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1、TOEFL Junior ListeningLong Discussion概述 1. long discussion形式分类 2. long discussion考查能力 3. long discussion文章特点 4. long discussion词汇特点 5. long discussion涉及题目特点Long Discussion概述long discussion形式分类:dialogue: campus life academic discussionmonologue:academic discussionLong Discussion概述2. long discussion考查

2、能力校园生活内考查学生基本交流能力学术类考查学生能否基本听懂老师授课方式Long Discussion概述3. long discussion文章特点:有各种场景,熟悉各类场景套路Long Discussion概述4. long discussion词汇特点各个场景有各自特色词汇,熟悉掌握场景词汇(见讲义)Long Discussion概述 5. long discussion涉及题目特点涉及题目特点主旨题:主旨题: 1.目的主旨题目的主旨题 2.内容主旨题内容主旨题细节题:细节题: 1. 原因细节题原因细节题 2. 目的型细节题目的型细节题 3. 客观事实细节题客观事实细节题推断题:推断题:

3、 1. 后续动作推断题后续动作推断题 2. 学术信息推断题学术信息推断题Long discussion训练 Questions 1-4 Listen to a conversation between two students in the lounge of a school dormitory. 1. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. A class presentation theyre preparing. B. A television program the man is watching. C. Visiting a clos

4、e fiend of theirs. D. Studying for a test. 2. Why is the man watching television? A. Hes taking a break from studying. B. He has already finished studying. C. He was assigned to watch a program by his professor. D. Hes finding out some information for a friend. 3. Why is the man surprised that the w

5、oman wants to study linear algebra with him? A. He didnt know that she was enrolled in a linear algebra course. B. He thought she preferred to study alone. C. He thought she had made arrangements to study with D. He had told her that he had done poorly on a recent test. 4. Why doesnt the man want to

6、 call Elizabeth? A. He and Elizabeth argued recently. B. He heard Elizabeth did poorly on the last test. C. He doesnt want to bother Elizabeth so late in the evening. D. Hed rather study in his own dormitory.Question 1-4词汇 lounge休闲室 linear algebra 线性代数 headache 头疼 impose 把.强加于 owe欠 favor 帮忙 worth a

7、try 值得试一试 review复习 material 材料Long discussion文章结构 寝室场景: 学生到寝室找室友温习考试功课,室友解决不了,说一起找班上一个成绩好的帮助他们 套路: 寒暄-提出问题-分析-解决方案逻辑连接词 But So Well. Why dont. Lets.Q1-4涉及题型 1. 内容主旨题 2. 原因细节题 3. 原因细节题 4. 原因细节题 Questions 5-9 Listen to a conversation between two friends. 5. What is the conversation mainly about? A. A

8、concert the woman attended. B. The mans collection of CDs. C. A new software programs. D. An instrument the woman is learning to play. 6. Why did the woman apologize to the man? A. She lost one of his CDs. B. She didnt invite him to the concert. C. She missed class. D. She forgot about a meeting. 7.

9、 What is unusual about the baritone? A. It does not need to be turned. B. It has two sets of strings. C. Its pitch is exceptionally high. D. It is played with the hands and feet. 8. What does the woman want to borrow front the man? A. A baritone. B. Some CDS. C. A computer program. D. His class note

10、s. 9. Where will the speakers probably go next? A. The womans house. B. The concert. C. The club meeting. D. The music shop.Question 5-9词汇 downtown 市区 concert 演唱会 hum 闭口哼歌 slip ones mind 忘记 string 弦 violin 小提琴 pluck 拉,猛拉 symphony 交响乐 stuff 塞满,填满 mall 商场Q5-9涉及题型 5.内容型主旨题 6.原因型细节题 7.客观事实型细节题 8.客观事实型细节

11、题 9.后续动作型推断题 Questions 10-14Listen to a conversation between a student and a library assistant. 10.Why is the man talking to the woman? A. To return some business books. B. To apply for a new library card. C. To check out some books from the library. D. To find out where the art books are located. 1

