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1、DMAIC改进法改进法 C控制阶段控制阶段2课程时间安排改进阶段介绍改进阶段介绍90 分钟分钟改进阶段课堂练习改进阶段课堂练习20 分钟分钟课堂休息课堂休息10 分钟分钟课堂练习点评课堂练习点评10 分钟分钟控制阶段介绍控制阶段介绍70 分钟分钟控制阶段课堂练习控制阶段课堂练习25 分钟分钟点评和总结点评和总结15 分钟分钟34.0 改进改进阶段阶段5.0 控制控制阶段阶段 执行计划执行计划 发布学到的经发布学到的经验教训验教训 建立新的流程建立新的流程 并确立新的改并确立新的改进机会进机会 流程控制系统流程控制系统 执行标准和程序书执行标准和程序书 培训培训 团队评估团队评估 执行计划执行计

2、划 持续改进的文档持续改进的文档 复制及标准化报告复制及标准化报告开展试运行开展试运行总结经验教训总结经验教训推广计划推广计划确定持续改进的机会确定持续改进的机会确定已经达到的目确定已经达到的目标标.确定下一步的计划确定下一步的计划改进后的运作水平评估改进后的运作水平评估Error Modes and Effects AnalysisError Mode Effect Analysis(EMEA)Description:Degree of EffectStep#ProcessStepErrorCauseEffectFrequencySeverityDetectionTotalOccurrenc

3、e Prevention(Countermeasure)4.2.1Assemble alloutboundcontainers instaging area Back injuryduring lift Foot and toeinjury fromdroppedcont. Carry-allnot available Liftingguidelinesnot followed Backinjuries,lost time,insuranceexpense0+22439Purchase two new carry-alls formailroomInclude topic in new saf

4、ety film4.2.2Determinecorrectpallet size Non-standardpallet used Vendorpallets kept Containerstack overend ofpallet andfall whenbeing lifted2+24116 Inspect for non-standard pallets andreturn to vendors4.2.3Positionempty palletin markedarea ofloading dock Full palletsare rotated90 by hand Pallet set

5、90off whenpositioned -lift truckcant access Back andhand injuries,lost time,insuranceexpense andrework2+354110 Update and clarify pallet placementprocedures Include topic in new safety film4.2.4Stackoutboundcontainers onpallet not toexceed twohigh First layernotcompletedbeforestartingsecond layer St

6、ackguidelinesnot used Containersfall whilebeing lifted0+11113 Update and clarify loading guidelines4.2.5Load pallets invehicle withlift truck andsecure Tie downlinesdamage bulkmail whentightened Tie downguidelinesnot clear Injuredfingers,damagedoutboundmail0+11214 Update and clarify loading guidelin

7、esError Modes and Effects AnalysisSigma Goal (CCR)GapCCRGapXProject WorkplanCCR3.0 分析分析阶段阶段2.0 Measure Performance1.0 定义定义阶段阶段2.0测量测量阶段阶段目标目标主要行动主要行动可能用到的工具和技术可能用到的工具和技术主要交付产物主要交付产物5.0 控制阶段4控制阶段的目标n 确保过程在改进方法实施后继续保持受控状态保持受控状态n 及时发现过程失控状态并找出相应的特殊特殊原因,从而在缺陷或不良品产生之前采取措施措施防止使整个设计使整个设计/ /生产生产 工艺得到优化!工艺得到

8、优化!More than 30 suspected variables10 - 154-68 - 10比较重要的输入变量比较重要的输入变量重要的输入变量重要的输入变量 1-3重要的且具有关键重要的且具有关键作用的工艺输入作用的工艺输入很多个输入变量很多个输入变量分析分析定义、测量定义、测量改进改进控制控制比较重要的输入变量比较重要的输入变量5控制阶段的主要行动改进后的运作水平评估(成果评估)改进后的运作水平评估(成果评估)效益评估效益评估成果标准化成果标准化总结经验教训,团队合作和个人能力成长总结经验教训,团队合作和个人能力成长推广计划推广计划确定持续改进的机会确定持续改进的机会确定已经达到的

