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1、2014年厦门六中中考模拟试题(十三)英 语 试 题(考试时间120分钟;满分150分)考生注意:本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-75小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2b铅笔填涂在答题卡上;第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。第一部分(选择题)(一)听力测试(每小题1分,共30分)i. listen and choose the right pictures.(听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍) 1. a b c 2. a b c 3. a b c 4. a b c 5. a b cii. listen to some short dialogues a

2、nd choose the right answers to the questions you hear. (听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍)6. a. paper.b. money.c. cards.7. a. by taxi.b. on foot.c. by bus.8. a. did very well.b. could do better.c. tried his best.9. a. math.b. science.c. history.10. a. not often.b. once a week.c. every day.11. a. short curl

3、y hair.b. long curly hair.c. short straight hair.12. a. march 7.b. march 8.c. march 9.13.a. at home.b. in a barber shop.c. at school.14. a. weekend activities.b. computer games.c. ball game tickets.15.a. seeing a film.b. eating snacks.c. talking loudly.iii. listen to a long dialogue and a passage, t

4、hen choose the right answers to questions 16-20. (听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答16 20小题。听两遍)text a16. helen thinks its _ to be a reporter.a. boringb. excitingc. funny17. david wants to be a _.a. playerb. reporterc. teachertext b18. alan gives ted _ pieces of advice.a. 2b. 3c. 419. alan asks ted to _ first.

5、a. study hardb. make moneyc. talk to his parents20. according to alan, _ can make ted a popular boy.a. good gradesb. cool clothesc. being polite.注意:请将该题的答案书写在答题卡的第二部分iv. listen to a dialogue and a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words. (听一篇对话和一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成7685小题,每空一词。听三遍) text a: 听

6、录音,记录相关面试信息。name:miss brown birthday:born in 76. _ 21st, 1988. education:graduated from 77. _ university.volunteer work:being a volunteer in a 78. _.foreign languages:english and 79. _.job wanted:working in an office, using 80. _ skills. text b: 听录音,记录linda brown的个人信息与心中梦想。age81._ years old.job82. _

7、.hobby 83. _.dreamto go to university to study music.to buy a big 84. _ for her parents.to 85. _ some countries in asia.(二)基础知识与运用(每小题1分,共30分)v. 选择填空:从a、b、c中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21. we should let the children know the _ of fire, and tell them not to play with it.a. ruleb. influencec. danger22. helen, why a

8、re you so happy? ive got _ “a” for my english exam.a. ab. anc. the23. doctor, is there anything wrong with my legs? dont worry. _ is ok.a. somethingb. nothingc. everything24. you always make friends with those who are _. why? because i dont want to be too bored. a. activeb. quietc. calm25. i dont li

9、ke going shopping _. i often ask my friend kitty to go with me.a. togetherb. alonec. hard26. after the controlling of the transportation in xiamen, there will be _ cars on the road.a. fewerb. lessc. more27. some people never know what they need _ they lose it.a. untilb. asc. after28. many kinds of a

10、nimals are _. we must do something to save them.a. on holidayb. in dangerc. on show29. he spent little time on study, so it didnt surprise me that he _ the exam.a. tookb. passedc. failed30. why do you _ the radio? im afraid of waking up the baby.a. turn upb. turn onc. turn down31. do you like living

11、 in your hometown? yes. ill _ to work there after finishing school abroad(国外).a. returnb. stopc. remain32. i cant give up smoking, doctor. for your health, im afraid you _.a. mayb. canc. have to33. were you at school when i called you? yes, i _ in the library.a. studiedb. am studyingc. was studying3

12、4. its terribly cold today, isnt it? yes. _ yesterday.a. so it wasb. so was itc. so it is35. _ do you live from school, jim? about 5 miles.a. how manyb. how farc. how long36. last year, li hua, _ to work for the asian games in guangzhou by the committee.a. choseb. was choosingc. was chosen37. _ your

13、 clothes, steve. you shouldnt throw them everywhere.a. put awayb. put outc. put off38. i have difficulty in learning english. i dont know _. why not join an english club?a. why to dob. what to doc. when to do39. excuse me, mr. lee. could i take a photo with you? sure. _!a. go awayb. go aheadc. look

14、out40. youve donated so much money. thanks a lot. _.a. its my pleasureb. take it easyc. that sounds greatvi. 完形填空:从a、b、c中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。when you hear about a super star, what do you think he or she is like? good-looking? beautiful? smart? well, as soon as you see susan boyle, you may find that yo

15、u were completely 41 .susan boyle was born in a little town in scotland in 1961. in april, 2009, 48-year-old susan took part in britains got talent(达人秀), a tv 42 like super girl in china. at first when she was 43 on the stage, almost everyone 44 at her. because she looked so far from a singer or a s

16、tar just like any old 45 you might see in a market! 46 everyone changed when susan began to sing the song i dreamed a dream. people couldnt believe their 47 . susan took the second place in the competition at last. her talent 48 over everyone and she became a super star overnight. millions of people

17、 all over the world saw the video on the internet and became her fans. 49 about her talent, susan said, “i was kind of 50 at school. i was not clever and i was not good at learning. so keeping singing was a good way of gaining confidence.”41. a. angryb. wrongc. right42. a. programb. advertisementc.

