1、复习要点第一章 Introduction to ecology生态学概述What is ecology?Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their eraction: action on each other;Organism: an animal, plant, human or any other living things;Environment: Physical environment and biotic environment.Physical environmen
2、t : Comprising such things as temperature, water availability, wind speed, soil acidity);Physical environment can be natural or man-made. Mostly, it is a mix of the two.Questions:What is an urban physical environment? Natural or man-made?What are some of the major elements that comprise the urban ph
3、ysical environment?In what ways does the urban physical environment influence its residents?Biotic environment :Comprising any influences on an organism that are exerted by other organisms, including competition, predation, parasitism, and cooperation.Give some examples of the above influences you o
4、bserve in your surroundings.Questions:What are some of the biotic elements you observe in a city?How do they influence the human residents in the city?Are all kinds of environments human-controlled ? Is there any natural environment in its true sense?What is urban ecology?the study of interactions b
5、etween urban organisms and their environment. Urban organisms VS natural organisms:Urban environment VS natural environment:Urba n orga nismHuma n beings (Demographic features)An imals (home-kept ani mals and wide an imals)Micro-orga nism (bacteria and viruses)Plants ( flowers, grasses, trees)Huma n
6、 beings are the dominant species of urba n orga ni smsUrba n en vir onmentPhysical: Man-made eleme nts (build in gs, streets, i nfrastructures);Biotic: an imals and pla nts (home kept such as petsgarde ns) and wild (birds, rats, mosquitoes)Size of your study in ecologyIn dividualsPopulati onsCommun
7、itiesEcosystemsIn dividualsAny single living thing. Study the response of individuals to their en vir onment;Populati onsThe total number of animals or plants of one species. Study species, population abundance, and population fluctuations;Commun itiesA mixture of populatio ns of differe nt species.
8、 Study the process determ ining their compositi on and structure.EcosystemsComprise the biotic com mun ity in conj un cti on with the associated complex of physical factors that characterize the physical en vir onment.We study system comp onen ts, biomass, en ergy flow, nu trie nt cycle, and system
9、fun cti ons.Discuss ons:Discuss the four levels of study in terms of urban ecology.Key issues:Definition of EcologyDefinition of urban ecologyFour levels of study in ecologyFour levels of study in urba n ecologyHome work:Compare the natural environment with urban environment, and see what differe nc
10、es they have.Prepare Chapter Two: Un dersta nding Ecosystems.第二章 Ecosystem and energy flow生态系统与能量流动What is an ecosystem?*A defi ned space which in cludes pla nts, an imals (orga ni sms) and physical in teracti ons.An ecosystem can be of any size depending on the communities to be studied.Ecologists
11、tend to thi nk of ecosystem in terms ofenergy flow carbon flow or nutrient cyclesComponents of an EcosystemBiotical eleme nts:1. Producers (pla nts, grass),2. Consumers (cows, rabbits, lions, tigers, and so on)3. decomposers (bacteria, and fun gus);Non-biotical elements: Organic elements, non-organi
12、c elements and climatic eleme nts.Components of an ecosystemr无生命成巧 无机物质有机物质生产者(绿色植物) I生命成分消费者(动物) 还原者(微生物)图2-1生态系统的组成 (据云南大学生物系编 19S3)13Energy flowSome key words of ecosystemEcosystem and the laws of thermodynamics:Transfer efficiency:Disturbance and recovery:Energy flow through a community:Nutrient
13、 recycle:Ecosystem and the laws of thermodynamics:First law: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed Second law: Every transformation results in a reduction of the free energy of the system Transfer efficiency:The proportion of net primary production that flows through trophic levels (营养层)depend
14、s on the transfer efficiencies in the way energy is used and passed from one step to the next There are three categories of transfer efficiency: ConsumptionEfficiency (CE), Assimilation Efficiency (AE), and Production Efficiency (PE).Disturbance and recovery:Disturbance: Interruption or interference
