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1、s crust at the time高智威PREP逻辑解析Practice Test #1 Critical Reasoning (72 Questions)1.(24179-!-item-!-188;#058&000705)Although fullerenes-spherical molecules made entirely of carbon-were first found in the laboratory, they have since been found in nature, formed in fissures of the rare mineral shungite.

2、 Since laboratory synthesis of fullerenes requires distinctive conditions of temperature and pressure, this discovery should give geologists a test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earths crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.Which of the following,

3、if true, most seriously undermines the argument(A) Confirming that the shungite genuinely contained fullerenes took careful experimentation.(B) Some fullerenes have also been found on the remains of a small meteorite that collided with a spacecraft.(C) The mineral shungite itself contains large amou

4、nts of carbon, from which the fullerenes apparently formed.(D) The naturally occurring fullerenes are arranged in a previously unknown crystalline structure.(E) Shungite itself is formed only under distinctive conditions.削弱题d原因:fullerenes要求特别温度和湿度d 结论:this discovery 可以检测 state of the earthfullerenes

5、 were formed.d 正确答案作用:此discovery 对于检测 the state of Earth s crust at the time fullerenes 没有用d思考:1.回溯原因:” discovery有没有用” 一定与fullerenes相关,因为 本题的最根本原因就是fullerenes.因此一定是fullerenes让thisdiscovery 不能来检测地壳状态;d选项分析:E:没有提到fullerenes ,干掉!;B:有模糊词some,然而文章结论无绝对词,干掉!;C: fullerenes 是如何形成的,跟检测 the state of earth s c

6、rust 无关;A: 是迷惑的选项。 confirming 矿石含有 fullerenes 需要仔细实验,说明要 在矿石中发现 fullerenes 挺麻烦,但是并不能说明发现 fullerenes 会对检测 fullerenes 产生影响;D: fullerenes 晶体结构我们不知道,无法从它来了解 the state of earth s crust. 正确答案!d知识点:确认原因结论,回溯原因,模糊词汇d词汇扩展 fissures, crust, meteorite, crystall ined常难句阅读:This discovery should give geologists a

7、test case for evaluating hypotheses about the state of the Earths crust at the time these naturally occurring fullerenes were formed.2.(24227-!-item-!-188;#058&000711)Economist: On average, the emergency treatment for an elderly person for injuries resulting from a fall costs $11,000. A new therapeu

8、tic program can significantly reduce an elderly persons chances of falling. Though obviously desirable for many reasons, this treatment program will cost $12,500 and thus cannot be justified.Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion of the argument(A) Among elderly pe

9、ople who had followed the program for only a few months, the number of serious falls reported was higher than it wasfor people who had followed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year.(B) Falls resulting in serious injuries are less commonamongelderly people living in nursing home

10、s than they are among elderly people wholive alone at home.(C) A frequent result of injuries sustained in falls is long-term pain, medication for which is not counted amongthe average per-person costs of emergency treatment for elderly peoples injuries from such falls.(D) The new therapeutic program

11、 focuses on therapies other than medication, since overmedication can cause disorientation and hence increase the likelihood that an elderly person will have a serious fall.(E) A significant portion of the cost of the new therapeutic programis represented by regular visits by health care professiona

12、ls, the costs of which tend to increase more rapidly than do those of other elements of the program.削弱题d 原因:this treatment program will cost $12,500d 结论:cannot be justified.d正确答案作用:new program can be justified.d思考:1.回溯原因:newprogram可不可以被justified, 决定因素就是cost 的高低,所以答案一定跟钱有关系,特别是cost 0 一定是说newprogram的c

13、ost 其实不高 ;d选项分析:A:没有提到钱,并且比较对象在文中未出现:peopie who hadfollowed the program for its recommended minimum length of one year 在文中未出现;B: 没有提到钱,并且比较对象在文中未出现 : eideriy peopie iiving in nursing homesD: 没有提到钱,并且有范围扩大词“ other than ”, 文中确定没有提高除 medication 之外的其它方式,干掉!E: 提到了钱,意思上是说 new program 中的有一部分 cost 高于另一部分。但

14、是比较对象在文中为出现: hose of other eiements of the program.C: 老的 emergency treatment 的 cost ,有很大一部分没有被算进去,如果被算进去,老的emergency treatment 的cost就会上升,有可能高于 newprogram, 那 new program can be justified.正确选项。d知识点:确认原因结论,回溯原因,无关比较,范围扩大词d词汇扩展:therapiesd常难句阅读:Amongeideriy peopie whohad foiiowed the program for oniy a f

15、ew months, the number of serious faiis reported was higher than it was for peopie who had foiiowed the program for its recommendedminimum iength of one year.3.(24275-!-item-!-188;#058&000768)The prairie vole, a small North American grassland rodent, breeds year-round, and a group of voles living tog