9、目标确定已经达到的目标.确定下一步的计划确定下一步的计划6控制阶段的常用工具E rror M odes and E ffects A nalysisE rror M ode E ffect A nalysis(E M E A )D escription:D egree of E ffectStep#ProcessStepE rrorC auseE ffectFrequencySeverityDetectionTotalO ccurrence Prevention(C ounterm easure)4.2.1A ssem ble alloutboundcontainers instaging a

10、rea B ack injuryduring lift Foot and toeinjury fromdroppedcont. C arry-allnot available Liftingguidelinesnot follow ed B ackinjuries,lost tim e,insuranceexpense0+22439Purchase tw o new carry-alls form ailroomInclude topic in new safety film4.2.2D eterm inecorrectpallet size N on-standardpallet used

11、V endorpallets kept C ontainerstack overend ofpallet andfall w henbeing lifted2+24116 Inspect for non-standard pallets andreturn to vendors4.2.3Positionem pty palletin m arkedarea ofloading dock Full palletsare rotated90 by hand Pallet set 90off w henpositioned -lift truckcant access B ack andhand i

12、njuries,lost tim e,insuranceexpense andrew ork2+354110 U pdate and clarify pallet placem entprocedures Include topic in new safety film4.2.4Stackoutboundcontainers onpallet not toexceed tw ohigh First layernotcom pletedbeforestartingsecond layer Stackguidelinesnot used C ontainersfall w hilebeing li

13、fted0+11113 U pdate and clarify loading guidelines4.2.5Load pallets invehicle w ithlift truck andsecure Tie dow nlinesdam age bulkm ail w hentightened Tie dow nguidelinesnot clear Injuredfingers,dam agedoutboundm ail0+11214 U pdate and clarify loading guidelinesError Modes and Effects AnalysisSigma

14、Goal (CCR)GapImplemented SolutionCCRGapXProcess Control SystemProject WorkplanCCR . 流程图流程图 . 直方图直方图 . 控制图控制图 . 运行图运行图 .过程能力测定过程能力测定 .柏拉图柏拉图 .FMEA . 甘特图甘特图*可参阅问题解决手册可参阅问题解决手册7控制阶段的常用工具流程图流程图 Microsoft Visio(简单介绍简单介绍) PowerPoint Word 成果标准化成果标准化, 标准操作程序书标准操作程序书(SOP) 工作指南工作指南(WI-Working Instructor)控制图控制

15、图8Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)打开打开 Microsoft Visio9Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)文字输入连接线新模版模版显示大小目标点击/移动存盘10Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)流程活动判断文件数据库/系统开始/结束数据子流程11Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)打开打开 Microsoft Visio 一个新的流程模版一个新的流程模版基本流程跨部门流程因果分析12Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)绘制流程图:左键点击图形,拉至右侧空白处绘制流程图:左键点击图形,拉至右侧空白处13Microsoft Visio(简单介绍) 存盘,

16、复制到存盘,复制到Word文档中文档中 打开打开Word中复制的中复制的Visio流程图(如修改),要求该电脑流程图(如修改),要求该电脑必须装有同样版本的必须装有同样版本的Microsoft Visio。 目前公司正常版本为目前公司正常版本为Microsoft Visio 2000。14Microsoft Visio(简单介绍)例子例子15流程图 -PowerPoint 关于图形关于图形 自左向右,自上向下作图自左向右,自上向下作图 线与线之间尽量避免交叉线与线之间尽量避免交叉 部门之间以虚线分割部门之间以虚线分割 关于文字关于文字 图标中的文字说明尽量主谓宾齐全图标中的文字说明尽量主谓宾齐

17、全 必要时使用注释文本必要时使用注释文本 关于流程关于流程 为方便同一流程之拼接和阅读,在同一流程的不同页上,左边的为方便同一流程之拼接和阅读,在同一流程的不同页上,左边的部门应在同一位置部门应在同一位置 流程与流程之间的接口流程与流程之间的接口(通常为某张通常为某张/数张单据数张单据)必须清晰明了必须清晰明了16流程图 -PowerPointFlow ChartNameDescriptionStartStart the processTransfer Transfer from one process to anotherTransferTransfer from one process t

