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1、Boy 1: I _exercise.Girl 1: I _ go shopping.Boy 2: I _ go shopping. Girl 2: I _ go skateboarding.Boy 2: And I _watch TV.Girl 3: I _ever watch TV. I love reading.What do they usually do on weekends? Listen again and fill in the blanks.usuallyalwaysneveroftensometimeshardly1b -listening(写频词)总是总是通常通常常常常

2、常有时有时很少;几乎不曾很少;几乎不曾从未从未alwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly ever/ seldomnever100% 0%Adverbs of frequency频率副词Free TalkDo you think you have a healthy lifestyle?Lind-in good eating habits exercise often enough sleepingunhealthy 不健康的不健康的junk foodbe bad for healthnot healthy junk food bad forIs the food in

3、 the following pictures healthy or unhealthy?Healthy food healthy food2b词语翻译1.五中的学生五中的学生2.上个月上个月3.上网上网4.20%的学生根本不锻炼的学生根本不锻炼.5.15%6.每星期每星期4至至6次次7.根本不根本不8.我们对我们对感到吃惊感到吃惊9.至少至少10. 一个星期三四次一个星期三四次1. No. 5 High School students2. last month3. use the Internet/ go online4. Twenty percent of the students do

4、not exercise at all。5. fifteen percent6. four to six times a week7. not at all8. We were surprised that 9. at least10. three or four times a week2b词语翻译11.大多数学生上网为例玩而不大多数学生上网为例玩而不是为例功课。是为例功课。12.问题的答案问题的答案13.一个星期一至三次一个星期一至三次14. 13%15.游戏节目游戏节目16.最受欢迎最受欢迎17.做做是好的是好的/对的。对的。18.放松放松的最好办法的最好办法19.有益身心。有益身心。2

5、0.例如例如21.一起玩一起玩22.旧习难改。旧习难改。23.趁还不太晚,开始锻炼吧!趁还不太晚,开始锻炼吧!11.Most students go online for fun not for homework.12. the answers to the questions13. one to three times a week14. thirteen percent15. game shows16. the most popular17.Its good .to do .18. The best way to relax 19.Its healthy for the mind and

6、the body.20. such as21. play together22. Old habits die hard.23. Stare exercising before its too late!Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She _ exercises and she reads books _. Also, she

7、 _ drinks juice and she _ stays up late. alwaysevery day often hardly ever3aHowever, she has some bad habits, too.She _ watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she _ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she _ helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth clean

8、ing. She says she is afraid! usually sometimes hardly ever never3a3a词语翻译1.完成这份报告完成这份报告/调查调查2.熬夜熬夜3.看牙医洗牙看牙医洗牙4.一个一个16岁的中学生岁的中学生5.美国青少年杂志美国青少年杂志6.问某人关于问某人关于7.好好/坏习惯坏习惯8.然而然而9.一天超过一天超过2个小时个小时10. 她害怕。她害怕。1. complete the report/survey2. stay up late3. go to the dentist for teeth cleaning4. a 16-year-old

9、 high school student5. American Teenager magazine6. ask sb about 7. good/bad habits8. however9. more than / over 2 hours a day10. Shes afraid.1. Of course, I love junk food too, but I try to eat it only once a week. 【中考考点【中考考点】 My uncle doesnt have much money, _ he always enjoys himself. A. but B. s

10、o C. and D. or 【解析【解析】but 意为意为“但是但是”,表示,表示转折关转折关 系系;so 意为意为“因此因此”,表示因果关系;,表示因果关系;and 意为意为“而且而且”,表示并列关系,在汉语,表示并列关系,在汉语中中 常不译出来;常不译出来;or 意为意为“或者或者”,表示选,表示选择择 关系。根据句意,该题只能选关系。根据句意,该题只能选 A。 中考链接中考链接中考链接3. . although I do have one healthy habit. 【中考考点【中考考点】 _ they are brothers, they dont look like each o

11、ther at all. A. Because B. Although C. When D. As 【解析【解析】because 意为意为“因为因为”;though 相相当当 于于although, 意为意为“虽然,尽管虽然,尽管”;when 意意 为为“当当时候时候”;as 也意为也意为“当当时时 候候”。根据句意可知,该题选。根据句意可知,该题选 B。 ThoughBecause they are brothers, they look like each other very much.【课本重点【课本重点】 She says its good for my health. 【中考考点【

12、中考考点】 An apple a day is good _ your health. A. at B. for C. in D. with 【解析【解析】be good at 表示表示“擅长于擅长于”,be good for 表示表示“对对有益有益/好处好处”。be good一般不与介词一般不与介词 in 或或 with 搭配。根据句意可搭配。根据句意可知,该题只能选知,该题只能选 B。 中考链接中考链接 中考链接1. I hardly exercise so I think Im kind of _. A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy D. unhealt

13、h2. My sister likes fruits _ she doesnt like vegetables. A. and B. but C. or D. also3. Jims parents want him _ more fruit. A. eating B. eat C. to eat D. eatsChoose the right answers. 单选4. Maria likes _ every morning. A. run B. running C. runs D. runing5. Eating more fruit and vegetables is good _ ou

14、r health. A. to B. for C. at D. with 单选6. We _ go out to eat but not very often. A. usually B. always C. never D. sometimes 7. _ do you read English? A. What B. How often C. How far D. How much 单选复习复习The good habits of English study Read English every day Listen to English tapes every day Sing Engli

15、sh songs Watch English programs Try to talk in English Read English newspapers/magazines Write letters / diaries in English Make an English pen pal My healthy lifestyle Do you have a healthy lifestyle? I think I do/have. Because I have a good eating habit, and I always take exercise . For food, I al

16、ways drink some milk and have less fish, meat, chicken or eggs. Of course, I hardly ever eat junk food. Although cola and sweets are very delicious, I cant often have them. They are not good for my health. I take exercise every day. I often run , walk or play ball games. To be healthy, lets eat less

17、 junk food, but take more exercise. 作文 Last week I asked ten children of 8 to 12 in my neighborhood about their favorite activities. Here are the results. Five students like computer games and they play them four to five hours a day. Three (students) like watching TV and they watch it five to six ho

18、urs a day. Only two like playing games with other children outside. Well, children can learn to get on with others through playing games, and playing games also helps exercise the mind and the body. Children shouldnt spend much time on computer games or TV.课余活动调查报告 Jerrys story Jerry visited Beijing with his father at the age of five. After that, Jerry likes traveling very much. And he has a wonderful dream of traveling around the world. In college, Jerry


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