18、culture43. a. singingb. dancingc. appearing44. a. lookedb. laughedc. smiled45. a. ladyb. volunteerc. leader46. a. ifb. andc. but47. a. ears b. eyesc. nose48. a. wentb. wonc. took49. a. talkingb. askingc. thinking50. a. wildb. smartc. slow(三)阅读理解(每小题2分,共50分)vii. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答5175小题。aa coup

19、le from russia was once visiting miami. they wanted to take a walk and to see the city, but they were afraid they might get lost. they did not speak any english.after they left their hotel, they went to the first street corner and looked at the name of the street. then they carefully copied the name

20、 into their notebook. they thought that this would help them find their way back if they got lost.they walked for hours through the city, and suddenly they realized that they were lost. they found a police officer and asked for help, but the officer didnt speak their native language.after an hour th

21、ey found a person who could help them. she was an interpreter(翻译)who spoke both their native language and english. they explained that they didnt know the name of their hotel, but they knew which corner it was on. they showed the interpreter what they had copied into their notebook, and the interpre

22、ter began to laugh.the words which they had so carefully copied were “one way street”.51. a couple from russia was _ in miami that day.a. having a walkb. working as volunteersc. traveling by car52. we guess that the couple can speak _.a. englishb. frenchc. russian53. the interpreter began to laugh b

23、ecause the couple _.a. couldnt speak englishb. made a mistakec. went a wrong way54. _ helped the couple translate the words they had copied.a. the interpreterb. the hotel ownerc. the police officer55. we know from the story that the couple copied “_” into their notebook.a. the street nameb. way back

24、 homec. one way streetbwhen we are in a new place, maps help us find our way easily. however, different types of maps have different uses.tourist maps, for example, have signs to show places of interest in an area. when tourists read these maps, its easy for them to find where to go and what to see

25、in a place.road maps show large areas so that people can plan long journeys. different types of roads are given different numbers. for example, if you want to go to the zoo, you just follow one number of the road and keep looking at the road signs.distribution(分布)maps use colors or signs to show fac

26、ts about an area. for example, how many people live in an area, how cold and hot some places are, or whether a place is short of water.railway maps, use straight lines to show everything. this is easy for people to read. trains are fast. people dont have to think about small places they go past. the

27、y just need to know the two ends of their trips.56. people can plan long journeys with the help of _.a. road mapsb. distribution maps c. tourist maps57. railway maps use _ to show everything.a. different numbersb. straight lines c. road signs58. we learn from the passage that _ is a tourist map.a. b

28、. c.59. distribution maps can tell us _ .a. which place is short of waterb. how to get to germanyc. where a museum is60. the passage is mainly about the _ of maps.a. valueb. historyc. typescwith the increasing numbers of smart phones and chinese internet users, micro blogging, known as weibo in chin

29、ese, has become more and more popular. popular websites have created their own weibo sites, which allow users to post a message of up to 140 words, along with pictures and videos(视频). in august 2009 the largest website in china “” firstly set up sina weibo”, helping micro blogging enter the mainstre

30、am in china. in 2010, internet giants sohu, yahoo, baidu also sent up their own weibo sites. by the end of october 2010, only sinas weibo site had registered(登记)more than 50 million users, with an average of 40 people opening a weibo site every second. weibo allows people to post messages quickly us

31、ing their mobile phones, to stay in touch with friends, and provides channels for different people to communicate.as the social influence of weibo continues to grow, more and more news agencies(通讯社)and government departments are beginning to send information through weibo sites. wang peng, a weibo b

32、logger, said, “through weibo it allows me to send my advice to director of my news agencies. also, i can keep in touch with friends. there are many middle school and university classmates on my blog”. with sending more information to people, the influence of micro blogging in china is increasing.61.