18、o another process not yet designedActionTake the actions in the processJudgmentMake decision to determine which flow to go nextEndingEnd the processSub-processContain sub-process to be developed in a separate pageConnectionContinue the process in the next pageDocumentGenerate documentationStartEndAP

19、rocess XProcess X17流程图 -PowerPointProcess RolesWork EffortElapsed TimeXX DaysXXProcess MapEntity AEntity BEntity CEntity FEntity DEntity EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXStartProcess Flow18流程图 -PowerPointEntity A Entity B Entity C Entity D Process DescriptionProcess OutputsCurrent Systems SupportProcess InputsProcess

20、 Description19流程图 -PowerPointCurrent Organization StructureSkills & Knowledge RequirementsCurrent Key Performance Metrics and TargetsEntity A responsible for responsible for responsible for responsible for Outstanding IssuesKey StatisticsEntity AEntity AEntity AProcess Description20流程图 -PowerPointTo

21、-Be Forecasting ProcessProcess RolesWork EffortElapsed TimeMon.Tue.DP 1.7Finalize Weekly ForecastWed-ThuFriProcess MapEntity AEntity BEntity CEntity FEntity DEntity ES&OP Meeting Process Monday in 2nd week per monthDP 1.3Generate Sales ForecastDP 1.1Forecast Collection with clientsDP 1.6Generate Con

22、sensus ForecastDP 1.4Aggregate Forecast & measure MAPEDP 1.2Monthly Review “Turning Point” DP 1.5Consensus Forecast MeetingStart21流程图 -PowerPointForecast is consolidated by Demand Manager, for months 0 -3, using data provided by Regional Sales Managers using a “bottoms up” build.The Demand Manager i

23、s responsible for taking this data and inputting into i2 RDP to generate a statistical forecast using an appropriate algorithm. Identified gaps are then covered by the Sales and Marketing Activity Plan, in preparation for signoff by the business executive in the monthly Sales and Operational Plannin

24、g (S&OP) meeting. Changes to sales forecasts in the SMAP meeting are then cascaded down to sales regions.Months 4 - 18 volume forecasts by brand, tap and pack, are generated by MarketingDemand Manager -generates base forecasts incorporating statistical trends, seasonality, public holidays etc; suppl

25、ies activities & competitors activities for previous month, previous yearTrade Marketing- provide deals + activities for months 1,2,3, trademark promosGroup Accounts - provide forward activity promotional planning for groups & Banner groups to Regional Sales Managers (RSMs)Region-Sales Managers - pr

26、ovide regional data (activities, events etc) which may change volumes and forecast for months 1-3Marketing - provide NPD Forecast data + months 4 - 18 by brand, pack and tap volumesProcess DescriptionApproved and agreed monthly forecast by region New promotional activities to close gap between forec

27、ast volume and target volume.Download file for use in operations in MFGPro generated MRP planning.Sales & Operational Planning (S&OP) deck inputs.Sales and Marketing Activity Plans (SMAP) deck outputsProcess OutputsRDP I2 - to statistically analyse historical sales data, using one of a range of stat

28、istically based algorithmsOracle Sales Analyser - to interrogate sales history and report data in a range of formats.Spreadsheet - to convert all inputs to monthly forecastsCurrent Systems SupportProcess InputsProcess Description22流程图 -PowerPointCurrent Organization StructureDemand ManagerComprehens

29、ive knowledge of forecasting process and principles with analytical abilityDetailed understanding of sales regions and key influences, sales split by day, key events / functions, eg Olympics competitor action / reactions Knowledge of customer base / customer behaviour Industry knowledge/ and experie

30、nce Brand awareness and key driversSkills & Knowledge RequirementsForecast Accuracy- A class itemsTop 80% by volume of SKUs+/- 10%B class itemsNext 15% by volume of SKUs+/- 25%C class items Next 5% by volume of SKUs+/- 35%KPI target = 80% hit of SKUs within tolerance bands.Regional Sales Managers (R

31、SMs) accountable for regional forecast build and achievement of volumes to target. Not measured at present given top down influences on volume targets.Current Key Performance Metrics and TargetsMarketing/ Group Accounts/ Trade Mkting40%Demand Manager1 80%RSMs10%Pre-SMAP - SMAP0.5 days each processTr