12、1.What problem does the man have? A. The library assistant thinks he has an overdue book. B. The books he needs have been checked out by someone else. C. The library assistant is unable to locate the books that he needs. D. A library notice was sent to him at his previous address. 12. Why does the m

13、an mention that he is a new student at the school? A. To explain why he had difficulty finding the library. B. To explain why he couldnt have borrowed library books in June. C. To explain why he doesnt yet have a library card. D. To explain why he needs assistance in locating a book. 13.What does th

14、e woman discover when she looks up the records on her computer? A. The man has mistakenly received someone elses books. B. The man changed his major from art to business. C. The man recently moved off campus. D. There are two students named Robert Smith. 14.What does the woman suggest the man do in

15、the future? A. See if he is related to any of the students. B. Apply for a job as a library assistant. C. Use his middle name. D. Use a different library.Question10-14词汇 check out借出 overdue过期 circulation流通 privileges特权 revoke撤销;废除 major专业 a business major商学专业学生 pretty (adv.)想当 canal运河 on campus在校园内

16、No kidding!开玩笑吧?! probably很可能 at least至少 initial首写字母 middle initialmiddle name名字的首写字母Q10-14 10. 目的型主旨题 11. 客观事实型细节题 12. 目的型细节题 13. 客观事实型细节题 14. 后续动作型推断题 Questions 15-19 Listen to a conversation between a student employee and an administrator in a cafeteria. 15. What are the speakers mainly discussin

17、g? A. The cost of meals in the cafeteria. B. The size of the cafeteria. C. Career opportunities in cafeterias. D. The food served in the cafeteria. 16. What is the womans current job in the cafeteria? A. Giving advice on nutrition. B. Cooking food for the students. C. Listening to complaints about s

18、ervice. D. Serving food to the students. 17. What does the man want the woman to do? A. Find other students who will work in the cafeteria. B. Collect students opinions about meals. C. Ask students to try a new dish he has made. D. Teach students about the disadvantages of frying food. 18. What does

19、 the man suggest the cafeteria do? A. Stop serving hamburgers and fried chicken. B. Use less sauce on the food. C. Make some of the meals less fattening. D. Buy less expensive food. 19. How does the woman probably feel about the mans project? A. Somewhat curious. B. Very skeptical. C. Quite irritate

20、d. D. Not at all interested.Q15-19的词汇 nutrition 营养 cafeteria 食堂 wonder 想知道,好奇 term 学期 attract 吸引 menu 菜单 complain 抱怨,投诉 fry 油炸,油煎 drip 滴,滴水声 get rid of 消除,去除 appeal to 吸引 drop by 顺便拜访 Q15-19题型 15. 内容型主旨题 16. 客观事实型细节题 17. 目的型细节题 18. 客观事实型细节题 19. 态度型推测题 Questions 20-23 Listen to a conversation between

21、 two students. 20. What is the man eager to tell the other student? A. That he will be performing in a concert. B. That he had a conversation with the director of a choir. C. That he heard a new musical composition by Barbara Johnson. D. That he has been translating some Latin poems for a class. 21.

22、 What can be inferred about the two students? A. They are members of the Latin club on campus. B. The work as editors. C. They attended the same concert. D. Music is their major field of study. 22. What was Barbara Johnsons reaction to the mans comments? A. She was upset. B. She was confused. C. She

23、 was amused. D. She was grateful. 23. What will the man probably send to Barbara Johnson? A. Some photographs that he took of her during the concert. B. A tape recording that he mad of the concert. C. A review of the concert that he wrote for the campus paper. D. The corrected text for the program o

24、f the concert.Q2023词汇 choir 合唱队,唱诗班 choral (adj.) print 复印 translation 翻译 be caught up in 深陷于,专注于 piece 一首乐曲 notice 注意 error 错误 annoying 令人恼怒的 concert 音乐会 crowd 拥挤;人群 soloist 独唱者,独奏者 dozens of 几十 upset 不安的,心烦的 revise 修订,修改 acknowledge 感谢 acknowledgement n.感谢 major in 主修 Q20-23题型 20. 目的型主旨题 21. 客观事实型