33、 from this passage, we know that “weibo” is a _ way of communicating.a. boringb. popularc. difficult62. you can send _ to your friends by using micro blogging.a. long messagesb. mobile phonesc. nice pictures63. according to the passage, _ was the first one to open a weibo site.a. b. c. 64. from wang

34、 pengs words, we can guess that he is most probably a(n) _.a. engineerb. studentc. reporter65. the best title of this passage is “_”. a. micro blogging was first used in chinab. micro blogging in china takes offc. weibo changes chinese internet usersdafter shaking the east coast of honshu, japan on

35、march 11, the earthquake has caused more than 10, 000 deaths and 17, 000 people missing. in downtown of tokyo, buildings shook and frightened citizen blocked out all the streets and roads. the tsunami(飓风)afterwards, which caused more deaths and injury, made japanese people unable to cheer up. “now t

36、hat our neighbors are in trouble,” the foreign ministry spokesman said, “we are in our turn to give a hand. our rescue team has already got there in time to help.” the terrible earthquake also caused a big fire breaking out at the fukushima nuclear power plant(福岛核电站), leading to a radiation leaking(

37、泄漏). 50 nuclear workers, facing radiation and fire, became the only people remaining at the fukushima nuclear power plant on tuesday and perhaps japans last chance of preventing a broader nuclear danger. they have volunteered to put seawater on dangerous nuclear fuel(核燃料)to cool it down, to prevent

38、thousands of tons of radioactive dust high into the air. some scientists suggest that the leaking is harmful to human being and may influence human body through rain or snow from the sky in the future.66. the earthquake in japan has caused over _ people missing.a. 10, 000b. 17, 000c. 27, 00067. from

39、 the passage, we know that _ led to a radiation leaking.a. the earthquakeb. the tsunamic. the rain68. _ the nuclear fuel can prevent radioactive dust high into the air.a. throwing awayb. burning outc. cooling down69. some scientists suggest japanese people watch out for _.a. the fireb. the weatherc.

40、 the seawater70. the main idea of this passage is that _.a. japan is the most dangerous country in the worldb. a big fire broke out at the fukushima power plantc. the earthquake in japan led to a radiation leakingethe sun gives energy and the earth receives the suns energy. the way the earth interac

41、ts with the suns energy can be displayed in a picture called the earths energy budget(预算). it displays the suns energy that reaches us and how much of that energy is taken in and how much is thrown back by the earth and its air. once the energy reaches the earth, some of it is taken by land and ocea

42、ns. the amount of energy that is taken in influences the temperatures. the energy that is not taken in is thrown back to space.generally, the amount of energy coming in is equal to the amount of energy going out. so, we say the earths energy budget is balanced. if more energy was coming in than was

43、going out, the earths temperature would increase. on the other hand, if too much energy is thrown back, and not taken in, we would see the earths temperature dropping.of all of the suns energy that hits the earth, about 67% is taken in by the land, oceans, air and clouds and about 33% is thrown back

44、 into space.71. the picture above shows us how _ hits the earth.a. the high temperatureb. the heavy rainc. the suns energy 72. in the 2nd paragraph, the underlined phrase “equal to ” means “_”.a. less thanb. the same as c. more than73. picture _ shows us the main idea of the last paragraph.a. b. c.

45、74. if too much energy is thrown back, we will feel _on the earth.a. coldb. hotc. warm75. the amount of energy that is _ influences the temperatures.a. well balancedb. thrown backc. taken in第二部分(非选择题)(四)情景交际运用(共20分)viii. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)a: have you ever experienced an unforgettable eve

46、nt?b: yes, i have. thats one of the 86. _ memories in my life.a: what did you experience?b: i was hit(撞到)by a 87. _.a: when did it happen? b: three years old.a: 88. _ did it happen?b: i went home alone after school. the traffic accident happened while i was crossing the road.a: didnt you pay attenti

47、on to the traffic 89. _?b: i did, but the car driver didnt. he was drunk that day. he was put into prison(坐牢)afterwards.a: were you 90. _ badly?b: yes, there is a scar(伤疤)on my leg until now. its very 91. _ to drive a car after drinking wine.a: yes, it really is and we should be careful when crossin

48、g the road, too.ix. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空2分,共8分)* 你想知道alice集邮的时间有多長时,你可以这样问她: 92. how long _, alice?* 有人邀请你去看电影,但你刚好要准备明天的考试,你可以这样谢绝说: 93. id love to, _ tomorrow.* 你想咨询alan假期打算怎么过时,你可以这样说: 94. _, alan?* 你想告诉同学你过去很怕黑,你可以这样说: 95. _ the dark.x. 根据语篇情景,用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空2分,共6分) david stern is glad

49、to see houston rockets all-star center yao ming return, saying its important to the nba, the rockets and china. “china is an important market for us. people 96. _ when yaos on court. so we are looking forward to having him back next season.” stern said.when asked how it would be different after yao retires, stern said, “af


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