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1、week a contact, and month a met service system of based shang, gradually building a meet actual of leaders one-on-one and village (community) counsel service system. speed up the nationwide network of two hubs, one stop-style common law system construction, to build a comprehensive public legal serv

2、ices centre, provide legal advocacy, legal advice, legal assistance, dispute mediation, such as one-stop legal service, effectively serve the people the last mile problem. improve legal aid public satisfaction rate. continue to increase legal aid efforts, broaden the field of legal aid services and

3、channels, the economic difficulties the complainants case registration system, gradually included in the scope of legal aid, lower thresholds, transition assistance to low-income groups by disadvantaged groups, so that should aid assistance and support aid. sound district, town and village levels of

4、 legal aid network, pays special attention to legal aid volunteer team to form efficient and convenient legal aid for half an hour. strengthening the civil service convenience and benefit. legal service to the line, the administration of justice and promote development and strengthening the practice

5、 of public letters promoting fairness and justice topics such as practical activities as the carrier continued holiday reservation certificate, notary green channel, online registration and a number of initiatives for the convenience, ensure that the notary to complete service zero distance. receive

6、d and accepted strictly regulate notarization system strengthening sector collaborative linkage, improving the quality of notary to handle. continue to implement civil revitalization, upgrade the quality of talents, business development, regulatory strengthening innovation, image optimization, servi

7、ce six projects, promoting the standardization of notarization. five is working to enhance the administration of justice and social satisfaction. building a team of highly qualified police officers of administration of justice, is to accomplish various tasks, strong organizational guarantee to achie

8、ve established goals. strengthen team construction. strictly implementing the theory of group learning plan, keep studying month system, enhance the relevance of learning, effectiveness. adhere to the grass-roots level first-line investigation, deepening the three-three activities, linked to the imp

9、lementation mechanism, strengthen the team construction. focusing on system improvement. establish and improve the management system, system state, system management, system manager, deepening the open, normative acts, strictly implement democratic centralism, strengthen management, strengthen super

10、vision, improve the overall quality. one is to further rationalize the judicial system. implement the opinions on further strengthening the construction of judicial administrative, to straighten out the system, strengthening the personnel strength, improve the office conditions, focusing on active o

11、perations, raise their social image, and vigorously promote the construction of judicial administrative, consolidate the establishment of the judicial administrative achievements. increase evaluation efforts and adhere to the construction, management and work and guidance division . continues counte

12、r-four winds and consolidate the results of mass education activities, strengthen the style of efficiency construction. carry out the demonstration, warning education, and job education, enhance the relevance and effectiveness of education,测量放线(基础承台、桩位放样)(图文并茂版)与建筑第一线的放线朋友交流心得,不仔细的地方包涵了,谢谢the early

13、bird will catch the worm 卢真就是那个bird 1、建筑坐标与大地坐标 2、场地上4个大地坐标点由测绘站提供,在工程开始时,由甲方提供资料,测绘站引测到场地上(一般情况工地开始施工时,要复核,他们提供的都是点号太大,精确度不高,使用不方便等缺点)马路上控制点位置:一般位于马路十字路口,拐角,桥头等能通视的地方,距离在300500m不等看下图,简易的只有一个钉子正规点的图形3、场地控制点设置控制点一般设置在不变形、不位移、不容易被破坏的地方,比如说场地两侧马路、冠梁,有条件的情况下,可以安放在旁边建筑物的屋顶(门卫上头不错) 关于场地控制点的标志五花八门,永久牢固的当然钢

14、钉,还有十字墨线,红油漆配合,工地简易做法:弹十字墨线,方便易找,最好配合钢钉,这个东西,人踩多了会没掉的 1、把电子版地梁、承台图(桩位图)转化到大地坐标系中去;(建筑中有大地坐标和建筑坐标,测绘站给的在马路上的都是大地坐标,而图纸拿来时,标准的都是横平竖直建筑坐标系,这里需要图纸坐标转换,把建筑坐标转化成大地坐标,原理同全站仪测绘,一个基点,一个方向即可确定整个坐标系,如上图1,找到建筑上有大地坐标的点,移动整份图纸,以该点为基点,移动到相应大地坐标点位置,旋转整份图纸一个方位角,图纸就在大地坐标模式) 2、用pline将你要读的控制点连接起来;(pline连接时一定得注意顺序,连接后须看

