1、module 1 unit1 (the second week) book 7 module 1 unit 1 the great wall.学习任务:these postcards are great!its a picture of the great wall.功能:讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况.教学程序:step1: warmert: good morning, everyone .now look at the map of the world .do you know this place? ( yes. its london/beijing/madrid/new york.)
2、 now im going to point to each city and say its name. i want you to say the number of people, please.t: london.ss: eight million.t: beijing.ss: fourteen million.t: madrid.ss: four million.t: now york.ss: eight million.t: well done. now work in pairs and do the activity again.step 2: listen, point an
3、d find is/s,are.t: open your book and look at activity 1,please. what can you see? ss: t: now im going to play the tape. please write down all the numbers you hear.s1( the teacher write the following words on the board.)is aret: say the words together. find these words in the story, please.step 3 :
4、listen and say.t: im going to play the tape again. this time im going to stop the after a finishes talking. you are b. you can read bs sentences.t: now work in pairs. one student is a and the other is b. read the sentences.( the students read the dialogues in the book. then they swap roles.)step 4 :
5、 exerciseslisten to the story again. then answer the questions.first, let the students read the every sentence.then listen to the story then answer the every sentence.answers: 2. no, it isnt. its very long. 3. its six thousand seven hundred kilometers. 4. its got eight million people. 5. its got ( a
6、bout) fourteen million people.listen, ask and answer. complete the diaiogues.book 7 module 12004-9-9 17:14:48 本主题的最新回复刘玉芳注册:2004-3-31 09:29等级:用户由于学生刚分了班,在进行会话活动时有些学生紧张怕说错,课堂气分不太活跃。在今后的教学中我要采取任务型教学法。任务型教学主张结对或小组进行练习,这是以心理学研究为基础的。情感态度价值观的培养是目前课堂教学的一个目标。现代教学中贯彻人文主义的教学理念,这里面不仅包括心理意识、参与程度、紧张焦虑、愉快等心理活动。所以
7、课堂上一定要学生感到轻松。课堂上学生说话的时候也会紧张,怕出错,嘲笑他。用任务型教学学生旁边没有人注意他们,心理压力到分解,是一个languageuser.book 7 module 1 unit 2 new york is the east of america. 学习任务:where is new york? its here, in the east. canada is north of america and mexico is south of america. 功能:讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息 教学程序: step 1: warmer t: (show a map of
8、china.) im from beijing. its in the north of china. where are you from? where is your pen friend from? (show the texts picture. point to the simon and ask ) t : who is he? ( hes simon. ) where is he from? ( he s from new york, america.) where is new york? t: ( show a map of americer.) this is a map
9、of america. can you find new york? step 2 : look, listen and point. t : open your books, please and look at unit 2, activity 1 . listen to the tape . then repeat and point. t : this is a map. what can you see on the map? ( mexico, amerrica and canada, now york, san francisco) t: listen and point to
10、the places on the map. south, east, where is new york? ( its here, in the east. ) and what about san francisco? ( its in the west.) place. stop 3 : listen and write the words in the correct t : open your activity books, please. look at unit 2,exercise 1. what can see? (ss ). now look at the words in
11、 the boxes. im going to point to the words and say them. then you can repeat them. t : well done. now listen to the tape. you must listen carefully and write the words in the correct places. stop 4 : look at the map of america. then write sentences. t : look at the exercise 2 . please look at the ma
12、p and the picture what can you see? read the words : mexico, canada, new york, san francisco. t : now read sencence number 1, please. ss : new york is in the east of america. t : well done. now you have to write three more sentences. you must use the words north. south, east, or west in your sentenc
13、es. look at sentence number 1 . it will help you. rememers that mexico and canada are not part of america. new york and san francisco are in america. ( the students write the remaining sentences. the teacher walks around the room and offers help.) answers ( in no particular order) 2. canada is north
14、 of america. 3. mexico is south of america.book 7 module 1 review学 习 任 务:听 写 本 模 块 的 单 词, 背 诵 第 一 单 元 课 文. 看 图 写 句 子 。 teachingcourse step 1. warmer : t : please answer the questions : are the postcards beautiful ? is the great wall short? how long is it? how big is new york? how big is beijing? ( t
15、he students answer the questions. ) play a game : the teacher show some pictures. t : what can you see ? ( i can see.). please guess the place/food/animal. a : its an animal. b: tell me more. a : its very big. b : is it . (the students ask and answer the questions each other. ) step 2. read the sent
16、ences. pay attention to the stress. tell me more about the great wall. how long is it? its about six thousand seven hundren kilometres. beijing has got about fourteen million people . step 3. look at the map of chain . then write sentences about two of the cities. the information will help you. the
17、information : guangzhou / south / seven million people. tianjin / north / ten million people kashgar / west /two hundred thousand people for example its in the south of china. its guangzhou. its a very big city. its a big city. its got abouth seventen million people. step 4. complete the dialogues.
