1、目前,随着电子产品在人类生活中的使用越来越广泛,由此引起的火 灾也越来越多,在我们生活得四周到处潜伏着火灾隐患。为了避免火灾以 及减少火灾造成的损失,我们必须按照“隐患险于明火,防患胜于救灾, 责任重于泰山”的概念设计和完善火灾自动报警系统,将火灾消灭在萌芽 状态,最大限度地减少社会财富的损失。本系统可安装在各防火单位,它负责不断地向所监视的现场发车巡检 信号,监视现场的温度、浓度等,并不断反馈给报警控制器,控制器将接 到的信号与内存的正常整定值比较、判断确定火灾。当发生火灾时,可实 现声光报警、故障自诊断、浓度显示、报警限设置、延时报警及与上位机 串口通信等,是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方
2、便、价格低廉、智能化 的烟雾传感器,具有一定的实用价值。关键词:单片机;火灾报警;传感器3ABSTRACTNow, with electronic products used in life more and more widely, the result ing fire, more and more, we live in fire dan gers fire in preve nti on is better tha n disaster relief, the resp on sibility is extremely and improveme nt of automatic fir
3、e alarm system, fire nipped in the bud, the maximum reduce the loss of social wealth.The system can be in stalled in all fire un its, which is resp on sible for continuously monitoring the site to start the inspection signal, monitor the site of temperature, concen trati on, and continu ous feedback
4、 to the alarm con troller, the controller will receive the signal and the normal memory setting value was determ ined by compari ng to determ ine the fire. When fire occurs, can achieve sound and light alarm, fault diag no sis, concen trati on display, alarm limit setti ngs, delay alarm and serial c
5、om muni cati on with the 8-bit Microco ntroller with 8K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash AT89S529 S.M.Lo , C.M.Zhao , M.Liu , A .Coping. A simulation model for studying the impleme ntati on of performa nce-based fire safety desig n in buildi ngs J.Automations in Construction , 1998, 17(7): 852 863
6、.在本次毕业设计中,我得到了指导老师郑锋老师的悉心指导,郑老师 在论文的设计过程中提出了许多宝贵的合理建议,帮助解决毕业设计中遇 到的许多问题,还不断向我传授分析问题和解决问题的办法,并指出了正 确的努力方向,使得论文不断完善。在这里非常感谢郑老师的指导和帮助, 并致以诚挚的谢意!同时,论文的顺利完成,离不开同学和朋友的关心和帮助。在整个的 论文写作中,各位同学和朋友积极帮助我查资料,提供有利于论文写作的 建议和意见,在他们的帮助下,我最终完了整个论文。在此一并感谢!大学四年的时光转瞬即逝,在山东科技大学泰山科技学院的学习和生 活是我人生中一段非常宝贵而难忘的经历。感谢我的母校山东科技大学,
7、给我提供学习和生活的空间,真心地希望她的明天更加美好!附录 1 电路原理图附录 2 系统程序#include 0;i-)for(j=4;j0;j-) for(k=248;k0;k-);void panduan()当采集的温度高于阈值置 1,否则,置 0当采集的烟雾浓度高于阈值置 1,否则,if(Tem1Tem) a1=1; else a1=0;if(Tem2Tem) a2=1;else a2=0;if(Smok1 Smok) b1=1;置0else b1=0;if (Smok2 Smok ) b2=1;else b2=0;baojing()if(a1=a2&b1=b2) 两次采集数据的标志位相
8、同a=a1;b=b1;if(a=1&b=1) P22=1;P21=0;P23=1;P24=0; P25=1; 温度烟雾 标志位都是 1,发生火灾if(a=1&b=0) P23=0;P21=0;P22=1 ;P24=1; P25=1;if(a=0&b=1) P23=0;P21=0;P22=1;P24=1; P25=1;温度烟雾标志位只有一个 1,异常if(a=0&b=0) P22=0; 温度烟雾标志位都为 0,正 常;else P25=0;P23=1;P24=1; 两次采集的数据标志位不同,系统故 障附录 3 外文翻译火灾报警传统电子安全报警系统主要是通过传感器自动检测,产生报警信号,从现场发出
9、 报警信号或通过专门电缆近距离报警, 从而引起人们的警觉。 通过多年的研究和发展, 现在的报警器可以说是门类众多。由于报警器的飞速发展和社会各个领域的急切需 要,能应用的领域越来越多,特别是在民用领域更是急速发展。近年来,红外线报警器已经成为报警领域的一个热点,由于其采用的是不可见的 红外线探测,所以具有隐蔽性好、安全等特点。红外线传感器按机理不同可以分为光 探测型和热探测型。光探测传感器是利用光子效应的红外探测器。这类传感器响应速 度快、灵敏度高、检测特性好,但需要冷却,使用不方便。而且器件的检测灵敏度与 红外波长有关。热探测传感器是利用热释电效应的红外探测器。在接收到目标的红外 辐射后温度
10、升高,温度的升高又引起传感器内部某些物理量的变化,通过检测物理量 的变化来确定红外线辐射。这类传感器在室温条件下工作,检测灵敏度也很高,响应 速度也很快,而且与红外线辐射波长无关,可探测功率只受背景辐射的限制,应用很 方便。本文设计的是被动式热释电红外探测器。文 中主要论述了热释电的原理、热 释电探测器的特性、 BISS0001 传感信号处理器、 555 定时器组成的多谐振荡报警电路 等内容。最后设计完成了热释电红外探测报警器的硬件电路。随着现代家庭用火、用电量的增加,家庭火灾发生的频率越来越高。家庭火灾一 旦发生,很容易出现扑救不及时、灭火器材缺乏及在场人惊慌失措、逃生迟缓等不利 因素,最终
