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1、健身教练岗位职责(精选3篇)_健身教练经理岗位职责word文档可编辑健身教练岗位职责(精选3篇)_健身教练经理岗位职责 健身教练岗位职责(精选3篇)由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“健身教练经理岗位职责”。 第1篇:健身教练岗位职责 健身教练岗位职责 fitne trainer job responsibilities 1.熟识全部俱乐部器械的运用操作规程,监督运用人员的操作方法,发觉问题刚好订正,避开设施的不必要损耗。 1.knowing well about all gym equipment and operating instructions, supervis

2、e the method of operation about users,find problem and correct timely, avoid the unneceary lo.2.能够运用规范语言和动作为客人讲解和示范,并跟进来俱乐部体验的客人,了解状况,快速向销售人员反馈信息。 2.can use standard language and action to guide and demonstrate guest, realize the information about the guest into the gym, report to the salesmen timel

3、y.3.每日做好营业前一切本职岗位的打算工作,包括卫生工作。 3.be ready for working before busine, include cleaning 4.对初学的会员,如要求指导,教练应赐予规范服务,并对有私训意向的会员主动为其举荐私教服务。 4.for beginner member , if ask for instructing, gym trainers should provide standard service ,and recommend private service actively to members want to have .5.推广并销售与健

4、身有关的俱乐部内现有的系列产品。 5.spread and sale series products about fitne in gym 6.在会员练习时,要特殊留意平安,并有规范的爱护、抢救的工作意识。 6.during the practicing , should keep safety especially, and have standard protect ,lifesaving awarene 7.营业结束后要帮助店长做好查核及营业汇总工作。 7.help leader check and summarize the sales after closed.8.营业前结束后要对本

5、区域内卫生和保管物品进行整理与清理工作。 8.cleaning the gym and placing the keep things after closed.9.定期对场馆的设备设施进行保养及修理,维持设备的良性运转确保正常运用,并帮助维持健身房的整齐。 9.maintain and care the gym equipment regularly, maintain the equipment work well, and aist to keep the gym clean.10.定期进行训练及学习,保持良好的身体形象,提高业务水准。 10.training and learning

6、regular , keep good body and provide work abilities.11.会员及来宾建立良好的关系,利用自己与客人服务关系的特别性,刚好将客人的看法建议反馈给上级领导,创建俱乐部良好的形象。 第2篇:健身教练岗位职责 健身教练岗位职责 fitne trainer job responsibilities 1.熟识全部俱乐部器械的运用操作规程,监督运用人员的操作方法,发觉问题刚好订正,避开设施的不必要损耗。 well about all gym equipment and operating instructions, supervise the method

7、 of operation about users,find problem and correct timely, avoid the unneceary lo. 2.能够运用规范语言和动作为客人讲解和示范,并跟进来俱乐部体验的客人,了解状况,快速向销售人员反馈信息。 use standard language and action to guide and demonstrate guest, realize the information about the guest into the gym, report to the salesmen timely. 3.每日做好营业前一切本职岗

8、位的打算工作,包括卫生工作。 ready for working before busine, include cleaning 4.对初学的会员,如要求指导,教练应赐予规范服务,并对有私训意向的会员主动为其举荐私教服务。 beginner member , if ask for instructing, gym trainers should provide standard service ,and recommend private service actively to members want to have .5.推广并销售与健身有关的俱乐部内现有的系列产品。 and sale s

9、eries products about fitne in gym 6.在会员练习时,要特殊留意平安,并有规范的爱护、抢救的工作意识。 the practicing , should keep safety especially, and have standard protect ,lifesaving awarene 7.营业结束后要帮助店长做好查核及营业汇总工作。 leader check and summarize the sales after closed. 8.营业前结束后要对本区域内卫生和保管物品进行整理与清理工作。 the gym and placing the keep t

10、hings after closed. 9.定期对场馆的设备设施进行保养及修理,维持设备的良性运转确保正常运用,并帮助维持健身房的整齐。 and care the gym equipment regularly, maintain the equipment work well, and aist to keep the gym clean. 10.定期进行训练及学习,保持良好的身体形象,提高业务水准。 and learning regular , keep good body and provide work abilities.11.会员及来宾建立良好的关系,利用自己与客人服务关系的特别性

11、,刚好将客人的看法建议反馈给上级领导,创建俱乐部良好的形象。 good relationship with members and guests, use the good service to get information form guest and report to the leader timely, produce the good image. 第3篇:健身教练岗位职责 健身教练岗位职责 fitne trainer job responsibilities 1.熟识全部俱乐部器械的运用操作规程,监督运用人员的操作方法,发觉问题刚好订正,避开设施的不必要损耗。 1.knowing

12、 well about all gym equipment and operating instructions, supervise the method of operation about users,find problem and correct timely, avoid the unneceary lo.2.能够运用规范语言和动作为客人讲解和示范,并跟进来俱乐部体验的客人,了解状况,快速向销售人员反馈信息。 2.can use standard language and action to guide and demonstrate guest, realize the info

13、rmation about the guest into the gym, report to the salesmen timely.3.每日做好营业前一切本职岗位的打算工作,包括卫生工作。 3.be ready for working before busine, include cleaning 4.对初学的会员,如要求指导,教练应赐予规范服务,并对有私训意向的会员主动为其举荐私教服务。 4.for beginner member , if ask for instructing, gym trainers should provide standard service ,and rec

14、ommend private service actively to members want to have .5.推广并销售与健身有关的俱乐部内现有的系列产品。 5.spread and sale series products about fitne in gym 6.在会员练习时,要特殊留意平安,并有规范的爱护、抢救的工作意识。 6.during the practicing , should keep safety especially, and have standard protect ,lifesaving awarene 7.营业结束后要帮助店长做好查核及营业汇总工作。 7.

15、help leader check and summarize the sales after closed.8.营业前结束后要对本区域内卫生和保管物品进行整理与清理工作。 8.cleaning the gym and placing the keep things after closed.9.定期对场馆的设备设施进行保养及修理,维持设备的良性运转确保正常运用,并帮助维持健身房的整齐。 9.maintain and care the gym equipment regularly, maintain the equipment work well, and aist to keep the

16、gym clean.10.定期进行训练及学习,保持良好的身体形象,提高业务水准。 10.training and learning regular , keep good body and provide work abilities.11.会员及来宾建立良好的关系,利用自己与客人服务关系的特别性,刚好将客人的看法建议反馈给上级领导,创建俱乐部良好的形象。 11.keep good relationship with members and guests, use the good service to get information form guest and report to the

17、leader timely, produce the good image. 健身教练学问 服装得体体会清爽 健身教练的服装有严格规定,上身要穿立领t恤衫,下身穿宽松的运动裤或运动短裤,严禁穿任何紧身或过度暴露的服装。一方面由于健身教练的身材都非常塑身,穿过于显. 健身教练工资报告 影响健身教练工资的因素 2021年健身教练工资报告影响健身教练工资的因素受国际健身潮流的影响,随着时代发展人们的审美也在不断改变,从最初男生们崇尚的塑身运动员一样的肌肉块,到如今的人鱼线,甚至还有. 健身器械教练岗位职责 1.为会员供应专业的器械运用服务。2.能为会员供应针对性的健身安排。3.随时爱护在器械区域内会员的健身平安。4.把每一个会员的健身稍案进行整理。5.对有特别要求的会员进行. 健身教练聘用合同 甲方: 乙方:甲方因经营须要,聘用乙方为健身教练。现经双方协商一样,达成如下协议:一、聘用期限为壹年。自xxx年xx月


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