15、 that occurs sufficiently often for it to have exerted some selection pressure on the species experiencing it.Internal disturbance and external disturbanceEnergy flow through a community:The pathway of energy at different trophic levels for different communities From CE to AE to PE.Nutrient recycle:
16、Water cycleCarbon cycleNitrogen cycleQestions:Where does the energy on the earth come? Where does the energy in a city come?*Is an ecosystem open or closed?What is the balance of an ecosystem?Give an example to show how human activities destroy the balance of an ecosystem.Discussion:Discuss the comp
17、onents and energy flow of an urban ecosystem.第三章Urban ecosystem 城市生态系统What is urban?Different Countries have different definitions;Three elements count in defining a city:*1. Population*2. Industry3.M unicipation.U.S. definition:Urban: Populated regions with a density of 1600 people/kmor greater and
18、 a minimum population of 2,500.Metropolitan: Those consist of a central city with a minimum population of 50,000,the county in which at least 50% of the population of the central city lives, and outlying counties with well-defined links to the central county or counties based on commuting patterns S
19、outh Africa definition:Urban:Built up areas, including vacant space within a proclaimed municipal or local authorized boundariesGeneral DefinitionIdentifiable places with defined or fixed boundaries and a high density of population China DefinitionThe capital of a province or a county with a populat
20、ion over 2,000, of which more than 50% are urban registered residents (1995) What is an urban ecosystem?Urban ecosystemmodels are based on the interaction of the social, biological ,and physical components of a cit y.A simplified model of urban ecosystem中国学者对城市生态系统的定义城市生态系统(Urban Ecosystem指的是城市空间范围内
21、的居民与自然 环境系统和人工建造的社会环境系统相互作用而形成的统一体,属人工 生态系统。(杨小波等,2000)人、自然环境和社会环境是城市生态系统的三大组成部分。Human-beings (人)人口数量(populations)人口结构(Population structures)空间分布 (Spatial distribution of populations)Natural environment咱然环境系统包括大气、水体、土壤、岩石、矿产资源、太阳能等非 生物系统和动物、植物、微生物等生物系统;Natural environment consistsof such non-biotica
22、l elements as air, water, soil, rocks, minerals, solar energy and biotical elements as animals, plants, and micro-organisms Social Environment (社会环境)社会环境系统包括人工建造的物质环境系统(包括各类房屋建筑、道桥 及运输工具、供电、供能、通风和市政管理设施及娱乐休闲设施等)和 非物质环境系统(包括城市经济、文化与群众组织系统,社会服务系统、 科学文化教育系统等)(man-made physical elements and non-physical
23、 elements)城市生态系统的组成结构(structure of urban ecosys)中国生态学家马世骏教授指出:城市生态系统是一个以人为中心的自然界、经济与社会的复合人工生态系统” 第四章 Ecological Succession态演替Ecological SuccesstionEcological succession,a fundamental concept in ecology, refers to more-or-less predictable and orderly changes in the composition or structure of an ecol
24、ogical communit y.Primary SuccessionBegins in a place without any soil, such as sides of volcanoes, Landslides,Flooding.It starts with the arrival of living things such as lichens (地衣) that do not need soil to survive They are called PIONEER SPECIES Explain the pregress of primary succession: (See c
25、lass presentations)Secondary Succession:Begins in a place that already has soil and was once the home of living organisms. It occurs faster and has different pioneer species than primary succession. Example: after forest fires.Colonization by Species:The process of arrival and habitation of alien sp
26、ecies at a new site and the establishme nt of a com muni ty.Climax Community:The final or stable community in the process of ecological succession is the climax com munity or climatic vegetati on .It is self-perpetuat ing and in equilibrium with the physical habitat. There is no net annual accumulat
27、ion of organic matter in a climax community mostly. The annual production is bala need in such a com muni ty.第五章Biodiversity生物多样性What do you think biodiversity means?Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth and the esse ntial in terdepe ndence of all liv ing thi ngsThere are 3 components of biod
28、iversity:1. Diversity of genesChihuahuas, beagles, and rottweilers are all dog but theyre not the same because their genes are differe nt.2. Diversity of speciesFor example, mon keys, drago nflies, and meadow beauties are all differe ntspecies3. Variety of ecosystemsPrairies, Pon ds, and tropical ra
