Dear AIESEC TraineeCalifornia Polytechnic State …_第1页
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Dear AIESEC TraineeCalifornia Polytechnic State …_第4页
Dear AIESEC TraineeCalifornia Polytechnic State …_第5页
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1、explanation of the application processin order to make this process quick and easy for you, we have outlined the forms and paperwork you will need to turn in below. the application should be turned in two weeks after the introductory meeting. (see local committee vice president for date). note there

2、 is a $20 non-refundable application fee that will be put towards your total program fee if selected.the student applicationthis form, which is supplied along within this packet, is separated into a number of parts: part 1: general information part 2: references part 3: wish list - dates, location &

3、 length of the traineeship part 4: short answer questions part 5: essay question part 6: language test info part 7: student contractresumethis will be a resume that you produce. it should include field of study, work experience, and any awards and recognition you may have gained throughout your life

4、. if you need help, contact an aiesec representative or a career development office in your university.transcriptyou should be able to get this from your universitys registrar officethe language testin order to evaluate your foreign language skills, aiesec international has set up a standardized rat

5、ing system, which will help you find the traineeship that will best fit your level of foreign language proficiency. aiesec in the united states does not have a foreign language test, so it is up to you to find a professor in your college or university to prepare a test for you and administer it. aft

6、er the test, the professor will write down the score on the student contract and stamp it with a seal of the language department or university.a letter to the professor is included with the packet, along with an explanation of the grading criteria in each area of the language test. please pass this

7、letter on to the professor who will be administering the test. if you are unsure as to which professor you should speak with, please contact an aiesec representative for help.*note you may not claim more than one native language. you do not need to be tested in your native language. if you feel you

8、are fluent to the point of a native speaker in more than one language you must still choose only one as native and be tested in the other. the highest score you can receive is a level.the selection process1. pick up application2. turn in application to aiesec 3. application reviewed by aiesec office

9、rs4. based on applications aiesec officers will choose a select number of applicants to interview with a review board.5. applicants approved by the review board will begin matching processthe review board is an interview with aiesec officers, a current or former trainee, a school official, and a per

10、son from the business community and/or a cultural consultant. you will be evaluated on your professionalism, your openness, your ability to work in a corporation, your problem-solving skills, and your cultural-awareness. this is the final step in the selection process. if you are selected you will b

11、egin the matching process as soon as possible.student applicationpart 1: general informationname:_ home phone( )_address:_ work phone( )_city:_ state:_zip:_email:_do you reside at this address while school is not in session? yes_ no_if not, where do you live during the summer?address:_ home phone( )

12、_city:_ state:_zip:_ work phone( )_email:_person to contact in case of emergency:name:_ home phone( )_address:_ work phone( )_city:_ state:_ zip:_ relationship to applicant:_part 2: referencesplease list three individuals as references. you may not use members of your immediate or extended family as

13、 phone( )_relationship to applicant:_name:_ phone( )_relationship to applicant:_name:_ phone( )_relationship to applicant:_part 3: applicants wish listplease describe below the countries and/or regions you would like to go. (i.e. brazil, asia-pacific, german-speaking world, etc.),

14、also indicate your preferred fields of experience, start dates and length of traineeship (note: traineeship must be at least six weeks long and no more than 78 weeks long). you need only enter country and region information if you have specific preferences.*note* this program is designed for people

15、wishing to go abroad generally. being too specific will make it very difficult for you to find a position. try to be as open as possible. openness in this section is a criterion of selection. you are required to take a position unless you have stated that you will not accept that field of experience

16、 or that country. violation of this rule will be cause to remove you from the trainee pool and you will not be eligible for a refund. (see refund policies)regions required: (see attached list)_countries and/or regions preferred:_countries not accepted: (no more than 2)_fields of experience preferred

17、: (see attached list)_fields of experience not accepted: (no more than 2)_minimum length of traineeship: _ weeks (note: absolute minimum is 6)maximum length of traineeship: _ weeks (note: absolute maximum is 78)earliest start date (mo/day/yr): _preferred start date (mo/day/yr): _latest start date (m

18、o/day/yr): _ (note: your latest start date must be at least 1 month later than your earliest start date)latest end date (mo/day/yr): _part 4: short answer questionsplease answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper. answers may not exceed 1 page, typed and double spaced.1. why do you want to

19、 go on an aiesec traineeship and what do you hope to gain from the experience?2. refer back to your “wish list”. what are the reasons that you required certain regions or did not accept certain countries?3. how will you contribute to your home community once you return from your aiesec traineeship?p

20、art 5: essayplease write a 2-3-page essay, double-spaced, answering the question below.where do you see yourself in ten years and how can an aiesec traineeship help you realize this vision?student refund policythe following describes the conditions under which a student trainee may request a refund

21、of the application fee. please read through this document carefully as no exceptions will be made. by signing the student contract you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the following:general / timelines and refund amounts:a student may only request a refund if aiesec is unable to locate a

22、position which meets the requirements set by the student in the student wish list.fields of experienceas stated in the student wish list, students are not eligible for a refund if they require specific fields of experience. students may choose two fields they will not accept and still be eligible fo

23、r a refund. they may also state a preference for certain fields but aiesec does not guarantee that those preferences will be preferences:as stated in the student wish list, students are not eligible for a refund if they require specific countries. students may require a region of t