18、1. a : these houses are very samll. b:. ( yes )2. a : look at that tree. b:.( tall ) 3. a : where are you ? b: . ( at the great wall ) 4. a : . ( tired ) b: go to bed , please. 5. a : how tall is you brother? b:. (150cm ) 6. a : where are your children? b:. ( school ) 7. a : how big is nanjing ? b:.
19、( about six million people ) book7module2 unit1chinatowninamerica. 学习任务:theresachiantowninnewyork! therearelotsofchieseshopsandrestrantsthere. 功能:用therebe句型描述事物 teachingcourse step1:warmer 1.ononesideoftheboarddraw1ball.onanotherside,drew4balls.pointtotheboardandelicitthefollowingfromthestudents. ex
20、amples t:(pointto1ball)thereisaball. ss:thereisaball. t:(pointto4balls)therearefourballs. ss:therearefourballs. 2.playagamewiththestudents.tellthestudentstodrawsixboxesonapieceofpaper.tellthestudentstonumbertheboxes1-6. t:nowimgoingtotellyouwhattodrawineachbox. inboxonethereisapen. inboxtwothereisab
21、ook. inboxthreetherearetwotrees. inboxfourtherearetwomountains. inboxfivethereisariver. inboxsixtherearetwohouses. nowimgoingtocalloutthenumberofaboxandyoushouldtellmewhatisit? example t:boxsix. b:inboxsix,therearetwohouses. workinpairs. step2:listenandandfindthereis/are. 1.t:listentothetapecarefull
22、y.ifyouheareitherthereisorthereare.thecorrectgrouphastostandupandshoutstop! 2.afterthelisteningactivity,askthestudentstoopentheirbooksandreadthedialoguealoud. step3.listentothestoryagain.thencompletetheemail.thewordswillhelpyou. big/chinatown/newyorkrestaurants/shops chinesedancingchinatown/tomorrow
23、 step4.lookatthepictures.writesentences. 1.lookandsay. 2.writethesentences.book7module2 unit2postcardsfromchina 学习任务:therearelotsofbicyeclesinchina. thereisaveryfamousriver. function:用“thereis/thereare介绍事物 teachingprocedure step1:warmer 1.t:doyourememberchinatownformthelastunit? whereisit? whatisitl
24、ike? 2.revisenorth,south,east,andwestwiththestudents.tellthestudentstodrawabigcircleonapieceofpaper.tellthestudentsthatthecircleisanislandandthatimgoingtodescribethecontentsoftheislandandtheyhavetodrawtheobjectsinthecorrectplaces.examples t:inthenorththereisariver. ss:(drawariverinthenorthernpartoft
25、heisland) (inthesouththereisalake. intheeastthereare3bigmountains. inthewesttherearesometrees.) step2.look,listenandfind letsthestudentslookattheactivity1.listrenandfind. t:look!therearemypostcardsfromchina.lookatthisone.therearelotsofbicyclesinchina.peopleridethemtowork. andtherearelotsofbeautifull
26、akes.thisisthewestlake.itsinhangzhou. thereisaveryfamousriver,thechangjiangriver.itsabout12.600lilong. ilikethispostcard.thereisafamoussquareinthemiddleofbeijing.itstiananmensquare. andthereisveryfamouswallinchina,thegreatwall.itssixthousandsevenhundredkilometreslong. ofcoursetherearealsomanymountai
