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1、商品说明书中英文翻译对照【药物名】 对乙酰氨基酚【其他名称】 乙酰氨基酚;扑热息痛;退热净;醋氨酚; Acetaminophen; N-acetyl-P-aminophenol【英文名称】 Paracetamol【适应症】 用于感冒及流感,发热,减轻中度疼痛如关节痛、神经痛、肌肉痛、 头痛、偏头痛、痛经、牙痛等症状。对阿司匹林过敏或不适应的患者应用本品尤 为适宜。【用法与用量】 口服:成人每次 300-500 毫克,日 2-3 次。儿童每日 2-3 次, 每次 2-3 岁50-100 毫克; 4-6 岁 100-150 毫克; 7-9 岁 150-200 毫克; 10-12 岁 200-250

2、 毫克; 12岁以上 250-500 毫克; 1岁以下儿童避免使用。【注意事项】(1)对阿司匹林过敏者一般对本品不发生过敏,但也有因对阿司匹林过敏而发 生哮喘的病人中, 少部分人在服用本品后发生轻度支气管痉挛性反应, 因此,对 阿司匹林过敏者慎用。(2)孕妇和哺乳期妇女慎用。(3)服用本品后如出现红斑或水肿症状,应立即停药。【不良反应】 一般剂量较少引起不良反应,对胃肠道刺激小,不会引起胃肠道 出血。但也偶可引起恶心、呕吐、出汗、腹泻及面色苍白等不良反应。长期大量 用药,对肝、肾均有损害,尤其是肾功能低下者,可能出现肾绞痛或急性肾功能 衰竭。另外还可发生高铁血红蛋白血症。【禁忌症】(1)对本品

3、过敏者禁用。(2)1 岁以下儿童及新生儿因肝、肾功能发育不全,应避免使用。(3)酒精中毒、患肝病或病毒性肝炎时,本品有增加肝脏毒性作用的危险,应 禁用。(4)肾功能不全者禁用。【限定剂型】 片剂,咀嚼片,缓释片,泡腾片,分散片,胶囊剂,口服溶液剂, 滴剂,糖浆剂,颗粒剂,泡腾颗粒剂,栓剂。【药物贮藏】 应在阴凉干燥处密闭保存。【药物配伍】 1 、长期饮酒或正在应用其他肝酶诱导剂时, 尤其是巴比妥类或其 他抗痉挛药的患者,连续使用本品,有发生肝脏毒性反应的危险。2、长期大量与阿司匹林、其他水杨酸盐制剂或其他非甾体抗炎药合用时(如每 年累积用量达 1000克,应用 3 年以上),可明显增加肾毒性的

4、危险。3、与抗病毒药剂多夫定合用时,会增加毒性,应避免同时应用。4、与抗凝血药合用时可增加抗凝血作用,故要调整抗凝血药的用量。ParacetamolMain Use : Pain, feverActive Ingredient: ParacetamolManufacturer :Non-proprietaryHow does it work?This medicine contains the active ingredient paracetamol, which is a medicine used to relieve mild to moderate pain. It is also

5、useful for reducing fever. It is not fully understood how paracetamol produces these effects.Paracetamol can be used to relieve mild to moderate aches and pains associated with conditions such as headaches, migraine, toothache, teething, colds and flu. It is also useful for reducing fever and discom

6、fort associated with colds and flu and following vaccinations.The legal categoryof paracetamol ranges from prescription only, topharmacy only, to general sales list (available from outlets such as supermarkets and garages) depending on the quantity and strength of paracetamol supplied in a container

7、 or packet.What is it used for?Fever (pyrexia)Mild to moderate painWarning!Alcohol increases the risk of liver damage that can occur if an overdose of paracetamol is taken. The hazards of paracetamol overdose are greater in persistant heavy drinkers and in people with alcoholic liver disease. If sym

8、ptoms persist for more than three days consult your doctor.Do not take this medicine with any other paracetamol containing products. An overdose of paracetamol is dangerous and capable of causing serious damage to the liver and kidneys. You should never exceed the dose stated in the information leaf

9、let supplied with the medicine. Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of an overdose with this medicine, even if you feel well, because of the risk of delayed, serious liver damage.Some products containing paracetamol are not recommendedfor use inchildren under certain ages. Consult

10、 the package literature or information leaflet supplied with the product for further information.Use with caution inDecreased kidney functionDecreased liver functionNot to be used inAn inherited disorder of protein metabolism called phenylketonuria (Calpol Fast Melts only)Known sensitivity or allerg

11、y to any ingredient This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor

12、 or pharmacist immediately.Pregnancy and BreastfeedingCertain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby.Always inform your doctor

13、if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.There are no known harmful effects when this medicine is used during pregnancy.Small amounts of this medicine may pass into breast milk, however there are no known harmful effects when it is used by breastfeeding mothers.Label wa

14、rningsDo not take this medication with any other products containing paracetamol.Refer to the printed instructions for maximum daily intake.Side effectsMedicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known

15、to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not meant hat all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.Blood disordersSkin rashesThe side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drugs manufacturer.F

16、or more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the informationprovided with the medicine orconsult your doctor or pharmacist.How can this medicine affect other medicines?You should avoid taking other medicines that contain paracetamol while taking this

17、medicine, as this can easily result in exceeding the maximum recommended daily dose of paracetamol. Many cold and flu remedies and over-the-counter painkillers contain paracetamol so be sure to check the ingredients of any other medicines before taking them with this one.Cholestyramine may reduce th

18、e absorption of paracetamol from the gut.Metoclopramide and domperidone mayi ncrease the absorption of paracetamol from the gut.Long-term or regular use of paracetamol may increase the anti-blood-clotting effect of warfarin and other anticoagulant medicines, leading to an increased risk of bleeding.