25、细节题、推测题 22. 客观事实型细节题 23. 后续动作型推断题 Questions: 24-27 Listen to a conversation between two students. 24. What are the students mainly discussing? A. Places the man has visited. B. A paper the woman is writing for a class. C. School activities they enjoy. D. The womans plans for the summer. 25. What doe

26、s the man find surprising about the woman? A. She has never been to Gettysburg. B. She took a political science course. C. Her family still goes on vacation together. D. Shes interested in the United States Civil War. 26. What is the woman unable to remember? A. Why her parents wanted to go to Getty

27、sberg. B. Why her familys vacation plans changed ten years ago. C. Where her family went for a vacation ten years ago. D. When her family went on their last vacation. 27. What does the woman imply about Gettysburg? A. Its far from where she lives. B. Her family went there without her. C. She doesnt

28、know a lot about it. D. Shes excited about going there.Q2427的词汇 final 期末考试 historical significance 历史名胜 reinforce 增强,加强 stuff 东西,资料 in a while 一段时间后 end up doing sth. 最终. be eager to do sth. 热切地做.Q2427题型 24. 内容型主旨题 25. 态度型推测题 26. 客观事实型细节题 27. 态度型推断题 Questions: 28-32 Listen to a conversation between

29、two students. 28. What is the conversation mainly about? A. A catalog mailed to the man. B. The womans catalog order. C. The history of mail-order catalogs. D. A comparison of two kinds of catalogs. 29. Why was the woman reading a catalog? A. She wants to learn about Richard Sears. B. She is helping

30、 the man with his assignment. C. She needs to buy a filling cabinet. D. She wants to order some textbooks. 30. Who were the main customers of Sears and Wards business? A. Teachers. B. Farmers. C. Students. D. Laborers. 31. What unusual way were the catalogs used? A. As textbooks. B. As fuel. C. As n

31、ewspapers. D. As art. 32. What was one of the negative effects of the catalog business? A. Taxes on factory goods rose. B. Some people lost their farms. C. Shipping prices rose. D. Some families lost their businesses.Q28-32的词汇 order 预订 filing cabinet 文件柜 catalog 目录册 pile up 堆积 dormitory (dorm)宿舍 cat

32、alog sale retail 零售 retailer 零售商 deliver 运送,传递 refund 退款 be satisfied with 对.满意的 textbook 教科书 be thrilled about 对.感兴趣的 be doubtful about 对.怀疑的 quantity 数量 undercut 以比.低的价格出售Q28-32 28. 内容型主旨题 29. 原因型细节题 30. 客观事实型细节题 31. 客观事实型细节题 32. 客观事实型细节题 Questions 33-37 Listen to two friends preparing dinner. 33.

33、 What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. How different kinds of pepper are produced. B. Why white pepper is superior to black pepper. C. How the pepper plant is grown. D. How various peppers are used in cooking. 34. How did the man learn about pepper? A. He read about it in a cookbook. B. He gro

34、ws his own herbs and spices. C. He heard about it from a friend. D. He studied it in cooking school. 35. What happens to black pepper after it is picked? A. Its preserved in liquid. B. The skin is removed. C. Its dried in the sun. D. Its freeze-dried. 36. According to the man, why do some cooks pref

35、er white pepper? A. Its more pure than other types of pepper. B. It helps maintain the color of certain black pepper. C. It has a fruity flavor. D. Its easier to grow. 37. Why does the woman tell the man that he passes? A. He answered all her questions correctly. B. He received a good grade in cooki

36、ng class. C. She likes what he has just cooked. D. Shes impressed with his knowledge.Q33-37的词汇pepper 胡椒 mild 温和的,温柔的 subtle 细微的,精细的,难以察觉的 flavor 风味儿 sort of 有点儿 depend on 依.而定 ripe 熟的,成熟的 pick 摘 herb 草药,调味用的香草 spices 香料,调味品 vine 葡萄藤,蔓生植物 ripen 变熟 immature 不成熟的 darken 变暗 rub 擦,摩擦 aesthetic 美学的,有关美的 chef 厨师 sauce 调味汁,作料distinctive 不同的,与众不同的


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