16、ether consists primarily of an extended family, often including two or more litters. Voles commonly live in large groups from late autumn through winter; from spring through early autumn, however, most voles live in far smaller groups. The seasonal variation in group size can probably be explained b

17、y a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the explanation offered(A) It is in the spring and eariy summerthat prairie voie communities generaiiy contain the highest proportion of young voies.导致的(B) Prairie voie popuiatio

18、ns vary dramaticaiiy in size from year to year.(C) The prairie voie subsists primariiy on broad-ieaved piants thatare abundant oniy in spring.(D) Winters in the prairie voies habitat are often harsh, with temperatures that drop weii beiow freezing.(E) Snakes, a major predator of young prairie voles,

19、 are active only from spring through early autumn.加强题d 解释:a seasonal variation in mortality among young voles.d 现象:The seasonal variation in group sized正确答案作用:确实是因为seasonal variation in mortality seasonal variation in group sized思考:1.加强解释有两种方式:一,“没有此原因就没有此结果”二,“用 另外一个原因来解释这个 “解释”;如果是第一种,那答案就是如果 mort

20、ality 不变, group szie 也不变;如果是第二种,那答案就是解释了为什么 “ mortality among young voles 会变化”;2. 第一种答案通常是“类比”;第二种像“解释题”,无论如何都 会出现“新词”“新概念”d选项分析:A.加强文中的“现象”;B: 与文中现象类似的另外一种现象;C:文章中说在spring, group size 较小,而C选项却说vole吃的东西只有在 spring 有;D: 冬天天气很差, 这是一个另外的原因来解释了现象 (group size) ,不正确; E: 有新词新概念,很好。蛇经常在春天到秋天早期活动。这解释了为什么 mort

21、ality 会变化,用另外一个原因解释了文章中的“解释( mortality )”。 正确答案;d知识点:加强解释d词汇扩展:breed, mortality, variation, prairied常难句阅读:The prairie vole, a small North American grassland rodent, breeds year-round, and a group of voles living together consists primarily of an extended family, often including two or more litters.4

22、.(24323-!-item-!-188;#058&000813)A popular beach has long had a dolphin feeding program in which fish are given to dolphins several times a day; many dolphins get as much as half of their food each day there. Although dolphins that first benefit from the program as adults are healthy and long-lived,

23、 their offspring have a lower life expectancy than offspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the lower life expectancy of offspring of dolphins feeding at the beach compared to other young dolphins解释题d需要解释的现象:Their offspring have a

24、 lower life expectancy than offspring of dolphins that feed exclusively in the wild.d现象分析: 项;2. 的选项; d选项分析:1.此现象为一个“比较”的现象,所以优先考虑“比较”的选此现象中含有“地点 beach”, 所以优先考虑含有“地点 beach”A:many other 是范围扩大词,文中没有提到过所有的 dolphin ,(A) Sharks that prey on dolphins are less common in the open seas off the beach than in m

25、any other areas of the open seas where dolphins congregate.(B) Many of the adult dolphins that feed at the beach are females that nurse their offspring there.(C) The fish given to the dolphins at the beach are the same types of fish that dolphins typically catch in the wild.(D) Many dolphins that fe

26、ed at the beach with their offspring come to the beach only a few times a month.(E) Adult dolphins that feed at the beach spend muchless time teaching their offspring how to catch fish in the wild than do other adult dolphins.并且比较的两个对象与需要解释的现象中的两个对象有差距; B: 不是比较的选项;C: 不是比较的选项; D: 不是比较的选项;E:是比较的选项,并且含

27、有地点 beach.因为此beach上的成年dolphin比起 其它的成年 dolphin 教后代捕鱼的时间少,所以他们后代的生命更短; d知识点:解释现象分析;d词汇扩展:dolphin, expectancy, offspring5.(24371-!-item-!-188;#058&000859)Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island.Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourist

28、s swimming and surfing at Tenares beaches. This has hurt Tenares tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues. In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.W

29、hich of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayors proposal will have thedesired consequence(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.(B) Busines

30、s owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially

31、important to the islands fisheries.(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.削弱题d措施:kill any tiger sharks with in a mile of the beaches.d 目的:In order to help the economyd正确答案作用:措施做了之后,有一个新原因(一般文中没有)会让目的达 不到;也就是 kill tiger sharks 之后,也不能帮助经济;d思考:1.目的相关选项:由于正确答案是“帮助不了经济”,