27、nsinchina.thereisafamousmountaininanhui.look!thisisthehuangshanmountain. step3.listenandrepeat.patattentiontothestrees. 1.theresachinatowninnewyork! 2.therearelotsofchineseshopsandrestrantsthere. 3.letsgotochinatownnow. 4.wecantgonow.itsnineoclock. .playthetapandpauseafterthefirstsentence.saythesent
28、enceandliftthearmonthestressedsyllables. askthestudentstodothesame. step4.homework. 2004-9-22 16:46:26 本主题的最新回复刘玉芳注册:2004-3-31 09:29等级:用户朗读,在语言学中占有举足轻重的地位。古人云:“读书百遍,其意自现”,说明读在语言习得中的重要作用。事实表明,在学习外语学习的过程中,对输入语言的理解和生成均需要复杂的生理和心理活动。这些活动能力的提高和加快需要反复的刺激和反应。在小学英语教学当中,让学生进行各种朗读训练无疑是增加这种经历的最有效的方法。注重英语朗读,培养学生
29、英语语感,全面提高学生英语素质,是防止大批学生跟不上的有效方法。朗朗上口而后铭记在心,久而久之能言语有章,行文有法。读,在英语教学中的重要性可见一斑。2004-9-30 15:56:23王慧芳注册:2004-3-23 14:58等级:用户therebe结构学生们在以前学习了许多次,因此,本次教学我采用分析句子结构的方法,让学生记忆这一句型,然后进行口语训练,学生们感觉比较轻松,既把单复数的句子记得比较牢固,又能灵活运用。但是,让孩子们自己写一点自己的周围的事情时,他们又会出错,看来,机械训练与实际的小练笔之间就是有一定的难度,今后,我将努力探索一下,力争提高孩子们的写作能力。book7modu
30、le2 review:therebe. teachingprocedure step1:warmer listenandsay,thensing getthestudentstodomimesalongwiththewords:theresagreatwallinchina.itisveryverylong.theresagreatwallinchina.itisveryverystrong.therearemany,manypeopleandtheyliketosingthissing.theresagreatwallinchina,anditsveryverylong.inchinathe
31、resagreatwall,agreatwall.itisvary,very,biganditsaveryfamouswall. useactionstodemonstratetheadjectives. example t:itsveryverylong. (holdsthearmsoutwidetoindicatelength) ss:itsveryverylong. (holdstheirarmsoutwidetoindicatelength) listentothetape,thestudentssingafterit. step2.listenandnumber. beforepla
32、yingtherecording,getthestudentstofocusonthepicturestofamiliarizethemselveswiththeexercise. explainthatimgoingtodescribethepictures.tellthemtolistencarefullyandpointtothecorrectpicture. thiswillpreparethemforthelisteningpartoftheexercise. step3.lookandcompletethepostcard. tellthestudentstoclosetheira
33、ctivitybooks. tellthemthatimgoingtodescribeapictureandtheyhavetodrawit. drawalargeliankontheboard. describethesceneintheactivitybookandinvitestudentstocometotheboardtodrawthedescription. example t:therearelotsofcarsandtaxisinthrstreet. (astudentcomesuptotheboardanddrawcarsandtaxisonthestreet.) repea
34、twiththerestofthedescriptionsofthepicture.nowtellthemtoopentheiractivitybooksandlookatthepicture. askthemtocomparethedrawingontheboardwiththeoneintheactivitybook. thiswillpreparethemwellfirthewritingactivity. step4.homework.module 3 unit 1 (the fifth week)book 7 module 3unit 1 collecting stamps is m
35、y hobby. 学习任务 : ive got lots of stamps. there are some stamps from china. this stamp is from china. function: 谈论和介绍个人的爱好 teaching procedure: step 1: warmer 1. sing a song: theres a great wall in china. 2. free talk t: whats your favourite sport/food.? ss: my favourite sport/food.is. t: do you like.?
