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1、An Experie nee of Aesthetics 审美的体验 climbed the heights above Yosemite Valley, California in order to see the sple ndid gran ite mou ntain, Half Dome, i n its fullest view. Approach ing the edge through the woods I was filled with heighte ned expectati on. I saw the ruin of a cab in and my approach c

2、aused the alignment of the chimney on this side of the valley with the shorn mountain across the valley. I stopped. Something happened. The stone verticals corresp on ded, one huma n-shaped, the other n atural. The huma n site was still en gaged in sightsee in g. I was on its side. I saw the famous

3、sight through the eyes of the ruin. I had come expecting beauty. I discovered an unexpected dimension to the beauty of the sce ne/see n. 为了饱览壮丽的花岗岩山峰半穹顶的全景,我登上了加州约塞蒂 谷的高地。穿过树林,走近山沿,心中充满美的期盼。远远望见 一处小屋的废墟,走到近前,只见山谷这边的烟囱与横穿山谷的 陡峭山崖恰好连成-线。我停下脚步,奇观出现了:两道石壁遥相 呼,一-边人工打造,一边浑然天成。人造景观这边仍供观光游览, 我此时就身临其境。透过小屋的废

4、墟,我看到了著名的景观。我 怀着对美的期盼而来,不经意问却发现了美的另一番天地。 In this experienee I had been seeking the aesthetic. I knew I would find it, for I had see n post cards in adva nee and was follow ing the trail map. The seek ing took con siderable effort and time. It was a heavy investment. I was not going for the scientifi

5、c purpose of studying rock formation, nor was it for the recreational purpose of exercising my limbs in the fresh air, though that exertion added inten sity to the experie nee and was its con text. Primarily, I was going for the sce nic won ders. No won der that I would take delight in see ing Half

6、Dome. The expectation elicited the outcome. I was suitably prepared. No distracti ons of practicalcon sideratio n-or theoretic-detracted from my concen trated expecta ncy. In deed, the world all around me on the climb con tributed to the con text for my goal. I was on the terrain of Nature in a n at

7、i onal park, followi ng the trail to a viewpo int upon a celebrated n atural formati on. Each step in the climb not only brought me closer but obliged me to sense the altitude. Mov ing through the thick woods was in an ticipatory con trast to the great gap of the valley and the stark ness of the tre

8、eless gran ite boulder. 这次旅程,我一直在捕捉-种美感。我知道会如愿以偿,因为我事 先看过-些有关风景明信片,循着山路示意图-路找来。这样的寻 找费时费费力,投入颇大。我此行的目的既不是出于对科学的动 机来研究岩石的结构,也不是出于娱乐消遣的考虑在清新的空气 中舒展肢体-尽管这次跋涉加深了我对美的体验,而且是这番 体验的不可或缺的环节。我来这主要是为了览胜,因此见到半穹 顶自然欣喜不已。有什么样的期盼就有什么样的结果。我有备而 来,心无旁骛,-心期盼着美景,不受任何实际或假设因素的干扰。 真的,在攀登过程中,我周围的一切都为寻美营造了氛围。我登 上了国家公园的天然山地,

9、循着山道前来观赏闻名遐迩的大自然 鬼斧神工。攀登中的每一步不仅使我距目标越来越近,也使我感 受到海拔越来越高。不出所料,穿行在茂密的树木中,登上大峡 谷寸草不生的花岗岩巨石,两种不同境界给人以强烈的反差。 My spirit and my sen ses were heighte ned. I was kee nly aware of the world, eager to experienee it. My senses were willing to be gratified by their fullest exercise. Hence my eye was sharp, but so

10、 was my ear and my no se, I was ope n to experie ncing aesthetically. And on the way I did take minor pleasure in a bird s song, a tree s sway, and a cloud s contortion. I was in the world considered as potential aesthetic realm. Any pleasing feature that appeared would be welcomed. And that welcomi

11、 ng mode drew forth pleas ing features. A tonic subjective at-home ness with the world pervaded my feeli ngs. I was in the right mood to enjoy Nature. 我精神抖擞,感官敏锐。我真切地感受到周围的一切,急于体验 这一切,渴望在最充分的感官体验中得到最大满足。因此我不但 目光敏锐,听觉和嗅觉也十分灵敏-我敞开心扉,尽情地体验着 美的滋味。沿途所见所闻,哪怕是一点小小的愉悦,鸟雀鸣唱、 树影婆娑、云卷云舒,都着实让我动情。置身于这样一个处处蕴 含着美的

