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1、牛津译林版英语8B期末综合提优测评一选择题1We must teach our children to be polite toelderly.Yes. They should learn to treat others inmore polite way.A. an; aB. the; aC. the; theD an; the2 This kind of dress made of silk soft,so they out quickly A.feels;were sold B is felt;sold C feels; sold D is felt;were sold3. Its ki

2、nd Yao Beina to donate her corneas 眼角膜 three people in needA. of; toB. for; toC. of; forD. for; for4. After workingwith each other for months, they felt soo什wr that they began to share lunch togetherto eachA. closely; closely B closely; closeC close; closeD.close; closely5. Ifs time for us to havecl

3、assLefsandready for our EnglishclassA. stop to talk; to getBstop talking; getC stop to talk; gettingD.stop talking; getting6. Will the patientwhen the doctor?A operate; reachesB operated; arrivesC be operated on; arrivesD be operated; gets to7. My physics teacher isto spend much timethings to us.A.p

4、atient enough; explainB enough patient; explainingC patient enough; explainingD. enough patient; explain8. Whyto talk about it yesterday?A. didnt a meeting holdB. wasnt a meeting heldC. wasnt held a meetingD a meeting wasnt held9.If you have any problemsyour work, you had better ask your teacherA.in

5、; on some adviceB with; for some advicesC on; some adviceD with; for some advice10. Peoplerunning everywhere Do you know whatA. see; has happenedB see; happensC are seen; is happeningD are seen; is happened11 Hard work brings us But if you are lazy, we wont beA. success; successB. successful; succes

6、sC successful; successfulD. success; successful12. The boy is often madethe piano by his mother. Listen! You can hearhimin the next roomA. play, practice B. playing, practicing C to play, practicing D to play, practice13. Have you _food? -一Yes, our food _, so we must buy some in the supermarket.A. r

7、un out of; has run outB run out of; has run out ofC run out; has nin outD run out; has been run out14. Wekeep quiet in the library.Yes, I agree with you And webring our student cards every timeA must; mustnB have to;C must; don have toD have to;15. _ WliatM wrong with Jim?His car broke down on his w

8、ay to work. Andcontrol and hit JimA. no pain,no gainC the early bird catches the wormwhen the doctormustrftmustnt.the car behind was out ofB it never rains but it poursD. every dog has its day二、完形填空My dad didnt love me. It was Mom who held the family together. He just wentto work in the morning and

9、home in the evening HJd have a list of tilings Idid 2 and scold 责备me about them.Once, when I stole a piece of candy, he made me take it 3 and tell the manI stole it and that Fd 4 it. But it was Mom who understood I was just a5_.I still remember 6 he taught me to ride a bicycle I told him not to let

10、it go,7 he said it was time. I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved 8off 挥手.I was so 9 that I got right back on that bike and rode it myself. Hedidnt even feel sony and just smiledWhen I went to college, Mom wrote me lots of letters. He 10 sent checks支票and a little note about how gieat his l

11、awn looked now that I wasnt playingfootball 11Whenever I 12 home, lie acted like he didit want to talk and always said,UP11 get your 13 When I got mamed, it was Mom who cried He just blew his14 loudly and left the room.Daddy just didnt know how to 15 love Or is it possible that he showed itbut I dic

12、hf t know it?1. A. cameB. leftC cleanedD. loved2. A. correctlyB. quietlyC carefullyD. wrong3. A. awayB. backC. upD. home4. A. get ready forB pay forC. care forD. look for5. A. neighbourB. thiefC. kidD. son6. A. whyB. whereC. whenD. how7. A. soB. becauseC. butD. or8. A. herB. meC. itD. us9. A. excite

13、dB. madC. interestedD. tired10. A. justB. alsoC. seldom11. A. aboveB. insideC. onD. over12. A. calledB. raisedC. knewD. bought13. A. parentsB. momD. toys14. A. earsB. hairC. legsD. nose15. A. imagineB. drawC showD. hideARecently, 3,903Chinese highschool students, 1,521American high schoolstudents, 2

14、,204 Japanese high school students and 1,618 high school students fromSouth Korea have taken part in a survey on online learning The result of the surveyshows that Chinese high school students like online learning best among the fourcountries.The report of the survey says that most of the students i

15、n the four countries arewilling to accept online learning. 87. 1 percent of Chinese students tliiiik Onlinelearning is important and 91. 2 percent of them support Online learning isiiiteresting, Both are higher than those ill any of the other three countriesIn the report, more than 94 percent of Chi

16、nese high school students believe thatonline learning can improve their knowledge, while 86. 8 percent believe that theycan attend courses from top teachers on the Internet. Online learning can also be ofgreat help because it isif t limited by time and spaceHowever, the report says the students are

