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1、Unit 1 Nice People, Nice Places课题:Nice People, Nice Places使用教材: 英语(基础模块),2009授课内容: 第一册 第一单元授课时数: 12节课课程安排: 12 课时 Warming up, Listening and Speaking 34 课时 Reading and Writing 56 课时 Grammar, Language in Use 78 课时 Skill Practise, Pronunciation Exercise, Around the World 910 课时 For Better Performance, E

2、xercises 1112 课时 Review, Excercises, Test语言知识目标: 学生能够掌握一些常用的国家、国籍名称以及环境和人文情况简单介绍的英文表达。能掌握形容词作定语和表语的基本方法。掌握there be句型的基本用法。学习音标/和/a:/的发音,并掌握相应字母和字母组合的读音规则。语言技能目标: 能够运用there be句型和部分描述环境人文的形容词来介绍曾经旅行过或者向往喜欢的地方的情况。1st 2nd Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to recognize and understand the meanings of

3、 the following new words. America, Australia, Britain, Egypt, France, country, beautiful, tourist, American, Chinese, French, Australian, northwest, modern.2. To be able to talk about people and places.Main points:1. Vocabularies of countries and nationalities and descriptive words. 2. Listening and

4、 speaking skills about travels and countries.Difficult points:1. Recognization and reaction towards the words by listening.2. How to describe people and places.Teaching Methods:Asking, performing, listening and speaking.Teaching Procedure:Warming upStep I: Lead - in (5 mins)1. Ask Ss about summer ho

5、liday and lead to topic of Olympic Games. Ask questions about the 30th Olympic Games. Did you watch TV in summer holiday? What did you watch? Q1: Which country held the Olympic Games? Britain Q2: Which country got the first place of the medal ranking? America(46 gold medals) Q3: Which country is the

6、 second place? China (38 gold medals) Q4: Which country will hold the next Olympic Games? Brazil (里约热内卢Rio de Janeiro) Q5: Which country do you like to visit? 设计意图:由2012年的伦敦奥运会作为引入,通过问题与学生互动导入部分国家和国籍名称。Step II: Vocabulary (15 mins)1. Show six pictures to Ss and let them guess which city / country th

7、ey are. Britain China France Australia Egypt America 2. Help Ss to pronounce and spell.3. Use the pictures to practice. Use fast reaction. 设计意图:FAST REACTION 通过卡片的展示并让学生快速反应国家名称,更加形象记忆深刻,同时注意学生发音的准确性和长音节单词拼写记忆的方法。Eg: America A-me-ri-ca Australia Aus-tra-lia Egypt E-gypt4. Connect some countries to t

8、heir nationalities.China Chinese France french America American 5. Ask Ss which words they dont know and explain meanings and usage of them and use them to translate sentences. Find 感觉,认为 eg: 你觉得怎么样? How do you find it?Beautiful = good looking eg: 她是一位美丽的女孩。She is a beautiful girl. 城市里有许多美丽的公园。There

9、 are many beautiful parks in the city. 初步引出There be 句型Nice = good and friendly eg: 我的祖母人很好。 My grandma is very nice. 她是一位很和蔼的老师。She is a very nice teacher.Step III: Listening (about 20mins)1. Listen to the dialogue to finish the Part 4. Check the answers.2. Let Ss repeat after the teacher. Pay more

10、attention to the intonation and let Ss translate some sentences into Chinese. How long have you been in China? 你在中国多久了? How do you find it? 你觉得这里怎么样? = What do you think of .? The country is beautiful and the people are nice.环境优美,人也友好。 Where are you from? 可以表示询问来自的国家,国籍,还有学校,公司etc.设计意图:多次重复可以帮助学生增强英

11、语语感,从中文翻译到复读可以提高学生的听力理解能力。Listening and SpeakingStep I: Vocabulary II (5 mins)1. Ask Ss about the meaning of words. Let Ss read after the teacher. Eg: If two friends havent seen each others for a long time. At the time they meet long time no seeStep II: Listening Practice. (15 mins) 1st: Listen once

12、 and speak out some words or sentences they catch in the first time. 2nd: Listen again and finish Part 3 and check 3rd: Repeat after the teacher (imitate the intonation) and explain some language point. Im just back from London. - Im from London. 区别 There are It must be Step III: Speaking Practice.

