1、The Joy Luck Club (novel)The Joy Luck Club (novel)Publication datePublication date 1989 1989 张琦1207090101王丹1207090138ContentsContentsuPlotPlotuCharactersCharactersuReceptionReceptionPlotPlotuThe Joy Luck Club consists of sixteen The Joy Luck Club consists of sixteen interlocking stories about the li
2、ves of four interlocking stories about the lives of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their four Chinese immigrant mothers and their four American-born daughters. American-born daughters. uIn 1949, the four mothers meet at the First In 1949, the four mothers meet at the First Chinese Baptist Church
3、 in San Francisco and agree Chinese Baptist Church in San Francisco and agree to continue to meet to play mah jong. They call to continue to meet to play mah jong. They call their mah jong group the Joy Luck Club. The their mah jong group the Joy Luck Club. The stories told in this novel revolve aro
4、und the Joy stories told in this novel revolve around the Joy Luck Club women and their daughters. Structurally, Luck Club women and their daughters. Structurally, the novel is divided into four major sections, the novel is divided into four major sections, with two sections focusing on the stories
5、of the with two sections focusing on the stories of the mothers and two sections on the stories of the mothers and two sections on the stories of the daughters.daughters.CharactersCharactersuMothersMothersuAn-Mei HsuAn-Mei HsuuSuyuan WooSuyuan WoouLindo JongLindo JonguYing-Ying Betty St. ClairYing-Y
6、ing Betty St. ClairCharactersCharactersuSuyuan WoouDuring the Second World War, Suyuan lives in the During the Second World War, Suyuan lives in the Republic of China while her husband at the time Republic of China while her husband at the time served as an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). served a
7、s an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). ushe reluctantly and emotionally leaves her she reluctantly and emotionally leaves her daughters under a barren tree, together with all daughters under a barren tree, together with all her belongings, along with a note asking anyone her belongings, along with a
8、 note asking anyone who might find the babies to care for them and who might find the babies to care for them and contact the father. contact the father. uShe later remarries, goes to America, and forms a She later remarries, goes to America, and forms a new Joy Luck Club with three other Chinese fe
9、male new Joy Luck Club with three other Chinese female immigrants she met at church. immigrants she met at church. uShe gives birth to another daughter, but her She gives birth to another daughter, but her abandonment of her twin girls haunts her for the abandonment of her twin girls haunts her for
10、the rest of her life.rest of her life.CharactersCharactersuDaughtersDaughtersuJing-Mei June WooJing-Mei June WoouRose Hsu JordanRose Hsu JordanuWaverly JongWaverly JonguLena St. ClairLena St. ClairuJing-Mei June WoouJing-Mei has never fully understood her mother and Jing-Mei has never fully understo
11、od her mother and seems directionless in life. During Junes seems directionless in life. During Junes childhood, her mother used to tell her that she childhood, her mother used to tell her that she could be anything she wants; however, she could be anything she wants; however, she particularly wante
12、d her daughter to be gifted, a particularly wanted her daughter to be gifted, a child star who amazes the world, like Ginny Tiu child star who amazes the world, like Ginny Tiu (seen briefly on television) or Junes rival (seen briefly on television) or Junes rival Waverly. Waverly. uAt the beginning
13、of the novel, June is chosen to At the beginning of the novel, June is chosen to replace her mothers seat in the Joy Luck Club replace her mothers seat in the Joy Luck Club after her mothers death. At the end of the novel, after her mothers death. At the end of the novel, June is still trying to dea
14、l with her mothers June is still trying to deal with her mothers death, and she visits China to see the twin half-death, and she visits China to see the twin half-sisters (Wang Chwun Yu and Wang Chwun Hwa) whom sisters (Wang Chwun Yu and Wang Chwun Hwa) whom her mother had been forced to abandon whe
15、n the her mother had been forced to abandon when the Japanese attacked China.Japanese attacked China.ReceptionReceptionuThough Amy Tans book has been widely praised by Though Amy Tans book has been widely praised by critics, it has also been alleged by Chinese-critics, it has also been alleged by Ch
16、inese-American author Frank Chin that it perpetuates American author Frank Chin that it perpetuates racist stereotypes such as the presumed racist stereotypes such as the presumed illiteracy of Asian Americans,and contains illiteracy of Asian Americans,and contains fabricated traditional stories.fab
17、ricated traditional stories.uChinese-American director Wayne Wang was Chinese-American director Wayne Wang was impressed with the story and created a film impressed with the story and created a film version of the novel. Novelist Nancy Willard version of the novel. Novelist Nancy Willard praises Tan
18、 for her work: Amy Tans special praises Tan for her work: Amy Tans special accomplishment in this novel is not her ability accomplishment in this novel is not her ability to show us how mothers and daughters hurt each to show us how mothers and daughters hurt each other, but how they love and ultima
19、tely forgive other, but how they love and ultimately forgive each other.each other.ReceptionReceptionuOne critic has suggested that the reason One critic has suggested that the reason for the communication gap between Jing-Mei for the communication gap between Jing-Mei and her mother, and between the other and her mother, and between the o
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