2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:选修6 Module 1 Small Talk(共18张PPT)_第1页
2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:选修6 Module 1 Small Talk(共18张PPT)_第2页
2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:选修6 Module 1 Small Talk(共18张PPT)_第3页
2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:选修6 Module 1 Small Talk(共18张PPT)_第4页
2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:选修6 Module 1 Small Talk(共18张PPT)_第5页
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1、Module 1Module 1Small TalkSmall Talk( (主题语境主题语境: :人与自我人与自我人际关系人际关系) )-3-在记忆中求准确 在语境中求熟练Practice makes perfect.话题必记单词1. v.& n.缺乏;缺少 2. n.机会 3. v.使整洁,整理 4. pron.某些 5. n.& v.回答,答复,回信 6. adv.不管怎么说,无论如何 7. adj.谦虚的,谦逊的 8. n.功能 9. n.目的 lackopportunitytidycertainreplyanyhowmodestfunctionpurpose-4-阅读识记单词1.ob

2、ligation n. 2.refund n. 3.mature adj. 4.awkward adj. 5.tease v. 6.acquaintance n. 7.genuine adj. 8.hospitable adj. 9.circumstance n. 责任;义务退款 成熟的尴尬的戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄 熟人 纯粹的,真正的,真实的 好客的,殷勤的 情形,情况-5-构织连脉词族1. adv.自信地 adj.自信的 n.自信 2. n.缺乏,不存在 adj.不在的;心不在焉的 3. n.巧合 adj.巧合的 4. adj.谨慎的,慎重的,小心的 n.谨慎;小心 5. v.打断 n.中断 c

3、onfidentlyconfidentconfidenceabsenceabsentcoincidencecoincidentcautiouscautioninterruptinterruption-6-6. v.骚扰,妨碍,侵犯 n.违反,妨碍,侵害 7. v.想象 n.想象 adj.富于想象力的 adj.幻想的;虚构的 violateviolationimagineimaginationimaginativeimaginary-7-语用规律归纳“co-(共同)”构成的词:coincidence n.共同发生(巧合)cooperation n.合作coexist v.共存后缀-ence名词集

4、锦reference n.参考;查阅consequence n.结果convenience n.便利confidence n.信心-8-语境活用1.Smith is a writer with great .He has written several novels.We all him as a talented writer.(imagine)2.He is a man,and does everything , which has won the praise of his boss,who also work with . (cautious)3.We are often by com

5、mercial advertisements while watching TV programmes and the frequent make us disturbed.(interrupt)imagination;imaginative;imaginecautious;cautiously;cautioninterrupted;interruptions-9-4.Tom used to be about his future.He once said that he would go to a key college.But his was badly shaken by the fai

6、lure in the final examination.(confident)confident;confidently;confidence -10-从表面理解到深层延伸 从拓展中抓其规律Observation is the best teacher.1. 把目光从移开 2. 除此之外,另外 3. 因此,结果 4. 使某人高兴/振作起来 5. 省去,删去 6. 知道 7. 炫耀 look away fromin additionas a consequencecheer sb upleave out(be)aware ofshow off-11-语境活用1.I advise you to

7、 the part that is meaningless.2.More and more parents the importance of childrens education.3.There is not much point in when mobiles are so common now.4.He at once when his father promised to buy him a cellphone.5.It rained yesterday and the match was cancelled.leave outare aware ofshowing offcheer

8、ed upas a consequence-12-从教材中探求高考脉动 从仿写中熟练运用Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.领悟教材语境1.Her motto was “ I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.”她的“座右铭”是“每当我张口,就会讲错话”。(教材Page 8)要点提炼 every time在此处为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“每次一就”。Every time -13-2.When someone talks,everyone is expected to listen,_ dull the per

9、sons speaking may be.当一个人讲话的时候,不管他讲的可能是多么的枯燥,都希望每个人倾听。(教材Page 11)要点提炼 no matter how引导让步状语从句,意为“不管怎样;无论多么”。3.It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.据估计80%的英语谈话会话是闲聊。(教材Page 13)要点提炼 it做形式主语,真正的主语为后面that引导的从句。no matter how -14-高考写作情景他每次上学迟到总有很多的理由。不管我们会遇到多么大的困难,我们都要坚持下去直到

10、成功。据估计,大约有30%的青少年吸烟。Every time he is late for school,he has many excuses.No matter how much difficulty we may meet with,well keep on until we succeed.It is estimated that about 30% of the teenagers smoke.-15-旧材新用 探究根源Kill two birds with one stone.话题与语篇填空In our daily life,we often meet with such emba

11、rrassing experiencessome try to avoid 1.(talk) to someone that he recognizes when 2.(cross) the street,some cant speak 3.(confident) in the face of all the guests at a party, and also,some lack the 4.(confident) to talk to others though he is eager 5.(make) friends with people.1.talking2.crossing3.c

12、onfidently4.confidence5.to make-16-In a word,those people feel nervous when they are at a 6._ (society) occasion.Here are some tips to help you overcome your 7. (nervous) and improve your social skills.Make good use 8. small talk in your conversation,but be careful of what topics are suitable and wh

13、at are not.Try to be 9. better listener with positive answers and body language.Try to find out social rules 10. you go to another country.6.social7.nervousness8.of9.a10.when-17-话题与短文改错While few Americans will worry about the questions you may ask, particularly if you clear show you are aware cultur

14、al differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions.In the fact,its a sign that we dont wish to violate your private life.So,many Americans will talk with safe topics because they dont dare to be too curious and personal.However,there is a couple of dangerous topics of conversation:age and money.Age is not treated as every


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