1、振动压路机毕业论文中英文资 料外文翻译文献 论文译文 作者: 日期: 毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献 YZ12振动压路机简介 第一节主要技术特点 z行驶、振动和转向三大系统均为液压传动,且三个系统的液压泵连成一体,由发动 机曲轴输出端通过弹性联轴器直接驱动各泵,然后由各控制元件控制各系统的马 达或油缸,使各系统运转。 z具有四档行走速度,在各档内均实现无级调速,一档为06.5km/h, 二档为08.6km/h,三档为010.2km/h,四档为012.5km/h,能保证压路机在 各种工况下以最佳的速度进行压实作业以及能以较快的速度行驶。 z为了提高振动轴承的寿命和可靠性,本机采用了独特的设计思想
2、:高精度的、 强制 润滑的振动轮。 z振动系统具有双频、双幅功能,可以有效地压实不同种类及厚度的铺料层。 3 论文译文 z本机采用四级减振结构,使得在振动压实时,对乘员的不利影响减小到最低限度。 再加上装有空调的舒适明亮的驾驶室,为驾驶员创造了理想的工作环境。毎二 z具有不需要润滑的免维护中央铰接装置。 z本机采用的柴油机、液压泵、马达和后桥等元件,均为国际知名的优秀产品,从 而确保压路机的技术先进性和工作可靠性。 z 本机属于我国振动压路机标准型中的超重型压路机, 适用于高等级公路、铁路路基、 机场、大坝、码头等高标准工程压实作业。 z 具有与众不同的压实能力,最大压实力达 56800kg,
3、压实效果好。 z整体开启的覆盖件,使所有的维修点随手可及。 z 集中、外置的液压测压点,使液压系统的检测、维护更加方便。 z完善的安全保护装置,使操作者的安全得到充分的保证。 第二节总体结构 YZ12型振动式压路机利用振动轮的高速振动压实基础和路面,使其具有足够的 承载能力,并降低其透水性。YZ12振动式压路机采用全液压控制,双轮驱动,单 钢轮、自行式结构。 本机包括振动轮部分和驱动车部分两大单元,它们之间通过中心铰接架铰接在 一起。本机采用铰接转向方式,以提高其通过性能和机动性能。振动轮部分包括 振动轮总成、前车架总成(包括刮泥板)等部件。振动轮内的偏心轴通过弹性联 轴器与振动马达轴相连,由
4、液压泵组中的振动泵供应高压油给振动马达带动偏心轴 旋转而产生强大的激振力。振动频率和振幅可通过液压系统的控制来进行调整, 以满足不同工况的要求。 此外,振动轮还具有行走的功能。由液压泵组中的行驶泵输出的高压油驱动振 动轮左边的液压马达旋转,从而驱动振动轮行驶。 为减轻乃至消除振动对驱动车部分和驾驶员的不利影响,在前车架与振动轮之 间以及驾驶室与后车架之间都装有起减振缓冲作用的减振块。 驱动车部分是压路机行驶和供给三大系统压力油的动力源。发动机、行驶和振 动及转向系统、操纵装置、驾驶室、电气系统、安全保护装置等均装在车上。 第三节液压系统 一. 液压系统原理 压路机液压系统主要包含三个子系统,即
5、行驶液压系统、振动液压系统和转向液压系 统。行驶、振动、转向三泵为三联组合泵。行走泵中含有一个齿轮泵作为液压系统的补油 泵,同时,也可为制动油缸提供压力油。 二. 行驶液压系统 采用一泵双马达组成的并联闭式回路。系统最高工作压力为40MPa。行驶泵为变量 柱塞泵,前行驶马达为变量柱塞马达,它与行星减速器构成最佳组合。后行驶马达也是 变量柱塞马达,与后桥总成输入端的减速器相连。 行驶泵通过控制斜盘的角度来改变高压油的流量和方向,从而改变机器的行驶方向 和速度;变量柱塞马达通过电磁阀控制使其具有两种斜盘角度,从而使机器具有四档速 度,以适应不同工况的要求。 三. 振动液压系统 振动液压系统是由单泵
6、单马达组成的闭式液压回路,系统最高工作压力为38MPa。振 动泵为变量斜盘柱塞泵,振动马达为定量斜轴柱塞马达。 通过操纵电磁阀,可以使振动泵的斜盘具有方向相反的两种可变斜盘角,从而使泵 输 出不同方向和流量的高压油,振动马达随之产生不同的转向和转速, 使振动轮以不同 的频率和振幅振动。 四转向液压系统 转向液压系统采用开式回路,系统工作压力 16MPa。由转向泵、全液压转向器、两个 转向油缸以及油管等组成。 转向泵为齿轮泵。 五 液压控制系统及附件 液压系统还包括集成控制阀块、集流块以及油箱、过滤器、冷却器等 辅件。液压系统同时为制动系统提供松刹油。 第四节行驶系统 行驶系统由行驶液压系统、后
