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1、工商管理硕士英语master of business administration in english【课程编号】 120117415 【课程性质】 学科专业课 【课程学时】 64 【主讲教师】 田晖 【制订教师】 田晖【开课单位】 商学院【开课学期】 春季、秋季【课程学分】 2【适用对象】 在职攻读硕士专业学位研究生 【制订日期】 2010-03-15一、主讲教师简介(300-500 字)1998 年毕业于湖南大学外国语学院,获英语语言文学硕士学位.;2009 年毕业于中南大学商学院, 获管理学博士学位。2010 年 1 月至 2011 年 1 月在美国俄亥俄州立大学访学。现在中南大学商学

2、院国际经 济与贸易系任教,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事跨国经营与跨文化管理人力资源管理、企业文化与服 务管理等方面的研究。已在各类学术期刊上发表论文 11 篇,其中在 cssci 检索源期刊上发表 5 篇;在 cscd 检索源期刊上发表 2 篇。主编教材 1 部:实用商贸英语听说教程;出版专著 1 部:多维视角的 企业文化建构与创新。获国家社会科学基金项目 1 项,省部级科研成果两项。2002 年开始从事研究生英 语教学。讲授的主要课程有:工商硕士研究生学位英语、英语听说和经贸资刊选读等。二、预修课程大学英语精读、大学英语听力三、课程简介(300-500 字)工商管理硕士(mba)学位是一种培

3、养我国工商界、金融界应用型、综合型高级管理人才的学位。工商 管理硕士英语是工商管理硕士(mba)位的必修课程,也是 mba 整体教学体系中的一个重要环节。本课程教 学旨在提高学员在实际工作情景中综合运用英语进行交流的能力,能顺利地阅读本专业的英语材料,获取 所需信息,了解和熟悉当代社会经济、管理和科学技术发展的动态,并能运用英语进行基本的商务活动。 通过本课程的学习,学员能提高阅读能力、商务写作能力和翻译能力,能听懂本专业的英语学术报告,并 能就相关话题简要发言。四、教学目的与要求(300-500 字)本课程的主要教学目的是帮助 mba 学员熟练掌握英语的词法、句法,提高学生的语篇理解能力,与

4、此 同时培养学生的英语应用能力,力求在听说能力方面取得突破。具体要求如下:(1) 词汇:理解性掌握 5000 个左右的常用单词及词组,复用式掌握 2500 个左右的基本词,认知 120 个左右的常用词根和词缀,并能根据基本的构词法识别派生词,掌握本学科所需的常用的专业词汇。(2) 语法:能较熟练地运用语法知识,尤其是动词时态、语态和语气,能理解常见的长难句。(3) 阅读能力:能综合运用英语语言知识和各项阅读技能,较顺利地阅读并正确理解一般性题材、语 言难度中等的相关文献资料,阅读速度达每分钟 60 至 70 个词;能够理解文章中心思想及主要内容,领会 作者的意图和态度;能顺利阅读本专业的英语资

5、料,速度每分钟 80 至 100 个词,理解正确。(4) 写的能力:能运用基本写作技巧,按具体要求,在 1 小时内写出 250 至 300 个词左右的短文,文 字要切合主题,语义连贯,无重大语法错误;能用英文书写论文摘要、商务函电分析等,正确表达思想, 条理清楚,文理通顺,无重大语言错误。(5) 译的能力:能借助词典,将本专业的资料进行英汉、汉英互译,英译汉的速度达每小时 350 个英 文词,要求理解正确,译文通顺达意;汉译英一般难度的材料,速度每小时250 个左右汉字,要求译文通 顺,用词基本正确,无重大语言错误。(6) 听的能力:对题材熟悉、难度不大、基本上没有生词、语速为每分钟 140

6、至 160 个词的听力材料, 一遍可以听懂,理解的准确率不低于 70;能听懂本专业的学术报告,做简要笔记,并能就报告内容进 行提问。(7) 说的能力:能进行简单的日常会话,经事先准备能就所讨论的问题特别是本专业的课题,进行3 至 5 分钟的连续性发言,表达思想基本清楚。五、教材或讲义(含其它教学资源)1沈金华、易文编著. 工程硕士研究生英语综合教程. 中南大学出版社,2008; 2 自制多媒体课件3网上英语原版阅读材料六、参考书目1 田晖,骆莲莲等主编. 实用商贸英语听说教程.中南大学出版社,20072 罗立胜,何福胜.工程硕士研究生英语基础教程. 清华大学出版社, 2006七、教学内容(授课

7、内容至少详细至二级标题,实验课、讨论课写出项目或主题)unit 1 the road to successi teaching objectives:1. 1. to get to know the road leading to success.1. to have a deeper understanding of the meaning of life.2. to learn more information about the authorii language points:1. from rags to riches2. man who dies rich dies disgrac