11、导致重大生命财产损失。探讨家庭火灾的特点及防火对策, 对于预防家 庭火灾,减少火灾损失具有现实意义 在现代城市家庭里,许多人因不懂家庭安全 常识引起火灾事故,使好端端的幸福家庭转眼间毁于一旦 ,有的导致家破人亡 ,而且一 旦发生居民家庭火灾,处置不当、报警迟缓,是造成人员受害的原因。人们应该积极了解家庭火灾的主要起因, 掌握防止发生火灾的知识和万一发生火灾时保护自己的方法 及时消除隐患。 英国每年发生 50000 起以上的严重家庭火灾,其中大部分火灾造成 人员伤亡和重大的家庭财产损失,有的还连累左邻右舍,火灾损失更加惨重。在调查 火灾起因的时候, 绝大多数发生火灾家庭的当事人说, 以前总觉得火
12、灾是人家的事情, 与自己离得很远,没有想到这一次竟然会发生在自己的头上。家庭火灾的主要原因是麻痹大意,没有及时采取预防措施。在我国的一些大中城 市,几乎每天都发生家庭火灾,所以防火是每个家庭必须时刻注意的问题。假如能根 据您家的实际情况预先采取简单的防火措施,一些悲剧是完全可以避免的。火灾自动报警系统是为了通知早期发现火,并采取有效措施 ,控制和战斗的火灾 ,并设置在建筑物或其他地方的火灾自动设备,是那些有一个强大的工具来灭火。 火灾报警系统 ,火灾探测器一般、区域集中报警报警和组成;也需要根据该项目与各种消防设施和通讯设备连接 ,形成了一个中央控制系统。从自动报警、自动消防、疏散过程显示,指
13、导 ,系统 ,消防了一个完整的档案管理、消防系统。火灾探测器是火灾探测手段 ,如舞台的烟和火将会产生高温火焰的细胞。 光和热的 烟雾 ,为电子信号通过发现者警报或自动灭火系统开始消防。地方的地板报警探测器可以发送信号转变的声、光报警 , 火在屏幕上显示房间号码 ;同时监测浓度一定的楼层的 报警 (如监视器位于建筑物的消防控制中心)输出信号或控制自动灭火系统。收到报警信号的浓度的声、光的方式显示 ,屏幕上也能体现具体着火层和房间号码,飞机停止服用第一个闹钟来记录时间、使用电话 ,但是也快成的火灾报警指点。此外,你可以控制的灭火系统或信号发送到消防的房间。火灾自动报警系统是由触发装置、火灾报警、火
14、灾报警装置及其它辅助功能的装 置组成的一个按钮消防报警系统的火灾报警系统。它可以燃烧的烟火灾的早期阶段 , 光和热放疗和其他的物理量 ,温度有关。摄影和其他烟和火事探测器成电子信号,传送给火灾报警控制器 ,同时也显示了这个地点的火里 ,火的记录时间。一般火灾报警系统、 自动喷淋系统、消火栓系统、防排烟系统、通风系统、空调系统、防火门、火百叶窗 , 烟幕之间的相互影响 ,以及其他相关设备的自动或手动发出指令开始对应的设备。(A)触发装置在火灾自动报警系统、 自动或手动火灾报警信号装置产生称为触发条 件 ,包括火灾探测器和手动火灾报警按钮。火灾探测器是它能发射参数(烟、温度、火焰辐射、气体浓度等
15、)的反应 ,并自动生成一个火灾报警信号装置。火响应参数,根据不同的火灾探测器变成热能探测器、烟雾探测器 ,敏感的火灾探测器 ,可燃气体探测器和 火灾探测器的五个基本类型复合材料。不同类型的火灾探测器为不同类型的火灾和不 同的地方。手动火灾报警按钮火灾报警信号生成的手动启动火灾自动报警系统装置、 火灾自动报警系统是一个不可或缺的组成部分。(B) 火灾报警装置在火灾自动报警系统接收、显示、传输火灾报警信号 ,可以发送 控制信号、控制功能和其他辅助设备的火灾报警装置的指令。火灾报警控制是一种最 基本的类。 被指控的火灾报警控制火灾探测器提供一个稳定的工作能力 ;探测器和工作 状态下的系统本身;接待、
16、转换、处理一个警告,火灾探测器 Shuchu ;金兴声光报警功能;Zhishi具体地点和闹钟时间;同时支持采用恰当的控制和许多其他任务。 火灾报警系 统的核心组成部分。在火灾报警设备,一些设备 ,如打破、区域监测、火显示等功能不能够完成阀瓣报警装置 ,可视为演化的火灾报警控制器或补充。在一定条件下应用,火灾报警装置火灾报警控制的归属。基本功能 :火灾自动报警控制的主要力量 ,备用电源自动转换开关 ,备用电源充电功 能、动力功能、动力功能故障监测工作状态指示器,电源检测器电路功能、控制传感器或系统故障、声音、光报警、火灾声、光报警、消防报警及记忆功能,时钟功能单元 ,优先被给予的错功能火灾报警声
17、警报声警报声哑巴又一遍。(C) 火灾警报器在火灾自动报警系统发送,从不同的环境、声音、光火警信号设备叫火灾警报器。这声音、光和声音的方法对这一问题的火灾报警信号报警区来警告人 们采取安全疏散、火灾扑救措施。(D) 在消防设备火灾自动报警系统,当受到火灾报警、自动或手动启动相关消防设备显示装置的状态 ,如大家所知的消防设备。 包括火灾报警控制、 自动灭火系统控制装 置、消火栓系统控制装置、排烟系统、空调和通风系统的控制装置,通常开防火门、火快门控制装置、电梯下来控制设备、消防应急无线电、火灾报警、消防通信设备,消防疏散标志和应急照明控制设备、控制设备在某些或全部。消防设备通常安装在消防控制中心
18、,便于实施集中控制。 而另一些人放火控制设备、 消防设备位于这些带电的领域 , 但它的行动都必须予以回击控制信号 ,结合实施集权与分权进行控制。(E) 火灾报警系统的电源电气设备属于火,形成的主要动力应该在火力,备用电源使用的电池。除了消防报警系统的电源控制器、供电 ,也关系到系统为消防设备 ,如电源。原文:Fire alarmThe traditional electron safe alarm system mainly is through thesensor automatic detection, produces the alarm, sends out the alarmfrom
19、 the scene or reports to the police through the special electriccable near distance, thus causes peoples vigilance. Through manyyears research and the development, the present alarm apparatus maysay is the class is multitudinous. As a result of the alarm apparatusrapid development and the social eac
20、h domain anxious need, can theapplication domain be more and more many, specially is rapidlydevelops in the civil domain.In recent years, the infrared alarmapparatus already became reports to the police a domain , thereforehad the security. Theinfrared sensor is different according to the mechanism
21、may divideinto the light survey and the sensor is uses the photon effect the infraredacquisition aid. This kind of sensor speed of response quick, thesensitivity characteristic is good, but needs tocool, uses not conveniently. Moreover the component examinationsensitivity and the infrared wave lengt