7、桥总成组成。 一. 行驶泵、行驶马达 行驶泵、行驶马达的功用在液压系统中已有介绍。行驶、振动、转向三联泵通过弹性 联轴器连接在发动机的飞轮盘上。行驶泵和行驶马达用高压软管连接。后桥驱动马达连接 在后桥总成的减速器上,输入动力后带动后桥主动轴回转;振动轮驱动马达与行星减速器 构成一体,连接在振动轮的梅花板总成上,动力由马达传到梅花板总成,梅花板总成带动 振动轮旋转。为了减少乃至消除振动对驱动车及司机的不利影响,梅花板总成和振动轮之 间 的连接处装有优质进口减振块。 二. 后桥总成 后桥总成由减速器、湿盘多片式制动器、中央传动、驱动桥壳、轮边行星减速器、轮毂 等组成。 三. 轮胎总成 轮胎采用低压
8、宽断面工程机械轮胎。规格为 23.1-26,充气压力1.1kgf/cm2。 第五节振动轮总成 振动轮总成由振动轮体、偏心轴、调幅装置、减振块、振动轮驱动马达、振动轴承、振 动马达、行走支撑、轴承座、梅花板、左右连接支架等组成。 一. 振动轮体 振动轮体外径1600mm宽度2170mm振动轮体采用钢板卷制对接而成, 其外圆光滑 平 整、壁厚均匀,可以保证振动压实效果均匀一致,压实路面效果尤佳,并可用作静碾压 实。 振动轮体内腔装轴承座、偏心轴、调幅装置,此密封腔内装有 MObil 629美孚齿轮 油。 二. 偏心轴 偏心轴是振动发生器,机器的振动是通过振动马达带动偏心轴高速旋转而产生的。 偏 心
9、 轴一端和振动马达相连,改变振动马达的旋向就可以改变振幅。 三. 调幅装置 调幅装置安装在偏心轴上,起调定振幅的作用。通过改变调幅装置中调幅块的位置,达 到调整振幅的目的。调幅装置是一个密封的圆柱形焊接结构件。 四. 减振块 为了减轻振动对车架的影响,振动轮与前车架之间设有橡胶减振块。 五. 振动轮驱动马达及减速机 振动轮驱动马达、减速机和支架一起固定在前车架上, 减速机的输出盘连接在梅花板 上,动力由马达输出轴传到减速机,再传到梅花板,梅花板再传到振动轮,驱动振动轮 旋转。 六. 振动轴承、行走支撑 偏心轴两端通过振动轴承支承在轴承座上,振动马达通过行驶支撑组件支承在右轴承 座上。振动轴承采
10、用瑞典SKFtt承或德国FAG由承。行走支撑组件为免维护结构。 第六节转向系统 转向采用铰接转向,主要由转向齿轮泵、全液压转向器、两个转向油缸、压力油管等 组 成。液压转向系统安装在后车架上,通过转向油缸的伸缩控制整车的转向。 第七节制动系统 为了确保压路机的工作和行驶安全,YZ18(制动系统设有行驶制动、停车制动和紧急 制 动三种。 一. 行驶制动 行驶制动采用液压制动。液压制动由控制行驶操纵杆来实现。行驶操纵杆控制的操纵阀 回到中位时,行驶泵供给行驶马达的流量降至零,使压路机停止行驶。 二. 停车制动与紧急制动 当压路机在行驶或工作时,前驱动减速器与后桥上液动控制的常闭多片式制动器处于 开
11、 启状态,不起制动作用。而当压路机在停车时,多片式制动器通过弹簧力将摩擦片锁紧, 处于制 动状态。 紧急制动主要是液压伺服制动,辅之以机械制动。按下紧急制动按扭后,行驶油泵的 斜 盘立即回归零位而产生液压制动;与此同时,前驱减速器与后桥制动器亦迅即产生制动作用。 注意:在非紧急状态下不得使用紧急制动,特别是在快速行驶状态。 第八节车架 车架包括前车架、后车架、中心铰接架三大部分。它们连接成一个铰接整体支撑机器的 上部结构。 一. 前车架 前车架由刮泥板总成、前框板、后框板、两块侧板等组成。它的主要功用是支撑振动轮 总成。前车架为典型的方框结构,采用高强度钢板组合而成,具有足够的强度和刚度抵 抗
12、压 路机工作时的强冲击力和扭矩。刮泥板用以刮下粘在振动轮上的泥土。刮泥板前端与振动轮 外圆表面的间隙可以调节。 二. 后车架 后车架由燃油箱、防滚翻保护架、液压油箱、液压油箱支架、覆盖件、框架等组成。它 的主要功用是支撑发动机和驾驶室,固定后桥。后车架为一长方框结构,前面是和中心铰接架 相连的立轴和前板,后面是燃油箱总成,中间是槽钢架。为了保证强度,薄弱部位采用加强肋 加强,而且槽钢用封板封成箱形梁结构。底部后桥支板用螺栓和后桥总成刚性连接。为了减 小振动产生的影响,发动机和后车 架之间设有弹性减振块,同时又可方便地将发动机调整到 水平位置。 三. 中心铰接架 中心铰接架由铰接架、轴端挡板、球
