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1、大连理工大学本科外文翻译在室内设计中的知觉与错觉Perception and Illusion in Interior Design大连理工大学Dalia n Uni versity of Tech no logyPercepti on and Illusio n in In terior Desig nAnna JaglarzDepartme nt of Architecture,Wroclaw Uni versity of Tech no logy,St. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wroclaw, Pola ndann a.jaglarzpwr.wroc.plAbstrac

2、t. Beside physical methods to modify the limits of in terior space, there are also some design decisions and tricks that can change the perception of a visu al space. Therefore, it spossible to correct in terior without redesig ning or destructi on - break ing old walls and making new ones, for exam

3、ple, with the help of optical illusions that change visual perception of in terior space. A room can be visually enl arged, deepe ned, broade ned, heighte ned, n arrowed, or lowered. Things like color, light ing, in terior eleme nts placeme nt, i ntegrated horiz on tal or vertical -lines, shapes, mi

4、rrors and even style of interior equipment and finishing materials can correct the interior space because they can have a significant impact on the size, proportion and mood of a space. It possible to achieve great effects by combining kno wledge of percepti on and kno wledge of desig n.Keywords: in

5、 terior desig n, sense of visio n, visual percepti on, optical illusi on.1 IntroductionThere is con siderable scope to achieve great and sometimes surpris ing effects in in teriors formation by combining knowledge of perception, knowledge of optical illusions, visual tricks and kno wledge of con tem

6、porary in terior desig n.By optical illusions we mean those changes in visual perception of a room size and proporti ons that occur un der the in flue nee of psychological phe nomenon, visual memory, visual impressi ons, color percepti on, con trasts, bright ness inten sity and focal bright ness, gl

7、are, visibility of task detail, illu min ati on. These are the major factors compris ing the performa nee requireme nts for the visual en vir onment. These are also basic factors in flue need our perceptio n of space and our emoti onal resp onse to space.Proper pla nning, in terior eleme nts, furnit

8、ure and mirrors placeme nt can correct every space, while color and lighti ng con siderati ons can be used to emphasize the space or place.With un dersta nding the effect of color and light on the perceptio n of space desig ners can shape and modify the visual experie nee of room, for example, by ma

9、n ipulat ing the perceptual role of lighting ? both to facilitate visual tasks and to define the. visual boundaries and hierarchy of a space, area, or activity. Desig ners can also man ipulate the psychological role of light ing to help establish a sense of in timacy, privacy, coz in ess, cheerf uln

10、 ess, or somber ness in the room.The use of color in in terior desig n should be based on kno wledge of color percepti on and kno wledge of color impact on huma n. Optical effects of colors are a visual effects associated with the percepti on. They also in clude various types of optical illusi ons a

11、nd visual tricks. Psychological effects of colors are felt in emoti onal and related to feeli ngs, and impressi ons.Color of light is also sig ni fica nt. Subtle cha nges in the color tone of light can in flue nee the subc on scious judgme nt of in terior space.A mirror and mirror illusions are an e

12、xcellent and specific way of modification, in particular enlarging of room space. This effect is created tha nks to reflect ion and optical illusi ons. Experime nts with a mirror and mirror surfaces are justified especially in small-scale rooms like bathrooms, halls, staircases etc.One more thing th

13、at also causes the room can be changed and corrected is the style and kind of in terior eleme nts and fini shi ng materials. The effect can be a result of material type (wood, metal, glass, plastic, textiles etc.) or material features and characteristics (pattern, texture, orn ame nt, color, gloss e

14、tc.). 1,22 VisionThe sense of vision is based on the eye s ability to absorb and process selectively portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. That electromagnetic spectrum we call light. This sense is particularly essential, because is used for most functions that require a understanding of spatial

15、relati on ship and detail. First of all, visio n in cludes the process of orie ntatio n and the formatio n of spatial impressi ons. But it also invo Ives sca nning a variety of in formatio n cues, making simultaneous or successive comparisons, and assigning mental priorities regarding importanee. Vi

