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1、Community Language Learning社团语言学习法社团语言学习法 BackgroundProcedure and ExampleProcedureConclusion12345ApproachDesign1. Background Developed by Charles A. Curran and his associates (La Forge). Represents the use of Counseling-Learning theory to teach languages. Draws on the counseling metaphor to redefine

2、 the roles of the teacher (the counselor) and the learners (the clients) in the lg. classroom. Humanistic technique ( it engages the whole person, including the emotions and feelings the affective realm, as well as linguistic knowledge and behavioral skills.) Language alternation (in CLL, a learner

3、presents a message in L1 to the knower. The message is translated into L2 by the knower. The learner then repeats the message in L2, addressing it to another learner with whom he or she wishes to communicate. CLL learners are encouraged to attend to the “overhears” they experience between other lear

4、ners and their knowers)Definition: Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counselor, while the learner acts as a client, although sometimes this role can be changed.2. Appr

5、oach-theory of lg. La Forge accepts that lg. theory must start with criteria for sound features, the sentence and abstract models of lg. The foreign lg learners tasks are “to apprehend the sound system, assign fundamental meanings, and to construct a basic grammar of the foreign language.” But La Fo

6、rge goes beyond this structuralist view of lg, but he elaborates an alternative theory of language, that is, language is as Social Process. Interactions between learners are said to involve exchanges of affect. Learners exchanges deepen in intimacy as the class becomes a community of learners. The d

7、esire to be part of this growing intimacy pushes learners to keep pace with the learning of their peers. Interactions between learners and knowers: (1) dependent (2) self-assertive (3) resentful and indignant (4) tolerant (5) independent Theory of learning “True” human learning is both cognitive and

8、 affective, so the CLL view of learning is a holistic one, which is termed whole-person learning. Such learning takes place in a communicative situation where teachers and learners are involved in an interaction, in which both experience a sense of their own wholeness. The learning process is divide

9、d into five stages:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Curran discusses what he calls “consensual validation” or “convalidation”, which is a key element of CLL classroom procedures. He uses SARD as psychological requirements for successful learning. S -security. A-attention and aggression. R-retention and reflection D-

10、discrimination.3. Procedures Since each CLL course in a sense a unique experience, description of typical CLL procedures in a class period is problematic. Some typical activities in CLL classes, such as sit as a circle, keep silent, initiate, respond, record, transcribe, discuss, reflect, encourage

11、dramas or dialogues (for advanced class). P974. Design(1) objectives and syllabus Since the progression is topic-based, with learners nominating things they wish to talk about and messages they wish to communicate to other learners. The teachers responsibility is to provide a conveyance for these me

12、anings in a way appropriate to the learners proficiency level. Explicit linguistic or communicative objectives are not defined and CLL doesnt use a conventional language syllabus. (2) Learning activities CLL combines innovative learning tasks and activities with conventional ones. (1) Translation. (

13、2)Group work. (3)Recording. Ss record conversations in target lg. (4)Transcription. (5)Analysis. (6)Reflection and observation. (7)Lisstening. (8)Free conversation.(3) Learners roles Learners become members of a community and they learn through interacting with the community. (1)freely provide meani

14、ng they wish to express. (2)listen attentively to the knower. (3) repeat target utterances without hesitation. (4)support fellow members of the community. (5)report deep inner feelings (frustration and joy) (6) become counselors of other learners.(4) teachers role The teachers role derives from the

15、functions of the counselor, who should respond calmly and nonjudgmentally, in a supportive manner, and help the clients try to understand his or her problems better by applying order and analysis to them. specifically, (1) In the early stages, the teacher operates in a supportive role, providing tar

16、get-language translations and a model for imitation. (2) Later, interaction may be initiated by the students, and the teacher monitors leaner utterances, providing assistance when requested. (3)As learning progresses, the teacher may intervene directly to correct deviant utterances, supply idioms an

17、d advise on usage and fine points of grammar.(5) Materials Since a CLL course evolves out of the interactions of the community, so (1) textbook is not considered a necessary component. (2) The materials may be some summaries that are written by the teacher on the blackboard. (3) Their own materials,

18、 such as scripts for dialogues and mini-dramas.5.conclusion Strong points: (1) CLL overcomes some of the threatening affective factors in L2 learning. (2) It creates a warm, sympathetic and trusting relationship between the teacher and learners. (3) It can provide extrinsic motivation and capitalize on intrinsic motivation. Weak points: (1) Questions arise about whether teachers should attempt counseling without special training. (2) The lack of sy


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