13、形轴承等组成。通过它将前后车架铰接成一个整体, 可以实现转向和前车架左右摆动。通过控制转向油缸的伸出长度来控制转向角。 机器 前后车架 之间允许横向相对摆动,摆动角不大于土 15,这样压路机可以在不平整的路面 上稳定行驶并 进行压实工作。为了方便保养,球形轴承采用自润滑向心关节球轴承。 第九节驾驶室及操纵系统 驾驶室采用全密封减振式结构,安装有冷暖空调,操作舒适可靠,外形美观大方威 武 雄壮,内饰高雅明亮,达到国内先进水平。司机室内各操纵杆、方向盘、司机座、监测 仪表 的布置完全符合人机工程学的原理。司机座椅高度可以升降、前后可以移动、靠背角 度也可 调整。为减小乃至消除振动的影响,司机室与后
14、车架之间装有优质的减振装置,驾 驶室前后 都装有雨刮。 第十节电气系统 电气系统包括蓄电池、直流起动电动机、三相交流发电机、照明灯具以及电气仪表、监 控仪表、安全保护元件、声光报警装置等。电器元件采用进口国际知名品牌。系统电压 24V,负极搭铁,线路采用单线制。仪表、仪表板、灯具等的配置达到国内先进水平。 第十一节安全保护装置 YZ12型振动压路机有完备的安全装置 z 设有防滚翻保护装置(ROPS z 铰接固定安全杆:压路机装卸发运或长期停置时固定铰接架用。 z 起动闭锁装置:当压路机的行驶操纵杆处于行驶档位或高低频选择开关不处于0 位时不能起动发动机。 z 装有紧急制动装置。 z 覆盖件开启
15、自动保护装置:当覆盖件在手动液压泵作用下向上开启时,安全防护 装 置能防止覆盖件意外下落,当维护结束要降下覆盖件前,将手动液压泵上方的软 轴操纵器拉出,覆盖件能在油泵作用下由油缸将之拉下,覆盖件闭合后将软轴 纵器推进去。(注意事项:降下覆盖件前必须将软轴操纵器拉出。) 第十二节压路机操作安全规程 z 尽量不要在静止时实施振动,不允许在坚硬的地面上进行振动,以免损坏机器。 z不允许压路机在超过其允许爬坡度的坡道上行驶。 z 在泥泞道路上,虽坡道的坡度小于允许的爬坡度, 但没有防滑措施时,不得使用 本机。 z 在地面不够坚实或有坑穴时,不得使用本机。在沟渠或斜坡的边缘,亦不得使用 本机。 z 夜间
16、行驶和施工应开启前后大灯照明。 z 在雨天工作时,为保证能见度,请使用前后雨刮。 z为避免意外翻车,在斜坡边工作时,不要突然转向。 z在雨天,应尽量避免在斜坡边进行振动压实作业。因振动会增加向两边滑行的危 险。 z压路机在开启覆盖件进行维护时,请注意头部安全。 第十三节运输和装卸安全要求 一般情况下,压路机不得长途高速行驶。远距离(30公里以上)转移工地时, 需 用拖运机具装运。 .运输 不论是采用公路还是铁路运输,对压路机的运输都必须选用具有合适容积和装 载能力的车辆来进行。 运输时,应将前后车架用铰接安全固定杆连接在一起,同时还要采取必要的 措施防止压路机滑动和滚动。 .装卸 装卸压路机时
17、,装卸工具必须有足够的承载能力。 用吊车装卸压路机时,必须先 将中心铰接架用固定装置固定好后,再用大型平板吊钩起 吊,以保证压路机吊起后仍 保持平直状态。 来自中联重科的YZ12振动压路机说明书 Introductionto YZ12 Vibration roller 22 The first section Major technique characteristic Z Vibrati on, and tur ned to the three major systems for hydraulic tran smissi on, hydraulic pumps and three syst
18、ems into one, directly by the engine crankshaft output through elastic coupling-driven pump, and the n by the various con trol comp onents con trol the system of the motor or cyli nder, so that all systems running. Z Has four walking speed, realize steplessspeed in every document, a document for 06.
