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1、选择:Multiple-choice:1.The fund amental unit of all living organisms is the:A. membrane B. cell | C. nucleus | D. cell wall2.Orga nisms that do not contain a true nu cleus are referred to as:A. fungi B. eukaryotic C. prokaryotic D. nan karyotic3.The three kin gdom classificati on system of orga ni sms

2、 was proposed by:A. Pasteur B. Baco n C. Wino gradskyD. Woese4.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composed of ,while the cell wallsof bacteria are composed of peptidoglyca nA. chit in B. phospholipids C. prote in D. glucosam ine5.The first microsco

3、pes were developed by:A.EhrlichB. Metch nikoff C. Leewe nhoek D. Lister6.Con trol of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mecha ni sms. The firstreport on theproduct ion of an an tibiotic is credited to:A. Lister B. Flemi ng C. Ehrlich D. Koch7.The term an tibiotic means:A.

4、 a substa nee produced by the laboratory that kills or in hibits other microorga ni smsB. a substa nee produced by microorga ni sms that kills or in hibits moldsC. a substa nee produced by microorga nism that kills or in hibits other microorganismsD. a substa nee produced by microorga ni sms that ki

5、lls or in hibits cancer cells8.The first docume nted use of a vacci ne for smallpox was reported by the En glish physicia n:A. Lister B. Florey C. Flemi ng D. Jenner9.The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:A.RNA B. _DNAC. protein D. lipid Microorga nisms1.Eukaryotic membra nes

6、 can be differe ntiatedfromprokaryotic membra nes because eukaryoticmembra nes contain _as part of the lipid comp onent of the membra ne.A. phosphates B. fatty acids C, proteins |D. sterols2.The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the:A.bilayer model B. fluid mosaic

7、model | C. trilayer model D. permeable model3.The moveme nt of watermole cules across the membra ne in resp onse to a concen trati on gradie nt is referred to as:A. diffusion B. osmosis C. translocation D.transport4.The membra ne of a cell is able to differe ntiate molecules that en ter or exit the

8、cell and act as a _barrier.A. semipermanent B. Semitransparent C. Semipermeable|D. semidiffuse5. Moveme nt of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membra ne is called:A. facilitated diffusionB. passive diffusion C.Osmosis D. permeation6.Which of the followi ng mecha ni sms tran sports molecules

9、with chemical alterati on?A. active transport B. group translocation C. facilitated diffusion D. binding protein transport7.Which of the followi ng tran sport mecha ni sms occurs on ly in prokaryotes?A. active transportB. group translocation_C. facilitated diffusi onD. binding prote in tran sport8.L

10、ysozyme and peni cilli n have activity aga inst the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks this comp onent;pen icilli n preve nts its formatio nA. lipopolysaccharide B. Phospholipid C. Peptidoglyca n D. teichoic acid9.Partial destruct ion of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:A. protoplast B| sp

11、heroplast C. periplast D. capsule10. DNA tran sfers in formatio n to make protei ns in molecules referred to as:A. iRNA B. mRNA I C. rRNA D. tRNA11. The en doplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membra nous structure with in eukaryotic cells. It is the site for prote in syn thesislayerB. free, endoD. asexual

12、, sexualand for storage and tran sportatio n of molecules out of the cell. Which part of the ER is used for prote in syn thesis?A. golgi apparatus B. rough ER C. smooth ERD. microbody12. Gram-positive bacteria can be differe ntiatedfrom Gram-n egativebacteria since the peptidoglyca ncomprises _% of

13、the cell wall.A. 90 | B. 50C. 30D.1013.Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cell?A. cell membra ne B. a nu cleoid C. ribosomes D. capsule14. Pili are tubular shafts in _ bacteria that serve as a means of _.A. gram-positive, gen etic excha ngeB. gram-positive, attachme ntC. gram-n ega

14、tive, gen etic excha ngeD. gram-n egative, protect ion15. Which of the followi ng is a primary bacterial cell wall function?A. tran sport B. motility C. support D. adhe nsion16. Which of the followi ng is prese nt in both gram-positive and gram-n egative cell wall?A. an outer membrane| B. peptidogly

15、canC. teichoic acidD. lipopolysaccharides17. Mesosomes are in ternal exte nsions of theA. cell wall | B. cell membrane |C. chromosome D. capsule18. Bacterial en dospores function inA. reproduct ionB. survival C. Protein syn thesisD. storage19. A bacterial arra ngeme nt in packets of eight cells is d

16、escribed as a_A. micrococcus B. tetrad C. Diplococcus | D. sacina20. In general, if two haploid cells fuse, _ will result.A. a germ cell B. mitosis C. a diploid zygote | D. meiosis21. The cell wall is found in which eukaryotes:A. fungi B. algae C. Protozoa D. A and B22. Yeasts are _ fungi, and molds