32、所以正确答 案一定与经济相关。2. 回溯原因:文中提到与经济相关的信息就是“tourist ”和”fishing industry ” , 所以正确答案一定跟这两个信息相关; d选项分析:A.模糊词:not all.文中的目的没有模糊词,所以不选;意思上, reassure tourist 是可以帮助经济的,刚好相反;B: 意思是说措施可行,错!;C: 旅行者仍然会来,经济会好,错!E: 模糊词: not all. 文中的目的没有模糊词,所以不选 ;D: tiger sharks 吃 small sharks 吃 fish. 所以杀死 tiger sharks 让small sharks 更多

33、,从而让 fish 更好。然而 fish 刚好是 commercially important 的, 所以 kill tiger sharks 不能帮助经济;正确答案。d知识点:削弱措施,模糊词d词汇扩展:surf, mayor, implement,commerciallyd常难句阅读:The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the islands fisheries.6.(24419-!-item-!-188;#058&000892)The cou

34、ntry of Ertland has never imported apples in any significant quantity because consumers there generally prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples. Nevertheless, apple growers from Kosolia, a neighboring country, plan to sell their apples in Ertland by selling比较的对象在文中没有提到过: Consumers in Ertla

35、nd ; 只是告知你进出口之间的关系,和 norishing 或 cost 均无关; 模糊词: some. 文中的目的没有极端词,所以不选 ;跟price相关,也就是跟cost相关。Ertland-grown apple 的价格很容易 被降下来,也就是说 Kosolia-grown apple 不可能作为一个 low-cost 的替代物Kosolia-grown apples at half the price of local apples and promoting them as a nourishing, low-cost alternative.Which of the follow

36、ing, if true, casts most doubt on the viability of the plan by Kosolias apple growers to sell their apples in Ertland(A) Most of the varieties of apples grown in Ertland were originally derived from common Kosolian varieties.(B) Consumers in Ertland tend to spend about the same proportion of their i

37、ncome on fresh fruits and vegetables as do consumers in Kosolia.(C) At times in the past, Ertland has exported significant quantities of apples to Kosolia.(D) Some varieties of apples grown in Kosolia can be harvested throughout most of the year, whereas the varieties grown in Ertland can be harvest

38、ed only during two months of the year.(E) Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland that growers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford to reduce the price at which these apples are sold.削弱题d 措施:sell their apples in Ertland by selling Kosolia-grown applesat half the

39、price of local applesd目的:pro mot ing them as a no urishi ng, low-cost alter native.d正确答案作用:措施做了之后,有一个新原因(一般文中没有)会让目的达 不到;不能够把 Kosolia-grown apple 弄成一个 nourishing, low-cost 的替代 物;d思考:1.回溯原因:由于正确答案是“ Kosolia-grown apple 不能作为 nourishing, low-cost 替换 Ertland-grown apple ”, 所以正确答案一定是一 个新原因来告诉我们 Kosolia-g

40、rown apple不nourishing 或者不low-cost. 正 确答案一定跟“ nourishing或cost有关”;d选项分析:A.只是告知高中苹果的起源关系,与nourishing和cost无关;BCDE了,因为 Ertland-grown 的成本已经很低了;d知识点:削弱目的,模糊词,回溯原因;d词汇扩展:texture, viability, alter natived常难句阅读:Profiles of Ertland-grown apples are high enough in Ertland thatto reducestation, entrance adjoinin

41、ggrowers, wholesalers, and retailers there could easily afford the price at which these apples are sold.7.(24651-!-item-!-188;#058&001089)As part of major renovations to Flowertowns Main Street train consultants to the train companyproposed moving the stations from its current valuable Main Street l

42、ocation to a low-rent side street and then leasing the high-rent entrance space to retail businesses. In that way, the train companycould easily pay for those and all other proposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support t

43、he consultants proposal(A) More train commuters are employed in businesses located on Main Street than in businesses located on the adjoining side street.(B) A reliable survey of Flowertowns commuters showed that virtually none of them would use the train any less frequently if the stations entrance

44、 were moved.(C) The high-rent block of Flowertowns Main Street includes several buildings whoseowners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent months.(D) If the stations entrance were moved, the train companywould need to begin costly renovations to its Main Street entrance spa

45、ce.(E) Ridership on Flowertown trains declined only slightly from 1970 to 1985 while other train companies lost large numbers of commuters.加强题d 措施:moving the stations entrance from its current valuable MainStreet location to a low-rent adjoining side street and then leasingthe high-rent entrance spa

46、ce to retail businesses.d 目的:the train company could easily pay for those and all otherproposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.d正确答案作用:加强措施有三种可能:一,有一个新原因措施做了之后,目 的更好达到;二,此措施不会有坏处; 三, 说另外一个 “对比措施”不好; 如 果文中暗示了 “坏处” , 那就是第二种 , 如果文中有对比措施,那就是第三 种,其它情况均为第二种。d思考:1.此文的结论句(目的)中有一句:wi

