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1、Chinese Traditional Hermits英语一班英语一班何川何川201224310101A hermit is a person who lives, to some degree, in seclusion【隔离,隐退】 from society.In modern colloquial 【通俗的】usage, the term “hermit” denotes【表示】 anyone living a life apart from the rest of society, or who simply does not participate in social events

2、,or including the misanthrope【厌恶人类的人】。definitionMan has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history. however , as it is with urbanization【城市化】and counter urbanization【逆城市化】,There are always be those who do not Keep pace with the time. Such as Tao Yuanming, Lin pu, Tang y

3、in, Meng Haoran and so on.prefaceTao YuanmingLife: Tao Yuanming was born during the Eastern Jin dynasty (317420), which was a time of military【好战的好战的】 uncertainty and political infighting【内讧内讧】. However, he would live into the times of the succeeding Nan Song Dynasty, one of the southern kingdoms.陶渊

4、明陶渊明(约(约365年年427年),字元年),字元亮,(又一说名潜,字渊明)号五亮,(又一说名潜,字渊明)号五柳先生,私谥柳先生,私谥“靖节靖节”,东晋末期,东晋末期南朝宋南朝宋初期初期诗人诗人、文学家文学家、辞赋家辞赋家、散文家。汉族,东晋浔阳散文家。汉族,东晋浔阳柴桑柴桑人人(今江西九江)。曾做过几年小官,(今江西九江)。曾做过几年小官,后辞官回家,从此隐居,田园生活后辞官回家,从此隐居,田园生活是陶渊明诗的主要题材,相关作品是陶渊明诗的主要题材,相关作品有有饮酒饮酒归园田居归园田居桃花源桃花源记记五柳先生传五柳先生传归去来兮辞归去来兮辞等等CareerHe ended up servi

5、ng more than ten years in governmentservice,personally involved with the sordid【肮脏的肮脏的】 political scene of the times. He served in both civil and military capacities【军事能力军事能力】, which included making several trips down the Yangzi to the capital Jiankang,then a thriving-metropolis, and the center of p

6、ower during the Six Dynasties. poemsTaos simple and plain style of Taos simple and plain style of expression, expression, reflecting his back-to-reflecting his back-to-basics lifestylebasics lifestyle, first became better , first became better known as he achieved local fame as a known as he achieve

7、d local fame as a hermithermit,this was followed gradually this was followed gradually by recognition in major anthologiesby recognition in major anthologies【诗词选集诗词选集】. By the Tang Dynasty, . By the Tang Dynasty, Tao was elevated to greatness as a Tao was elevated to greatness as a poets poet, rever

8、edpoets poet, revered【推崇推崇】 by Li by Li Bai and Du FuBai and Du Fu.归园田居归园田居少无适俗韵,性少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一误落尘网中,一去三十年。去三十年。羁鸟恋旧林,池羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守开荒南野际,守拙归田园。拙归田园。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后椋,桃李罗堂前。榆柳荫后椋,桃李罗堂前。暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。久在樊笼里,复得返

9、自然久在樊笼里,复得返自然。林逋林逋Lin Bu 967一一1028wasaChinesepoetduringtheNorthernSongDynasty. He never served as government official, of course, he also despise【不屑】【不屑】 to be an official. However , we could not say that he was a real hermit,for example: although he had lived a hermit life, a number of people came

10、to visit him, such as emperor.林逋林逋(967一1028)字君复,汉族,浙江大里黄贤村人(一说杭州钱塘)。幼时刻苦好学,通晓经史百家。书载性孤高自好,喜恬淡,勿趋荣利。长大后,曾漫游江淮间,后隐居后隐居杭州杭州西湖,结庐西湖,结庐孤山孤山。常驾小舟遍游西湖诸寺庙,与高僧诗友相往还。每逢客至,叫门童子纵鹤放飞,林逋见鹤必棹舟归来。作诗随就随弃,从不留存。1028年(天圣六年)卒。其侄林彰(朝散大夫)、林彬(盈州令)同至杭州,治丧尽礼。宋仁宗赐谥“和靖先生”。achievementLin Bu Lin Bu wasofferedprestigiousgovernmen