19、5km/h, sec ond gear for 08.6km/h, third gear for 010.2km/h, four 012.5km/h, can guara ntee the speed of the rollers in a variety of conditions to make the best compaction jobs, and can travel at faster speeds. Vibration bearing life and z in order to improve reliability, this machine uses a unique d
20、esign: high-precision, forced lubrication of vibrating wheel. Z Vibrati on system with dual-freque ncy, dual-site fun ctio nality, can be effective compact ion of differe nt types and thick ness of pav ing material. Z This vibrati on reduct ion of a four-level structure, mak ing the vibrati on mode
21、in real time, adverse effects on the crew reduced to a minimum. Coupled with the comfortable and bright cabs equipped with air conditioning, creating an ideal working environment for drivers. Z Has a maintenan ce-free Cen tral hin ged device that does not require lubricati on. Z This machine is used
22、 in diesel engines, hydraulic pumps, motors and axle components are intern ati on ally famous excelle nt products, so as to en sure that the roller tech no logy adva nceme nt and reliability. Z This mach ine bel ongs to super heavy in Chin as sta ndard of vibratory road roller, for high-grade Highwa
23、y, railway, airport, dam, term in als, a high sta ndard of subgrade engin eeri ng compact ion operatio ns. Compact ion of z has a unique ability, max power 56800kg, good compacti on effect. Z The overall ope ning of pan els, all readily available and maintenance poin ts. Z Centralized, external hydr
24、aulic pressure points, making hydraulic systems testing, maintenance more convenient. Z Complete safety protect ion device, so that operators are fully guara nteed. The sec ond secti on The overall structure YZ12 type vibrati on on the roller make use of the wheel of the vibrati on on the road is co
25、mpacted,and it has sufficient ability to carry, and reduces through water.YZ12-vibration road roller hydraulic con trol, two-wheeled, si ngle steel wheel, self-propelled structure. This machine vibration wheel parts and vehicle parts including two units, articulated through the Cen ter articulated f
26、rame betwee n them together. This mach ine adopts articulated steeri ng, to improve its performa nee and mobility. Part in cludi ng drum vibratory wheel Assembly, front frame Assembly (in clud ing scraper) and other parts. Vibrati on round of the ecce ntric shaft via elastic coupli ng and vibration
27、of motor shaft is connected to, supplied by a hydraulic pump vibration in pump high pressureoil to the vibrati on motor drives ecce ntric shaft rotate and gen erate powerful cen trifugal force. Freque ncy and amplitude of vibrati on can be adjusted by hydraulic system con trol, to meet the requireme
28、 nts of differe nt operati ng modes. In additi on, the drum also has walk ing fun cti on. By the hydraulic pump high pressure oil pump output-driven vibration in hydraulic motor rotation of the wheel on the left, thus driving vibration wheel driving. To reduce and even eliminate the adverse effects
29、of vibration on driving car and driver, in the first frame after frame and vibrati on betwee n wheel and cab and are equipped with a vibrati on reducti on betwee n buffer damp ing blocks. Driving car parts are rollers and pressure oil supply three system power source. Engine, drive and vibration and
30、 steering system, control device, the control room, electrical system, security protecti on devices are in stalled in the car. The third secti onHydraulic system Road roller hydraulic system in hydraulic system contains three mai n subsystems, the vibrati on of hydraulic system, hydraulic system and
31、 steeri ng hydraulic system. Three pumps, vibrati on, steeri ng the triple comb in atio n pump ing. Walk ing pump with a gear pump in back tax and pen alties as a hydraulic system pump, at the same time, also provide pressure to the brake cyli nder oil. II. driv ing hydraulic system with a dual-moto
32、r pumps consisting of parallel closed-circuit. System operati ng pressures up to 40MPa. Driving pump for the variable displaceme nt pist on pump, piston driv ing motor for variable before, it con stitutes the best comb in ati on and pla netary reducer. Drive motor is also variable pist on after, en