17、easily out of mind, and students in thefour countries have also expressed some other problems. Looking at the screen for along time is harmful to their eyes Sometimes, there may be something wrong withtheir computers or the Internet. Moreover, they are not willing to work out thelearning problems by

18、 themselves.1. In which country do the high school students like online learning best?A. ChinaB JapanC. AmericaD South Korea2. From the report, we know that online learning canCD help us learn the knowledge better offer us courses from top teachers make us work out the learning problems by ourselves

19、 provide us with lessons without worrying about time and spaceA.B.C. D.3. The result of the survey showsA. online learning has both good sides and bad sidesB Japan has the most high school students among the fourC few students in the four countries accept online learningD. all the Chinese high schoo

20、l students support online learning4. Where may the article come from?A. A novel.B A science report.C A travel bookD An education magazineBA group of Chinese doctors went to Italy on Wednesday to help prevent thespread of COVID-19 新型冠状病毒in this European country. The seven-memberteam took medical mate

21、rials to help the country.In a telephone discussion with Chinese medical officers on Tuesday, officersfrom Italy said their country was learning from Chinas experience in preventing thevirus 病毒,hoping China could provide it with face masks, medical clothes andgloves Some Chinese cities and provinces

22、 have close ties 纽带with Italy. Theyhave agreed to offer a helping hand Tlie first mateiials were from East ChinasZhejiang Province They were donated by people with different jobs in Zhejiang.More than 300,000 people from Zhejiang live and work in Italy now.People in Italy thank the Chinese governmen

23、t so much They believe that theChinese medical team are full of experience and they are sure to win the fight. Theywill be at home, keep away from public places and wear face masks when going outto do some shoppingThe virus has caused a lot of trouble to humans and we must fight together. Thiswill m

24、ake the ties between China and Italy much closer, and improve the friendshipbetween the people in these two countries. When the earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan Province in 200&Italy sent medical teams and materials in the first place to help save peoples lives.Now the country is at the haidest time

25、 fighting the virus and we should help it inreturn 1. What does the word “if、mean in Paragiaph Two?A. China.B Italy.C OfficersD Experience2. Which of the following is TRUE from the article?A. The virus has only caused trouble in China and Italy.B The first materials donated to Italy were from Jiangs

26、uC People in Italy are confident that they will win the fight.D. People in Italy will go to public places without face masks.3. In the last paragraph, the first sentence may be “A. China has much more medical teams than ItalyB China and Italy have been friends since 什】is yearC China will never forge

27、t the support and help from ItalyD China and Italy have fought the virus together since 20214. Whafs the main idea of the article?A. China helps Italy fight the virus. B People in Italy faced serious virus.C Italy has given China a lot of help.D European officers asked China for help.cWlwn you are s

28、hopping for the week food, you may get a large box or two ofbottled water. On yotir way to a soccer game, ifs easy to take a cold one out of thefridge, right?But all those plastic bottles use a lot of fossil fuels 矿物燃料 In fact,Americans buy more bottled water than any other country in the world, abo

29、ut 29billion water bottles a year. In order to make all these bottles, 17 million barrels 桶 of crude oil are used Tliafs enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelvemonths.Americans drink bottled water because they think it is better for them than waterout of the tap, but tliafs not tnie. Ill

30、the United States, local go-enmients make surewater from the tap is safe People love the convenience 便 利of bottled water.But maybe if they realized the problems it causes, they would try drinking from aglass at home or carrying water in a steel container instead of a plastic bottlePlastic bottles po

31、llute the environment but recycling can help-instead of goingout with the nibbish, plastic bottles can be turned into useful items. Sadly, for everysix water bottles we use, only one makes it to the recycling bin. The rest are sent tolandfills. Or, even worse, they end up as rubbish on the land and

32、in rivers, lakes, andthe ocean. Plastic bottles take many hundreds of years to disintegrate under theground Betty Mclaughlin, who runs an organization called the Container RecyclingInstitute, says we should tiy using fewer bottles: If you take one to school ill yourlunch, don, t throw it away一bring

33、it home and refill it from the tap for the next day.You refill a bottle as many times as you can before you recycle it. Remember this: Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a60-watt 瓦light bulb for six hours.1. Which one is NOT the reason why Americans like bottled water?A. Be

34、cause it is cleaner.B Because it is cheaper.C Because it is healthier.D Because it is easier to take with2. In Paragraph 2, how does the writer support the fact?A. By giving numbersB. By telling reasonsC. By expressing opinions.D By discussing problems.3. The word disintegrate ill Paragraph 4 probab

35、ly means “A. turn into rubbish B become useful C break into pieces D mix with water4. Which of the following is an opinion?A. Americans buy the most bottled water in the worldB. Bottled water is much better than that out of the tapC Only one of the six bottles is put into the recycling binD 17 milli

