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1、Immediate Test 当堂检测当堂检测1.在在方面相似方面相似2. 考虑做某事考虑做某事3. 做复习做复习4. 看一看看一看5. 一言为定一言为定6. 由你决定由你决定7. 做某事有麻烦做某事有麻烦8. 宁愿;更喜欢宁愿;更喜欢9. 认为某人,某物是认为某人,某物是10. 一对,一双;几个一对,一双;几个11. 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做12. 明白么?明白么?13. 与与相似相似14. 和和相处随意轻松相处随意轻松15. 适用于,适合于适用于,适合于 与与相似相似 在在方面相似方面相似 考虑做某事考虑做某事 认为某人,某物是认为某人,某物是 做某事有麻烦做某事有麻烦 宁愿;更喜欢宁

2、愿;更喜欢 宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做 适用于,适合于适用于,适合于 做复习做复习 一言为定一言为定 由你决定由你决定 一对,一双;几个一对,一双;几个 明白么?明白么? be similar to be similar in consider + doing sth. Consider(to be)/as have problems (in) doing sth have difficulty/trouble (in) doing prefer (doing) (doing)sth prefer to do rather than do would rather do than

3、 do This is true of . = The same is true of = It is the same with do some revision thats settled. Its up to you. a couple of Have you got that?translation 春节春节 一个传统的中国节日,被认为是中国最重要一个传统的中国节日,被认为是中国最重要的节日。的节日。 她宁愿承认错误也不撒谎她宁愿承认错误也不撒谎tell a lie/lies。 你不能想象我学英语的困难。(定从)你不能想象我学英语的困难。(定从) 同样地同样地 我们倾向些更非正式的衣服

4、,因为这会使我们倾向些更非正式的衣服,因为这会使我们放松我们放松 取决于你我们是否要做复习 他认真对待每件事,他认真对待每件事, 结果他避免了相似的错误。结果他避免了相似的错误。 He took everything seriously, so that he avoided similar mistakes. He took everything seriously so that he could avoid similar mistakes. 为了为了 目的状语从句目的状语从句 我们老师说英语如此流利以至于我们都尊敬她。我们老师说英语如此流利以至于我们都尊敬她。 My teacher s

5、peaks English so fluently that we all respect her. 我会非常感激如果你能给我这个机会, 期待回复。 I would (truly) appreciate it if you could give me the chance. Im looking forward to your reply. 我非常希望能足够幸运被你们公司录取。 I hope that I can be lucky enough to be admitted to your company. 他取得如此大的进步以至于我们都很激动。 He made such great prog

6、ress that we all got excited.translation 春节春节 一个传统的中国节日,被认为是中国最重要的节日。一个传统的中国节日,被认为是中国最重要的节日。 The Spring festival, a traditional Chinese festival, is considered as the most important festival in china。 她宁愿承认错误也不撒谎她宁愿承认错误也不撒谎tell a lie/lies。 She preferred to admit her mistake rather than tell a lie. 你

7、不能想象我学英语的困难。你不能想象我学英语的困难。 You cant imagine the difficulty I have learning English. 同样地同样地 我们倾向些更非正式的衣服,因为这会使我们我们倾向些更非正式的衣服,因为这会使我们 更放松更放松 Similarly, we prefer some informal clothes, as they make us more relaxed. 取决于你我们是否要做复习 Its up to you whether we will do some revisionGrammarVerbs followed by -ing

8、山东山东 翟纪友翟纪友 You cant imagine my difficulty learning English. however, I couldnt escape being attracted by my English teacher immediately I met her. Sometimes I cant avoid being punished by her, but I know she devotes herself to teaching us. We admit enjoying being educated by her. In order to make h

9、er class interesting, she practices telling jokes, and she suggested not telling lies to her. I will stick to working hard and pay more attention to vocabulary. I will never give up learning English and will insist on learning with her. Im looking forward to making progress with her. I feel like lea

10、rning English well, as Im considering going abroad, even though my parents object to it. I appreciate being treated well as my teacher doesnt mind teaching someone who are not smart. Thanks to my English teacher, I will not put off my English work. Now, Ill get down to doing my English homework. Im

11、so busy in doing it that i don allow disturbing me.Homework Feedback 预习反馈 9班学案情况:班学案情况:G1:张琰玲:张琰玲 孟雨菲孟雨菲 4G2:4 G3:肖志佳:肖志佳 贺佳佳贺佳佳 !4G4: 王昱琪王昱琪 4G5: 李兰欣李兰欣 张明阳张明阳 4 G6: 41.To Summarize of the V-ing used as objects2.To be able to use them correctly Learning objects 3. To be devoted to learning passiona

