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1、M3U2 LanguageTeaching aims:By the end of the class, you will be able to1.consolidate the vocabulary and sentences;2.apply what you have revised to your writing.self a gesture to defeat the enemy2.distinguish right from wrong3.battle against the tough weather4.indicate signs of recove

2、ry5.object to racial discrimination6.reward sb for his good deeds7.drag the boat with great strength8.make a distinction between right and e up with a unique solution10. a well-established custom11. a complicated process 12. the latest version13. convenient transport Key wordsA:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式根据提示,

3、写出下列单词的适当形式 1 vt.占领,占用占领,占用(时间、空间等时间、空间等) n 占领,占用;职业占领,占用;职业 adj忙于忙于的;已被占用的的;已被占用的2 n关心;忧虑关心;忧虑 vt.涉及;使担忧;对涉及;使担忧;对感兴感兴 趣趣 adj.担心的担心的 prep.关于关于occupyconcernedoccupation concerningconcernoccupied占领这座城市占领这座城市忙于调查忙于调查people people concerned with the murder caseconcerned with the murder casea a concerne

4、dconcerned father fathermany officials many officials concerned concerned were sent to prison.were sent to prison.issues issues concerning traffic safetyconcerning traffic safetyoccupy this cityoccupy this citybe occupied with the investigationbe occupied with the investigation/occupy oneself with t

5、he investigation/occupy oneself with the investigation与谋杀案与谋杀案有关有关的人群的人群一位一位担心担心的父亲的父亲很多很多相关相关官员被送入监狱官员被送入监狱关于关于交通安全的问题交通安全的问题3 vi.相异,有区别相异,有区别 n差异差异 adj.不不同的同的4 vt.显示,表示;象征显示,表示;象征 n迹象,征兆迹象,征兆5 adj.切实可行的,实用的切实可行的,实用的 n练习;实践练习;实践6 6 vtvt. .简化简化 adjadj. . advadv. .仅仅,只仅仅,只是;简单明了地;简直是;简单明了地;简直differdi

6、fferencedifferentpracticalindicationindicatepracticesimplifysimplysimpleOur attitudes towards honesty Our attitudes towards honesty makes a differencemakes a difference to our life. to our life.有实用价值有实用价值惯例惯例简化生产过程简化生产过程我们对于正直的态度会我们对于正直的态度会影响影响到到我们的生活。我们的生活。be of practical valuebe of practical value

7、common practicecommon practicesimplify the process of productionsimplify the process of production7 adj.完全的,整个的完全的,整个的 adv.完全的,整个地完全的,整个地8 vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征区分,辨别;使具有某种特征 adj.受人尊敬的,令人钦佩的;气度非凡的,受人尊敬的,令人钦佩的;气度非凡的,仪表出众的仪表出众的entirelyentiredistinguishdistinguishedI am I am in entire agreement within entire

8、 agreement with you. you.distinguish oneselfdistinguish oneself莫言因为获得诺贝尔文学奖而名声大噪。莫言因为获得诺贝尔文学奖而名声大噪。Mo YanMo Yan distinguished himselfdistinguished himself by winning the Nobel by winning the Nobel Prize for Literature.Prize for Literature.9 adj.人种的,种族的人种的,种族的 n人种,种族人种,种族10 adj.温柔的,平和的温柔的,平和的 adv.温柔地

9、,平和地温柔地,平和地11 n区别,差别区别,差别 adj.明显不同的;不明显不同的;不同种类的同种类的racialracegentledistinctiondistinctgently B.一言辨异一言辨异(根据语境,用所给单词的适当形式填空根据语境,用所给单词的适当形式填空)12I asked him for a towards the cost of the trip, but he refused to .(contribute)13To some parents , their children are too to consult the teachers about some q

10、uestions. (embarrass)14My home is located just off the mainstreet. Its for you to drop in. Please come at your .(convenient)embarrassmentcontributionconvenientlyconvenientcontributeembarrassedembarrassingconvenienceA. 根据汉语提示写出短语根据汉语提示写出短语1*_由由组成组成(构成构成)2*_ 以以命名命名3*_除除之外之外4*_ 对对做出贡献做出贡献5*_ 控制,取得对控制,取

11、得对的控制的控制6*_ 导致导致7*_ 经历,遭受经历,遭受8*_ 抬头看;查找抬头看;查找be made up of/consist of/be composed ofname afteraside from/apart from/in addition to/on top ofmake contributions to/contribute toKey phrases and expressionstake control oflead to/result in/contribute to/bring aboutgo through/undergolook up9. *_ 取笑取笑10.*

