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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年有关天气的英语对话 天气是指某一个地方间隔 地表较近的大气层在短时间内的详细状态。下面是我给大家整理的有关天气的英语对话,供大家参阅! 有关天气的英语对话:季节 todd: hey, james! 嗨,詹姆斯! james: yeah! 嗨! todd: lets talk about seasons. 我们来聊一聊季节。 james: ok. 好的。 todd: james, what is your favorite season? 詹姆斯,你最喜爱的季节是什么? james: my favorite season is spring.

2、我最喜爱的是春天。 todd: yeah, why is that? 为什么是春天? james: because its not so cold but its not so hot that im sweating on the train. i can go to the beach. i can relax with my friends outside. its very nice. 因为春天的天气不是很冷也不是很热,参与训练正适宜。我还能去海边玩儿,和我的伴侣一起出去。天气特别好。 todd: ok. what is your least favorite season? 好的,你

3、最不喜爱的季节是什么? james: my least favorite season in japan is the rainy season .because i dont like rain at all. 我最不喜爱的是日本的雨季因为我一点儿都不喜爱雨。 todd: ok. what season are we in right now? 好的。我们如今正处于什么季节? james: right now it is the very end of winter. it is just starting to become spring. 如今正是冬天的末尾,我们即将迎来春天。 todd

4、: whats the weather like today? 今日的天气怎么样呢? james: today, its very sunny. its a little cool. a little breezy. its very nice. i enjoy it. 今日天气很晴朗,威严,有一点冷。今日天气很好,我很喜爱。 有关天气的英语对话:温度 a. its hot inside, isnt it? 有没有觉得屋里很热? b. sure, the thermometer is on the wall by your side. whats the temperature? 当然,温度计

5、在你那边墙上,看看几度? a. around thirty. 三十度左右。 b. how is the weather outside? 室外如今多少度? a. its sunny and warm. its a good day for a picnic. 外贸阳光绚丽,特别暖和,合适去野餐啊。 b. but the weather forecast says it will rain this afternoon. 但是天气预报说今日下午会下雨。 有关天气的英语对话:下雪了 a snow day. 下雪天:外面下大雪了,詹姆斯让teresa起床去堆雪人,请看下面的英语口语对话。 (jame

6、s is knocking at the door of teresas room.) (詹姆斯敲在teresa的房间的门。) a. teresa, wake up. it is snowing heavily outside. teresa,快起床,外面下大雪了。 b. stop bugging me, james. i told you i did my homework till midnight. 詹姆斯,别烦我了。跟你说了,我昨晚做功课到半夜。 a. i know, but the snow is so thick that we can go make a snow man. 我知

7、道,但是雪很厚,我们可以堆雪人。 b. thats no surprise. the weather man said last night that a blizzard is hitting us these days. 没啥新奇了,天气预报昨晚就说了这些天有暴风雪。 a. see, ive got a carrot, two black buttons, a broom and a scoop, all is ready. 看,我有一个胡萝卜,两个很受的牛可,一个扫帚和铲子,都预备好啦。 b. ok, lets go. i need to relax for a while anyway

8、. 好吧,反正我需要放松。 a. atchoo! it is nice in cold today. 哟呵,冷点也不错。 b. wait, james. the temperature has dropped to twelve degrees below zero today. mum told me not let you play out on such a cold day. lets go back or ill tell mama. 等等,詹姆斯,今日气温会下降到零下12读,妈妈跟我说,别让你在这样的冷天出去,我们回去吧,不然我就告知妈妈。 有关天气的英语对话:天气改变 jeff:

9、 so you do winter camping and the place you live, do you get a lot of snow there? 杰夫:你进展过冬季露营,你生活的那个地方会下许多雪吗? tim: we get quite a bit of snow but its mostly just up in the mountains. 蒂姆:我们那里雪许多,不过主要是在山上。 jeff: so, lately theres been a lot of talk about global warming. so where you live, do you find

10、that you can see the affects global warming, say with less snow? 杰夫:最近大家都在谈全球变暖。你有发觉你们那里受到了全球变暖的影响吗?比方降雪削减等问题? tim: i think you can. i think theres been less snow. that is not quite a noticeable as the glaciers that are on the mountains have gotten smaller and smaller, so i think there has been less

11、 snow although its not real noticeable cause ski resorts are still open and theres still snow out there but to snow shoe but every summer the glaciers seem to be getting smaller and smaller. 蒂姆:我觉得可以这么说。降雪量确实削减了。虽然不是很明显,不过山上的冰川面积越来越小,所以我认为降雪量确实削减了,不过不太明显,因为滑雪度假村仍在开放,而且山上仍旧有积雪,仍可以进展雪地行走,不过看起来每年夏天冰川的面

12、积都在渐渐减小。 jeff: so you are about what 35 now? 杰夫:你如今有35岁吗? tim: ah, younger than that actually. 蒂姆:我还不到35岁。 jeff: really. so in your thirties, but when you were a boy, when you were young like 5 or 6 and you were playing in the snow, was there more snow back then? 杰夫:是吗?你如今是30来岁,在你小时候,也许五六岁在雪地里玩的时候,是

13、不是降雪比拟多? tim: i think there probably was. one thing is i told you the snow is in the mountain and there used to be a lot more snow in the valley where i live and i cant remember the last time we got snow in the valley. 蒂姆:我想可能是这样的。我刚说过山区降雪许多,以前我生活的那个山谷也有许多降雪,可是我已经想不起来上次山谷下雪是什么时候的事了。 jeff: really! so

14、 global warming, you think may be is getting worse? 杰夫:真的吗?那你认为全球变暖现象会越来越严峻吗? tim: i would say so. i think one of the biggest affects is we seem to be getting more rain actually. the weather patterns have switched a little bit and it seems like its been dumping rain. theres been more flooding, so were actually getting more rain and less snow. 蒂姆:我想是这样的。我觉得全球变暖最大的影响之一就是导致降雨量增加。天气形式有了些转变,看起来降雨量始终在增加。这样会引发更多的洪水,我们如今是降雨多降雪少。 jeff: oh, really. ok. interesting. 杰夫:哦,是吗?好,挺有意思的。 有关天气的英语对话:天气预报 mary: whats the weather forecast for the


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