12、tely and enjoy the pleasure of success.Self-correction 自查自纠自查自纠Requirements:3 Keep quiet; Work Carefully ; Underline key points; Correct mistakes. I always imagine getting married to u. I admit falling in love with u immediately I saw u. I couldnt escape being attracted by u. I look forward to seein

13、g u. I cant put off meeting u. how could I avoid being refused by u. I feel like dating with u. I would appreciate it if I have u. Can u consider accepting a fool? Ill practice telling jokes. Ill stick to writing to you poems. Ill pay attention to your mood. Ill keep on buying u food. Ill never mind

14、 u becoming fat, even if everybody objects. Thanks to u, Ill get down to loving u. Ill devote myself to loving u. I will never give up loving u.1)1)常见的直接接动词常见的直接接动词-inging形式的动词有形式的动词有:admit, avoid, advise, allow, appreciate, consider , delay, enjoy, escape, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, permi

15、t, practise, risk, suggest等。等。2)2)常见的常见的直接接动词直接接动词-ing形式形式的短语的短语: : feel like, give up, cant help, be used to,keep on, insist on, look forward to, put off, devoteto , stick to, object to, thanks to, be busy in, get down to, have some trouble /difficulty /problems (in)等。等。如:如:I am looking forward to

16、seeing you.我盼望着再次见到你。我盼望着再次见到你。 The doctor advised taking more exercise.医生建议多运动。医生建议多运动。The boy refused to admit stealing my money.这个男孩拒绝承认偷了我的钱。这个男孩拒绝承认偷了我的钱。 We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting for another hour. 我们误了我们误了5:30的班车,这意味着还得等一的班车,这意味着还得等一个小时。个小时。I really enjoyed working on the fa

17、rm. 我真的喜欢在农场干活。我真的喜欢在农场干活。She had finished listening to the news. 她听完了新闻。她听完了新闻。注注: 有些动词如有些动词如: remember, forget, stop, try, mean,regret 等后既可以跟等后既可以跟动词动词-ing形式,也可跟动词不定式作宾形式,也可跟动词不定式作宾语,但意义不同。如:语,但意义不同。如:remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事记得曾经做过某事remember to do sth 记住做某事记住做某事动作已发生动作已发生动作还没有发生动作还没有发生I remembe

18、r seeing you somewhere in Beijing.我记得在北京什么地方见到过你。我记得在北京什么地方见到过你。Do you remember to post the letter? 你记住寄这封信了吗你记住寄这封信了吗?forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事忘记曾经做过某事forget to do sth 忘记去做某事忘记去做某事动作已发生动作已发生动作还没有发生动作还没有发生I shall never forget hearing her singing that song. 我将不会忘记听她唱那支歌的情景。我将不会忘记听她唱那支歌的情景。I have forg

19、otten to bring my umbrella. 我忘了带伞。我忘了带伞。 stop doing 停止做某事停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事停下来去做某事 如:如:Please stop talking aloud. 请不要大声说话。请不要大声说话。They stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他们停下来一听,但已经没有什么声音他们停下来一听,但已经没有什么声音了。了。try doing 试着做某事试着做某事try to do sth 尽力去做某事尽力去做某事Why not try doing it in

20、 some other way? 为什么不用其他办法试一试呢?为什么不用其他办法试一试呢?I tried to solve the problem but I couldnt.我试图解答那个数学题,但我解不出。我试图解答那个数学题,但我解不出。 “做做看做做看”之意之意“想要努力去做想要努力去做”之意,但实际上有之意,但实际上有没有做是另一回事。没有做是另一回事。mean to do sth 打算做某事打算做某事mean doing 意味着意味着 如:如:Missing the bus means waiting for another hour.赶不上那班巴士就要等一个小时。赶不上那班巴士就

21、要等一个小时。I am sorry I hurt you, but I never meant to.抱歉我伤害了你,但我本来没有这个意抱歉我伤害了你,但我本来没有这个意思。思。regret doing 对于对于感到遗憾感到遗憾/后悔后悔regret to do sth 因因感到遗憾感到遗憾I regret lending him so much money. He never paid me back. 我很后悔借给他那么多钱。他从来没我很后悔借给他那么多钱。他从来没有还过我。有还过我。I regret to tell you that you failed the test.我遗憾的告诉你

22、你没有通过考试。我遗憾的告诉你你没有通过考试。 动词动词like, love, prefer 后接不定式后接不定式或动词或动词-ing形式作宾语均可。但有一形式作宾语均可。但有一些细微的差别。如表示经常性、习惯些细微的差别。如表示经常性、习惯性的动作常用动词性的动作常用动词-ing形式,如表示形式,如表示特定情况或具体动作则常用动词不定特定情况或具体动作则常用动词不定式。如:式。如:I like listening to music of this kind.I like to listen to this song. They prefer going to the beach in sum

