1、呈现的英文单词呈现:展现出。指具体的事物在眼前显现出来。“呈现”较清楚, 持续的时间长,多是直接看到的(不是想象的);呈现多在事物本身,有 时在人的眼前;对象多是现实的事物,如颜色、景色、神情、气氛等。 那么,你知道呈现的英语单词怎么说吗 ?呈现的英语单词释义:vi. appear ;emergevt. prese nt呈现的英语单词例句:他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时,脸上呈现异样的表情。His face was a study as he liste ned to their amaz ing n ews.清晰地表达或呈现的;容易理解的Clearly expressed or prese n
2、ted; easy to un dersta nd.经济呈现出复苏的迹象。The economy is show ing sig ns of recovery.在白色背景上用黑色文本呈现各项。Items are ren dered with black text on a white backgro und.老生常谈的事物,经过诗人的处理,呈现出一种全新的意义。Common place objects and eve nts take on a new mea ningwhe n tackled by poets.这个公司呈现出了新面貌。The compa ny took on a new l
3、ook.略过此处,将呈现在您面前的是世博娱乐的一面。Cross ing the river brings you to the in fota inment part of the expo.一个辐射黑体在一切惯性系中都呈现黑色。A blackbody radiator will therefore appear black in all in ertial frames.患者呈现腹水及明显的脾肿大。Patie nts prese nt ascites and obvious splee n enl argeme nt.海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景象。The ships in the bay
4、prese nt a beautiful sight.但是他相信在下届选举前结果会及时的呈现了。But he believed they would show in time for the next electio n.一个网站应该完成所有的工作,呈现给访客的只是那些他们寻找 的东西。A website should do all the work and prese nt visitors onlywith the thi ngs the y’relook ing for.那些秘密使我相当困苦,因为我向公众呈现出一个人,同时还有另一个内在正真实忍受痛苦的人Those secre
5、ts made me extremely un comfortable, since Iwas prese nti ng on epers on to the public while there was this other pers on in side who was reallysufferi ng.所有应用程序都有大量通用的基本内容;;具体地说,就是某类与数据库的接口、某些应用程序逻辑、应用程序呈现给用户的内容等。All applicati ons have a nu mber of basic thi ngs in com mon ;specifically, somek ind
6、of in terface with a database, some amount of applicati on logic, someth in gthat prese nts the applicati on to the user.一个很好的示例是通过一个脚本将输入数据插入到数据库中,然后再从数据库呈现数据。A good example for this would be a script that in serts thein put data to a databaseand then presents it.在命令行,您将(几乎)所有信息呈现在前面,然后执行任务。On the
7、comma ndline, you prese nt (n early) all thein formati on up front and let thejob go.即使两人都患有痴呆症,但一人的大脑可能在病理现象中呈现较 多,而另一个人可能较少。One person may show lots of pathology in their brain while ano ther shows very little, yet both may have had deme ntia.每年国情咨文都被内阁和幕僚们作为我们提出新政策思路的一个组织工具,然后我们努力下功夫,让它们以最佳方式呈现在人
8、们面Every year we used the State of the Union as an orga nizing tool for the cab in eta nd staff to come up with new policy ideas, and the n we worked hard on how bestto prese nt them.举例来说,如果您希望创建一个呈现“架构的4+1视图”的模型的话,那么您可能需要沿着图6中所示的线索完成一些工作。For in sta nee, if you want to create a model that prese ntsth
9、e "4+1 Views ofArchitecture,"you might dosomethi ng along the lines of what you see in Figure 6.大约一个月的时间之内,还有另一座迪斯尼城堡将呈现在公众的In about one month& #39;s time, yet ano ther Disn eyla nd castle will be prese nted to thepublic.作为一个患者,我感到在一次次接触中,向我的医生一贯的呈现 自己是有必要的。As a consumer, I feel the need t
10、o present myself con siste ntly, in con tact afterc on tact,to my treatme ntproviders.“网页无时无刻不在变化,你眼前所呈现的东西也在变,人们如 何进入这些不断变化的网页呢?对此我非常感兴趣,”他说。I was in terested in how you go to these pages all the time that are con sta ntly in flux, cha nging all the things they show you, he says.如果不提供某种形式的导航或排名就将这一
11、结果集呈现给用户, 找到有用信息的概率可谓微乎其微。If this set were prese nted to the user without some formof navigationandranking, the chances of finding usefulin formatio n would be slim.对于每一项实践我都指出了我是否认为它适用,并简单的呈现了我的意见。For each practice I indicate whether I think it scales and prese nt a very briefrati on ale for my opi
12、n io n.马奇亚维利,从这些极端的紧急状态下取材,以他自己的方式寻求 将其正常化,并将其,以正常政治状态的方式呈现出来。Machiavelli takes his beari ngs from these extreme states of emerge ncy and in hisow n way, seeks to no rmalize them, to prese nt them as the n ormal con diti on ofpolitics.但是这篇文章的主要目的是呈现课程开发和软件开发之间的相 似之处。But the main goal of this article is to present the similarities betwee n coursedevelopme nt and software developme nt.它将全文呈现在同一页面,而不显示页码链接。It prese nts the full text on one page, without the pagi nati on links.它利用知识、数据和资源仓,将它们整合为单个指导中心,及时 向员工呈现关于每位客户的洞察。It harn esses silos of kno wledge
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