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1、PFL-系列立式复合破碎机PFL- SERIES COMPLEX VERTICAL IMPACT CRUSHER使用说明书OPERATING INSTRUCTION 洛阳大华重型机械有限公司LUOYANG DAHUA HEAVY TYPE MACHINARY CO.,LTD. Index目录1 Safety 2安全2 Description of product type4产品型号说明3 Application4用途4 Traits5特点5Main technical parameter6主要技术参数6Structure and working principle 7结构及工作原理7 Inst

2、allation, adjustment and test run9安装、调整和试运转8Operation and maintenance11设备的使用和维护9Trouble shooting14常见故障和处理方法10Outline, installation and host structure drawings15产品外形图、基础图及主机结构示意图11Trouble shooting16锤头的调节方法1 Safety 安全Before operating this product, should read the operating instruction carefully. Keep

3、the instruction to somewhere for readily available using. If the product is in question, must read the instruction once again carefully.在使用本产品之前,务必仔细阅读本使用说明书。务必将本使用说明书存放在易于取阅的地方,以便随时查阅用。若产品出现问题,务必再次仔细阅读本使用说明书。Safe operation will ensure the safety of each operator and colleague.安全操作将保证每个操作员及其同事的安全。Ea

4、ch operator must be aware of potential safety problems in the region of his work. 每个操作员必须意识到他工作区域内的安全隐患。All the staffs working on the equipment must well learn its operation and maintenance method. Operators must understand all the security measures and read the statement carefully.所有在设备上工作的人员必须掌握设备

5、的使用和维护方法。操作员必须理解所有的安全措施,必须认真阅读使用说明书。Before all the security measures have been implemented, as well as all the safety systems in place could not activate crusher. (Eg: Place the belt cover on tight, tighten cylinder on the link, etc.)在所有的安全防护措施得到实施以及所有的安全系统就位前不能开动破碎机。(如:皮带罩就位上紧,筒体连接处上紧等)Make all the

6、 necessary checks before the equipment functioning.设备运转前要做好所有必需的检查。Note: Do not ignore any factors of insecurity, even a minor negligence can lead to serious consequences.注意:不要忽略任何一个不安全因素,即使是一个微小的疏忽也能导致严重的后果。Before the mechanical maintenance of crusher or any machine on the same work line, we must c

7、ut off the power supply. In the maintenance process, we must take measures to prevent the start of the crusher and the machine on the same line, especially the sudden start of the adjacent equipments before and after.从事破碎机及任何同一工艺线上的机械维护工作之前,都必须切断电源。在维护过程中,必须采取措施防止破碎机及同一工艺线上的机械启动,特别是与此机械前后相邻设备的突然启动。T

8、he distribution must be installed on a locked circuit breaker, when each operator in the maintenance works, he should have a padlock and the only key of their own. During maintenance work must install a sign “NO STARTING”.配电房必须安装一个可加锁的断路开关,当每一个操作员从事维护工作期间,他应该有一把自己的挂锁和唯一的钥匙。维护工作期间必须安置一个阻止开动机器的标志。NOTE

9、: A well maintained machine is not vulnerable to failure.A machine malfunction may result in bodily injury directly or in the course of maintenance work注意:一台维护良好的机器不容易出故障。 一个机器故障可能直接或在维护工作过程中导致人身伤害。The work of operators could not go beyond that of competence absolutely. (eg: a mechanic can not engag

10、e in the work of electrician, a mechanic electrician can not engage in the work.操作员的工作绝对不能超越他们的工作权限。(如:一个机修工不能从事电工的工作,一个电工也不能从事机修工的工作)2 Description of product type产品型号说明 P F L The 3rd generation第三代Diameter of crusher body(mm)破碎机筒体直径(mm)Vertical立式Complex复合Crushe破碎机 3 Application用途PFL- series complex

11、vertical impact crusher is a new product by combining the domestic fine crushing technique and optimizing the main structure and parameter of PFL and PFL-A complex vertical impact crusher. PFL 系列型立式复合破碎机是结合国内外细碎技术,对PFL及PFLA型立式复合破的主要结构及其参数进行优化设计研制而成的新产品。The machine is preference to other fine crushin

12、g equipments in crushing medium hard material. It can be used in crushing rock and ore with max compressive strength 210MPa, such as:limestone, dolomite, clinker, iron ore, molybdenum ore, aluminum ore, cobble, phosphate ore, copper ore, magnesite clinker, ophiolite, calces, gypsum, lump coal, zeoli