33、ter the end conn ected to the gearbox and rear axle assemblies. Pump to con trol the an gle of oblique to cha nge high pressure oil flow and directi on, so as to cha nge the direct ion of travel of the mach ine and speed; variable pist on by electromag netic valve with two oblique an gle, so that th
34、e mach ine has four speeds, to meet the n eeds of differe nt operati ng conditions. III. vibration of hydraulic system of vibratory hydraulic system is made up of single pump Dan Mada closed hydraulic circuit, maximum working pressure of the system is 38MPa. Vibration pump for variable inclined plat
35、e piston pump, vibration motor for quantitative inclined axis pist on. By manipulating electromagnetic valve, you can make the vibration of pumps swashplate with opposite two variable oblique an gle, so that differe nt directi on and flow of high pressure oil pump output, vibration motor with result
36、ing different steering and speed to vibrations at different freque ncies and amplitudes vibrati on. Four steeri ng steeri ng hydraulic system using ope n-circuit hydraulic system, the system worki ng pressure 16MPa. By steeri ng pump, hydraulic steeri ng gear, two steeri ng cyli nders and tub ing an
37、d other comp onen ts. Steeri ng pump gear pump. Five hydraulic system of hydraulic con trol system and accessories also include integrated control valve block, collection block, and tanks, filters, coolers, accessories. Hydraulic brake oil of systems at the same time for the braking system provides.
38、 The fourth secti on Drive system system Drive system system is composed of driving hydraulic system, rear axle Assembly. I. driving pump, driv ing motor drive n pump and motor fun cti on in the hydraulic system has bee n in troduced. Triple, vibration, steering pump through elastic coupling connect
39、ion on the fly-wheel of the engine.Hose connection for driving pumps and motors. Rear axle drive motor connections on the rear axle Assembly gear reducer, input power drive rear axle drive shaft rotation after; vibration wheel-drive motor with pla netary gear reducer con stitute one connection in pl
40、um of vibratory wheel on plate Assembly, powered by the motor to the plum blossom plate Assembly, Phillips-drive n plate Assembly vibratio n wheel rotati on. In order to reduce and eve n elimi nate the adverse effects of vibration on driving cars and drivers, plum blossom plate Assembly and connecti
41、on of vibration betwee n wheel is equipped with imported high quality damp ing blocks. II. rear axle Assembly rear axle Assembly by reducer, wet multiple brakes, Cen tral pla netary reducer tran smissi on, drive axle, wheel, wheels and other comp onen ts. III. low pressure wide cross sect ion of OTR
42、 tire tire assembly tire. Specifications for 23.1 per cent, inflation pressure 1.1kgf/cm2. The fourth secti on Vibrati on wheel assembly Vibrating wheel assembly of vibratory wheel assembly eccentric of vibratory wheel axis, amplitude modulation device, vibration, vibrating wheel vibration of driven
43、 motor, bearings, vibrati on motors, mobile support, hous in gs, plum flower plate, left and right conn ecti on brackets and so on. I. vibratory wheel of vibratory wheel diameter of 1600mm, width 2170mm. Vibrat ing wheel plate rolli ng body butt into its round smooth, uniform wall thick ness, can en
44、 sure the vibratio n compact ion effect uniform, preferably in the paveme nt of compact ion effect and can be used as static compacted solid. Body cavity loaded vibratory wheel bearings, eccentric axis, amplitude modulation device, this sealed Chamber containing Mobil-629 Mobil gear oil. II. ecce nt
45、ric shaft ecce ntric shaft vibrati on gen erators, machi ne vibrati on is gen erated by vibrati on motor drives eccentric shaft high speed rotation. One end of the eccentric shaft and the vibration motor conn ected, cha nge the Rotary to can cha nge the amplitude of the vibrati on motor. III. amplit
46、ude modulation device amplitude modulation device mounted on the eccentric shaft, set role of amplitude. Location of the device by changing the amplitude modulation and amplitude modulatio n block, achieve the purpose of adjusti ng the amplitude. Amplitude modulati on device is a sealed cyli ndrical