47、thout negative impact on its tight budget, 其实已经暗示此文应该是第二种,那正确答案应该是说:此 措施不回带来 negative impact on its tight budget.d选项分析:A.无关比较,比较对象在文中没有出现过:More train commuters are employed in businesseC: 这个选项与“ n egative imp act ” 无关;D:措施做了之后会有坏处.这不是加强;E:此选项说 Flowtown station 的ridership 在 1970-1985只下降了一点点,比 起其它comp

48、any要少。但是这个跟我们现在采取的措施是没有关系的。B:没有人会更少的使用station的train,也就是说这个措施不会带来negative impact, 没有坏处,正确答案d知识点:加强措施,无关比较d词汇扩展:commuter, re no vati ons, tenantsd常难句阅读:The high-rent block of Flowertowns Main Street includes several buildings whoseowners currently seek to replace long-standing tenants lost in recent m

49、onths.8.(24701-!-item-!-188;#058&001125)Automobile Dealers Advertisement:The Highway Traffic Safety Institute reports that the PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class. This shows that the PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.Which of the following, if true,

50、most seriously weakens the argument in the advertisement(A) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute report listed many cars inother classes that had more injuries per accident than did the PZ 1000.(B) In recent years many more PZ 1000s have been sold than have any other kind of car in its class.(C) Car

51、s in the class to which the PZ 1000 belongs are more likely to be involved in accidents than are other types of cars.(D) The difference between the number of injuries per accident for the PZ 1000 and that for other cars in its class is quite pronounced.(E) The Highway Traffic Safety Institute issues

52、 reports only once ayear.削弱题d结论:PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.d原因:the PZ 1000 has the fewest in juries per accide nt of any car in its classd正确答案作用:让结论不成立,也就是说:“ P Z1000不是最安全的车之一” d思考:1.原因回溯:安不安全主要是和事故率产生关系,也就是说答案一 定跟事故率相关。d选项分析:A.加强了结论;B:如果PZ100(卖的比别的车多,然而事故率还低,加强说它是最安全的;这 里的范围扩

53、大词 any other 是可以的。因为文中提到了 any car, 所以并没有 范围扩大。但此选项意思不对。D:加强说PZ1000勺事故率比别人低很多;E:完全无关。C: PZ1000虽然在它的class属于最安全的,但是它的class中的车比起别的 class中的车,却更危险,所以PZ1000:匕起其它车不一定最安全。正确选项。 此选项中的比较对象 other types of cars在文中出现过,不是无关比较。d知识点:原因回溯,无关比较9.(24749-!-item-!-188;#058&001426)Scientists are discussing ways to remove

54、excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life. Oneplan to accomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweedfarms in the oceans. When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.Which of the following, if true, wou

55、ld indicate the most serious weakness in the plan above(A) Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lif

56、etime.(C) Even if seaweedfarms prove effective, somepeople will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel.(D) Each year about seven billion tons ofcarbon dioxide are releasedinto the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed byplant life.(E) Seaweed farms would make more money by farmin

57、g seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.缺陷题d 措施:establish giant floating seaweed farms in the oceans. Whentheseaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.d目的:remove excess carb on dioxide from the atmos phere by in creas ing the a

58、mount that is absorbed by plant life.d正确答案作用:此措施在实施后,本身会产生一个坏处,导致不能用或目的达不到。(注意更“削弱题里的削弱的区别:削弱措施是说有一个新原因让 目的达不到,这里是措施本身会产生一个坏处)d思考:措施就是使用seaweed后当它死了之后,把其烧了。文章在最后一 句专门提出“这些seawee哙被烧掉,那肯定是烧seawee(过程产生了一个坏 处。d选项分析:A:模糊词some它的意思是说在某些地方措施不可行。这不是 我们要的答案;C:模糊词somes它的意思是说一些人犹豫用seaweed本质也是措施不可行。 不对;D:就算是只有fi

59、ve billion tons被吸收,但至少减少了一部分carbondioxide ;E:无关比较,比的对象文中没有出现。B:烧seawee(会放出carbon dioxide 等于其吸收的,说明在实施这一措施的 过程中,此措施本身会产生一个坏处,导致不能减少 carbon dioxide 的量, 正确答案。d知识点:措施缺陷,无关比较,模糊词d词汇扩展:atmos phere, nu triti on al, supp leme ntsd常难句阅读:Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutrit

60、ional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.10.(25259-!-item-!-188;#058&001774)Jennifer: Video rental outlets in Centerville together handled 10,000 fewer video rentals in 1994 than in 1993. The decline in rentals was probably due almost entirely to the February 1994 opening of Videora


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