13、te and sandstone etc. The machine can be widely used in the fields of mining, metallurgy, building materials, refractory material, cement, coal, glass, chemical industry and electricity and etc.本机作为中硬物料的优选细碎设备,用于破碎抗压强度210MPa的岩石、矿石。如:石灰石、白云石、水泥熟料、铁矿石、钼矿石、铝矿石、鹅卵石、磷矿石、铜矿石、烧结镁砂、蛇纹石、生石灰、石膏、块煤、沸石、砂岩等物料。可广

14、泛用于矿业、冶金、建材、耐材、水泥、煤炭、玻璃、化工、电力等行业。4 Traits特点 a) High crushing ratios. The max feed size is 80220mm. The max discharge size is 3mm and accounts for about 90%。破碎比大。最大进料粒度80220mm,出料粒度3mm占90%左右。b) High capacity. The high through output and high speed cause the high capacity and save energy.产量高。其破碎过程为通过式破

15、碎,由于物料的通过量大,通过速度快,因而产量就高。相对而言,能耗就少。c) High efficiency and energy saving. It can increase 40% capacity of the mill and decrease 30% power by the machine running with mill.高效、节能。本机与磨机配套使用,可使磨机产量提高40%左右,系统电耗下降30%左右。d) Wearing parts apply high hardness, high wear-resistant alloy material, less wear and

16、long life. Clearance of hammerhead and impact plate can achieve fine-tuning to ensure the uniform output size, greatly enhance the utilization of hammerhead; life expectancy has increased five times.易损件采用高硬度、高韧性多元合金耐磨材质,磨损少,寿命长。锤头与反击板间距可实现微调,确保产品粒度均匀,锤头的利用率大大提高,寿命增加5倍左右。e) The rotor assembly of the

17、machine through the optimal design of a multi-stage continuous crushing chamber, the energy and space is fully utilized to improve the performance of machines.本机通过对转子部的优化设计,形成多级连续破碎腔,使能量和空间得到充分利用,从而提高机器的性能。f) Unique feed tray structure is made of feed tendons and feed scale board. The feed tendons c

18、an be used as feed scale board after worn, greatly improving the material utilization, and reduces the cost of use.独特的甩料盘结构,由甩料筋和甩料衬板圆周交叉分布组成,甩料筋磨损后可做甩料衬板用,大大提高了材料利用率,降低了使用成本。g) Steady running, low noise, slight vibration, well sealing, small structure, convenient operation, installation and mainten

19、ance.运转平稳,噪音低,振动小,密封性好。操作方便,占地面积小,安装和维修方便。The machine features rational structure, high crushing efficiency, and adjustable discharge granularity, long wearing life, easy operation etc. Its domestic leading fine crusher. 本机具有结构新颖合理,破碎效率高,物料粒度可控制,磨损件寿命长,操作简便等特点,是目前国内领先水平高效细碎设备。5 Main technique parame

20、ter 主要技术参数Specification 型 号Capacity 产量(t/h)Feed size 进料尺寸(mm)Discharge size出料粒度 (mm)Body diameter筒体内径(mm)Motor power 电机功率(kW)Main shaft speed主轴转速(r/min)Dimension外形尺寸(m)Machine weight机器重量(t)PFL- 7508201003,70-90%7504588013502.371.11.33.6PFL-100015301203,70-90%100556509802.681.51.45.8PFL-125030451503,

21、70-90%1250905107703.241.691.667.6PFL-150050701803,70-90%15001324306403.,70-90%17501604205403.82.362.117.5PFL-2000901202203,70-90%20002003605004.272.612.1823Remarks: the above capacity is base on the following conditions.注:表中生产能力的确定以下列条件为依据:a) Ore with compressive strength

22、 160MPa. 破碎矿石的抗压强度160MPab) Water content of material less than 5 %.水分不大于5 %c) The loose density of ore 1.6 t/m3. 矿石松散密度为1.6 t/m3d) Adequate and continuous feeding. 给料要连续均匀6. Structure and working principle结构及工作原理The design features the principle of input power increasing gradually and grade crushing

23、. (The rotor assembly of big crusher consists of upper, medium and under rotors. The rotor assemblies of middle or small crushers consist of upper and under rotors. The structure and working principle of middle and small crushers have the same instruction with big one.) 本机是根据对物料进行输入能量逐级递增和分级破碎的原理设计的

