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1、实用标准文案初三英语巩固题Name一、单项选择题)1. A bird flew into the classroomthe window this morning .A.throughB. byC. overD. at()2. -Was anybody hurt in the accident ? - Yes , two people tohospital.A. had takenB. will, takeC. were takenD. are taken()3. -Sir, show you ticket, please ! - OK, . My god! Iit at home .A.fo

2、rgetB.leftC.putD.make( )4. -The traffic is becoming worse and worse .-Thats right. So always look both waysyou cross the road .A.untilB.whileC. beforeD.after)5.weekend !A. What happy aB. What happy C. How happy D.How happy a)6. -John is not in . Hes gone to a party-Well , do you know?A. when he left

3、 homeB.which shirt was he wearingC.that he took a cameraD.who he goes with()7. How long did you stay at the party last night ?midnight.A. SinceB. ForC. TillD. At()8. Sam,are you readyfor shopping ?-Yes, buthave youashopping list ?A.writte nB.doneC.madeD.take n()9. Our teacher has invited the class t

4、o his house on Saturday .you?-m afraid not. AAre; goingB. Do ; go C. Have ; gone D. Had ;gone()10. -Would you like to watch a football match with me next Saturday ?-Well, in Britain usually football matcheson Saturday , but unluckilynomatches for next Saturday .A.are playingB.will be playedC.are pla

5、yed D.play)11. What a nice camera A . how much is it C.who got it for you! Could you tell me?B. where you buy itD.which country was it made in)12. Lily isinteresting person . She is good at tellingfunny stories .A.a ; the B.an ; the C.a ; X D.an ; X()13. It was a good football match .teams played we

6、ll .A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. All()14. -What do you think of money ?-Its important. But it isnt thing in life .A.importa ntB.more importa nt C.most importa ntD.the mostimporta nt()15. -What did Tony ask in the interview ? - He asked.A.who am IB.where did I come fromC. that I would leave colleg

7、eD.if I had working experienee()16. Take it or leave it. Its hard for a kid to make a.A.conv ersatio nB.differe neeC.decisio nD.discussi on()17.-Did Tina come just now ?- Yes,she wanted to knowA.when we will move to our new houseB.how did I get on with mystudyC. that everything as going well with us

8、 .D. where we would go on holiday this summer.()18.bad weather! Its been raining for several days .A. What B. What a C. How D. How a()19. .the tour guide , or youll lose your way .A. Follow B. To followC. FollowingD. Followed()20. -Why is it difficult for young people find a job now ?-Becausemany co

9、mpanies welcome people have workingexperienee .A.which B.whom C.what D.who()21. -Shall I introduce T om to you ?-No, thank you . Weeach other for seven years .A.know B.knew C.have known D.had known()22. -Do you have any plans for this weekend ?-m not sure. I go to the cinema A.mightB.needC.shouldD.m

10、ust()23. Football and English are two international languages that _ all over theworld .A.un dersta ndB.are un derstoodC.have un dersta ndD.will beun derstood()24. Cathy lookedafter she had her hair cut.A. prettier B. the prettier C. prettiest D. the prettiest()25. Laura is my best friend . She is a

11、ble tohappiness and sadness withme .A.expressB.shareC. collectD.provide()26. -Do you know Jenny has moved into a new house ?-Yes, its a big one with a .A.gardenB.square C.riverD.path()27. -When will you clean the dishes ?-I finish my homework .A. Until B. Since C. While D. As soon as()28. -Do you kn

12、ow Liu Wei, the winner of Chinas Got Talent (中国达人秀)?Yes, he is so great. He plays the pianothis feet.A.in B.byC.withD.on()29. I called you just now . I could hear you but you could nthear-Sorry , there was something wrong with my phone .A.meB.you C.mine D.yours()30. Lily is easy-going girl. She has

13、many friends. A.a B.an C.theD.X二、完形填空Life happens whether we are ready for it or not , and in May 2010, my mom died of a terrible illness.I m not sure whether we are prepared to lose1. I had more things to talk about with her , and I know I wasn t _2to let her go.Less than one month later, my husban