22、h concern. Theaid. After receives thegoal the infrared radiationtemperature increment, the temperature elevates causes the sensorinterior certain physical quantities changes, through examinationphysical quantity change definite infrared emission. This kind ofsensor works under the room temperature c
23、ondition, examinationsensitivity also very wavelength, may survey the power only to receive the background radiationthe limit, the application is very convenient. This article designs isthe passive form the article mainly elaborated manyalarm circuit which the electric detector the characteristic,th
24、e BISS0001 signal processor, 555 timers composed. Finallydesigned completes alarm apparatus the family use of fire, electricity consumption increases, the frequency of people, to escape unfavorable factors, such as retardation, which eventually led to a significant loss of life and property. Explore
25、 the characteristics of the family of fire and fire prevention measures.For the prevention of domestic fires, reducing the fire losses the modern urban family, because of lot of people do not understand common senseeye, and some lead todestruction, but the event of causes of case of fire to protect
26、way, timely elimination ofThe United Kingdom each year more than 50000 families of serious fires, most of them fire casualties and significant loss of the neighbors, more time, the vast majority of partiessaid that the fire always feel that things are other people with their own far away, did not th
27、ink this will even in the top of reason for negligent not to take timely preventive measures .In some of our large and medium-sized cities, almost every day family fires, fire prevention is so each family must always pay attention to. If yourthe actual situation inadvance to take simple fire prevent
28、ion measures, a number of tragedies are entirely avoidable.Automatic fire alarm system is in order to inform the early detection of fire, and take effective measures to control and fight fires, and set in a building or other place of an automatic fire facilities, is that people with a powerful tool
29、to fight the fire. Fire alarm system, fire detectors generally, regional centralized alarm alarm and composition; also be required under the project with various fire-fighting facilities and communication devices linked to form a central control system. From automatic alarm, automatic fire fighting,
30、 evacuation guidance, system process shows that, fire up a complete file management, fire control system.Fire detectors are fire detection devices, as in the stage of fire will produce smoke with time. Area where the floor of alarm detector can send the signal into sound and light alarm, and fire on
31、 the screen showing the room number; while also monitoring the concentration of certain floors of alarm (if the monitor is located in the building fire Control Center) output signal or control automatic fire extinguishing system. Concentration of alarm signal is received by way of sound and light sh
32、ow, and the screen also shows the specific fire floor and room number, the plane stopped taking the first alarm clock to record the timing, use of the machine-specific phones, but also quickly to the fire alarm to give directions and. In addition, you can control the fire extinguishing system or sig