24、he world and still be eligible for a refund. they may also state a preference for certain countries but aiesec does not guarantee that those preferences will be fulfilled.timing:a student will not be eligible for a refund unless their latest start date is at least four months after they complete the

25、 student contract. their dates must also agree with the requirements indicated on the student wish lista 60% refund will be granted if the student wishes to break the contract prior to the latest start date as it is stated on the student wish list.initial payment$500non-refundable: $200refundable: $

26、300a 100% refund will be granted if aiesec is unable to match a student by the latest start date as stated on the student wish list and if said student has not willfully changed the latest start dates to allow a match in their benefit.initial payment:$500non-refundable: $ 0refundable: $500how to req

27、uest a refund:in order to collect a refund a student must send a written request for a refund to aiesec united states addressed to the vice president of finance, with a copy of their student application, pre-departure evaluation, and contract. mail requests to: aiesec united states, inc. 135 west 50

28、th street, new york, ny 10020dear language professor:aiesec is a global student exchange organization. we send students to work as interns in companies overseas. as part of the application students are asked to specify their proficiency in a foreign language. to guarantee the integrity of this proce

29、ss each student is asked to have their language ability certified by a professor in the language department.the summary below will give you the aiesec rating levels, their descriptions and ideas on what the testing procedure should include. please feel free to test the student in any manner, but ple

30、ase give them a score according to our descriptions. a student receives a score of a, b, or c in each of the following areas: speech, understanding, reading, and writing. after administering the test, fill out the section on the student contract form with the grades, sign it and then stamp it with e

31、ither a department stamp or a university stamp. upon finishing this, please pass the form on to the student who will then bring it back to an aiesec representative to review. the test must include the following:speech: the test should include a short discussion on topics ranging from the weather, cu

32、ltural and social issues, to politics and economics. this will indicate the students ability to speak on a wide range of issues, and the extent of their vocabulary.understanding: through the above test the students ability to comprehend the discussion ranging from simple to difficult subjects can be

33、 estimated.reading: reading materials on topics ranging from simplified to difficult texts should be presented to the student. the students ability to read and comprehend these texts should be rated and scored.writing: text that varies in their level of complexity should be dictated to the student.

34、the students ability to understand and transcribe these texts should be rated and scored.descriptions:a level: the student makes no evident mispronunciations, but would never be taken as a native speaker. speech is effortless and smooth, but incurs slight problems with speed. the student makes few g

35、rammatical errors. the student has a general vocabulary, adequate to cope with a wide range of issues, from complex practical problems to varied social issues. the student comprehends the language of professional and general topics and has no difficulties with colloquial sayings and rapid speech. th

36、e student is able to read any of the texts with ease and can write a flow of information on any topic, but incurs a few spelling errors.b level: the student speaks with a noticeable foreign accent, occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and/or occasional mispronunciations a

37、nd grammatical errors. general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subjects. the student comprehends everything in normal educated speech, but requires occasional repetition and simplification of the words used. the student reads the text relatively slowly and pauses regularly and/or

38、has occasional mispronunciations. the student writes at a slow pace. sentences have to be repeated to the student. the student makes many spelling mistakes especially on complicated words.c level: the students speech is frequently hesitant and jerky with incomplete sentences. limitation of vocabular

39、y causes inaccurate choice of words and prevents discussion of some common professional and social topics. the student understands careful simplified speech directed towards him/her and requires occasional repetition and rephrasing. the students reading speed is very slow, incurring many mispronunci

40、ations. the student makes several spelling and grammatical errors when writing.thank you very much for taking your time out to administer this test to the potential trainee. this language proficiency testing is very important for us to maintain the quality of our students going abroad.student contra

41、ctinternational traineeship exchange programmestudent id*: -students name: review criteria for studentsi agree that i fulfil the following minimum criteria: i have some knowledge of aiesec, its purpose, its objectives and its activities i understand & am committed to the purpose & objectives of the

42、international traineeship exchange programme i have the personality, adaptability, awareness and maturity to handle the challenges of a traineeship & the culture i have official proof that i have obtained the academic qualifications i have listed i have had official language tests which certifies my

43、 stated the language proficiency i have a high chance of being matched based on the most requested qualifications and my own preferences i have the ability to cover the travel costs to wherever and whenever i get matched based on my requirements i have read and understand the student fee refund poli

44、cycertification of language proficiencylanguage(s)*speakingunderstanding writing reading overall*tested &spokenlevellevellevellevellevelpassed?1. nativenativenativenativenativenot needed2. 3. 4. 5. description of aiesec language levelslevelspeakingunderstandingreadingwritingnnativenativenativenative

45、aeffortless speech no evident mispronunciationcomprehends general and professional topics.reads with easeable to write fluidlyfew spelling errorsboccasionally hesitantnoticeable foreign accentcomprehends normal educated speech, requires repetition.reads slowlycan understand without translationhas sp

46、elling mistakes with complicated wordsclimited speechlimited vocabularyunderstands careful, simplified speechneeds translationspelling and grammatical errors are commonofficial stamps & signatureslanguage certification stamp(s)aiesec stakeholder (external)local committee stamp & signaturename: lcp: signature:signature:signature:confirmation of understanding and agreement.student: signature:student contract page 1, 1997regions of aieseclanguage regionschinese speaking worlddutch speaking worldenglish speaking worldfrench speaking worldgerman speaking worldportuguese speaking worlds


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