29、i n forests are all ecosystems.Each one is differe nt, with its own set of species liv ing in it.Why should we protec biodiversity?1. Biodiversity has utilitaria n ValueUtilitarian Value = the value something has as a means to another sUtilitaria n values in clude:GoodsServicesIn formatio n2. Biodiv
30、ersity can provide us different services.Oxyge nFoodClea n WaterMedici neAestheticsIdeas3. Biodiversity is good for ecosystem stability More diversified, more stable;Threats to biodiversity:Habitat destructi onPollutionSpecies In troducti onsGlobal Climate Cha ngeExploitatio n第六章 Urban Population an
31、d Environment 城市人口与环境Urbanization:Why do people want to live in cities?Urbanization:The process of people moving from rural areas to the urban areas.Developed Countries: over 70% of the population live in cities;China: 36% in 2004, and about 50% in 2011.Population structureAge structure: young, mid,
32、 and oldSex structure: male and femalen ati on ality structure: han and mino ritiesHousehold registration Structure: rural or urbanFamily structure: married or si ngleEducation: high, literate and illiterateEmployme nt: employed and un employedEnvironment Problems in ChinaWater polluti onAir polluti
33、 onSolid wastesAcid rainDesertificatio nForestry reducti onResource shortageFarmla nd reducti onLoss of bio-diversityOzone damageGlobal warmi ngOngoing biotic pollutio n第七章Ecosystem service生态服务功能What is ecosystem service functions?Ecosystem service function is the capacity of natural processesand co
34、mponents to provide goods and services that satisfy human needs, directly or in directly.Ecosystem provides a variety of products for human beings, and mai ntai ns the fun cti ons of life-support system.What benefits a forest can bring us?moderate weather extremes and their impacts? disperse seeds?m
35、itigate drought and floods?protect people from the suns harmful ultraviolet rays?cycle and move nu trie nts?protect stream and river cha nn els and coastal shores from erosi on? detoxify and decompose wastes?con trol agricultural pests?maintain biodiversity?gen erate and preserve slsi and renew thei
36、r fertility? con tribute to climate stability?purify the air and water?regulate disease carry ing orga ni sms?polli nate crops and n atural vegetati onClassification of ecosystem services:生态系统服务功能Ecosystem Services支持功能Supportingservices产咸 供 生形环环提 级氧壤循循境 初产土氮水生等第八章 Global climate change全球气候变化What is
37、climate change?Climate cha nge is a cha nge in the average weather or a cha nge in the distribute n of weather eve nts around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather eve nts). Climate cha nge may be limited to a specific regi on, or may occur across the whole Earth (global warm ing
38、 or gree nhouse effect).What is Greenhouse effect?The gree nhouse effect is a n atural mecha nism that reta ins the heat emitted from the earth s surface. Climate change is believed to be the resul Gree nhouse Effect.Consequence of global warming :a. More droughts and more flood ing:Whe n the weathe
39、r gets warmer, evaporati on from both land and sea in creases. This can cause drought in areas of the world where the in creased evaporati on is not compe nsated for by more precipitati on. The extra water vapor in the atmosphere has to fall aga in as extra precipitati on, which can cause flooding i
40、n other places in the world.b. Less ice and snow:Glaciers are shrinking rapidly at present. The ice is melting faster. In areas that are dependent on melt water from mountain areas, this can cause drought and a lack of drinking water. Up to a sixth of the world s plives in areas that will be affecte
41、d by this.c. More extreme weather in cide nts:The warmer climate will most probably cause more heatwaves, more cases of heavy rain fall and also possibly an in crease in the nu mber an d/or severity of storms.d. Rising sea level:The sea level rises for two reasons. Partly because of the melting ice and snow, and partly because of the thermal expa nsion of the sea. Thermal expa nsion takes a long time, but eve n an in crease in temperature of two degrees Celsius is expected, in due t
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