32、ade Marketing responsible for documenting the activity plans to close gap between forecast and target volume.Group Accounts responsible for negotiating and documenting timing of SKU deals by account groupsMarketing are responsible for forecasting and developing New Product Developments initiatives p

33、lus forecast months 4- 18, attending Pre SMAP & SMAP.Demand Manager is accountable for liasing with above groups to incorporate activities as an overlay to the statistically generated forecast.Regional Sales Managers are tasked with developing a regional forecast “bottom up” for review against stati

34、stical forecast for months 1 - 3.Pre-SMAP & SMAP are working / consensus meetings to agree plans and market activity for months 1 - 3.Outstanding IssuesForecast is currently monthly buckets whereas weekly buckets would be more appropriate to how the business operates, eg MFGPro.Acceptance that NPD f

35、orecasts tend to be highly inaccurate eg, Amber Bitter, HPL, Sydney Bitter. RSMs dont forecast NPD, this is done by MarketingConditional forecast - high and low forecastUpload i2 into MFG-Pro. No firm zone in i2 to stop from changing numbers, with possible uploading more frequently than monthly.Macs

36、 & Liquorland do not communicate final sales forecasts or promos until 2 days before they are advertised. Prior monthly updates are overwritten.No communication of Pre SMAP / SMAP actions filtered down to RSMs and therefore there is a misalignment between accountability and controlMultiplication of

37、SKUs item numbers for a product (eg Tooheys Red Stubbies) on system results in people entering forecasts into the incorrect field in the systemKey StatisticsWeekly Sales forecast accuracy - Not measured as yetMonthly sales forecast accuracy ToleranceTargetActualClass A SKUs10%80%60%Class B SKUs25%80

38、%80%Class C SKUs35%80%70%Process Description23流程图 PowerPoint (案例)startUpdate web releaseCheck related product name and policyPMBU OCNaming Committee(Marketing, Legal, TQM)DIRSubmit the product naming / Change request Submit the request by workflowProduct naming application by WorkflowUpdate in Ebiz

39、by BODRoleProcessIn OracleRelatedSystemUpdate in Agile by CE Agile TeamUpdate in Oracle Update in SMMIS by SMDUpdate in PR Tools by Intl Sales OperIn E-BizIn AgileIn SMMISENDProduct Naming PolicyProduct Naming and Change Control Process24流程图 - WordProcess XProcess XEndAStartFlow ChartNameDescription

40、StartStart the processTransferTransfer from one process to anotherTransferTransfer from one process to another process not yet designedActionTake the actions in the processJudgmentMake decision to determine which flow to go nextEndingEnd the processSub-processContain sub-process to be developed in a

41、 separate pageConnectionContinue the process in the next pageDocumentGenerate documentation25流程图 - Word26流程图 Word (案例)B/E领取主板领取主板生产来料检验、组装生产来料检验、组装BDM打螺钉打螺钉Phase 测试测试Pre-AlertAlert 工位工位FQA 抽验抽验FQA CIT&CALL Test 抽验抽验Flexing卖到卖到DCDQA检验员抽验检验员抽验卖到卖到Packing外观外观ESNDMAIC28控制阶段的常用工具控制阶段的常用工具 成果标准化成果标准化: 标准操

42、作程序书标准操作程序书(SOP) 工作指南工作指南(WI-Working Instructor)下载地址下载地址: 文件快速查询文件快速查询”: 输入输入”SOP” or “QSP101QD_09”, “WI文件模板文件模板” or “QSP101QD_10”, 即可下载即可下载29IDAMRelease Date:2006-08-21Doc Code: T0014330控制图控制图(Control Chart)X Bar 管理图R 管理图 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25X X Avg 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25102

43、.00101.00100.00 99.00 98.00 97.00 96.00超出管理状态(异常原因)UCLLCLUpper Control LimitLower Control Limit总平均Center Line7.范围平均Center LineX Bar : 平均值R:Range (Max - Min)R控制图是种统计性方法,根据Sample Data对Process进行Monitoring,分析Process的变化趋势,早期预测问题点,并提前做好响应预防准备的方法31控制图控制图(案例案例)控制控制图图32成