13、(10 mins)Offer a pattern for Ss to practice simple expressions and descriptive words. T makes a dialogue with one S first and then asks several pairs to present themselves in class. Tips: Beijing crowded famous Tiananmen Square Guangzhou modern a lot of tall buildings Nice / friendly设计意图:通过提供情境,引导性地

14、让学生懂得运用所学的知识进行对话,鼓励学生大胆说出英语。Step IV: Practice (15 mins)1. Review the adj. learned just now beautiful nice noisy friendly clean modern tall2. Listen to the recording and finish Part 5 & Part 6. Check the answers.3. Match the countries and nationalities. Let the Ss match it and check. Then ask them to

15、 fast respond the nationalities/countries by speaking out the countries/nationalities.Step V Summary and Review (5 mins)Sum up what has been learnt today and ask Ss about vocabulary and some translation of sentences. Eg: America, Australia, Britain, Egypt, France, modern, Italian, Australian etc. 她是

16、一位美丽的女孩。She is a beautiful girl.那女孩很美丽。That girl is beautiful. 你觉得怎么样? How do you find it? = What do you think of it? 那儿有很多美丽的公园。There are many beautiful parks.Im just back from London. - Im from London. It must be very busy and noisy. 想必那儿既热闹又吵闹。Homework: Recite the words. Preview Reading and Writi

17、ng.Unit 1 Nice People, Nice Places Britain China France Britsh Chinese French Aus tra lia E gy pt A me ri ca Australian Egyptian American Italy Iitalian Canada CanadianJanpan Janpanese Korea - KoreanBeau ti fulBlackboard design:How did you find it?= what do you think of it?Tips: Beijing crowded famo

18、us Tiananmen Square Guangzhou modern a lot of tall buildingsThere beThere is / areIt must be Comments on teaching and study:3rd4th Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to recognize and understand the meanings of the following new words and phrases: Canadian, Canada, cashier, give sb a ride, museum

19、, British, Italy, be new to, say hello to2. To be able to describe people with more detailsMain points:3. Vocabularies of descriptive words. 4. Reading and writing skills about some country or nationality.Difficult points:1. Organization of a short passage about country and nationality.2. Ability to

20、 find and collect the information in a text by reading.Teaching Methods:Asking, listening, speaking and praticing.Teaching Procedure:Reading and writingStep I. Warm up(5 mins) Review the knowledge that learnt last periods. Eg: countries and nationality sentences and phrasesStep II. Vocabulary(10 min

21、s) 1. Ask Ss which words they know and explain the difficult words. Let Ss read after teacher. Give sb a ride = drive sb to sp Eg: Sofia gave me a ride to my home yesterday. = Sofia drove me to my home yesterday.Step III. Listening and reading(45 mins) 1. Read the text with three questions in mind a

22、nd line out the answers. Ask some Ss to answer. 2. Read the text themselves and try to finish Part 3 and Part 4. Check the answers.3. Let the Ss read out the text and teach them some language points. Say hello to . say goodbye / no / yes to .Eg: The waiters will say hello to every customer. Greet =

23、say hello to Be new to . Eg: 许多学生对这个学校还很陌生。Many students are still new to this school.他上周刚来公司,对工作还不熟悉。He came to company last week, so he is new to work. Talk to sb . talk about sth . talk to sb about sth Eg: The teacher is talking to students about the arrangement of lessons.Like old friend 像老朋友一样

24、-喜欢Step IV. Practice(20 mins) 1. Finish Part 5 and check the answers. 1. Practice the Part 6 by pairs. Ask some to present the dialogue. 2. Use adj. to describe the school / classroom.Help the Ss to finish and remember the knowledge points.Step V Summary and Review (10 mins) Review the lesson. Help

