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1、标准化是网路技标准化是网路技术演进的主轴术演进的主轴 如果市場需求進化到如果市場需求進化到AboveNet? Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 Servlet 自訂格式,讓 EJB 價值多元呈現Application ServerInternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBHTTPVB ClientServletServlet 如果市場需求進化到如果市場需求進化到AboveNet? Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 Servlet 自訂格式,讓 EJB 價值多元

2、呈現Application Server 但是,但是,customize 的的成本高成本高 Client : 各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循InternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBHTTPVB ClientServletServlet? 如果市場需求進化到如果市場需求進化到AboveNet? Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 Servlet 自訂格式,讓 EJB 價值多元呈現Application Server 但是,但是,customize 的的成

3、本高成本高 Client : 各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循 Server : Servlet流程代工,難以重複利用流程代工,難以重複利用InternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBHTTPVB ClientServletServlet?Web Services是是 Middleware 技術演進之必然技術演進之必然 Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 Servlet 自訂格式,讓 EJB 價值多元呈現 但是,但是,customize 的的成本高成本高 C

4、lient : 各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循各式資料格式,莫衷一是,無所遵循 Server : Servlet流程代工,難以重複利用流程代工,難以重複利用InternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBApplication ServerHTTPVB ClientServletServlet?Price()Name()Time()Msg()Web Services是是 Middleware 技術演進之必然技術演進之必然 Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 流程設計主導權由 server 端

5、移轉至 client 端Application Server Client 端請求端請求service服務及其回應,服務及其回應,均藉由均藉由soap/http標準化以降低開發成本標準化以降低開發成本InternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBHTTPVB ClientServletServletPrice()Name()Time()Msg()SOAPProxyWeb ServicesRuntimeSOAPRouterWeb ServicesRuntimeSOAPProxyWeb Services是是 Middl

6、eware 技術演進之必然技術演進之必然Middleware技術成本 = 通信 + 資料 + 格式 Services的規格由WSDL描述之且讓 UDDI 形成結構化服務描述聚落Application Server Client 藉由藉由 WSDL 知曉知曉 Server 提供的服務,提供的服務,並藉以開發並藉以開發Web Service應用應用InternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBHTTPVB ClientServletServletPrice()Name()Time()Msg()SOAPProxyWeb

7、ServicesRuntimeSOAPRouterWeb ServicesRuntimeSOAPProxyWSDLWSDLUDDIWSDLWeb Services 技術架構誕生技術架構誕生ComposedInternetJSPBusiness LogicgetPrice()getName()getTime()getMsg()DBApplication ServerVarious ClientsServletServletWeb ServicesRuntimeSOAPRouterWSDLUDDIHTTPDescribedPublishedFoundBoundInvokedModularWeb S

8、ervices 技術架構誕生技術架構誕生Web Service = http + XML + StandardContainer: J2EE 1.3JAXPJAXBJAC-RPCJAXMJAXRJSR110JavaStandards: W3CXMLXML SchemaWSDLSOAPUDDIebXMLArchitectureOverview of Web Services Technology Service Provider: Construct services Web Services interface (EAR) Publish Service Requestor: Construc

9、t request services Discover and download WSDL documents. Web Services interface (proxy) Communication By using SOAPOverview of Web Services TechnologyServiceProviderServiceRequestorEARPROXYServicesRegistryPublishFindWSDLDoc.DownloadBindRequestInvokeresultReturnResponseSOAP Messages(Implementation De

10、finition)Overview of Web Services TechnologyServiceProviderServiceRequestorEARPROXYWSDLDoc.DownloadRequestInvokeresultReturnResponseSOAP MessagesServicesRegistryOverview of Web Services TechnologyServiceProviderServiceRequestorEARPROXYServicesRegistryWSDLDoc.DownloadBindRequestInvokeresultReturnResp

11、onseSOAP MessagesOverview of Web Services TechnologyServiceProviderServiceRequestorEARPROXYServicesRegistryWSDLDoc.DownloadRequestInvokeresultReturnResponseSOAP MessagesConceptual Web Services StackDefinition of Stack Layers Network Internet-standards-based transport HTTP, HTTPS FTP SMTP Optimized i

12、ntra-organization protocols Network choice should be based on Where service will be accessed from Degree of interoperability required Existing network and messaging infrastructure Degree of reliability and security requiredDefinition of Stack Layers XML-Based Messaging Messages are sent as XML docum

13、ents conformant to well known or published XML Schemas The messaging infrastructure will use SOAP SOAP is the simple, standardized enveloping mechanism for communicating documentcentric messages and remote procedure calls using XML SOAP defines a standard mechanism to incorporate orthogonal extensio

14、ns to the message using SOAP headersDefinition of Stack Layers Service Description Service Interface Definition Specification of logical interface and bindings WSDL provides all IDL capabilitiesDefinition of Stack Layers Service Description Service Implementation Definition Defines network location,

