



1、不定式与动名词专题练习1i dont allow _ in my drawing room. i dont allow my family _ at all. a. smoking;to smoke b. to smoke;smoking c. to smoke;to smoke d. smoking;smoking选a。allow要用动名词做宾语,用动词不定式作宾语补足语。2your clothes need _. a. washed b. to be washed c. to wash d. being washing选b。need to be done相当于need doing, 表示被

2、动语态。3this bike is not worthy _. a. to be repaired b. of repairing c. to repair d. repairing选a。be worthy to be done的意思是某事值得被做。4_ provides us with essential nutrients, while _ provides us with oxygen. a. to eat; breathing b. eating; to breathec. eating; breathing d. eaten; breathed选c。while是并列连词,连接两个并列

3、的动名词结构。5rebecca was unhappy for _ the first chance to go abroad. a. not having been given b. not having given c. not giving d. having been given选a。not having been done是动名词的完成被动式的否定形式,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前,而且是被动的。6_ is better to love than _. a. that; to be loved b. that; be love c. it; be loved d. it; to be

4、loved选d。it在句中作形式主语;than连接两个并列的动词不定式。7ive got the loaf; now im looking for a bread knife _. a. cutting it by b. cutting it with c. to cut it with d. to cut it by选c。动词不定式作后置定语;with表示工具;by表示手段。8im glad _ by him yesterday. a. not be seen b. to not have been seen c. not to have been seen d. not to have s

5、een选c。not to have been done是动词不定式的完成被动式的否定形式,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前。9-what do you think about english? -its a difficult language _. a. speaking b. to be spoken c. to speak d. spoken选c。可以在不定式前加上for sb.作为逻辑主语,因此是主动的。10he would rather stay at home than _ out with you.a. go b. to goc. going d. goes选a。句型would rat

6、her do than do意思是宁愿也不愿。11im considering _ your offer.a. to have accepted b. being acceptedc. accepting d. to accept选c。consider表示考虑时后面用动名词形式。12-whats made ruth so upset?- _ three tickets to the folk music concert.a. lost b. losingc. because of losing d. since she lost选b。只有losing这个现在分词才可以作句子的主语。13befo

7、re _ to the college, he had to go through an examination.a. admitting b. to admitc. being admitted d. having been admitting选c。before是介词,后面要用动名词;被大学录取应该用被动形式。14she pretended _ me when i passed by.a. not to see b. not seeing c. to not see d. having not seen选a。pretend后面要用动词不定式。15the story was so funny

8、that we _.a. couldnt help laugh b. cant but laughc. couldnt help laughing d. couldnt help but to laugh选c。cant help doing表示情不自禁。16dont forget _ this book to john when you see him.a. to return b. returningc. return d. to returning选a。forget to do表示忘记去做某事;forget doing表示忘记做过某事。17-its getting very late. m

9、aybe we shouldnt go.- no, lets go. getting there late is better than _ at all.a. we dont arrive b. to arrive notc. not to arrive d. not arriving选d。than连接两个并列的动名词结构。18only one of these books is _.a. worth to read b. worth being readc. worth of reading d. worth reading选d。be worth doing表示某事值得被做。19we ar

10、e both looking forward to _ next week.a. going on vacation b. go on vacationc. be going on vacation d. have gone on vacation选a。在look forward to中,to是介词,后面接动名词。20remember _ the newspaper when you have finished it.a. putting back b. having put backc. to put back d. will put back选c。remember to do表示记得去做某

11、事;remember doing表示记得做过某事。21he had no difficulty _ the problems.a. working out b. having worked outc. to have worked out d. to work out选a。have difficulty in doing表示在某方面有困难。22the sentence wants _ once more.a. to explain b. explainingc. being explained d. to be explained it选b。want doing相当于want to be do

12、ne, 表示被动。23articles used by patients must be disinfected before _ others.a. using b. being used byc. used by d. being using选b。before是介词,后面用动名词;本题要用被动形式。24i regretted _ that to her.a. having said b. to have saidc. to say d. /选a。regret doing表示后悔做过某事。25our monitor suggested _ a discussion of the subjec

13、t.a. to have b. should havec. have d. having选d。suggest后面只能用动名词,不能用不定式。26i cant understand _ at her.a. you laugh b. you to laughc. why laugh d. your laughing选d。understand后面用动名词;your是动名词的逻辑主语。27in order to reach the top of the hill in six hours, they try _.a. to climb the mountain hardly b. hard to cl

14、imb the mountainc. to climb hardly the mountain d. to climb the mountain hard选d。hard是努力的意思;hardly是几乎不的意思。28i happened _ the article when he asked me about it.a. having read b. to have readc. to be read d. reading选b。happen后面用不定式;to have done是完成式。29he is said _ to london already.a. having sent b. to b

15、e sendingc. to have been sent d. being sent选c。本句的意思是据说他已经被送去伦敦了,用不定式的完成被动式。30the little boy insisted on _ with a cake.a. being served b. to be servedc. serving d. serve选a。insist on是坚持的意思,后面用动名词,本题要用被动形式。31mr. crossett seemed _ the visitor somewhere before.a. meeting b. to have metc. to be meeting d.

16、 to meet选b。seem后面用不定式,to have met是完成式。32he asked who was the man _ on.a. to be operating b. operatingc. to operate d. being operated选d。being operated on是后置定语,表示正在被做手术的。33i apologize for _ my promise.a. not having keptb. being keptc. not to have kept d. having not kept选a。介词for后面用动名词的完成式。34he doesnt l

17、ike _ in public.a. praising b. to be praisedc. to praise d. praised选b。like后面可以用动名词也可以用不定式;本题要用被动形式。35the doctor was careful _ the patient the truth.a. not having told b. not to tellc. to not tell d. not telling选b。在careful这样的表示性质或状态的形容词后面常用不定式。36will you _ me _ out this problem myself?a. forbid; to w

18、ork b. allow; workc. le; work d. permit; working选c。let后面用省略to的不定式作宾语补足语。37-what do you think of this school?-it is a very good _.a. studying school b. school for children to studyc. school to study in d. school to study选c。school与study的关系是状语与动词,因此介词in不能省略。38he loves parties. he is always the first _ and the last _.a. of coming; of leaving b. comes; leavesc. to come; to leave d. coming; leaving选c。在序数词后面用


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