17、 are _ fungi.A. macroscopic, microscopicB. un icellular, filamentousC. motile, nonm otileD. water, terrestrial23. In general, fungi derive nutrients throughA. photos yn thesisB. en gulfi ng bacteriaC. digest ing organic substratesD. parasitism24. A hypha divided into compartme nts by cross walls is

18、called_A. non septate B. imperfect | C. septate | D. perfect25. A conidium is a/an _ spore, and a zygospore is a/an _ spore.A. sexual, asexualC. ascomycete,basidiomycete26. Algae gen erally contain some types ofA. spore B. chlorophyll C. locomotor organelleD. toxin27. Mitoch on dria likely orig in a

19、ted fromA. archaea B. i nvagi natio ns of the cell membra neC. purple bacteria D. cyan obacteria28. A virus is a tiny in fectiousA. cell B. living thing| C. particle | D. nucleic acid29. Virus are known to infectA. pla nts B. bacteria C. fungi D. all organi sms30. The capsid is composed of prote in

20、sub un its calledA. spikes B. virions C. protomers D. capsomers31. The envelope of an animal virus is derived from the_ of its host cell.A. cell wall B. cell membra neC. glycolyx D. receptors32. The nu cleic acid of a virus isA. DNA only B. RNA only C. both DNA and RNA D. either DNA or RNA33. The ge

21、neral steps in a viral multiplication cycle areA. adsorpti on, pen etrati on, replicati on, maturatio n, and releaseB. en docytosis, un coat ing, replicati on, assembly, and buddi ngC. adsorpti on, un coati ng, duplicati on, assembly, and lysisD. en docytosis, pen etratio n, replicati on, maturati o

22、n, and exocytosis34. A prophage is an early stage in the developme nt of a/anA. bacterial virus B. poxvirus C. lytic virus D. en veloped virus35. En veloped viruses carry surface receptors calledA. buds B. spikes C. fibers D. sheaths36. Viruses cannot be cultivated inA. tissue culture B. live mammal

23、s C. bird embryos D. blood agar37. The prote in coat structure of the virus is called a:A. coat B. envelop C. receptor | D.capsid_38. The compositi on of the en velop of some viruses is:A. phospholipids and prote ins coded by the viral genomeB. phospholipids and prote ins coded by the host genomeC.

24、phospholipids coded by the host genome and prote ins coded by the viral genomeD. phospholipids coded by the viral genome and prote ins coded by the host genome39. I n some cases in tact viruses are not n eeded to in fect a cell. In fectious protein molecules that can cause disease are give n the ter

25、m:A. prions B. viroids C. Capsomers D. VirionsMicrobial ecology1.A group of microorganisms coexisting together in a given location is referred to as a:A. ecosystem B. populati on C. clones D. _com munity _2.A native population is called:A. indigenousB. neutralC. obligatory D. community3.A foreig n p

26、opulati on is referred to as a_populati on.A. Autochthonous| B. allochthonousC. xeno chth onousD. chorochth onous4.The rhizosphere effect is an example of:A. comme nsalisms B. competiti onC. syn ergismD. cometabolism5.Orga nisms that grow on the surface of other orga ni sms are called:A. symbiotic B

27、. epiphytic C. liche ns D. liche ns6.Liche ns are symbiotic relati on ship betwee n fungi and:A. algae B. eubacteria C. protozoa D. archeabacteria7.Bgcteria that live with in protozoa are and example of an:A. nono bligatory en dosymbiotic relati on shipB. nono bligatory autochtho nous relatio nshipC

28、 obligatory en dosymbiotic relati on shipD. obligatory autochth onous relati on ship8.Which of the followi ng bacteria are capable of fixi ng n itroge n?A. RhizobiumB. Xan tho monasC. Agrobacterium D. Agrobacterium9.Ruminant bacteria utilize bacteria to degrade which of the followi ng substrates?A.