44、果评估成果评估效果检查效果检查柱状图柱状图折线图折线图直方图直方图 过程能力指数过程能力指数 等进行效果对比等进行效果对比与对策实施前的现状对比与对策实施前的现状对比335782290 0100100200200300300400400500500600600Before KaizenBefore KaizenAfter KaizenAfter KaizenTest time(S)Test Cycle TimeACMDBeyond The GoalCompany L成果评估成果评估( (项目目标项目目标) )89.00%89.00%90.00%90.00%91.00%91.00%92.00%9

45、2.00%93.00%93.00%94.00%94.00%95.00%95.00%96.00%96.00%改善前改善前目标目标改善后改善后设备平衡率设备平衡率改善前改善前目标目标改善后改善后91.48%SMT设备平衡率设备平衡率35维修周期改进项目汇报维修周期改进项目汇报 效果评估:2.9125万元万元362.5万元万元/年!年!DMA I C36UTStarcom Confidential维修周期改进项目汇报维修周期改进项目汇报 效果评估:DMA I C37效益计算效益计算经济效益经济效益效益计算一般包括效益计算一般包括:生产直接成本和变动成本的降低生产直接成本和变动成本的降低固定成本的降低

46、固定成本的降低,如减少管理人员如减少管理人员现金流增加现金流增加,如库存水平的降低如库存水平的降低劳动力解放劳动力解放质量成本质量成本(COPQ)降低降低, 等等等等效益一般以每年效益一般以每年(12个月个月)为基准为基准 实际效益实际效益=产生的收益产生的收益- 投入的费用投入的费用社会效益社会效益财务审核认可财务审核认可38Cost Benefit AnalysisFactors include: Sources of financial benefitsQuantitativeQualitative Sources of costsDirectIndirectOne TimeOngoin

47、g Financial analysis using company preferred measures such asInternal Rate of Return (IRR)Net Present Value (NPV)Break-Even PointReturn on Equity (ROE)Etc. Timing of cost and benefits Sensitivity analysis of involved factors39效益计算效益计算 经济效益经济效益(举例说明举例说明)1. 机器折旧费用节省机器折旧费用节省:例如某例如某SMT设备价值设备价值100,000RMB

48、,5年折旧年折旧,其每小时单位成本其每小时单位成本=100,000/5(年年)/(12(月月) *27.5 (工作天工作天/月月) *22 (小时小时/天天) )=2.75RMB/Hr某某Kaizen项目改进每小时节省项目改进每小时节省5分钟的分钟的cycle time, 那么那么cost saving=5/60*2.75*(12*27.5*22)=1663RMB/year2. 人工费用节省人工费用节省:人工费用因部门而异人工费用因部门而异,可咨询可咨询Biz HR, 例如例如Supply chain 平均工资平均工资为为3000RMB/月月(含保险含保险,住房公积金等住房公积金等), 其每小

49、时单位成本其每小时单位成本=3,000/22.5(天天/月月 )/8(小时小时/天天) =16.7RMB/Hr某某Kaizen项目人工节省平均每小时项目人工节省平均每小时10分钟分钟, 共有共有100人参与该类活人参与该类活动动, 那么那么cost saving =100*(10/60)*16.7*(12*22.5*8)=602,000RMB/year40效益计算效益计算3. COPQ节省节省:COPQ包含四部分包含四部分:直接经济损失直接经济损失;客户赔偿客户赔偿;谈判人员和出差费谈判人员和出差费用用;内部预防和检测人员费用内部预防和检测人员费用.要同公司要同公司KPI和和COPQ计算相结合

50、计算相结合4. 原材料原材料,半成品半成品,成品等库存的降低成品等库存的降低;生产率生产率,良率良率提高提高;库存周转率提高库存周转率提高 带来的费用节省带来的费用节省:例如例如, 库存周转率由库存周转率由4提高到提高到5: 意味着库存持有天数由意味着库存持有天数由90天减少天减少到到73天天, 带来的效益是占用资金减少带来的效益是占用资金减少, 机会成本增加机会成本增加; 库房成本库房成本降低降低, 库房管理人员减少库房管理人员减少,管理费用降低管理费用降低; 隐形成本降低隐形成本降低, 呆滞物呆滞物料和过期物料的处理成本和损失大大降低料和过期物料的处理成本和损失大大降低 生产率和良率的提高