12、_ 总之,最后总之,最后11.* _ 与与不同,不同于不同,不同于12.*_ 作为整体,总体上作为整体,总体上13.*_在在中起作用;在中起作用;在中扮演角色中扮演角色14. at one time _15. keep on _16. come true _17. come into use _18. work on _19. of practical use _20. in that _make fun of /make jokes about in conclusion/in summary/in short/to sum up differ from/be different froma

13、s a wholeplay a part in曾经,一度曾经,一度继续继续(愿望)实现,变成现实(愿望)实现,变成现实开始被使用开始被使用从事,致力于从事,致力于实用的实用的因为,原因在于因为,原因在于(二二)选用以上标有选用以上标有*的短语填空的短语填空(其中有两个是多余的其中有两个是多余的)1. Eating too much sugar can _ health problems.2. The book published last year _ three parts. 3. The house ours in having no garage.4. Is the collection

14、 going to be divided up or sold _?5. the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.lead toconsists of/ is made up ofdiffers fromas a wholeAside from1.After the Norman Conquest, high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English.仿仿写写他们有一半的人赞成这个想法,另一半的人持反对意见。他们有一半的人赞成这个想法,另一半的人持

15、反对意见。Useful sentence patternsHalf of them Half of them are for are for the idea the idea whilewhile the rest the rest are againstare against it. it.Half of them Half of them subscribe tosubscribe to the idea while the rest the idea while the rest objectobject to it. to it.2.The Chinese language diff

16、ers from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.仿仿写写新版本更好是因为它能够提供更快的因特网服务。新版本更好是因为它能够提供更快的因特网服务。The new version is The new version is betterbetter in thatin that it provides it provides faster access to the Internet.faster access

17、 to the Internet.The new version is The new version is superiorsuperior in thatin that it provides faster it provides faster access to the Internet.access to the Internet.3. Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects.仿仿写写不是人人都能回答这样一个简单的问题的。不是人人都能回答这样一个简单的问题的。Not everyoneNot everyone

18、can answer such an easy question. can answer such an easy question.Memorize the phrases1.occupy this occupied with the investigation/occupy oneself with the investigation3.people concerned with the murder case4.a concerned father5.Many officials concerned were sent to prison.6.issues concer

19、ning traffic of practical mon practice9.simplify the process of production10. distinguish oneself 我是一名记者,这是一份有挑战性的职业。由于我工我是一名记者,这是一份有挑战性的职业。由于我工作作太忙太忙,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。我的工作跟,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。我的工作跟学生学生有关有关。最近我发现越来越多的家长。最近我发现越来越多的家长关心关心交通安全交通安全问题。问题。在我看来在我看来,任何与学生,任何与学生有关有关的话题都是值得重的话题都是值得重视的。视的。I

20、 am a journalist. It is a challenging occupation. I have been occupied with work and I dont have time for social activities. My work is concerned with students. Recently more and more parents are concerned about traffic safety. In my opinion, anything concerning students is worth paying attention to

21、. I am a journalist. It is a challenging occupation. 合并成一句合并成一句 I am a journalist,which is a challenging occupation.Beautify the sentencesI have been occupied with work and I dont have time for social activities.1.使用连词(使用连词(so that ) I have been so occupied with work that I dont have time for social

22、 activities.2.使用倒装句使用倒装句 So occupied with work have I been that I dont have time for social activities.3.使用非谓语动词使用非谓语动词 Occupied with work, I dont have time for social activities. Recently more and more parents are concerned about traffic safety. 使用高级短语使用高级短语 Recently an increasing number of parents

23、 are concerned about traffic safety.In my opinion, anything concerning students is worth paying attention to. 使用高级短语使用高级短语 As far as I am concerned, anything concerning students is worth paying attention to. On my personal note, anything in/with regard to students should be attached importance to. 使

24、用从句使用从句 On my personal note, anything which concerns students should be attached importance to.我是一名记者,这是一份有挑战性的职业。由于我工作我是一名记者,这是一份有挑战性的职业。由于我工作太忙太忙,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。我的工作跟学,我一直没有时间参加社交活动。我的工作跟学生生有关有关。最近我发现越来越多的家长。最近我发现越来越多的家长关心关心交通安全问交通安全问题。题。在我看来在我看来,任何与学生,任何与学生有关有关的话题都是值得重视的话题都是值得重视的。的。 I am a journalist,which is a challenging occupation. Occupied with work, I dont have time for social activities. My work is concerned with students. Recently an increasing number of parents are concerned about traffic safety. On my personal note, anything which concerns students should be attached impo


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