25、Ss to recite some words well. Give sb a ride = drive sb to sp Say hello to . say goodbye / no / yes to . Be new to . Greet = say hello to Talk to sb . talk about sth . talk to sb about sthLike old friend Homework: Copy the words.(Dictation next period)Blackboard design:Say hello to . say goodbye / n

26、o / yes to .Eg: The waiters will say hello to every customer. Greet = say hello to Be new to . Eg: 许多学生对这个学校还很陌生。Many students are still new to this school.他上周刚来公司,对工作还不熟悉。He came to company last week, so he is new to work. Talk to sb . talk about sth . talk to sb about sth Eg: The teacher is talkin

27、g to students about the arrangement of lessons.Like old friend 像老朋友一样 -喜欢Comments on teaching and study:5th6th Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to understand the grammar There be & adj.2. To be able to use There be and adj. to make or transform sentences.Main points:1. There be sentence and it

28、s question and negative sentence. 2. Usage of adj.Difficult points:1. Predicate verb of There be2. Adj. to describe noun.Teaching Methods:Asking, performing, listening and speaking.Teaching Procedure:Grammar and Languege in UseStep I. Warm up(10 mins) Dictation. Step II. Languege Points and Practice

29、(70 mins)A. 1. There be sentence. 表示某处存在有某物,某地有某物。 There is / are sth ( sp ).(1). 谓语动词就近原则。 There are many students in the classroom.(2). 否定句和疑问句 some - any There are some books on the desk. 否定句: There are not any books on the desk. 疑问句: Are there any books on the desk?2. Oral PracticeLet Ss use the

30、 There be to describe the pictures. 3. Exercise Let Ss finish and check the answers. Ss Book P17.1 & Ex Book P14.1 Ss Book P17.2 & Ex Book P14.2,3B. 形容词作表语 / 定语。 系表结构 be + adj. That girl is beautiful. 定语修饰名词 adj. + n. There is a beautiful girl. 1. Review the adj. that learnt.Ask Ss to make some sent

31、ences to describe the Shantou / friends. Beautiful nice friendly noisy quiet clean tall modern kind polite warm2. Ss Book P17.3 & Ex Book P15.4Step III Summary and Review (10 mins)Sum up the language points. Use There be and adj. to describe the picture again.Homework: recite text on P15.2Blackboard

32、 design:There is / are sth ( sp ).某处存在有某物 .否定句- There is / are not 疑问句-Is there ? Are there ?There is / are some .? 否定句- There is / are not any 疑问句-Is there any ? Are there any ?eg: 否定句: There are not any books on the desk. 疑问句: Are there any books on the desk?.beautiful nice friendly cold modern wa

33、rm cool interesting big small tall Comments on teaching and study:7th8th Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to use all the language points that learnt.2. To be able to pronounce the / & /a: / and their alpabet rule.3. To know some western culture through reading.Main points:1. / & /a: / and thei

34、r word rules2. Comprehension of the whole unitDifficult points:1. To remember and master the rule of / & /a: /Teaching Methods:Asking, listening, speaking and praticing.Teaching Procedure:Skill PracticeStep I. Warm up(15 mins) Lead-in 1. Talk something about Teachers Day. Which teacher do you like ?

35、 Which subject does he / she teach? candle day and night chalk 2. *音标补习英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/:/:/:/i:/U:/短元音/e/e/a/ 双元音/e/a/辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/轻辅音/h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/r/dz/d/dr/鼻音/m/n/ 半元音/j/ w/边音/ 本节补习内容 轻辅音/p/t/浊辅音/b/d/3. Read out the vocabularies and texts. Ss Book P161, P13.2 & P15.2S

36、tep II. Listen Practice(20 mins) 1. Listen to the recording and finish Part 1. Check the answers. 2. Review the languege points. Let Ss translate Chinese into English. There be (is / are) . 就近原则 Eg: There are several tall Italians outside the classroom. There is a golden vase in the museum. 形容词作表语和定

37、语 Eg: Winter is warm and the summer is cool here. The London Olympic Game is very wonderful.Step III. Speaking Practice(15 mins) 1. Ask Ss about questions. Where are you from? Is .from .? How do you find .? / What do you think of .? Are there .? Is there .? 2. Pair work Practice the Part 2 by pair.S