51、生产率和良率的提高: 单位时间效益增加带来收益单位时间效益增加带来收益, 废品减少会废品减少会带来直接收益带来直接收益, 机器使用率提高带来收益机器使用率提高带来收益, 人员节省带来收益人员节省带来收益41效益计算效益计算5. 效益计算效益计算:投入费用投入费用 (In) = 人工费用人工费用 + 实验花费实验花费产生效益产生效益 (Out) = 1+2+3+4 实际效益实际效益 (Profit) =产生效益产生效益 (Out) -投入费用投入费用 (In) 社会效益社会效益:市场份额扩大市场份额扩大, 收益增加收益增加客户投诉减少客户投诉减少, 返修减少返修减少, 费用降低费用降低, 名誉上

52、升名誉上升客户满意度大幅提高客户满意度大幅提高, 品牌进一步加强品牌进一步加强财务审核财务审核:人事部人事部: 对部门人数对部门人数, 工资水平工资水平, 平均人工时的确认平均人工时的确认财务部财务部: 对固定资产的确认对固定资产的确认, 对效益计算方法的认可和对效益计算方法的认可和 对结果的确认对结果的确认, 核实核实.42效益计算效益计算 (案例案例)效益評估效益評估 換料停機時間由換料停機時間由 原來的平均原來的平均2 27.7.8 89 9s/s/次減少到平均次減少到平均14.4914.49s/s/次每條線每小時換料停機次數依舊平均為次每條線每小時換料停機次數依舊平均為1010次則次則

53、EP-PCA EP-PCA 每日至少每日至少有有6 6條線使用單條線使用單Table,Table,每條每條SMTSMT線運轉成本為線運轉成本為115.26115.26USD/HUSD/H取取20032003年下半年下半年每月的平均值年每月的平均值: : (106.48+127.62+115.14+135.58+101.10+105.66)/6=115.26(106.48+127.62+115.14+135.58+101.10+105.66)/6=115.26USD,USD,則則每天節省成本每天節省成本(2(27.897.89-14.49)-14.49)* *1010* *24/360024/3

54、600* *6 6* *115.26115.26= =6 61717. .7979USDUSD每年節省成本每年節省成本: 6: 617.7917.79* *300300= =185337185337USDUSD43IDAMCost Saving:Production Cost SavingSpare parts and fixture Cost SavingManpower Cost SavingTotal Saving: RMB:3000K*5.05=15,150,000Approved By FinanceCompany L效益评估效益评估( (项目直接收益项目直接收益) )1.1.项目实

55、际收益项目实际收益=设备折旧节省费用设备折旧节省费用+人工节省费用人工节省费用-项目投入费用项目投入费用 = =¥301468+301468+¥88752-88752- ¥4436=¥385784¥0 05000050000100000100000150000150000200000200000250000250000300000300000350000350000400000400000改善前改善前目标目标改善后改善后实际收益实际收益改善前改善前目标目标改善后改善后¥0Company L2. 提高车间生产产能提高车间生产产能,减少外协生产比例减少外协生产比例效益评估效益评估( (项目直接收益

56、项目直接收益) )Company L1.减少库房共用料调料问题减少库房共用料调料问题,节约了节约了物料管理成本物料管理成本效益评估效益评估( (项目间接收益项目间接收益) )2.方便计划安排工单方便计划安排工单47成果推广成果推广, 下一项目目标下一项目目标成果推广到成果推广到其他平行单位其他平行单位其他工厂其他工厂 其他国家分厂其他国家分厂 团队合作,成员能力增长(雷达图)团队合作,成员能力增长(雷达图)下一个下一个Kaizen项目目标项目目标48IDAMIt can helpful for PHS/WIFI,GSM Q-Box and Dual model49IDAM1)Succeed using in PCS1400 2)Succeed using in CDM70753)Succeed using in CDM11224)Prepare using in PCS14055)Extend to T8050IDAM012345Bef


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