8、ed3. the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom.iii grammar:5 basic sentence patternsunit 2 health: giant step toward wellnessi teaching objectives:1. to acquire the information or knowledge of how moderate and regular exercise benefits peo

9、ple.2. to develop and promote the habit of doing exercise properly.3. to learn the writing techniques of expository essay: the use of quotation and comparison. ii language points:1.2.3.to stay active: to be active in exercise research has proven that: similar structures: studies have shown thatstati

10、stics have shown thatresearch shows thatthe report says that3. its no accident that: it happens or occurs naturally that 4. your immune system is in fighting shape:5. its no accident that: it happens or occurs naturally that iii grammar:the agreement between subject and verbunit 3 economic globaliza

11、tiona major trend in todays worldi teaching objectives:1. to get to know more about economic globalizationo di2. to discuss the pros and cons of globalizationo le 3. to learn the writing techniques of expositionii language points:1. in other words, the integration and fermentation of multi-polarizat

12、ion of the worldpattern proceeded almost simultaneously with the rapid expansion of economic globalization. 2. 2.this process takes developed countries as the guide, 3. two major characteristics are worth noticingiii grammar:tense and moodunit 4 being a smooth motivatori teaching objectives:1. to ge

13、t to know some good ways to motivate your child2. to appreciate the importance of being a smooth motivator3. to get to know the functions of dash4.to learn the writing techniques of examplesii language points:1. physical force or threats may make children do as theyre told in the short term but thei

14、r compliance will last only as long as the threat is relevant.”2. but it wont work on teenagers,3. self-esteem is at the heart of self-motivation 4. challenge their negative talk and make sure youre not too stressed to see the “silver lining”, too. iii grammar: subjunctive moodunit 5 what is fashion

15、i teaching objectives:1. to get some knowledge about fashion and thus form a correct view on it2. to learn how to write an expositionii language points:1. fashion, which is as old as time and as new as tomorrow, is one of the most powerfulforces in our lives.2. it is only in retrospect that fashion

16、changes seem marked or sudden.3. even today (when the rate of fashion change has accelerated sharply), the pace ofchange is really slower than it appears to the unskilled observer (who has failed to noticethe early evolutionary movements in a new direction).iii grammar: compound sentenceunit 6 a gli

17、mpse of the secrets of lifei teaching objectives:1. to get to know what gene and gene therapy are2. to learn something about how gene therapy has influenced our life3. to learn how to use gene to benefit human bingesii language points:1. the notion that one gene equals one disease, or that one gene

18、produces one key protein, is flying out of the window.2. but it could work equally well in the opposite direction: the complex interactions between genes may make it harder to cure disease by changing one or two of them, for example through gene therapy.3. the unexpectedly low number of human genes

19、would be good for medicine, since there are fewer genes to understand.iii grammar: inversionunit 7 why we love who we love?i teaching objectives:1. to appreciate some meanings of love2. to practice discussing the reasons why one loves a certain person3.to learn the writing techniques of cause and ef

20、fect, comparison and contrast and illustrationii language points:1.you cant figure out why2. one of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according tojohn money, professor emeritus of medical psychology and pediatrics at johns hopkins university, is what

21、 he calls our “lovemap” a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes.3.they will likely grow up warm and responsive loversiii grammar: the usage of asunit 8 at home on earthi teaching objectives:1.to get to know some possible consequences of environmental problems.

22、2. to learn some something about sustainable design.3. to discuss how we can build our own green houseii language points:1 promising landscape2 .dictate the temperature3 its for the hair-shirt brigade, rather unpalatable, like eating broccoli.4 modify the design5 more than 100,000 cd-roms illustrati

23、ng these projects were recently sent out to architects and developers in an eu-sponsored initiative to raise awareness of what can be done.iii grammar: attributive clausesunit 9 no net? wed rather go without food.i teaching objectives:1.to get to know findings in the research work on internet use2.

24、to learn how the internet has influenced our life 3. to learn how to write a reportii language points:1.the first report would have landed on the desk with a resounding thump, had it not arrived in a pdf digital file2. its only been a decade since the first decent web browser began transforming the

25、net 3. . make it through 14 days without google, outlook, rhapsody and the wonkette. iii writing skill: how to write lettersunit 10 managerial caricaturesi teaching objectives:1. to have a look at the images of managers from different countries2. to discuss the outstanding characteristics of chinese managers3. to learn to write an effective descriptionii language points:1. our ideas may even be caricatures with features and peculiarities exaggerated for comic or grotesque effect. 2.jealous of their social status :


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