38、tep IV. Pronunciation Exercise(15 mins) / / o come love lovely worry honey company month other ou country touch cousin u culture summer fun run just lunch unhappy much/ a: / a class classroom grass glass ah France photograph ar guard party card start far bar smart star dark 1. Let Ss try to pronounc

39、e the alphabet and correct their prononciation. Ask some to present in class.2. Try to read out the sentence as fast and correct as possible. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.Around the world Step V. Listening Pracitce(10 mins) 1. Listen to the recording a

40、nd repeat after it Around the world = all over the worldStep VI. Reading Practice(20 mins)1. Let Ss find out adj. in the text and use them to make sentence. Amazing clear pretty golden good Amazing 描写事物 - amazed 描写人的情感2. Change a sentence into There be. The Statue of Liberty stands at the mouth of t

41、he Hudson River. - There is the Statue of Liberty at the mouth of the Hudson River.Step VII Summary and Review (5 mins)Review the alphabet. Homework: Finish P18.3 write three sentences to describe the pictures. There be (is / are) . 就近原则 形容词作表语和定语/ / o come love lovely worry honey company month othe

42、r ou country touch cousin u culture summer fun run just lunch unhappy much/ a: / a class classroom grass glass ah France photograph ar guard party card start far bar smart star dark Blackboard design:candle work day and night chalk Around the world = all over the worldComments on teaching and study:

43、9th10th Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to fast reading and find out some information points.2. To be able to well master the whole unit through exercises especially the vocabulary.Main points:1. Repeated practice and exercisesDifficult points:1. From memory to applicationTeaching Methods:Ask

44、ing, listening, speaking and praticing.Teaching Procedure:Step I. Warm up(10 mins)1. Review the lesson and let some Ss read out their homework. 2. *音标补习 本节补习内容 轻辅音/k/f /浊辅音/g/v/Step II. Fast Reading(15 mins)1. Let Ss read text and finish Part 2. Check the answers. At least 至少 Be close to . 接近.Step I

45、II. Practice and Exercise(65 mins)1. Review vocabulary of countries and nationalities. Let Ss fast respond to the T. 2. Let Ss read out the dialogue by groups. P13.2 & P13.4Ask Ss about the language points.3. Finish exercise on P1213 Ex Book. Help Ss to finish and check the answer. Amphasize the lan

46、guage points.4. Review the adj. (Use P16.6 to practice) Let Ss write down adj. that learnt. Use them to translate into English one by one. beautiful nice friendly cold modern warm cool interesting big small tall polite noisy clean crowded golden Homework: write a compasition about a travel experienc

47、e.Blackboard design: 轻辅音/k/f /浊辅音/g/v/At least 至少 Be close to . 接近.beautiful nice friendly cold modern warm cool interesting big small tall politeComments on teaching and study:11th12th Periods Aims and demands:1. To be able to memory the language points2. To be able to well master the whole unit th

48、rough exercises especially the phrases and language points.Main points:1. Review the vocabulary and the texts1. Repeated practice and exercisesDifficult points:1. From memory to applicationTeaching Methods:Asking, listening, speaking and praticing.Step I. Warming up & Vocabulary (20 mins) 1. 本节补习音标

49、轻辅音/s/浊辅音/z/ 2. Game time. (1). Guess Let Ss guess a letter so that to fill in the blank words _ _ _ _ _ _ France _ _ _ _ _ _ modern _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amazing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ building _ _ _ _ _ _ polite _ _ _ _ _ Italy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ million (2). Fast reaction country - nationalityStep II. Phrases & sent

50、ence memory (25 mins)1. Review all the prases. ask Ss to write on the blackboard.a lot of=many all over the world get to at the same time give sb a ride=drive sb to around the world say hello to=greet 2. Let Ss recite the sentences and texts.Ss Book P15.2Step III. Exercises (20 mins)1. Check the exercise P1213. Ex.1,2,3,4 & P15.1 & P16.2,3 in Exercise Book. T walks aroun


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