14、d died , too.He was not only mylife partner but also my business partner, so I was3_ to run our businessand my life alone . I was very sad to lose the two most4people in my life .However, I quickly learned that asking for _5was the only way to stayaway from the sadness . I found that people really w

15、anted to help ,6_heydidn t know how . My request (求助)opened the door for them to give the help .Two years has 7since that time . I continue to ask for help8my families and friends , because I am driven to a life of joy , and I knowI won t get there9. And that s just fine .So, I encourage you to ask

16、for help , for it may help you go through the10and lead a brighter life .()1A itB. herC. himD.that()2 A readyB.happyC. sureD. worried()3A keptB. putC. leftD. lost()4.A. successfulB. interestingC. lovely.important()5.A.adviceB.helpC.moneyD.din ner()6AandB.soC.orD. But()7. A.passedB.spe ntC. lastedD.c

17、ome()8. A.ofB.fromC.withD.to()9. A.quicklyB.earlyC.aloneD.together()10. A.dangerB.timeC.successD.trouble三、阅读理解精彩文档Here are a few tips on the many ways you can make new friends in college :1. Get to know your classmates as youll be spending several mon ths with them . Making conv ersati ons in class

18、is a great cha nee to meet new people who are in terested in the same kinds of studies you are .2. Spending time in shared areas such as the cafeteria , library andcom mon roms will give you more cha nee to meet new people . Study in places where you can meet new people , dont be afraid to join othe

19、rs for meals and try to jump in on group conv ersati ons .3. I you are athletic , trying out for a sport will do good for you asthe same thing that joining a club will do . You will meet a large group of people who share your in terests ar on ce.4. Not only will you be help ing those in n eed , but

20、youll also bemeeti ng new people . Youll be able to bond over your in terest in the group for which you are volun teeri ng , and you know you have a shared commitme nt to volun teer work . Youll likely discover that you have much more in com mon .5. Some of these arent your cup of tea , gett ing a j

21、ob is ano ther wayto make friends in the area . Getting an on-camping job will help you make college friends , but gett ing a job any where will help you make both collegefriends and those that just live in the area .A. Talk to classmatesB. Find a jobC. Try out for a sportD. Spe nd time in the publi

22、c areas .E. Be a volun teer.四、用所给词的适当形式填空:like ; play; liste n ; if ; sing ; as ; use ; how ; what ; one; refuse ;someThere was a man 1the piano in a bar . He was a good pianoplayer . Many people came out just to hear him play him . One night however , a customer told him he did nt want to hear him

23、just play 2more . He in sisted the pia nist should si ng a song for a 3.The man 4to sing any songs at first .But the customer did nt giveup . He told the man ager , Im tired of 5to the pia no .1 want that manto si ng .The man ager shouted across the room , Hey !6you want to getpaid , sing a song . S

24、o he sang a song . A pia no player who had n ever sung in public did so for the 7time . And no body had ever heard the song8in such a way . Just because he ha to sing , he became famous . Orhe may have worked 9a pia no player in a bar all his life in stead of afamous sin ger in America .He had talen

25、t( 才能)in singing . You, too , have skills and abilities . But the question is now What ability do I have that is 10? but How will Iuse whatever ability I have ?五、补全对话A: Hi Tom?B: Id love to , but Im afraid I wont have time this weekend .A:?B: Well , my father has arrived back home from Australia . A

26、nd were going tohave abig party to celebrate .A: Really ?B: Hes an engineer, and he works on physics .A: Hes so great. How long has he been in Australia ?B:.A: Thats a long time .B: All the family will come for a big barbecue . My sister and I will prepare things allday on Saturday .A: What a lot of

27、 work for you ! I hope every th i ng goes well with you .B:m sure it will be a great day . Thank you .初三英语巩固题(2) Name()1. -Look ! Mom bought me a mountain-bike as a birthday present.lovely present it is !A. What B. What a C. How D. How a()2. -Why are you in such a hurry ?-ve forgottenmy book with me

28、 andII have to go back for it.A. bring B.bringing C.to bring D.brought()3. From now on more and more new computersto the village schools tohelpthe chi Id re n there get better educatio n .A. give B.are giving C.were give D.will be given()4. Dad , can I play basketball after school?-Sure.you have to