36、 ss: yes, i do./ no, i dont. i like. 3.t: (show a stamp.) whats this? (its a stamp.) i like stamps very much. i collect them. look, this is a chinese stamp. its very beautiful. do you like these stamps? there stamps are from canda. i like them very much. collecting stamps is my hobby. step 2: listen
37、, point and find stamp/stamps. 1. tell the students to close their students books. divide them into groups. one group is this and the other group is these. 2. now tell the students im going to play the recoding of the dialogue and they have to listen carefully. 3. if they hear either : this or these
38、 the correct group had to stand up and shout stop! 4. play the recoring again if the students miss out on the target phrasas the first time round. step 3. liten to the story again. then tick the correct box. 1. play the recording and ask the students to listen to the stiry again. then, tellthem to r
39、ead the sentences in the exercise and decide if they are true false or dont know 2. do the first question with the class. example t: ( plays the first part of the recording,then pauses the tape) simon doesnt collect stamps.true, false or dont know? ss: false! 3. tell the students to read the story a
40、gain if they are not sure of the answers. 4. then, write the answers on the board. step 4. homework: listen to the tape and read the text again and again.book 7 module 3 unit 2 iv got a hobby. 学习任务:have you got any dolls from japan? yes, i have. /no, i havent. function: 自由地谈论自己的爱好或询问他人的爱好 teaching p
41、rocedure step 1. warmer 1. show the picture of sb unit 1. talk about it. 2. free talk: t: what do you like? s: i like . t: have you got any . s: yes, i have. / no, i havent. t: do you collect .? step 2. look, listen and point. 1.get four large pieces of paper. tell the students to close their books.
42、 2. draw the following things on the paper: 1 bike, 3 books, 2 dolls, and 2 kites. place the drawing that im going to call out the names of the objects and the students have to point at them. 3. now tell the students that im going to play the tape and they have to listen. if the students hear any of
43、 the words on the walls in the dialogue, they have to point at them. step 3. talk about your hobbies. a: i collect stamps. b: have you got any american stamps? a: yes, i have. / no, i havent. step 4. listen and repeat. pay attention to the strees. 1. play a musical game with the students. tell the s
44、tudents to close their books. 2. tell them that im going to play the recording of a sentence. the sdutent read after it. step 5. listen and answer the questions. 1. has the girl got any pen friend? 2. how many pen friends has she got? 3. where do they live? 4. has the boy got pen friends? 5. would h
45、e like a pen friend? 6. what does the girl give the boy? step 6. homework.2004-10-11 10:26:31 本主题的最新回复刘玉芳注册:2004-3-31 09:29等级:用户从六年级开始明显加大了听力练习量,大部分学生都感觉很难。通过听觉领悟语言要经过一个复杂的心理过程,不仅要求听者正确感知和声音符号,同时还需要调动原有的语言知识、背景知识个人生活经验、语感等因素,采用一系列认知策略处理、分析、重构信息,从而理解语言符号所代表的意义。听的过程是吸收信息并在大脑中处理信息的过程。这一过程如果有一个良好的开端,将大大
46、促进说、读、写的能力。所以听练习很重要。为了提高听力练习的兴趣和降低听力练习的难度应做到:听力训练过程要清晰,方法要多样。对较难的句子适当进行讲解。book7module3 review 学习任务:1.icollect. 2.haveyougotany.?yes,ihave.(no,imhavent.) function:谈论爱好 teachingprocedure sep1.warmer 1.game:askandanswer. example a:havetoygota/any.?b:yes,ihave./no,ihavent. befor staring the game, go thr
47、ough all the pictures with the studentstomakesurethattheyknowthevocabulary. tellthestudentstonumberthepicturesfromlefttoright1-15. now tellthem thatimgoing to calloutanumber andthey have to tell youtheobject. examples t:2. ss:cat! t:4. ss:kites! then, practise the target language with the students b
48、y using thefollowingactivity. examples t:(pointstothepictureofcat. thenpointstoastudent)haveyougotacat? s:yes,ihave./no,ihavent. t:(pointstothepictureofkites.thenpointstoastudent)haveyougotanykites? s:no,ihavent/yesihave. 2.workinpairs. step 2. readthepassage.thenticktrueorfalse.(activitybook.page12
49、.exercise2) 1.amydoesntcollectstamps. 2.englandmadethefirststampin1804. 3.thefirststampwasthepennyblack. 4.thepennyblackstampeareverycheap. step3.answerthequestions. 1.howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily? 2.haveyougotanypenfriends? 3.haveyougotanyhobbies? 4.haveyougotanypets? 5.whatdoyoudoonsaturday? 6.whatdoyoudoonsunday? 7.doyouenjoywatchingtv? 8.doyoulikeplayingwithyourfriends? 9.doyoulikereading? step4.homework:writetoafriend.2004-10-12 16:32:31 本主题的最新回复王慧芳注册:2004-3-23 14:58等级:用户培养学生的创新思维,要在课堂上创设一种平等、民主、和谐、宽松的氛围,要尊重学生、关注学生、赏识学生,要以积极的态
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