24、。(本系列大型号破碎机的转子部由上、中、下三级转子组成,中、小型号破碎机的转子部由上、下两级转子组成。其结构与工作原理按大型号破碎机介绍。)a) Structure结构The machine consists of Motor Drive, discharge hopper, blocks, chassis, rotor assembly, cylinder, cover etc. the motor is set beside the crusher in vertical inversion and driven by the V belt to drive the spindle. Th

25、ree rotors are in the middle of cylinder and are set on the spindle. Around each rotor is set with hammerheads, the clearances of which are adjustable. Feed tray is set on the upper rotor. There are two hoppers on the top-cover; chassis is set on the seat, a hopper is set on the bottom seat. Two-ali

26、gning roller bearings and a thrust bearing are installed on the cover and central chassis separately. Cylinder is made of two semicircle cylinders. The cylinder connects top-cover on top and connects chassis at bottom. Cylinder can be opened for the replacement of bearing parts and maintenance; On t

27、he cylinder wall, installed with three-tier impact plates, which surrounding the upper, middle and bottom rotors respectively and maintaining a certain space with the hammerheads.本机由电机传动部、出料斗、机座部、底盘部、转子部、筒体部、机盖部等部件组成。电机呈垂直倒置安装在机座的一端,通过窄V带驱动主轴旋转,主轴上装有三个转子,转子位于筒体的中央,每个转子的圆周装有可调整间隙的锤头,上转子的顶面装有甩料盘(由甩料筋和

28、甩料衬板交叉均布组成)。机盖上有两个进料斗;底盘固定在机座上,机座下方设有一出料斗。支撑主轴的两个调心滚子轴承和一个推力轴承分别装于机盖和底盘的中央。筒体部由两个对开的半圆筒体构成,筒体上端联接机盖,下端联接底盘,筒体可以打开,以便更换易损件和检修;筒体内壁安装有上、中、下三层反击板,分别包围上、中、下转子,并与转子锤头保持一定间隙。b) Working principle工作原理Driven by motor, the rotor fixed on the spindle runs at high speed in a determinate direction while working.

29、 Material blocks are thrown to throwing plate from hopper, impacted by the circumrotated throwing plate tendon, stroked by the impact plate at the action of centrifugal effect. 工作时,固定在主轴上的转子在电机驱动下按一定方向高速旋转运行,块状物料由进料斗落到甩料盘上,经高速旋转的甩料盘筋的冲击后,在离心力的作用下,被迅速抛向反击板而产生撞击。At the action of bevel and gravitation

30、of the impact plate on it, the material is rebound to the crushing chamber of cone rotor in way of inclined plane. The material is impacted by the upper hammer and got energy to impact plate, repeats the above crushing process. The material is crushed again by striking each other in the crushing cha

31、mber and declines in the taper space.物料经反击板上的斜面及重力作用下,沿斜下方被反弹到锥形转子破碎腔,物料受到高速旋转的上锤头冲击,使物料获得足够的动能后被抛向反击板,并重复上述破碎过程,物料群在破碎腔内互相撞击得到再一次破碎,并在锥形空间做螺旋线下落。Entering into the cylinder rotor chamber, the crushed material will get further fine crushing, compaction and rubbing. The process will be repeated. After

32、 being impacted, compacted and rumbled by upper, media, down hammer and impact plate frequently, the material gets crushed from big block to small one. For the impaction from the hammer and impact plate in the crushing chamber, the collision among the material, the material will crush along its natu

33、ral lay. Material which is smaller than the discharge clearance of the upper rotor will enters to the crushing chamber of media rotor for fine crushing. Then the material enters into the crushing chamber of down rotor. Repeat the above crushing process of striking, impacting, extrusion and rumbling.

34、 The difference is the higher speed than the No. 2 stage, bigger impact strength, smaller clearance of the down rotor. Thus the material can be crushed even fine and meets the requirement. Then the material discharges from the machine. 物料进入圆柱形转子腔内,对已破碎的颗粒进一步细破碎、挤压、研磨,再次重复上述破碎过程。如此高频次的被上、中、下锤头和反击板的打击

35、、反击、挤压、研磨,使物料由大到小逐渐被破碎。由于物料在破碎腔内受到锤头和反击板的冲击,以及物料之间的相互碰撞,使物料沿其自然节理面、层理面发生破碎。当破碎后的物料小于上上转子的排料间隙时,物料进入中转子破碎腔,进行细碎。然后,物料进入下转子破碎腔,再次发生上述打击、反击、挤压、研磨的破碎过程,所不同的是下转子的锤头圆周速度比第二级更高,物料所受的的冲击力更大,间隙更小,因此可使物料细碎得更小,最终被破碎成所要求的颗粒,排出机体。7. Installation, adjustment and test run安装、调整和试运转7.1 Installation and adjustment设备的