19、 Regular monitoring of blood clotting times should be performed if paracetamol is used regularly with these medicines. This effect does not occur with occasional pain-killing doses.Other medicines containing the same active ingredientsAlvedon suppositories Anadin paracetamol tablets Calpol FastMelts

20、Calpol infant suspension Calpol infant suspension sachets Calpol six plus suspensionDisprol paracetamol suspension Disprol soluble paracetamol tablets Fennings childrens cooling powdersHedex tablets Infadrops Medinol over 6 suspensionMedinol under 6 suspension Panadol soluble Panadol tablets/capsule

21、sParacets capsules请详细阅读说明书并按说明使用或在药师指导下购买和使用Please read this directions carefully and use it as the directionss or prescibe it under the directions of pharmacists.【药品名称】 Name of Drug 通用名称:地衣芽孢杆菌活菌胶囊Generic Name: Bacillus Licheniformis Capsule, Live商品名称:整肠生Trade Name: Zheng Chang Sheng英文名称: Bacillus

22、Licheniformis Capsule, Live汉语拼音 -Chinese Phonetic Alphabet: Diyiyabaoganjun Huojun Jiaonang( Hunanese Phonetic Transcription: Diyi Yabaoganjvn Hojvn Jaonan 【成份】本品每粒含地衣芽孢杆菌活菌数不低于2.5 亿,辅料为乳糖、淀粉。Ingredients It contains the following ingredients in each capsule.Active ingredients: Bacilluse Licheniformi

23、s viable count no less than 2.5 108 CFU.Non-active ingredients: Lactose, Starch. 【性状】胶囊内药粉为白色或灰白色粉末。Description White or off-white color powder inside the capsule. 【作用类别】本品为消化类非处方药品。Category of Drug It is a kind of OTC digestion.【适应症】用于真菌或细菌引起的急、 慢性肠炎、 腹泻。 也可用于其它原因引起的胃肠道菌群失调的防 治。Indication Used for

24、the treatment of acute and chronic enteritis and diarrhea caused by bacterium or fungus. It is also used for the treatment of imbalance of gastrointestinal flora caused by other factors.【规格】每粒 0.25 克( 2.5 亿活菌) Specification 0.25g per capsule (viable count 2.5 108 CFU)【用法用量】口服,成人 1次 2粒;儿童 1次 1粒; 1日3次

25、,首次加倍。对吞咽困难者, 服用时可打开胶囊,将药粉加入少量温开水或奶液混合后服用。Dosage and administration Oral administration, 3 times daily, 2 capsules each time for adult; 1 capsule each time for children. Initial dose is double. For the patient who has difficulty in swallowing take it, please peel the capsule and mix the drugs powder

26、 with small amount warm boiling water or milk.【不良反应】超剂量服用可见便秘。Adverse Effect Constipation will occur if it is admintrated in large dose.【禁忌】尚不明确。 Contraindication There is insufficient information.【注意事项】 Precautions1. 本品为活菌制剂,切勿将本品置于高温处,溶解时水温不宜高于40。1. Because it is a viable bacteria preparations, pl

27、ease dont put it in the high-temperatureplace, and dont dissolve it in the water which is more than 40 .2. 服用本品时应避免与抗菌药合用。2. Please avoid taking other antibacterial when it is administrated.3. 对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。3. Those who are allergic to this product are contraindicated. Those who are allergic cons

28、titution should use it carefully.4. 本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。4. It cant be used when its characteristics are changed5. 请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。5. Keep out of the reach of children.6. 儿童必须在成年人监护下使用。6. It is only used in children under the monitor of adult.7. 如正在使用其它药品,使本品前请咨询医师或药师。7. When others drug is adminstrated, p

29、lease consult the doctor or pharmacist before taking this drug.【药物相互作用】 Drug Interaction1. 抗菌药与本品合用时可减低其疗效,故不应同服,必要时可间隔 3 小时服用。1. The curative effect could be reduced by antibacterial. Therefore, it should not be administrated with these antibacterial. If necessary, it can be used with a intermissio

30、n more than 3 hours.2. 铋剂、鞣酸、药用炭、酊剂等能抑制、吸附活菌,不能并用。2. The following which can suppress and absorb viable bacteria cant be usedtogether with it, such as bismuth preparation, tannic acid, medical charcoaland tincture, etc.3. 如与其它药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。3. Because it can have drug interaction when

31、it is administrated with other drugtogether, please counseling with your doctor or pharmacist for the detail information. 【药理作用】 Pharmacology本品以活菌进入肠道后, 对葡萄球菌、酵母样菌等致病菌有拮抗作用, 而对双歧杆菌、 乳酸 杆菌、拟杆菌、 消化链球菌有促进生长作用, 从而克调整菌群失调达到治疗目的。 本品可促 使机体产生抗菌活性物质、 杀灭致病菌。 此外通过夺氧生物效应使肠道缺氧, 有利于大量厌 氧菌生长。This drug is a viable

32、bacteria inside the intestine. It has a antagonism o pathogenic bacterium such as Staphylococci, Staccharomyces, etc. But it has a promotion on the Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus, Bacterioide and Peptostreptococcus. Therefore, the product can fulfill the goal of curing and preventing intestinal diseases by making alteration for imbalance of intest


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