29、chit inB. kerati nC. galactose D. cellulose10. Lumin esce nt bacteria en gage in a symbiotic relati on ship with in vertebrates and fish. In this relati on ship the fishcon tribute which of the followi ng? A. en ergyB. food C. oxvaen D.l n itroge n11. Which of the follow ing describes parasitism and

30、 not en dosymbiosis?A. parasitism is a relatio nship in which both host and parasite are harmed.B. excess product ion ofD. excess product ion of CH4grazersC. predators D.C. Mangan eseB. in creasesB. heterozygous C. diploid D. haploidA. n itroge n10. UV light in duces mutati ons by:B. parasitism is a

31、 relati on ship in which the parasite is harmed and the host is un affectedC. parasitism is a relati on ship in which the host is harmed and the parasite is un affected.D. parasitism is a relati on ship in which both the host and parasite ben efit.12. Bacterial pla nt pathoge ns are called _by the U

32、SDA.A. bacteroids 日.pla nt pestsC. pla nt bugs D. pla nt germs13. Bacteria that cause pla nt diseases occur in all of follow ing genera except:A. Xan tham onas B. Mycoplasma C. Coryn ebacteria D. Mycobacteria _14. Which of the following organisms causes crown gall tumors? A. Agrobacterium B. Xanthom

33、onasC. ErwiniaD.Spiroplasma15. Most plant diseases are caused by: A. fdngi B. bteria C. virusesD. viroids16. Which of the followi ng is n ot an effective biological con trol method for con troll ing pla nt pathoge ns?A. use ofesistant crops B. use of viral pesticides C. use of bacterial pesticides D

34、. use of fun gal pesticides17. Which of the follow ing is the most useful bacterial pesticide? A. M. infectiumB. B. thuringiensis C| P . putrifica nsD. X. campestris18. The gree nhouse effect is due to:A. excess producti on of CO-OH by bur ning of fossil fuelsCO2 by bur ning of fossil fuels C. exces

35、s producti on of CO by bur ning of fossil fuels by burning of fossil fuels19. Which is the lowest trophic level in the food web? A. primary producers B. hetertrophic orga ni smsA. CO 2 B. O2 C. CH 4 D.NH 325. The White Cliffs of Dover are composed mainly of:A. Calcium Carbon ateB. Silic on DioxideOx

36、ide D. Iro n Oxide26. Methylation of mercury is a process carded out by a number of bacteria that: A. decreases its toxicityts toxicity _ C. D.(十)Test 10: Genetic Variation: Mutation and Recombination1.Bacterial genes are con sidered: A. homozygous2.Extrachromosomal eleme nts that can be excha nged

37、betwee n bacteria are called: A. tran spos onsB. plasmids C. alleles D. probes3. _Extrachromosomal elements are known to contain genetic information for all the following except:fixati on B. tox in product ionC. an tibiotic resista nee D. cell wall repair4.Which of the follow ing mutati ons would ha

38、ve a higher probability of codi ng for a lethal event?A. suppressor B.sile nt C. nonsense _ D. misse nse5. _Which of the follow ing mutati ons would result in a cha nge in the amino acid in the polypeptid cha in?A. suppressorB. sile ntC. nonsense D. misse nse6.Frameshift mutations result in the addi

39、tion or deletion of a base in the DNA chain.Reestablishment of the readingframe can be corrected by a sec ond mutatio n called:A. suppressor _ B. sile nt C. nonsense D. misse nse7.The tech nique of replica plati ng is ofte n used to detect nu triti onal mutatio ns. Microorga ni sms that grow on comp

40、letemedia but fail to grow on mi ni mal media are called: A. autotrophsB. auxotrophs _ C. symbi onts D. heterotrophs8.The tech nique of replica plat ing was developed by:A. Crick B. Wats on C. Lederberg _ |D. Colli ns9.A compleme ntati on test was used to determ ine the site of two separate mutati o

41、ns. Two muta nt strai ns were mated and the resulta nt proge ny were still muta nt. The results in dicate that themutations are:A.cis _ _B. transA. caus ing breaks in the DNA cha in allow ing for the substituti on of additi onal basesn itrite to n itrous oxideD. con verts ammo nia to nitrite21. Conv

42、ersion of nitrate to nitrite results in a net loss of.A. negative charge B 。n egative charge22 . Desulfurization of sulfur under aerobic conditions results in the formation of: A. hydrogen sulfideB. sulfuric acidC. sulfate ionsD. ferric sulfide23. Eutrophicatio n of streams and lakes occurs mainly t

43、hrough excess in flux of: A. ir onB. mangan eseC. calcium 回Nitrificati on is a process that: A. con verts atmospheric n itroge n to n itrite B. con verts nitrite to ammo niaC. con vertsphosphorous24. Decompositi on of orga nic matter in streams and lakes leads to a decrease in:B.causes links between

44、 thymidine molecules on the same DNA chain C. causes links between thymidine molecules on differe nt DNA cha ins D. causes an in crease in mela nin in the sk in11. Various chemicals can induce mutations by modifying the nucleotides, causing base deletions or mimicking basesand substituting for them