47、 welded structures. IV. damping blocks in order to mitigate the effects of vibration on the frame, the vibration between wheel and front frame with rubber vibrati on blocks. V. vibration-wheel-drive motor and reducer vibration-wheel-drive motor, reducer and stand together in front on the frame, gear
48、 box output connection on the clubs Board, powered by the motor output shaft to the gear, and then to the plum blossom, plum blossom again to vibrating wheel, driving vibration wheel rotation. VI. vibration support both ends of the eccentric shaft, walking through the vibration of the bearing on the
49、 bearing in the housing, vibration motors by supporting components supported on the right beari ng seat. Vibrati on beari ng Swede n SKF beari ng or Germa ny FAG beari ng. Walk ing support assemblies for maintenan ce-free structure. The sixth secti on Steeri ng system Steeri ng system steeri ng with
50、 articulated steeri ng, mai nly from the steeri ng gear pump, hydraulic steering gear, two steering cylinders, pressure tubing and other components. Hydraulic steering system in stalled on the rear frame, through the Steeri ng cyli nder telescopic con trol of vehicle steeri ng. The seventh section B
51、raking system Braking system in order to ensure the safety of roller working and traveling, YZ18C braking systems equipped with brak ing, park ing brake and emerge ncy brake three. I. driv ing brake brake with hydraulic brake. Hydraulic brake con trolled by movi ng the joystick to achieve. Joystick
52、control of control valves back into position, motor driven pump supplying driving traffic to zero, the rollers stop. II. park ing brake and emerge ncy brake whe n the roller is traveli ng or work in g, rear axle and front drive reducer valve control normally closed on multiple pieces of brake is on,
53、 without braking effect. When the roller is stopped, several pieces of brake friction locking through a spring force, in a State of brak ing. Emerge ncy brak ing is mainly hydraulic servo brake, supported by a mecha ni cal brake. After the emerge ncy brake butt ons is pressed, driv ing pumps swashpl
54、ate immediately return to zero and hydraulic brake; Meanwhile, gearbox and rear axle brakes also promptly produce precursor brak ing effect. Note: in State of emerge ncy shall not be used for emerge ncy brak ing, especially in the fast-r unning state. The eight secti onFrame Cen ter of the frame aft
55、er the frame in clud ing the former frame, articulated frame in three parts. Conn ect ing them into a hin ged support the upper structure of the machi ne as a whole. I. in front of the frame by the scraper before box after box before the Assembly, Board, boards, two side pan els and other comp onen
56、ts. Its main functions are support ing vibrati ng wheel assembly. For the first frame structure of a typical boxes, comb in ati on of high stre ngth steel plate, with sufficient strength and rigidity to resist strong impact force and torque of roller working. Scraper to scrape adhesi on un der the s
57、oil on the drum. Scraper fron t-e nd and vibrat ing wheel cleara nee of cyli ndrical surface can be adjusted. II. after frame after frame fuel tank, protecti on aga inst roll frame, hydraulic tan ks, hydraulic tank supports, pan els, frames and other comp onen ts. Its main function is to support the
58、 engine and the cab, fixed rear axle. After the frame of the structure of a rectangular box, front and Center articulated frame in vertical shaft and attached to the front plate, followed by the Assembly of the fuel tank, the middle is grooved steel frame. In order to ensure strength, weak parts of
59、strengthening ribs to strengthen, and trough steel plate with seal sealed into a box girder structure. Rear axle at the bottom plate with bolts and rear axle Assembly of rigid connection. To reduce the effects of vibration, betwee n the engine and rear frame with elastic damp ing blocks, and you can
60、 easily adjust the engine to a horiz on tal positi on. III. Centre pinned by articulated frame Cen ter articulated frame, shaft end bezel, ball beari ngs and other components. Through it before and after the frame articulated into a whole, can swing around implementation steering and front frame. Th
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