15、看是否位于你需要的点上,可通过控制捕捉点来查看) 3、list (使用list时,进入的窗口最大化,可以列表更多的点坐标,list常常是列出20个左右的坐标点,下面如果显示为继续,则敲空格继续) 4、把它复制到excel里,点数据列表,一般选择固定列宽,如果发现x=或y=与数据没分开用,在上面点下,分开,预览可查看效果 5、编辑excel表格,转化坐标的格式、小数点保留情况、坐标编号等,特别是建筑中仪器与cad图纸的坐标刚好相反,得调换前后顺序 6、在sheet2 表格上建立sheet1 的链接,把整理后的数据如下显示 7、最后在每个点旁边写上控制点编号,这个有点繁琐。回到excel里,将第一

16、个点加工成如下格式textxxx.xx,yyy.yy300 文字高度0 文字角度用空格隔开一个道理,复制,粘贴到cad的命令行,提示是输入文字,把编号1输入,点编号2的位置,输入光标闪烁,输入文字2,依次类推即可8,、地下室砖胎膜承台的放线:在获取各个承台的角点坐标后即可放出承台四个角的点,两桩、单桩,四桩等标准的四边长方形的承台,可以放2个角点,再把承台尺寸交叉可以获得另外两个角,也可以把4个角全部放起来,三桩、五桩等不规则承台,所有角点都要放;9、地梁砖胎膜放线:把承台和地梁图纸加工成如下格式就是把承台和地梁的关系整理出来,通常是东、北两个方向,统一、方便,如上图,隐藏轴线,轴号等不利因素

17、,显示地梁、承台、后浇带、集水坑即可泥工在地梁带线时保证一个原则:能通则通,减少误差constructing the corruption line. strengthening professional ethics education for lawyers, legal workers, and strengthen services management window for the people, carry out supervision and inspection, solicit customer suggestions and opinions, and constantl

18、y improve our work efficiency, establish a good social image of the administration of justice. comrades: change of county, township and village levels in our county has been successfully completed. after the end of the general, cadres the focus of the work will no doubt move to strengthen the constr

19、uction of leading group of recurring, ideas, abilities, style and other aspects, guide and inspire leaders brace into the role, with a new look, new image, new as to meet new challenges, new mission, create the new achievement. according to province discipline and * municipal of unified deployment,

20、county decided in this year concentrated general end hou, in county members cadres in the carried out once clean pragmatic, and ruling for people theme education activities, main purpose is education guide general members cadres especially general hou of leaders at all levels cadres, further built p

21、rison people, and ruling for people concept, to strong of party and excellent of style, for achieved * new a round across development provides powerful guarantees. today this section independent commission against corruption party lecture, i wants to to clean pragmatic, ruling for people, firm set r

22、ight of values, and power views and achievement views for theme, and everyone exchange three a aspects of content: first, combined i county qian soon occurred of case, talk about current of anti-corruption situation, let everyone recognize current anti-corruption of severe sex and urgency; then, tal

23、k about leaders how through set right of values, and power views and achievement views, stitch, keep live repelling of bottom line; last, talk about being a leader should possess the kind of quality, how to clean a pragmatic wind power as people established good personal image. , analysis of the cur

24、rent phenomenon of violating-made easy, sadly corruption is an old heavy topic. it is like a cancer, a serious threat to a countrys development and stability. a national corruption when there is danger of subjugation; a person keen on corruption, its short life path that lead to death. from an inter

25、national perspective, world bank data show that in developed countries and in the developed countries, paid bribes of more than $ 1 trillion a year. international non-governmental organization against corruption report noted that because of government corruption, the global annual economic losses of us $ 400 billion. our country in 2010, discipline inspectio


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