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1、2021-10-17What are they doing ?They are taking an exam.脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯考试时作弊的学生最怕的是什麽考试时作弊的学生最怕的是什麽?答答: 转回头看别人的考卷时转回头看别人的考卷时, 头转不过来头转不过来.Q&A:Which subject do you like best?Do you like taking the test?Do you think learn the second language is very difficult?exam igzmpass p a: smathematics mmtiksquestion kw

2、estn easy i:zienough infpaper peipfail feilanswer a:nsmark ma:krest restdifficult difiklthate heitlow lucheer tiguy gaitop tpNew words and expression1. exam igzm n. 考试考试 (examination较为正式一些)较为正式一些)pass an exam 通过考试通过考试fail an exam 考试失败考试失败 a midterm exam 期中考试期中考试a final exam期末考试期末考试1参加考试参加考试 take an

3、exam考试作弊考试作弊 cheat in an exam词义辨析:词义辨析:exam:为常用词,指学校里的笔试、口试或实为常用词,指学校里的笔试、口试或实习考试,尢指为取得学历必须参加的重要考试。习考试,尢指为取得学历必须参加的重要考试。examination:是很正式的词。是很正式的词。test:是指除正规考试外,对学生所学知识的测是指除正规考试外,对学生所学知识的测验,有时也取代正规考试。验,有时也取代正规考试。quiz:在美国英语中非正规的小测验用在美国英语中非正规的小测验用2. pass p a: s v. 及格,通过及格,通过; 把把递给递给 e.g. 只有十名学生通过了考试。只有

4、十名学生通过了考试。Only ten students passed the exam. pass in + 具体学科具体学科pass in English / Chinesee.g. 只有十名学生通过了英语考试。只有十名学生通过了英语考试。Only ten students passed in English.传给传给某人某物,把某物递给某人某人某物,把某物递给某人pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.Please pass me the paper.= Please pass the paper to me. 3 、mathematics mmtiksn. 数学(

5、缩写数学(缩写maths) e.g. 她数学不好。她数学不好。She is poor at mathematics.你数学好吗?你数学好吗?Are you good at mathematics?我通过了数学考试。我通过了数学考试。I passed in mathematics.Chinese 汉语;中文汉语;中文English 英语;英语; 英文英文history 历史历史biology baildi 生物生物geography dirfi 地理地理chemistry kemistri 化学化学physics fiziks 物理物理4、question kwestn (1) n. 问题问题提

6、问提问 ask a question 回答问题回答问题 answer a question我能问你一个问题吗?我能问你一个问题吗?May I ask you a question?(2) v. 询问,审问询问,审问Ill question him about what he was doing yesterday. out of question 毫无疑问毫无疑问 =without question You are a good student without question . out of the question 根本不可能根本不可能 It is out of the question

7、 to make him help us .2021-10-175、easy i:zi adj. (1)容易的容易的反义词反义词difficulte.g. 这是一个容易的问题。这是一个容易的问题。 This is an easy question. 这是一个容易的工作。这是一个容易的工作。 This is an easy job.easy to do 容易做某事容易做某事对某人来说做某事容易对某人来说做某事容易It is easy for sb. to do sth.e.g. 对他来说,学习英语很容易。对他来说,学习英语很容易。It is easy for him to learn Engli

8、sh.e.g.对对Lucy 来说学数学不容易。来说学数学不容易。It is not easy for Lucy to learn mathematics.(2) 安逸的,舒适的安逸的,舒适的Lead an easy life.过安逸的生活过安逸的生活Make yourself easy.=make your mind easy 请放心。请放心。口语口语:随便,那个都行。随便,那个都行。I m easy. 放心好了,别着急。放心好了,别着急。 Take it easy. 真容易!真容易!So easy! 6、enough inf adv. 足够地足够地足够好足够好 good enough足够大足

9、够大 big enough结构:结构: adj. + enough 足够足够足够小足够小 small enough 足够漂亮足够漂亮 pretty enoughe.g. 这个房间我们住足够大了。这个房间我们住足够大了。This room is big enough to live in.e.g.你还太小,不能做这件事。你还太小,不能做这件事。You are not old enough to do it. (2) adj. 充足的充足的足够的时间足够的时间足够的钱足够的钱结构:结构: e. g. 你有足够的时间吗?你有足够的时间吗?Do you have enough time?e.g. 你有

10、足够的椅子给每个人吗?你有足够的椅子给每个人吗?Do you have enough chair for everyone?enough timeenough moneyenough + n.7、paper peip n.(1) U 纸纸一张纸一张纸 a piece/ sheet of paper三张纸三张纸 three pieces of paper(2)C 考卷考卷一份数学试卷一份数学试卷 a mathematics paper(3)C 报纸报纸 = newspaper日报日报 a daily paper晚报晚报 a evening paper(4) C论文,报告论文,报告(5) 文件,资

11、料(常用复数文件,资料(常用复数 papers)重要的文件重要的文件 important papers8、fail feil (1)v. 未及格未及格fail the exam 考试不及格考试不及格(2) v. 失败(反义词失败(反义词 succeed)e.g. 我失败了。我失败了。 I failed. 计划失败了。计划失败了。 The plan failed.(反义词(反义词pass)* fail to do 未能做成某事未能做成某事e.g. I failed to pass the exam.我没有通过考试。我没有通过考试。I failed to see him this afternoo

12、n.我今天下午没有见到他。我今天下午没有见到他。 3) n. failure 9、answer a:ns(1)v. 回答回答他不想回答我。他不想回答我。 He doesnt want to answer me.(2) v. 应答,回应应答,回应e.g.回信回信 answer the letter 请接下电话。请接下电话。 Please answer the phone. (3) n. 答案答案e.g. 你知道这道题的答案吗你知道这道题的答案吗? Do you know the answer to this question?10、mark ma:k(1)n. C分数分数get a high m

