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1、Science and Technology目录BackgroundWords & PhrasesSentencesBackgrounds lot n. 签,抽签;一堆,许多;命运;一块地,份额; We followed a policy aimed at bettering the lot of the poorest areas. 我们奉行一项旨在改善极贫困地区命运的政策。 For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.

2、 世界杯决赛中首次由抽签决定谁将获得第二名和第三名。 vt. 划分 ;vi. 抽签,抓阄 adv. 非常,相当Words & Phrases terminate v. 使停止,使结束,解雇;终止 This train will terminate at Lamy. 这列火车的终点站是拉米。 After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy. 在多次痛苦的考虑后,她决定终止妊娠。 He was terminated last week. 他上星期被解雇了。 The game terminated in a victor

3、y for Italian team. 比赛以意大利队获胜告终。 adj. terminated 终止的;有限的 terminable 可终止的;有期限的 terminative 终结的;决定的;结尾的;限定的 n. termination 结束,终止 terminator 终结者;终止子;明暗界限 v. terminated 终止;结束;终结 短语 terminate contract解除合同;终止合同 Terminate Section终止截面;结束段;终止剖面 Terminate Yourself终结你自己 terminate parameter终止参数 Terminate Circul

4、ation终止循环 period terminate截止日期 Stifle 压制,抑制;窒息,闷死;扼杀;掩藏,藏匿 f you try to stifle innovation too quickly, you lose the next wave. 如果你这么快就扼杀了创新,你就会错失下一波机会。 It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds nests alone. 最好忍住好奇心,别碰鸟巢。 I was nearly stifled by the smoke. 我差点让这些烟给憋死。 to stifle ones expression 掩

5、盖表情 fool around with(to behave in a careless and irresponsible way)干蠢事,瞎摆弄;胡搞,乱来,闹婚外情Why fool around with a lock when you can smash the door down?既然你能把门砸开,干吗要傻里傻气地摆弄锁呢?Lets try to get it done and not fool around with the State Department .让我们设法把事情办成,不要同国务院在那里耗时间了。 While many argued that plant and an

6、imal breeders had been fooling around with genetics for centuries in order to better the lot of humankind 尽管许多人争论说,几百年来,动植物培育者一直在遗传学领域瞎忙活来改善人们的生活 Sentences others pointed out that new advances in genetics allowed researchers to cross boundaries set by nature 但另外一些人指出,遗传学领域的新成果使得研究者得以越过大自然设定的界限 implanting human genes in animals in order to turn them into medicine factories, creating plants that produced plastics and glowed in the dark 把人的基因移植到动物身上,使它们变成制药厂;让植物能生产塑料并在黑暗中发光 even attempting to create “terminator seeds that stifled their own repro


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