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1、七年级上册unit2单元检测卷post pust office fis post office library laibrri restaurant restrnt bank bk supermarket sju:pm:kit St(=street) street stri:t pay pei 邮件、邮递 办公室、事务所邮局 图书馆餐馆、饭店 银行超级市场 街、街道街、街道 付钱、支付pay phone fun park p:k,p:rk ave(=avenue) vinju: center sent bridge brid mail meil there near ni across krs

2、 across from 投币式公用电话 公园 大街、林荫道 中央、中心 桥 邮件在那里 在附近横过、在对面 在对面next nekst next to between bitwi:n front frnt behind bihaind neighborhood nebhdjust dst straight streit turn t:n left left 紧靠的旁边、贴近 紧靠的旁边、贴近 介于(两者或多者)之间 前面、前边 在之后 街区、附近直接地、就、只、仅仅 径直地、直接地转弯、转变方向 向左、左边down daun right rait on the right open upn

3、market m:kit clean kli:n quiet kwait dirty d:ti house haus welcome welkm 向下、下去、沿着 向右、右边在右边 开着的、营业中的市场、市集 清洁的、干净的宁静的 肮脏的房子、住宅 欢迎garden :dn district distrikt enjoy indi 、 walk w:k take a walk through ru: beginning biini tour tr,tur visit vzt place pleis 花园、菜园 区域、地区享受的乐趣、欣赏 散步、步行散步 穿过、通过 开始 旅行、游历 参观、浏览

4、 地方、地点fun fn have fun if if hungry hri arrive raiv way wei take teik taxi tksi愉快、开心玩得开心(表条件)如果饥饿的到达、抵达路、路线、路途乘、坐、搭(车、船)出租车、计程车airport ep:t pass p:s hope hup yours j:z飞机场通过希望、盼望、期待您的、你的(用在信末署名前,做客套语)一、单项选择15:DABCD610:ABDCC1115:BDCAA1620:CDCBC2125:BCAB一.单项选择( )1.-Is there a fruit shop _ the neighborho

5、od? 附近有水果店吗?-Yes,its _Center Street _the right. 有的,在中心街道右边。 A.on;on;in B. in;on;in C. on;down;to D. in;down;on(? )2. Bridge Street is a good place to have _. A. fun? B. a fun? C. funs? D. funning大桥街是一个玩得开心的好地方 (? )3. They take a walk _ the park every day. A. across? B. through?C. past? D. pass他们每天都穿

6、过公园散步。( )4. It is a small house _ a small garden. A. has B. to C. with D. have这是一个带花园的小房子。( )5. -Is there a bike in the supermarket? -_.A. Yes,it is B. No,it isnt C. Yes,there isnt D. Yes,there is2021-10-19超市里有自行车卖吗?( )6. My best friend sits next _ me. A. to B. on C. in D. beside我最好的朋友坐在我旁边( )7. His

7、 home is on a _ street, so its very noisy (嘈杂的) during the day. A. quiet B. busy C. clean D. dirty他家住在一个繁忙的街道,所以白天很吵。( )8. Just go straight and _ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn2021-10-19 直走,然后左转( )9. The girl next _ Nancy is talking to her in English. A. at B. in C. to D. ofNancy旁边的那个女孩正用英语和她说话

8、。( )10. The park is across _ the supermarket. A. in B. on C. from D. of2021-10-19公园在超市的对面。( )11. The pay phone is_the post office and the library.A. in B. between C. near D. from公用电话在邮局和图书馆之间。( )12. Let me tell you the way _ the bank . A. in B. on C. at D. to 2021-10-19让我告诉你去银行的路。( )13.There is a bi

9、g supermarket _ this street . A. at B. from C. on D. between 在这条街上有个大超市。( )1 4. Bridge Street is a good _ to have fun . A. place B. bank C. house D. way大桥街是一个玩得开心的好地方。( )15.There _ a hotel and two restaurants on this street . A. is B. are C. have D. has 在这条街上有一个酒店和两个餐馆。( )16.Mother puts the desk _ t

10、he two beds . A. on B. at C. between D. in 妈妈把桌子放在两张床之间。( )17. Mum likes reading , and she often goes to the _. A. classroom B. school C. park D. library 妈妈喜欢读书,她经常去图书馆( )18.Let me _ you the way _ the supermarket . A. to tell, to B. to tell, at C. tell, to D. tell, at 让我告诉你去超市的路。( )19.Please look ar

11、ound. What can you see_ your right? A. in B. on C .at D. for 请看看周围。在你的右边你能看到什么?( )20.-Excuse me. _ can I get to the airport? -Take a taxi. A. What B. When C. How D. Why 打扰一下 我怎样才能到达机场? 乘出租车( )21. Let Jane_ the art club. She likes drawing. A. joining B. join C. joins D. to joun 让简参加艺术俱乐部。她喜欢画画。( )22.

12、The park is across _the supermarket.A .in B. on C. from D. of 公园在超市的对面。( )23. Martin is sitting next _ me. We are good friends. A. to B. on C. around D. about 马丁坐在我旁边。我们是好朋友。( )24. My uncle will _ Beijing next Sunday. A. get B. arrive in C. arrive at D. reach to 下星期日我叔叔将抵达北京。( )25.There is a bank _.

13、 A. on my way home B. at my way home C. on my way to home D. at my way to home 在回家的路上有一个银行二完形填空 2630:ABACA3135:DBDCD 二完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Peter and Charly will go to the movie house. But Peter doesnt know the_26_. Charly writes the way_27_a piece of paper. ( )26. A. way B. road C.

14、 time D. street ( )27. A. at B. on C. with D. by 彼得和查理要去电影院。但是彼得不知道路。 查理写在一张纸上。Walk straight the Sun Avenue_28_you see a restaurant. _29_ left and you are_30_the Center Street. ( )28. A. after B. while C. until D. to( )29. A. walk B. take C. turn D. round( )30. A. on B. at C. in D. for直走到阳光大道后,你会看到一

15、个餐厅。在中心街左转。 You will go past a library. Then turn right. Go straight and you will see a park _31_ you. Go_32_ the park and turn left.( )31. A. behind B. from C. in the front of D. in front of( )32. A. over B. through C. on D. cross你会经过图书馆。然后向右转。直走,你会看到在你前面有一个公园。 穿过公园,向左转。 After you pass_33_ shop, yo

16、u will see a supermarket. The movie house is _34_ the supermarket. You cant_35_ (错过) it. ( )33. A. seventh B. seven C. five D. the first( )34. A. next B. between C. next to D. to( )35. A. see B. look C. lost D. miss你穿过第一个商店,将会看到超市。电影院在超市的旁边。你不要错过。2021-10-19三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 36-40:ABCBB41-45:BACDB2021-10-19四、词语运用四、词语运用51.noisy52.bank53.fifth54.beginning55.hungry2021-10-19四、词语运用 根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。 51. I dont like the park because its very _ (嘈杂). 52. 52. Peter needs some money. He can go to a _(银


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