29、finish your homework first.A. And B. So C. But D. Or()5. -What are you looking for ?-The picturewas hanging on thewall.A. whatB. thatC. when D . who()6. Mark is a very brave boy . He isntanything .A. interested inB. good at C. sure about D. afraid of()7. Tim is in trouble . Does anyoneto help ?A. of

30、fer B. afford C. provide D. suggest( )8. The teacher praised Tom this morning because he mademistakes inhis composition . A. a little B. a few C. little D. few()9. -Why is Joh n weari ng sun glasses? It s not sunny .-1 don t know . Hehave some problems with his eyes .A. may B. can C. must D. shall()

31、10. Where are my keys ? This is the third timeIthem today!A. lose B. lost C. have lost D. will lose()11. -Shall we go out formeal this evening ?-Yes. That sgoodidea.A. a; a B. X; the C. a; X D. the ; a()12. -an you lend me a pen ?-1 m sorry , but I haven t got.A. it B. one C. this D. that()13. -Have

32、 you just arrived? -No,Ive been herehalf past ten.A. since B. for C. untilD. at()14. The reason I get fat is that I m tasting thingswhilel.A. cook B. am cookingC. will cook D. have cook()15. Once a week ,Fridays , Nancy goes skating with her friends .A. in B. onC. at D. by()16. He tried to find a jo

33、b , but hein the end . Its impossible .A. got up B. looked up C. gave up D. turned up)17 -Are you thinking of going to see Tim ?-Yes.I go , will you come with me ?A. If B. W hen C. Because D. Though()18. What happened to Tom ?-1 don t know . Wecoffee when the police arrived .A. had B. were havingC.

34、have had D. would have()19. -Maria says her father is a farmer.-But hebe. They live in the center of New York .A. can B. must C. mustn t D. can t()20. -Would you like a glass of milk ?-Thank you , but Ione .A. had B. have C. have had D. will have()21. I m going to tell you something important, so pl

35、ease listen.A. carefully B. quickly C. clearly D. easily()22. -David is very funny . He always keeps us laughing for hours .Sure . I hope heto the party this weekend .A. invites B. will be invitedC. is invited D. has invited()23.the dishes there . I will wash them later.A. Leave B. To leave C. Leavi

36、ng D. Left()24. Anyonewants to succeed must work hard and never give up thenfacingdifficulties . A. whoB. whom C. X D. whose)25. Celin wanted to know.A. where am I going to spend the holiday . B. what would I do when I left schoolC. that I could carry some boxes for herD. if I had seen her car keys

37、.)26. -Mom , you are wanted on the phone .-OK.a sec ond . I m comi ng .A. Waiting B. Wait C. To wait D. Waited)27. -Why are you so angry ?-The policemanstopped our car wasn t friendly .A. who B. whom C. what D. whose)28. I can drivein the early morning because there is less traffic .A. quickly B. mo

38、re quickly C. less quickly D. most quickly)29. When you play tennis , youalways watch the ball .A. might B. could C. would D. should)30. -Why are you in a hurry ?-1 mSarah . Have you seen her ?A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through .实用标准文案、选词填空clea n, take, for, but, love,

39、ani mal, pick, you, happy, quick,to, andIt was a warm after noon .1a walk in the park . Life is so won derfulI said to myself . Trees and flowers made me _2.Then I saw two girls 3_ flowers . I got very angry and walked _4them . They saw me and ran away5. Maybe they thought I was a workerin this park

40、 .What do you thi nk of the two girls ? You may say They did a wrong thi ng ._6they are still young .I thi nk every one should7_ n ature . Childre n should love it , too . Dontcut trees or pick flowers . Bee frie ndly to8. Try to do everyth ing you cando . After you drink a coke , do not litter the

41、can . You know where to put it , right ?The sky is blue , the air is fresh , and the water is _9. Our nature is sobeautiful ! Why not be a n ature lover ! It does nt cost you much . But you can make our earth much more beautiful . Loving nature means loving _10life .12345678910三、阅读理解Two little broth

42、ers decided to tie a deep hole behind their house .As they were worki ng , some visitors stopped by to watch .What are you doing ? asked one of the visitors .We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth ! one of the brothers replied excitedly .The visitors began to laugh , telling the brother