11、wasofferedprestigiousgovernmentposts,althoughherefusedallcivitposts,althoughherefusedallcivic c【城市城市的的】 dutiesinpursuitofhispoetry.Londutiesinpursuitofhispoetry.Longafterhedied,Lingafterhedied,Linseccentricseccentric【古怪古怪的的】 attitudeandhisworksretainedaviattitudeandhisworksretainedavividplaceinSongc

12、ulturalimaginatividplaceinSongculturalimaginationandlaterworks.onandlaterworks. 林逋林逋, ,善绘事,惜画从不传。工行草,善绘事,惜画从不传。工行草,书法书法瘦挺劲瘦挺劲健,笔意类健,笔意类欧阳询欧阳询、李建中而清劲处尤妙。、李建中而清劲处尤妙。长为诗,其语孤峭浃澹,自写胸意,多奇句,而未长为诗,其语孤峭浃澹,自写胸意,多奇句,而未尝存稿。风格澄澈淡远,多写西湖的优美景色,反尝存稿。风格澄澈淡远,多写西湖的优美景色,反映隐逸生活和闲适情趣。映隐逸生活和闲适情趣。陆游陆游谓其书法高绝胜人。谓其书法高绝胜人。苏轼苏轼高

13、度赞扬林逋之诗、书及人品,并诗跋其书:高度赞扬林逋之诗、书及人品,并诗跋其书:“诗如东野(诗如东野(孟郊孟郊)不言寒,书似留台(李建中)不言寒,书似留台(李建中)差少肉。差少肉。”黄庭坚黄庭坚云:云:“君复书法高胜绝人,予每君复书法高胜绝人,予每见之,方病不药而愈,方饥不食而饱。见之,方病不药而愈,方饥不食而饱。”明沈周诗明沈周诗云:云:“我爱翁书得瘦硬,云腴濯尽西湖绿。西台少我爱翁书得瘦硬,云腴濯尽西湖绿。西台少肉是真评,数行清莹含冰玉。宛然风节溢其间,此肉是真评,数行清莹含冰玉。宛然风节溢其间,此字此翁俱绝俗。字此翁俱绝俗。”。林逋书法存世作品仅。林逋书法存世作品仅3 3件,件,自书诗帖自

14、书诗帖是其中篇幅最长者是其中篇幅最长者. .“靖和先生靖和先生”唐寅唐寅Tang Yin (Chinese: 唐寅唐寅; pinyin: Tang Yin; Cantonese【广东话广东话】 Yale【神话动神话动物物】: Tong Yan; 14701524), courtesy name Tang Bohu (唐伯唐伯虎虎), was a Chinese scholar, painter, calligrapher【书法书法家家】, and poet of the Ming Dynasty period whose life story has become a part of popu

15、lar lore【口头口头禅禅】. Even though he was born during Ming Dynasty, many of his paintings (especially paintings of people) were illustrated with elements from Pre-Tang to Song Dynasty careerTang Yin is one of the most notable painters in Chinese art history. He is one of the “Four Masters of Ming Dynasty

16、” (Ming Si Jia), which also includes Zhu Zhishan (14271509), Wen Zhengming (14701559) and Xu Zhenqin (ca. 1495-1552). Tang was also a talented poet. Together with his contemporaries【同代人同代人】 Wen Zhengming (14701559), Zhu Yunming. For Chinese intellectuals, reclusion For Chinese intellectuals, reclusi

17、on represents an alternative way of life as represents an alternative way of life as against a bureaucraticagainst a bureaucratic【官僚的官僚的】 career, career, though they opted for the latter for certain though they opted for the latter for certain reasons. Compared with the political life reasons. Compa

18、red with the political life which meant much undertaking, which meant much undertaking, responsibility, and risks, the recluseresponsibility, and risks, the recluse【隐士隐士】 culture manifested the intellectuals longing culture manifested the intellectuals longing for individual freedom as is often closely for individual freedom as is often closely associated with Chinese Taoismassociated with Chinese Taoism【道家道家】 conclusionAnd perhaps thanks to And perhaps thanks to this freedom enabled by this freedom enabled by reclusion


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