13、ark in English e.g. 我数学得了我数学得了80分分I got 90 marks in mathematics.(2) n. 记号,印,标记记号,印,标记做记号做记号 make a mark11、rest rest(1)n. pl.其他的事物其他的事物e.g. 第一个问题很困难,但其他的都很简单。第一个问题很困难,但其他的都很简单。 The first question is difficult, but the rest are pretty easy.(2) n. sing. 余下部分余下部分世界其他地方世界其他地方 the rest of the world我的余生我的余

14、生 the rest of my life她剩余的钱她剩余的钱 the rest of her money (2) n. 休息休息休息一下吧。休息一下吧。Take / Have a rest.12、difficult difikltadj. 困难的困难的反义词反义词 easydifficult to do 做做是困难的是困难的e.g. 这个问题很难回答。这个问题很难回答。The question is difficult to answer.13、hate heit v. 讨厌讨厌e.g. 我讨厌猫。我讨厌猫。 I hate cats. hate doing 不喜欢做不喜欢做 (指习惯性行为)

15、(指习惯性行为) e.g. 她不喜欢做饭。她不喜欢做饭。 She hates cooking. hate to do 不愿意不愿意,不想做,不想做 (指偶然的一次的行为)(指偶然的一次的行为) I hate to say, but you are wrong.like doing(习惯性的动作习惯性的动作)like to do(偶然性的动作偶然性的动作)I like playing football on Sundays.I like to play football this Sunday.14、low luadj.低的低的a low walla low roofa low pricea l

16、ow temperature矮墙矮墙低屋顶低屋顶低价格低价格低温低温(2) (声音)低的(声音)低的in a low voicelow season high season小声地小声地淡季淡季旺季旺季15、cheer ti v. 振作,振奋振作,振奋 e.g.那个消息使那家人振奋不已。那个消息使那家人振奋不已。The news cheered the family.Cheer up! 打起精神!打起精神!cheerleader 啦啦队长啦啦队长16、guy gai n. 家伙,人家伙,人 pl. guys他是个好人他是个好人He is a nice guy.大伙,振作起来!大伙,振作起来!He

17、y, guys! Cheer up!17、top tp n. 上方,顶部上方,顶部反义词反义词 bottom前十前十top ten在山顶在山顶at the top of the mountain在纸的上方在纸的上方on the top of the paperEX:正反义词对对碰:正反义词对对碰1.pass A.answer2.ask B.fail 3.easy C.low 4.high D.bottom5.top E.difficult课文课文讲解讲解2021-10-17What are they doing ?They are taking an exam.Listen to the ta

18、pe and answer the following questions:1.Which subjects did Richard pass in?2. How about Gary ?3.Which subject did Richard fail ?4.What did the guy next to Gary write ?5. How long did the exam last?1.Which subjects did Richard pass in? He passed in English and mathematics .2. How about Gary ? English

19、 and mths papers werent easy enough for him . 3.Which subject did Richard fail ? French paper maybe . 4.What did the guy next to Gary write ? He wrote his name at the top of the paper . He didt write a word . 5. How long did the exam last? It lasted for three hours.1. How was the exam, Richard?How +

20、 be + sb. /sth. ? 怎么样?怎么样?用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或生活情况。生活情况。e.g. 你爸爸怎么样?你爸爸怎么样? How is your father? 生活如何?生活如何? How is life?2.Not too bad. not to bad 不算太坏不算太坏too 表示过于,具有否定含义。表示过于,具有否定含义。The room is too small.toofor sb. to do对某人来说太对某人来说太以致不能以致不能这个考试太难,以致她不能通过。这个考试太难,以致她不能通过。The exam is too d

21、ifficult for her to pass.3.I think I passed in English and Mathematics. The questions were very easy. I think 后面接宾语从句后面接宾语从句pass 通过考试通过考试pass in + 科目科目How about you, Gary? How about?怎么样?怎么样?= What about?4.The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me. I hope I havent failed.英语和数学试卷英语和数学试卷th

22、e English and Maths papers paper C 试卷试卷enough 一般放在一般放在形容词之后形容词之后The room is big enough for us.这个房间对我们来说够大了。这个房间对我们来说够大了。enough 一般放在一般放在名词前名词前I dont have enough money.5.I think I failed the French paper. I could answer sixteen of the questions. They were very easy. But I couldnt answer the rest. They

23、 were too difficult for me.cantoo和和very 通常放在所修饰的形容词之前通常放在所修饰的形容词之前enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后要放在所修饰的形容词之后 6.French test are awful, arent they?反义疑问句反义疑问句I hate them.Im sure Ive got a low mark.Im sure + 宾语从句宾语从句Ive got = I have got = I havelow mark 低分低分7.Cheer up!Perhaps we didnt do too badly. The guy next to

24、me Wrote his name at the top of the paper.Cheer up!高兴一点,别灰心,振奋起来!高兴一点,别灰心,振奋起来perhaps 可能可能 = maybedo badly 做得很糟糕做得很糟糕next to 在某人旁边在某人旁边next to me 做定语,修饰做定语,修饰the guyat the top ofat the bottom of8.Yes?是吗?是吗?Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didnt write a word!then “然后然后”,表示接下来的动作

25、,表示接下来的动作look at it for three hours 对着试卷看了三个小时对着试卷看了三个小时it 指指 the paper (试卷)(试卷)a word 一个字一个字不算太坏不算太坏not too bad对我很简单对我很简单easy enough for me对我太难对我太难too difficult for me得低分得低分get a low mark别灰心,振奋起来别灰心,振奋起来cheer up在在旁边旁边next to在在顶端顶端at the top ofTips:Watch the video and retell the text: How was Richard? X too. thi


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