceled.One of the worlds most famous tricks, however, happened in October rather than April. In that month in 1938, actor Orson Welles announced on his radio program that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth. He described where they had

15、landed and told how they were moving across the United States. Welles made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story, and fear spread across the whole country. By the time police officers announced that the story was a hoax, thousands of people had left their homes.2c Read the pass

16、age again and answer the questions.1.Why did the supermarkets run out of spaghetti one April Fools Day? Because a reporter announced that there would be no more spaghetti as spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.2.What did the TV show say that the special water could do? It was sa

17、id that the special water would help people lose weight.3.Why did the TV stars joke have a bad ending? Because he lost both his girlfriend and his show.4. When did Orson Welles tell people about aliens from Mars landing on the earth? It was in October 1938.5. Why did so many people believe Orson Wel

18、les? Because Orson Welles made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story.6.Which of these stories is the most believable? Which is the least believable? Why? I think Because7.Would you be fooled by any of these stories? Yes, I would. Because No, I wouldnt. Because2d Fill in the bla

19、nks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1.After the spaghetti story _ (appear) in the news, everyone_ (rush) to the supermarkets.2. By the time people_ (find out) the story was not true, all the spaghetti in the supermarkets _ (disappear).appearedrushedfound outhad disappeared3. By the t

20、ime the day _ (end), more than 10,000 people _ (call) the TV station to ask about the special water.4. By the time the show _ (end), the TV star _ (lose) his girlfriend.5. By the time police officers _ (tell) the country that the story was a hoax, many people _ (run away) from their homes.endedhad c

21、alledendedhad losttoldhad rung awayLanguage points1. April Fools Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. 愚人节一种发生在世界上不同国家的庆祝活愚人节一种发生在世界上不同国家的庆祝活动。动。take place 意为意为“发生;进行;举行;产生发生;进行;举行;产生”。take place 与与 happentake place 通常指事先计划或预料到的事情发通常指事先计划或预料到的事情发生,生, 还可表示还可表示

22、“举行举行”的意思。的意思。happen常指具体的事情发生,特指那些偶常指具体的事情发生,特指那些偶然或出乎意料发生的事情,后接不然或出乎意料发生的事情,后接不定式,表示定式,表示“碰巧;恰好碰巧;恰好”之意。之意。例:例:The sports meeting will take place in our school. 运动会将在我校举行。运动会将在我校举行。 I happened to be in the lab that day. 那天我碰巧在实验室。那天我碰巧在实验室。2. It happens on April 1st every year and is a day when man

23、y people play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other. 愚人节是每年的四月一日愚人节是每年的四月一日,在这一天,人们互相捉弄开各种玩笑。,在这一天,人们互相捉弄开各种玩笑。 play tricks on sb. 意为意为“捉弄某人捉弄某人”,而而play jokes on sb.则是则是“对某人开玩笑对某人开玩笑 ”的意思。的意思。Its impolite to laugh at, stare at or play _on disabled people A. fun B. jokes C. tricks D. parts 试一试试

24、一试C3. Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy as much spaghetti as they could. 很多很多 人跑到当地的超市抢购尽可能多的意大利面条。人跑到当地的超市抢购尽可能多的意大利面条。as +形容词形容词/副词的原级副词的原级+ as sb. can / could 相当相当于于as + 形容词形容词/副词原级副词原级+ as possible,意为,意为“尽尽可能地可能地”,在句中作状语。,在句中作状语。 例:例: We must do everything as well as we can. = W

25、e must do everything as well as possible. 我们要尽量做好每一件事。我们要尽量做好每一件事。4. Many April Fools jokes may end up being not very funny.许多愚人节笑话可能以不是许多愚人节笑话可能以不是很有趣而告终。很有趣而告终。 end up doing sth.意为意为“以以 . 结束,以结束,以 . 告终告终”。例:例:I must make good use of my spare time, or I will end up doing nothing. 我必须充分利用空闲的时间我必须充分利

26、用空闲的时间,否则我的生否则我的生 命将会在无所事事中告终。命将会在无所事事中告终。5. He asked her to marry him. 他向她求婚。他向她求婚。 marry sb. 意为意为“嫁嫁/娶某人娶某人”。 get married to sb. 意为意为“嫁嫁/娶某人娶某人;与某人结与某人结婚婚”,为短暂性词组。,为短暂性词组。 be married to sb. 意为意为“嫁嫁/娶某人;与某人结娶某人;与某人结婚婚”,是延续性词组。,是延续性词组。 例:例: She married John last year. = She got married to John last

27、year. = She has been married to John for one year. 她去年嫁给了她去年嫁给了John。6. In that month in 1938, actor Orson Welles announced on his radio program that aliens from Mars had landed on the earth. 在在1938年年 的那个月,演员奥森的那个月,演员奥森.威尔斯在他的广播节目威尔斯在他的广播节目 中宣布火星人已经登陆地球。中宣布火星人已经登陆地球。 land on 意为意为“着陆;降落于着陆;降落于”,反义词组为,

28、反义词组为 “take off ”, 意为意为“起飞起飞”。例:例:Be careful! The plane is going to land on the airport. 小心点!飞机马上要降落于飞机场了。小心点!飞机马上要降落于飞机场了。2e Tell your funny story from 2a to the class. The class will vote for:a. the funniest jokeb. the most embarrassing joke c. the most creative joke A: Whats your story?B: Well, l

29、ast year, on the first day of school, my sister put a piece of paper on my back that said “Please say hello.” All morning at school .3a Can you remember a lucky or an unlucky day? What happened? Make some notes about what you remember.What was the date?What happened first?Was this lucky or unlucky?

30、Why?What happened next?How did the day ended?How did you feel about this day?3b Write a story about your lucky or unlucky day and tell your story to a partner or the class. My lucky/unlucky dayI will always remember the dateThis was the luckiest/unluckiest day of my lifeWhen I woke up that morning L

31、ater that day,I couldnt believe Then/After that, Finally, I think What a lucky/an unlucky day!Sample writingMy lucky day I will always remember the date February 28, 2014. This was the luckiest day of my life. When I woke up that morning, the sky was very dark. I took the early bus to school as usua

32、l. As soon as I arrived at school, it started to rain very heavily. Many students were late and were all wet when they got to school. But I wasnt because I caught the early bus, or I would have been late and wet as well! Later that day, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet and couldnt buy lunch. I couldnt believed it. Then my friend Lisa said she could share her lunch with me. Fina


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