15、 protocols, security requirements and other attributes specific to a particular instance of a service endpoint for a bindingDefinition of Stack Layers Complete Service Description Business Context, Taxonomies, Keywords: UDDI Endpoint capabilities and policies Choreography among services and business

16、esDefinition of Stack Layers Service Publication Make the Service Description available Create the nonfunctional service description Taxonomy, ownership, business name, business type, various keywords for discovery easier Endpoint details and requirements Where the description is published can vary:

17、 Directed-email, diskette, . Web Service Inspection Language (WSIL) UDDIPrivate or Universal Business RegistryDefinition of Stack Layers Service Discovery Static Services found and bound to at development time Found in file system, URL, or services directory Tools browse/search/generate skeletons pr

18、oxies Dynamic Bind interface during development and Find service implementation endpoint at runtime Interface and Endpoint found and bound at runtime Found at URL or services directory UDDI defines a searchable services directoryDefinition of Stack Layers Service Flows Services as activities in work

19、 flows Flows of services, potentially between partners Services as wrappers for exposed business processes Service composition This is an emerging paradigm IBM has published WSFL Microsoft has published XLangDefinition of Stack Layers Quality of Service Network Level: reliable messaging Service Desc

20、ription Level: Implementation level Ex. Transactional, secure Interface level Ex. Tolerable response times Provided by WSDL and potentially other definitions (potentially based on ebXML Partner Agreements type of information) Publication/Discovery: highly available UDDI nodeDefinition of Stack Layer

21、s Management Means: Information: Identification, Configuration Metrics: Performance Control: Operations, Configuration By Management System for: Web Services Infrastructure Each enterprise responsible for managing own infrastructure Enterprises will need to expose management interfaces for use by bu

22、siness partners: status, query, cancelDefinition of Stack Layers Security Requirements: Confidentiality Authorization Data Integrity Proof of Origin Non-Repudiation Secure transport is not enough: End to End compromised by intermediaries Middleware independence Transport independence Asynchronous mu

23、lti hop messagesDefinition of Stack Layers Security Network HTTPS, SSL, current network technologies XML Messaging Basic Auth in SOAP header XML Digital Signature Support trusted third-party authentication Service Description Security capabilities and requirements Publication/Discovery Trusted regis

24、try, trusted access (same issues)值得關注的後續發展主題值得關注的後續發展主題 Security standards and JSRs Reliable Messaging exactly once delivery Enabling services infrastructure turned services Quality of Service living up to expectationIntegration System logic redesignResourceSystemLogicgetTime()getName()PresentationH

25、TMLJSPASPApplicationPresentationSystemLogicResourcePresentationSystemLogicResourcePresentationSystemLogicResourceWebServicesIntegration (Cont.) IntegrationTech DataTech DataCompany ACompany BEmployeeEmployeeWeb ServicesWeb Services Description Language An XML vocabulary Describes the interfaces for

26、web services and how to invoke the services Service Implementation Implementation of one or more service interfaces Contains the endpoint reference Service Interface Abstract, reusable service definition Represents a type of service that can be implementedWeb Services Description LanguageServiceImpl

27、ementationDefinitionServiceInterfaceDefinitionServicePortBindingPortTypeTypeMessageWeb Services Description LanguageNotationComponentUsageAService服務名稱BPort服務位置1Binding服務物件定義2Port Type服務集合定義3Message服務I/O結構定義4TypeI/O型別定義Web Services Description Language Web Services Description Language Web Services D

28、escription Language Simple Object Access Protocol Defines a standard format for XML message exchanges StylesRPC: formatted payload for method invocationDocument: XML document payload EncodingsEncodedLiteral Works over more than just HTTP!Simple Object Access Protocol 1 POST /SMSSample/servlet/rpcrou

29、ter HTTP/1.0 2 Host: localhost 3 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 4 Content-Length: 582 5 SOAPAction: “” 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 093826624416 2330: 台積電=92.00, 13:30:0417 18 19 Service Publication and Discovery Service Publication Make the Service Description available Create the nonfunctional service

30、descriptionTaxonomy, ownership, business name, business type, various keywords for discovery easierEndpoint details and requirements Where the description is published can vary:Directed-email, diskette, Web Service Inspection Language (WSIL)UDDI Private or Universal Business RegistryService Publicat

31、ion and Discovery Service Discovery StaticServices found and bound to at development timeFound in file system, URL, or services directoryTools browse/ search/ generate skeletons proxies DynamicBind interface during development and Find service implementation endpoint at runtimeInterface and Endpoint

32、 found and bound at runtimeFound at URL or services directory UDDI defines a searchable services directoryUDDI Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration A project to encourage interoperability and adoption of web services Standards-based specifications for service description and discovery A set of internet-based implementations UDDI business registry Interoperating to share registrations Partnership among industry and business leaders Initiated by Ariba, IBM, and Micro


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