16、sion is used for identification of significant information sources and the subseque nt gett ing of right qua ntitative and qualitative in formati on. Fin ally, visio n is conn ected with perceptio n and in terpretati on moveme nt and rates of cha nge.Percepti on of color, resp onse to bright ness (a

17、daptati on, judgme nt of bright ness differe nces, glare, effect of agin g), the visual field (percepti on of fine detail in the visual field, detecti on of moveme nt), the luminous en vir onment ? are just some of the areas that should be con sidered.With un dersta nding of the basic aspects of vis

18、i on and percepti on and knowing how the huma n visual system works, desig ners can create a great variety of differe nt in terior feels. 13 LightsLight affects the visual quality of a space and the sense of well-be ing experie need by users of that space. Light patter ns and structures in flue nee

19、our sense of space, our impressi ons, and con seque ntly our actions. Therefore, the desig ner should become sen sitive to the uses of sparkle, silhouette, inten sity, color tone, and other forms of spatial light. The desig ner must recog nize that the correct use of light structures is fun dame nta

20、l in satisfy ing some spaceactivity requireme nts, such as rei nforci ng attractio n or atte nti on, emphasiz ing impressi ons of visual clarity and spacious ness, enhancing impressi ons of privacy and relaxati on, stimulat ing sen sati ons of spatial in timacy, warmth or coz in ess, or rein forci n

21、g impressi ons of cheerf uln ess. 13.1 The Effect of Light on User Orien tati on and Room Comprehe nsionSome light ing patter ns affect pers onal orie ntati on and user un dersta nding of the room. Spot- lighti ng or high-c on trast focal light ing affects user atte ntio n, con scious ness and, for

22、example, user ability of concen trati on. Wall lighti ng and corner light ing affect user un dersta nding of room parameters like size, height and shape, determining or modifying the senseof visual space limits. 13.2 The Effect of Light on Impressions of Activity, Setting and MoodOther light ing mod

23、els seem to suggest that light can be a medium that assist com muni cati on of spatial ideas, impressi ons and moods. In this sense lighti ng patter ns can assist the in terior desig ner in creati ng impressi ons of playf uln ess, pleasa ntn ess, serious ness, tension, and other qualities. The desig

24、 ner can also use light patter ns to affect psychological and social impressi ons such as in timacy, privacy, warmth and coz in ess. Lighti ng can be used to produce a sole mn and festive atmosphere for cerem ony, party and show or to produce an austere and sober atmosphere for meditati on , relaxat

25、i on .Lighti ng can produce a cold, impers onal public place or rein force an impressi on of a warm, i ntimate place where a greater sense of privacy is required. These impressi ons or moods creati ng by light are ofte n fun dame ntal in satisfy ing experie nee and activity requireme nts in a desig

26、ned space and they are esse ntial con diti on of well-be ing experie need by user of that space. Light ing in this case should be see n not only as an aesthetic aspect shap ing the huma n en vir onment but rather as a tool for in flue ncing huma n behavior, performa nee, and activity. 13.3 Color of

27、LightSubtle differe nces and cha nges in the color tone of light can in flue nee the sube on scious judgme nt of the gen eral en vir onment. Perceptual aware nessof this aspect of lights is most intense and no ticeable whe n a cha nge first occurs or whe n the in dividual first en ters a space, befo

28、re the eyes has time to adapt to the new con diti on.Subtle shifts in the perceptio ns of surface tones and colors affect the sense of warmth or cooln ess associated with the visual space. People tend to associate a warm visual atmosphere with hues of yellow through orange and red to red-purple. War

29、m light sources like the sun, many incan desce nt lamps, and some new fluoresce nt lamps tend to create a dominant impressi on of visual warmth by emphasiz ing these hues while gray ing others. On the other hand, cool light sources, such as skylight and some fluoresce nt and metal halide lamps empha