36、on barrels of oil are used to make bottles year.5. What is the writers main pui-pose ill writing this aiticle?A. To tell us to give up bottled water.B To tell us to save natural resources.C To tell us to protect the environment.D To tell us to reuse and recycle plastic bottles四、词汇运用1. We thank the h

37、elp of thebecause they have helped us a lot with ourdaily exercise.教琢2. This is one of the biggest 岛in our country.3. What a nide young boy! He spoke to thein such bad manners年老的4.Such an important problem should be discussed 匕肃5. To be a model, shes 减少her weight successfully.6. Cars have polluted t

38、he environment. Should the buying of cars be限制.7. The dishes in this restaurant are better than we预料before8. Good礼仪are very important in the communication of daily life.9. The public sign 告诫us not to shout in the reading room.10. The man has been 死for about two year, he died on January 31s 2021.五、动词

39、填空1.1 dont know if she_accept my offer tomorrow.2.UNICEEpart of the United Nation ,set up in 1946.3 The studentsdecide to go to the charity show They are already on the way.4. What a waste of time it iscarry on with the same useless task over andover again!5. There are many foreigners here but they

40、are not used touse chopsticks.6. The hospital doesift allowsmoke because ifs hannfiil.7.It is dangerous to riskswim in such a deep river8. these treescut down this weekend?Yes, they are.9. Chinese government succeeded inthe CICA summit in Shanghai, organize10. The eirl found an excuse to avoidgo out

41、 with the man.六、任务型阅读、W、ll finally grow up and leave our parents some day. We may face differentkinds of problems in our life and our parents will not be able to work out everyproblem for us. Instead, we should have enough life skills to work out the problemsby ourselvesThis is what our country trie

42、s to do-helping students get hardworkingspirit 劳动精木申education. Recently, our country has given out some advice tomake students of different ages realize the importance of hardworking spirit education.The advice asks students to understand the real meaning of hard work Its purpose isto make students

43、learn basic life skills and form good working habits after theyreceive such educationThe government believes it is necessary for students to develop hardworkingspirit. But some students haveift noticed this ill recent years Many teenagers do notcare about the importance of hard work and dont show an

44、 iiiteiest in it. Ill a survey, itis shown that only 22 percent of primary and middle school students help with dailyhousework How can we develop students, hardworking spirit? Schools and families areimportant parts in teaching students how to work hard Primary and middle schoolsshould provide their

45、 students with weekly classes on hardworking spirit. Schools canalso hold events to give students real-world work experience In March, schools canteach children how to plant trees on Tree-planting Day. As children first teachers,parents should also teach their children how to do housework at home St

46、udentsshould learn one or two life skills every year, such as cooking, washing their ownclothes and tidying their rooms.Hardworking Spirit EducationThe reasons fordeveloping hardworkingspiritParents will not be able to work out every problem for uswhen we grow up and1 them some day.We should 2on our

47、selves to work out theproblems if we have enough life skillsThe advice onhardworking spiriteducationOur country has given out some advice recently to makestudents of different 3 realize the importance ofhardworking spirit education.Students can learn basic life skills and form good workinghabits aft

48、er 4 hardworkingspirit educationThe present situationofhardworking spiriteducationMany teenagers do not care about the importance of hardwork and are not 5in it.A survey 6 only 22 percent of primary and middleschool students help with daily housework.The7 ofdeveloping hardworkingspiritPrimary and mi

49、ddle schools should provide their studentswith classes on hardworking spirit every 8Schools can also hold events to give students real-worldwork 9 _Every year, parents should teach their children to learnoneortwo life skills _10 cooking, washingtheir own clothes and tidying their rooms.七、根据短文内容及首字母提

50、示,填写所缺单词Reading is again thought as a healthy lifestyle during the epidemic 疫 ofCOVID-19 April 23 is World Book Day. People are not a 1 to do outdooractivities and they have lots of time at home, so this yeais WorldBook Day is q 2 special,uThe number of books I listened to on Ximalaya is 13 than tha

51、t of 2021、said Li Yun, a girl in Nanjing. Ximalaya is a popular app in China. Many people use itto listen to books when they d 4 cars or do houseworkAs the situation of the epidemic is getting better, many cities in China have givenout e-vouchers 电子1 肖费券and hope that people will s 5 more moneyshoppi

52、ng In Nanjing, vouchers of 7 million yuan were given out to r 6 to buybooks in 198 bookshops in March.Because most people have to s 7 at home, many publishing houses andbookshops have chosen to go online to sell books around this years World Book Day.For e 8, Bian Qingbo recently made his first livestream 直播showto introduce bo


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