12、王国,我随时准备接纳任何不期而至的景色。这样一种 心态更促生了令人赏心悦目的景致,一种心旷神怡的回归自然之 情在我心中油然而生。这样一种心情最适于欣赏自然美景不过了。 Then the un expected happe ned. I had no thought in reach ing the n atural heights that a huma n structure would be prese nt. Normally, I would have avoided any such structure as I directed my steps toward the n atur

13、al view. In retrospect it makes sense that a service buildi ng be prese nt at the trail en d. It may have had facilities for visitors and played an in terpretive role. But the build ing was not prese nt whe n I arrived. It was abse nt though its ruin was prese nt. And that ruin spoke to my experie n

14、ee as related to what I had come to see. If I had bee n trudg ing on in a dulled state, pass ing the time in surro undin gs-like those of the railway stati on-that did not draw in terest, I might well have missed the chi mn ey, walked past it as if it were ano ther tree on the way to the goal. The h

15、eightened intensity of my sensibility allowed the chimney to be integrated into the experiencing aesthetically. Read in ess was all. The extraterrestrial aestheticia n would expla in that the creature it was observ ing on the trail was a specime n of an aesthetic being whose experie ncing apparatus

16、for the aesthetic was on full alert. The in dividual was completely give n over to the enjoyme nt of its experie nee. And while headed in the directi on of an an ticipated goal it was non etheless ope n to enjoying anything that came its way. Someth ing quite un expected came its way, and it was rea

17、dy to atte nd to it, gett ing the maximum aesthetic value out of the encounter. The creature was embarked on an adventure in experie nee. Give n the wide range of accessible n atural won ders in the n ati onal park, the in dividual in the fight mood was bound to make gratify ing discoveries. 接着,出乎意料

18、的景观出现了。我怎么也不曾想到,在抵达天然 高地时竟然会出现一处人工建筑。在通常情况下,我要是徒步参 观某处自然景点,一定会绕开这类建筑。回想起来,在山路尽头 有一座服务性建筑也全在情理之中。这小屋也许曾为游客提供过 方便,起过导游讲解作用。可我来到高地时,小屋不见了。虽有 断垣残壁,房屋却荡然无存。而正是这片废墟使我体验到此行览 胜的真正含义。如果我当时兴致索然地一路跋涉,比如像在火车 站那样的地方消磨时光,周围的事物一点也不引人注意,那么我 很可能会错过烟囱,只当它是沿途路过的又一棵树罢了。而现在, 我的感悟力增强了,烟囱作为一道景观融入了审美体验的始终。 一切取决于心态。如果一个天外美学

19、家看到我这模样,可能会认 为,它观察到的路上这个怪人准是个充满审美细胞的动物,其审 美感官正处于极度警觉的状态。他已完全沉浸在审美体验所带来 的愉悦之中。他朝着既定的目标行进,同时又不放过闯入视野的 任何景致。奇现乍现,立即映入眼帘,他便从中发掘出最大的审 美价值。此人正在经历-次美的历险。有国家公园这般天地,随处 可见自然奇现,心境舒畅的游人必定会获得心满意足的发现。 What are the contents of the aesthetic discovery? Formal properties of beauty may be poin ted to in what I saw: t

20、he verticals as distinctively shaped and gathering space about them, and the in terplay betwee n the two kinds of vertical shapes over the eno rmous in terve ning space. The pleasure of perspective en tered, for though the chimney is miniscule compared to Half Dome, my approaching it from the trail

21、made it assume visual and spatial dig nity equal to the mountain. Complexity of human meaning is encountered with poignant irony. The chimney is an enduring marker of the human value placed on the mountain visible from this point. Here human hands raised stones to shelter an experie nee of pure ston

22、e. So I have come to the fight place; I am at home. But the huma n occupatio n has bee n lifted; our prese nee has tur ned to stone. Nature has reclaimed its elements. Half Dome presides over the petrifaction of the world. Chimney and mountain are in dialogue as I sense the switching betwee n their perspectives. I am prese nt in rui n and in un ity. 这次审美体验的发现是什么?我所目睹的景致或许可以说明美的 外在特征:悬崖峭壁,造型奇特,给人以强烈的空间感,两道石 壁形状迥异,广袤交错,凌空矗立。此外,还有透视效果带来的 愉悦:虽然与半穹顶相比石烟囱显得非常渺小,但我从山道这边 靠近,看上去无论在视觉上还是空间上其气势都一点儿不亚于半 穹顶。人类的复杂意图受到了辛辣的讽刺。从这一视点看过去, 那烟囱是人的价值置于大山上的一道永久性标记。人类在那里垒 石筑屋,以观苍石。这样看来,我来对了地方,我找到了归宿。 不过


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