36、安装和调整 7.1.1 In the plant, crusher should be installed in the concrete basis, not under the ground level, to facilitate the operation and maintenance of equipment. Leave sufficient width and height for the tunnel in the middle of basis, in order to ensure smoothly shipped out of materials. In order t

37、o facilitate the crusher installation and maintenance should install active lifting equipment, its lifting capacity by weight of the largest crusher. Leave lifting space above the crusher. Leave appropriate space in the side for the installation of feed conveyors. 在厂房内,将破碎机安装在混凝土基础上,最好不要安装在地平面以下,以便于

38、设备的操作和维修,基础中间的坑道有足够的宽度和高度,以保证物料畅通地运出。为了方便破碎机的安装和维修,应在厂房内装有可活动的起重设备,其起吊能力按破碎机最大重量选择。在破碎机上方应留有起吊空间,在破碎机一侧留适当空间,以便安装进料输送带。7.1.2 Clean the external equipment before installation安装前应清除设备外部的一切污物。7.1.3 Before installation, check if the hole size and position of foundation bolts accord with the machine. If

39、not, should take prompt action to amend.设备安装前检查地脚螺栓孔尺寸及相对位置,确定是否与设备相符,发现不相符时,应及时采取措施加以修正7.1.4 Suspend the machine on the foundation (refer to outline and installation drawing), which should accord to the requirement of process将设备吊装在基础上(详见设备外形图及基础图),使其符合工艺布置的要求。7.1.5 Fully check that if foundation bo

40、lts and all the fasteners are fasten, if the electric appliance creeps, if pressure is normal. 全面检查地脚螺栓和设备所有紧固件是否紧固,电器部分是否漏电,电压是否正常。7.1.6 Make the second grout after all the equipments well adjusted. 设备所有部位调整好后进行二次灌浆。7.1.7 Check if the road linking the lubricants on the upper bearing and the bottom

41、bearing of spindle reliable, add molybdenum disulfide lithium grease or Mobil motor premium grease with dry pumps before the test run. 检查主轴的上轴承部和下轴承部两处的润滑油路是否联接可靠,试运转前必须用干油泵加注一次二硫化钼锂基润滑脂或美孚车用润滑脂特级。7.1.8 While installation, adjust the V belt and make proper tension. Its required to move the rotor eas

42、ily. 安装三角带时,调整三角胶带使张紧适度,要求能轻松地盘动转子部件。7.1.9 Open the cylinder with manual hoist. Move the rotor and check if any collision between the hammerhead and cylinder and then close cylinder. 用手动葫芦,打开主机筒体后,用手盘动转子部件,检查锤头是否与筒体上的反击板有相撞现象,转动应灵活,然后关闭筒体。7.2 Non-load test run空载试运转7.2.1 Perform the non-load operatio

43、n for 2 hours. Start the motor, it should run clockwise by viewing from top. If it runs anticlockwise, adjust wires of motor immediately. 空载试车时间2个小时。先点动电动机,其旋转方向(从上往下)必须是顺时针方向,若方向相反,立即调整电动机接线。7.2.2 Make sure the rotor drive evenly, no small vibration of the machine, no unusual noise, no great vibrat

44、ion of the body. Or, stop the machine and inspect. 转子传动应平稳,整机振动小,无异常噪声,筒体不应有剧烈振动,否则应停车检查。7.2.3 Check that bearing temperature should not exceed 45 . 检测轴承温升,不应超过45。7.2.4 Fasteners should be solid connected, no loose; especially the rotor, impact plats, scale board of top-cover and foundation bolts sh

45、ould be reliable connectivity. If there are other anomalies, should remove. 所用紧固件应连接牢固,无松动现象,特别要检查转子部分,反击板、机盖衬板及地脚螺栓应连接牢靠,是否有其它异常现象,如发现异常及时排除。7.3 Load test run负载试运转7.3.1 Re-plus molybdenum disulfide or Mobil motor premium grease before test. 试车前应重新加一次二硫化钼或美孚车用润滑脂特级。7.3.2 Start order for crusher and