43、s that it was impossible todig a hole all the way through the earth . The brothers kept sile nt for along精彩文档time . Then one of them picked up a jar filled with stones of different sizes and shapes . He showed it to the laughing visitors and said proudly ,Even if we dont dig all the way through the

44、earth , look at what we found along the way Their goal was far too difficult to come true , but it did cause them to dig . And that is what a goal is for -to cause us to move in the direct ion we have chosen .But not every goal will be fully achieved .Not every hard work will becompleted .Not every

45、dream will be realized .But when you arent able toachieve your goal , perhaps you can say Yes, but look at what I found along the way !Look at the won derful things which have come into my life because I tried to do someth ing .It is in the digging that lief is truly important to us .()1. What were

46、the two brothers doing at the beg inning of the story ?A. Look ing for ston es.B. Playi ng with the visitorsC. Digging a hole in the earth D.Showing their stones to thevisitors .( )2. What did the visitors think of the two brothers plan ?A. Difficult B. Excit ingC. I nteresti ngD.Da ngerous()3. What

47、 does the underlined word it int eh fifth paragraph refer to ?A. The jarB. The earth C. The goal D.The hole()4. What does the sixth paragraph tell us ?A. Hold on to your dream and you will realize it one day .B. Cha nge your goal whe n you cant achieve itC. Work hard , or your job will not end succe

48、ssfully .D. Try your best and you will enjoy wonderful things .()5.Whats the best title for the passage ?A. Stones in the jarB. Love in our lifeC.Frie ndship in the teamworkD.Joy in the journey .三、补全对话:A: Matt ,?实用标准文案B: rm not sure . Why ?A: A few frie nds and I are goi ng on a pic nic .?B: Sure ,

49、that sounds like fun .?A: Were thi nking about Joh nson Park . There are ple nty of pic nic tables , and theres a big field . We can play soccer .B: Great ! I have a lot of homework to do , but I can try and finish it before Sunday .A: Any thi ng you like . Ill bring the soccer ball . Whe n shall we

50、 meet ?B:. Ill call you later .A: OK . Bye !初三英语巩固题(3) Name一、单项选择()1.I m late this morning , don t wait for me .A. If B. When C. Though D. U nl ess()2. Mm, what a wonderful smell from the kitchen ! I m sure it s going totaste.A. delicious B. terribleC. n icelyD. well()3. -Do you work or are you a st

51、ude nt ?-. I ve got a job and I study , too .A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None()4. I m getting a little bit heavy now . The doctor advise me to have moreeveryday . A. butter B. vegetables C. cakes D. ice-cream()5. There wasin teresti ng program onTV last ni ght .A. an ; the B. an ;X C. a ; the D.

52、 a; X()6. Are you thirsty ? There is some lem on ade in the fridge . Help.A. myself B. themselves C. himself D. yourself()7. Tom has some with his English writing . Can you give him someadvice ?A. problems B. fun C. worries D. i nterest()8. I m going to buy _ hat and _ umbrella to keep the sun off.A

53、. a ; a B. an ; a C. an ;an D. a ; an()9. -Mark speaks En glish well , but you _ him .-Thank you .A. speak as badly asB. don t speak so badly asC. speak worse tha nD. speak much better tha n()10. -What do you thi nk of the party last night?-Won derful ! I th ink everybodywent to the party enjoyed it

54、 verymuch .A. which B. who C. what D. whose? ( )11.Peter didn t go shopping with his parents because hethe footballmatch onTV. A. watch B. will watch C. was watch ing D. had watched .()12. I m not ready yet but youwait for me . You can go nowand I llcome later .A. needn t B. mustn t C. can tD. could

55、n t()13. -Ca n I speak to Tom ?-Well ,a mi nute , please .A. go on B. hold on C. get on D. try on()14. Tom hasn t got a lot of money so he always looksat the prices whenhegoes shopp ing . A. calmlyB. carefully C. an grilyD. bravely()15. -The traffic is beco ming worse and worse now .-That s right . So always look both waysyou cross the road .A. until B. while C. before D. after .、选词填空past ; whether ; ill ; late; real ; much ; from ; g


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