23、mer.They prefer to be alone now.表示一般情况表示一般情况表示一般情况表示一般情况表示特定情况表示特定情况表示特定情况表示特定情况注意:如果注意:如果like, love, prefer前有前有would/should 时,后面则接动词不定式。时,后面则接动词不定式。如:如:Id like to go swimming this weekend.本周我愿意游泳。本周我愿意游泳。I would love to meet your parents.我想见你的父母。我想见你的父母。 begin, start, continue 后跟不定式和后跟不定式和动词动词-ing形

24、式,通常没有差别。但在下形式,通常没有差别。但在下列三种情况下,其后需用动词不定式:列三种情况下,其后需用动词不定式:A. 当当begin/start 用于进行时时用于进行时时;B. 当当begin/start的主语是物时;的主语是物时;C. 当其后的动词为不可以用于进行时的当其后的动词为不可以用于进行时的表示心理活动或精神状态的动词时。表示心理活动或精神状态的动词时。如:如:I am beginning to remember it. 我开始记起这件事了。我开始记起这件事了。The snow began to melt.雪开始融化。雪开始融化。He began to feel afraid.

25、他开始觉得害怕。他开始觉得害怕。It started to rain.雨开始下了。雨开始下了。need 表示表示“需要需要”,require表示表示“要求要求”,want 表示表示“想要想要”时后面时后面接动词接动词-ing形式或形式或 to be done结构。如:结构。如: The house wants/needs/requires repairing. The house wants/needs/requires to be repaired.相当于:相当于:有时动词有时动词-ing形式前面可有自己的逻形式前面可有自己的逻辑主语。如:辑主语。如:Would you mind my op

26、ening the door?我打开门你介意吗?我打开门你介意吗?Would you mind my sitting next to you?你不介意我坐你旁边吧?你不介意我坐你旁边吧?Instructions Instructions 答疑解惑答疑解惑 重点点拨重点点拨Requirements:5Raise questions actively;Work Carefully ;Underline key points. Crazy English 当堂背诵当堂背诵Requirements:5 Stand up; Raise sheets high; Read loudly; Learn by

27、 heart.Immediate Test 当堂检测当堂检测1.practise doing 2. escape doing 3. suggest doing 4. allow doing 5. imagine doing 6. keep doing7. keep on doing 8. feel like doing9. thanks to doing 10. devote to doing 11. have some trouble (in) doing12. get down to doing13. try doing 14. try to do sth15. go on doing s

28、th 16. go on to doImmediate Test 当堂检测当堂检测remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事记得曾经做过某事remember to do sth 记住做某事记住做某事forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事忘记曾经做过某事forget to do sth 忘记去做某事忘记去做某事stop doing 停止做某事停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事停下来去做某事Go on doing继续做同一件事情继续做同一件事情Go on to do 做完某事接着做另一件做完某事接着做另一件try doing 试着做某事试着做某事try

29、 to do sth 尽力去做某事尽力去做某事mean to do sth 打算做某事打算做某事 mean doing 意味着意味着regret doing 对于对于感到后悔感到后悔 regret to do sth 因因感到遗憾感到遗憾Cant help doing禁不住做某事禁不住做某事Cant help (to) do不能帮忙做某事不能帮忙做某事Cooperation and Discussion 合作探究Contents(内容)(内容) Requirement(要求要求)ExplorationTime:5 minutesFirst, discuss one to one.Next, w

30、ork in the group.Always remember:1. Participate full of passion.2. Time waits for no one.3. Level B and C prepare for presentation.Evaluation Standard (评价标准评价标准)全体参与热烈程度全体参与热烈程度 最佳小组最佳小组+2分分correctionv2 The discovery of new evidence(证据) led to the thief _ (catch).v5- When did you go to the States? v

31、- I remember _( take )there when I was ten.v13. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _(persuade)into buying something they dont really need.v10. Its beginning _ (rain), we had better hurry homev6. The form needs _(fill in) in ink.v8. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _(set) up

32、some schools for poor children. v chatting setting cutting2.The discovery of new evidence (证据证据) led to _. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught1. In some parts of London, missing a bus means_ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait

33、 D. to be waitingExercise 3. One learns a language by making mistakes and _ them. A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct 4. She meant _ but the look on your face suggested “No”. A. explaining B. to explain C. explanation D. to be explained5. When did you go to the States? I remember _ th

34、ere when I was ten. A. having taken B. to be taken C. being taken D. to take6. He is so busy that he cant help _ the classroom. A. cleaning B. to cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned7. I have been knocking at the door, but no one answers. Why not _ at the back door? A. try knocking B. try to knock C. to try knocking D. to try to knock8. As a young man from a rich family, can you imagine _ in such a small and dirty place? A. to work B. yourself to work C. working D. work9. My uncle is considering _ his heath. A. improve B. to impr


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