30、size the colors that tend to create a cool visual atmosphere, from hues of blue-purple through blue and blue-gree n to yellow-gree n.Detailed observati on of these phe nomenon may lead to defi nitive guideli nes on the color atmosphere and its impact on sen sory resp on ses.Rece nt research in this

31、area in dicates, for instanee, that the color tone of an environmental may affect perception of environmental temperature. Desig ners may be in a positi on to con serve en ergy through careful an alysis of visually modified sen sory resp on ses. 14 Light IllusionsDesig ners can shape and modify the

32、visual experie nee of room, for example, by mani pulat ing the perceptual role of lighting ?both to facilitate visual tasks and to define the visual boundaries and hierarchy of a space, area, or activity. Designers can also manipulate the psychological role of lighting to help establish a sense of i

33、ntimacy, cheerfulness, or somber ness that is appropriate as backgro und for the inten ded activity. Appare ntly light and dark are not an tago ni stic but rather compleme ntary phe nomenon. Without shade light can lose much of its effective ness as a com muni cat ing medium. Through the careful man

34、 ipulati on of light and dark or correct using of light stressesdesigners can shape and modify the visual experie nee of in terior space.When using optical illusions for visual correction of the space, a significant effect is achieved by the correct use of light stresses. Change in the bright ness o

35、f some room sect ions resulted, for example, from their differe nt fun cti on s, is esse ntial procedure.The effect of increasing the visual height of a room is made with the help of ceiling decoratio n with in tegrated lamps. Besides, desig ners can gain this effect with the use of the 3D structure

36、 of suspe nded ceil in gs, mirror glass, illu min at ing in the top part of a room, or by creati on of a shi ny surface.Light cold colors and shiny textures visually level ceili ng up. Illumi natio n of ceili ng with in tegrated lamps, can create in terest ing effect -ceili ng dan gli ngab6ve a room

37、.om. It also possible to evenly illuminate walls and lower corners of a room with small lamps. In this case it will visually look wider. If the space, on the con trary, must be n arrowed, desig ner should illu min ate upper corn ers.To make a right-a ngled room look more square, to a monotonous and

38、equally illumi nati ng of the three walls desig ner can add an expressed light stress on the forth wall, the farthest one.Besides that, desig ners can cha nge visual proporti on of the room through the experime nts with the light un derly ing of some in terior objects.All the illusi ons of bright ne

39、ss-c on trast may be produced by light ing. Surfaces, forms and details may appear larger or smaller, harsh or almost obliterated, heavy or light.In fact, light ing plays an importa nt part in in flue ncing the mood or expressi on of a room.A ceiling may be liftedby light or it may hang low and thre

40、atening when dark, due to relatively little light reaching it. Columns may appear dark on a light back-ground or vice versa , and these illustrate the effects of irradiati on.Desig ner can also create the percepti on of a larger space with the use of light ing. Just as a lighter colored ceiling crea

41、tes the sense of openness and spaciousness,so too, can bright windows and natural light. Blinds and window covers minimize window exposure and moderate n atural light, so the win dow coveri ngs should be used spari ngly in smaller rooms. Maximiz ing the n atural light will emphasize the space and ma

42、ke the room appear larger and brighter. It psssible to use the reflection of light to make a space look larger. Strategically placi ng a mirror, or eve n a collecti on of mirrors, i n the releva nt, appropriate part of the room is an easy way to use the reflect ion of light to adva ntage in decorati

43、 ng a small space.Decorati ng a small room with the goal of mak ing limited space feel more spacious can be easy when designer consider the impact of color and light on user perception of space. By using color and light to user adva ntage, desig ner can emphasize the space inthe room and make small

44、room feel more ope n and spacious.Space of room may be give n a variety of moods or expressi ons by vary ing the lighti ng. The various moods may be con sidered to be illusi ons because in fact the room and its physical characteristics have not bee n altered in reality. It should be obvious that lig

