已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、实用购物英语对话 买东西英语 a:excuse me. 打扰一下. b:yes, sir. how may i be of service 是的,先生,需要什么服务吗 a:i would like to return this item. are refunds allowed 我想把这个东西推掉.可以退款吗 b:certainly. the customer is always right, we are here to serve you. is there a reason that you would like to return it did you have problems wi

2、th our product or services 当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗 a:no, no. it was just the wrong size. 不,不是的.只是大小不合适. b:would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund i think i can help you to find the appropriate size. 那你想调换一下还是要退款我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸. a:no. i would rather just return

3、 it. 不用了.我还是想退掉. b:sure, no problem. do you happen to have the receipt 当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗 a:yeah, right here. 带了,在这儿. b:ok, just a moment, please. here you are, i need you to sign here, please. and here is your refund. is there anything else i can help you with 好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的 a:no,

4、 thank you. 没有了,谢谢你. b:youre welcome. have a nice day! 别客气.祝你一天都开心! 退货实用英语 a:excuse me. 打扰一下. b:yes, sir. how may i be of service 是的,先生,需要什么服务吗 a:i would like to return this item. are refunds allowed 我想把这个东西推掉.可以退款吗 b:certainly. the customer is always right, we are here to serve you. is there a reas

5、on that you would like to return it did you have problems with our product or services 当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗 a:no, no. it was just the wrong size. 不,不是的.只是大小不合适. b:would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund i think i can help you to find the appropriate size.

6、 那你想调换一下还是要退款我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸. a:no. i would rather just return it. 不用了.我还是想退掉. b:sure, no problem. do you happen to have the receipt 当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗 a:yeah, right here. 带了,在这儿. b:ok, just a moment, please. here you are, i need you to sign here, please. and here is your refund. is there anything else i can help you with 好的,请等一下.给您,请在这


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