33、nal transmission to the fire control room.Automatic fire alarm system is by the trigger devices, fire alarm, fire alarm devicesand other auxiliary functions of the device with the composition of a button fire alarm system fire alarm system. It can fire early stages of burning smoke, and other physic
34、al quantities, by temperature. Photographic and other smoke and fire detectors into electrical signals, transmitted to the fire alarm controller, and also shows the site of the fire, the fire record of the time. General fire alarm system and automatic sprinkler system, firesystems,air conditioning s
35、ystem, fire doors, fire shutter, smoke screen and other related equipment interaction, automatically or manually issue commands to start the corresponding device.(A) of the trigger devices in automatic fire alarm system, automatic or manual fire alarm signal devices generate called trigger condition
36、s, including fire detectors and manual fire alarm button. Fire detector is able to fire parameters (smoke, temperature, flame radiation, gas concentration, etc.) response, and automatically generate a fire alarm signal devices. Fire response parameters according to different fire detectors into fire
37、 alarm signal generated manually start the automatic fire alarm system devices, automatic fire alarm system is an indispensable component of the.(B) the fire alarm device in automatic fire alarm system to receive, display and transmit fire alarm signals, and can send control signals and control func
38、tions with other auxiliary equipment as the fire alarm device instructions. Fire alarm control is one of the most basic kind. Charged with the fire alarm control fire detectors provide a stable working power; detector and the working status of the system itself; the reception, conversion, processing
39、 a warning of fire detectors Shuchu; Jinxing sound and light alarm; Zhishi specific location and alarm time; the same time supporting the implementation of appropriate control and many other tasks. Fire alarm system is a core component. In the fire alarm devices, some devices such as break, regional
40、 monitors, fire shows and other functions can not complete disc alarm device, which can be regarded as the evolution of fire alarm controller or supplement. Under certain conditions applied, and the fire alarm device fire alarm control belong.The basic function of fire alarm control are: the main po
41、wer, backup power automatically converted, standby power charge function, power failure monitoring function, power functions working status indicator, power supply for the detector circuit function, control sensors or system failures, sound and light alarm, fire sound, light alarm, fire alarm and me
42、mory function, clock function unit, with priority being given fault function fire alarm, sound alarm sound audible alarm mute and again.(C) fire alarms in automatic fire alarm system to send different from the environment, sound, light the fire alarm signal device called the fire alarms. It sound, li
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