45、hti ng is a factor with high pote ntial of in terior creat in g. 1, 35 Creating Spaciousness with Color IllusionsColor and color comb in ati ons are an extremely effective and many-sides in strume nt available for desig ners.lt possible to visually cha nge the space in all three dime nsions by corre

46、ctly con trolli ng groun d-colors and color stresses.It is n ecessary first to exam ine the effects of light and dark colors with in a small space. Light colors make rooms and objects look larger tha n they are, while darker colors make them look smaller and heavier. Lighter colored ceili ngs and fl

47、oors create the effect of a higher ceili ng, whereas traditi on ally dark colors make ceili ngs lower. Light colors visually broade n the space and a room seems wider and larger. The same applies to wall color, so using light wall colors with match ing light trim and base-boards will also make space

48、 seem larger.Although lighter colors do create an airy sen se, this does not mean that in terior desig ners are limited to using lighter colors whe n they arrange and decorate a small room. In practice, con trast ing dark colors with lighter colors further emphasizes the effect of spacious ness. For

49、 example, a dark couch on light colored floori ng and on light wall beh ind it, as a sin gle dark eleme nt aga inst a light backgro und, will seem smaller tha n it actually is and not very large room will appear more spacious. It is possible to use dark colors to create the sense of ope nn essa nd s

50、pacious nessi n a smaller space. The esse ntial con siderati on is to use darker colors in con trast with lighter colors to create the illusio n of more space. It is also importa nt to reduce of dark colors to a few small items.Irrespective of the use light and dark con trasts, desig ners can shape

51、and modify the visual experie nee of in terior space through the careful and correct man ipulati ng the warm and cool colors. For example, if a room is not big, they can broaderitsllwalls by using light cool colors in finishing -grey-blue, pearl, or pale green. If a room is larger, pastel or deep co

52、lors in a warm spectrum will be appropriate for it.t.To the colors that visually broade n the space the followi ng ones bel ong: n eutral white, light beige, warm beige-ora nge, differe nt shades of yellow, cold light blue, blue, cold blue-gree n. To the colors that create the effect of restrai nt a

53、nd close ness of the space the followi ng ones bel ong: black, dark brow n, blue-gree n, blue-violet, rich red, yellow-red, oran ge-red, warm reddish colors. There are also neutral colors that don quite change the space perception. These are gree n, purple-red, violet and grey .The broade ning of vi

54、sual liv ing space can result from a com mon color - grade of a sitt ing room, a kitche n, and a di ning room. Especially the color of floors and walls in this area should be the same as the main colors of major part that is usually livi ng room. Applicati on of light and warm colors in the main roo

55、m makes the flat look wider, larger and more spacious. The effect of a bigger height is achieved by colori ng the floor in rich and saturated colors. Red and all shades of red effectively acce ntuate horiz on tal li nes and pla nes of the floor. Blue and all its shades on the floor are cold and un p

56、leasa nt in the recepti on, especially on the large part of floor, but, at the same time, it seems big and wide. Warm yellow and all its shades on the floor make a room spare, bright and sunny; however, light color visually doesn gtive a stable support for legs and heavy eleme nts of in terior. 1,2,

57、 46 Mirror IllusionsThe mirror increasingly becomes a material, or rather a tool for creation of interior space. There are many mirror tricks that can improve the real in terior proporti ons, modify the room in terms of spacious ness. The first, and perhaps the most famous trick is gaining of enl ar

58、ged room through the large mirror surfaces. This procedure can be used in livi ng rooms, separated or comb ined with a kitche nette, and rooms that should be a large, spacious, bright and elega nt. However, it is particularly justified in the small-scale rooms like bathrooms, halls, staircases etc.

59、They are usually small and quite tight, so any extra space, eve n created using help of mirror reflecti ons, in creases their attractive ness.Mirror tricks and methods is especially appropriate in the in terior of a small-scale bathroom. It follows from the specific facts:- mirror is one of the necessary functional items in the bathroom -the mirror is bigger, the better,-users spe nd a lot of time in the bathroom where en gage in man


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