45、in the DNA chain. An example of the latter is:A. acridine B. 5 -bromouracil C.mitomyci n C D. n itrous oxide12. The Ames test is used to screen chemicals for mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. Which bacterial strain is utilizedin this procedure? A. Escherichia coli B. Shigella dyse nteriae C. Sal

46、m on ella typhimurium D. Streptococcus pyogenes13. After infection of a cell by the HIV vires, a DNA copy of the viral genome may be inserted in the host chromosome.This is an example of: A. viral recomb in ati onB. disparate recomb in ati onC. homologous recomb in atio n叵hon homologous- recomb in a

47、ti on 14. Multiple copies of an antibiotic resistance gene was found on the chromosome isolated from bacteria X. What is the most likely expla nati on for this occurre nce?A. Multiple copies of an antibiotic resistance gene was found on the chromosome isolated from bacteria X. What isthe most likely

48、 expla nati on for this occurre nce?B. the bacteria mated with nu merous bacteria containing plasmids with the an tibiotic resista nce geneC. the bacteria c6ntained the antibiotic resistance gene on a transposon that underwent replicative transpositionD. the bacteria contained multiple copies of the

49、 an tibiotic resista nce gene from recomb in ati on15. Viruses that are capable of inserting their genome into the host chromosome are called:A. lytic viruses B. temperate viruses C. permissive virusesD. compete nt viruses16. Isolati on of recomb inant DNA requires the use of specific en zymes that

50、cut the DNA at specific seque nces. Theseen zymes are called:A. ligases B. recomb in ati on en zymes C. restrict ion en zymes D. excisi on en zymes17. Messenger RNA was isolated from a bacteria and used to identify a specific gene. Which of the following techniques would be utilized for this process

51、?A. Northern blott ing B. Southern Blotti ng C. Western Blotti ng D. PCR18. The gene for lactose utilizati on was in serted n ext to the gene un der study and the new con struct was tran sferred to a new host. The lactose gene was used as a:A. messe nger geneB. delivery gene C. restrict ion site gen

52、e D. reporter gene1. Ferme ntati on is a process carried out by microorga ni sms that con verts to usable products.A. i norga nic compo undsB. orga nic compo undsC. CO2 and H2O D. N2 and H2O2. The most importa nt reas on for maintaining stock cultures is:A. to have a ready supply of microorga ni sms

53、B. to maintain control of the fermentation processC to mai ntain the gen etic strain used in the reacti on D. to use for pate nt ide ntificati on3. All of the following are used in the screening process for microbial fermentation except:A. scree n orga ni sms for the desired productB. determ ine if

54、the product is usefulC. determ ine if the product is madein sufficie nt qua ntitiesD. scree n products for marketability4. The most importa nt phase of the scree ning process:A. determ ines the optimal con diti ons for maximal yield_ B.determ ines if the microorga nism has bee n used before C. deter

55、m ines if a pate nt exists on the product D. sdeterm ines the side effects of the product5. Why is aerati on used in most ferme ntatio n react ions?A. aerati on preve nts settli ng of the ferme ntatio n mixtureB. most ferme ntatio n react ions n eed air _C. ferme ntatio n react ions are an aerobicD.

56、 aerati on preve nts buildup of dissolved gases6. How is the pH con trolled in a ferme ntati on react ion?A. by adding acids to maintain a low pH needed for fermentationB. by alteri ng the carb on dioxide levelsC. by using a buffer D. by alteri ng the temperature7. Con trol of temperature is critica

57、l for ferme ntatio n react ions becauseA. cells die at high temperaturesB. cells die at low temperaturesC. en zymes are in activated at high temperaturesD. en zyme react ions are optimal at low temperatures8. Which of the follow ing ferme ntati on processes is more efficie nt?A. batch B. kettle C. c

58、on ti nu ous flow D in cubator9. Most an tibiotics are produced by all of the follow ingA. Streptococcus B. Bacillus C. Streptomyces D. Aspergillus10. The accumulation of penicillin occurs at which phase of the growth cycle of the fungiA. trophophase B. log C. growth D. stati onary11. Most of the ma

59、jor antibiotics used in medicine are producted byA.Streptococcus B. Bacillus C Streptomyces D. Aspergillus12. Which of the followi ng ami no acids produced by microbial ferme ntatio n is used as a major an imal feed suppleme nt?A. arginine B. glutam ineC. lysi neD. Leuci ne13. The taq polymerase use

60、d in PCR react ions was isolated from which of the followi ng orga ni sms?A. Escherichia coli | B. Thermus aquaticus |C. Xanthomonus campestrisD. Saccharomyces cerevisiae14. Which of the following is considered a synthetic fuel?A. alcohol B. gasoli ne C. hydroge nD. Kerose ne15. Metha nogens produce


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