46、belt conveyor: belt conveyor (discharge) crusher belt conveyor (feed) 破碎机与输送机的启动顺序为:排料输送机 破碎机 进料输送机Stop order for crusher and belt conveyor: belt conveyor (feed) crusher belt conveyor (discharge) 破碎机与输送机的关闭顺序为:进料输送机 破碎机 排料输送机Start the crusher with non-load and feed until the machine running usual. 破

47、碎机必须空载启动,至运转正常后方可给料。7.3.3 Keep running with load continually for 8 hours. 连续负载试运转时间8小时7.3.4 The stable temperature of bearing should not more than 90 (environmental temperature is below 45 ). If it exceeds 90 , stop the machine immediately, determine the cause and eliminate. 轴承的稳定温度不大于90(环境温度45以下),若

48、超过此温度时,应立即停车,查明原因并加以排除。7.3.5 The largest feed size should be consistent with design requirements, prohibit the materials larger than provision breaking into the cavity.最大进料粒度应符合设计规定,严禁大于规定的物料进入破碎腔。7.3.6 Feed should be uniform and continuous. The max feed quantity is the same with design, overload is

49、 forbidden. 进料应均匀连续,进料量达到破碎机设计负荷为止,不得超载。7.3.7 All the fasteners should be firmly connected and no loose. 所有紧固件应连接牢固,无松动现象。7.3.8 Make sure no evident or periodical strike while the rotor running. 转子转动不得有明显或周期性的冲击声。7.3.9 Crusher capacity and product size should be consistent with the design requiremen

50、ts. 破碎机的生产能力和产品粒度应符合设计要求。8 Operation and maintenance设备的使用和维护8.1 Operation设备的使用8.1.1 Choose proper electrical cabinet according to motor type. The motor is started by electrical cabinet. 本机应根据电机型号,选择适当的电控柜,由电控柜起动。8.1.2 Start the machine non-load. Feed material until the machine run evenly and make su

51、re the evenly feeding and not overload. 空载启动,待运转平稳后方可加料,加料要连续均匀,控制喂料量,不得超载。8.1.3 Stop feeding and empty the material in cavity and then stop the machine.停机前应先停止加料,待破碎腔内物料排空后再停机。8.2 Feeding喂料8.2.1 The materials for feeding should be consistent with the machine design, feed size can not exceed the sco

52、pe of the provision, and water content may not exceed 5%, so as not to affect the capacity of crusher or paste machine. 入机物料应符合本机设计规定,粒度不能超过规定的范围,含水量不得大于5%,以免影响破碎机的生产能力或产生糊机现象。8.2.2 All-metal materials are prohibited to put in, thus can prevent hammerhead, impact plate and bearing etc. from damage.

53、严禁金属物料入机,以防锤头、反击板、轴承等部件的损坏。8.3 Discharging排料8.3.1 Discharge hopper should be unimpeded so as to avoid overload from discharging sluggish. 排料口应确保畅通,以免出料不畅而引起设备过载。8.3.2 Regularly check-out discharging, wearing of hammerhead and impact plate and the V-belt tension. If there is problem, should adjust an

54、d replace in time.应定期检查出料情况,检查锤头、反击板磨损程度和三角带的张紧程度,发现异常问题应及时调整和更换。8.4 Maintenance of equipment设备的维护8.4.1 Equipment should be added grease with dry pump in time. Add once MoS2 Lithium Grease per shift. Replace grease once every 2000 working hours, clean bearing and bearing cavity. When assemble the be

55、aring seat to the end, should pay attention to the position of oil mouth (up in, bottom out). While the equipment operating, the block of out oil tube should be taken out to allow outflow of hot grease. 设备在使用时应按时用干油泵加注润滑脂,每班加注1次二硫化钼锂基润滑脂。工作2000小时更换润滑脂一次,应将轴承及轴承腔清洗干净,轴承座装配到底盘时,要注意进出油口位置(上进下出);设备运转时,必

56、须将出油管的螺堵拧掉,以使热的润滑脂流出。8.4.2 Keep the attention of bearing temperature, if it is unusual, remove it in time. 随时注意轴承的温升情况,发现异常及时排除。8.4.3 If there is any abnormal noise while the equipment operating, should stop and check. 设备运转时如有异常声音应及时停车检查。8.4.4 Regularly check fasteners and tighten loose bolts in time. 定期检查各紧固件,及时拧紧松动的螺栓。8.4.5 Seal should be regularly replaced to ensure that the sealing effect. 密封圈密封压条应定期更换,以保证密封效果。8.4.6 Operators should complete the


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