1、sd memory card specificationspart 1physical layer specificationversion 1.0march 2000sd groupmatsushita electric industrial co., ltd. (mei)sandisk corporationtoshiba corporation standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 revision historydate
2、version changes compared to previous issuemarch 22th, 20001.0base versioncopyright 2000 sd group (mei, toshiba, sandisk)conditions for publication:- publisher and copyright holder: sd group (mei, sandisk, toshiba)- confidentiality:this document shall be treated as confidential under the non disclosu
3、re agreement which has been signed by the obtainer. reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission of sd group.- exemption:non will be liable for any damages from use of this document. do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: march 20002confidential
4、 standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 1 general description - 62 system features - 83 sd memory card system concept - 93.1 bus topology - 93.1.1 sd bus - 103.1.2 spi bus - 113.2 bus protocol - 123.2.1 sd bus - 123.2.2 spi bus - 153.3
5、sd memory card - pins and registers - 173.4 compatibility to multimediacard - 194 sd memory card functional description - 224.1 general - 224.2 card identification mode - 234.2.1 card reset - 234.2.2 operating voltage range validation - 234.2.3 card identification process - 254.3 data transfer mode
6、- 254.3.1 wide bus selection/deselection - 274.3.2 data read - 284.3.3 data write - 284.3.4 erase - 294.3.5 write protect management - 304.3.6 card lock/unlock operation (optional) - 314.3.7 copyright protection - 334.3.8 application specific commands - 344.4 clock control - 354.5 cyclic redundancy
7、codes (crc) - 354.6 error conditions - 374.6.1 crc and illegal command - 374.6.2 read, write and erase time-out conditions - 374.7 commands - 384.7.1 command types - 384.7.2 command format - 384.7.3 command classes (redefined for sd memory card) - 394.7.4 detailed command description - 404.8 card st
8、ate transition table - 454.9 responses - 464.10 sd memory card status - 484.10.1 card status - 484.10.2 sd status - 524.11 memory array partitioning - 52 do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: february 20003confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1.
9、 physical layer specification; version 1.0 4.12 timings - 534.12.1 command and response - 544.12.2 data read - 554.12.3 data write - 564.12.4 timing values - 595 card registers - 605.1 ocr register - 605.2 cid register - 615.3 csd register - 625.4 rca register - 715.5 dsr register (optional) - 715.6
10、 scr register - 716 sd memory card hardware interface - 736.1 hot insertion and removal - 736.2 card detection (insertion/removal) - 746.3 power protection (insertion/removal) - 746.4 power up - 756.5 programmable card output driver (optional) - 776.6 bus operating conditions - 796.7 bus signal leve
11、ls - 806.8 bus timing - 816.9 low voltage (1.8v) sd memory cards (preliminary) - 827 spi mode - 847.1 introduction - 847.2 spi bus protocol - 847.2.1 mode selection - 847.2.2 bus transfer protection - 857.2.3 data read - 857.2.4 data write - 867.2.5 erase & write protect management - 887.2.6 read ci
12、d/csd registers - 887.2.7 reset sequence - 887.2.8 error conditions - 887.2.9 memory array partitioning - 897.2.10 card lock/unlock - 897.2.11 application specific commands - 897.2.12 copyright protection commands - 897.3 spi mode transaction packets - 897.3.1 command tokens - 897.3.2 responses - 94
13、7.3.3 data tokens - 967.3.4 data error token - 977.3.5 clearing status bits - 97 do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: february 20004confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 7.4 card registers - 997.5 spi
14、 bus timing diagrams - 997.5.1 command / response - 1007.5.2 data read - 1007.5.3 data write - 1017.5.4 timing values - 1027.6 spi electrical interface - 1027.7 spi bus operating conditions - 1027.8 bus timing - 1038 sd memory card mechanical specification - 1048.1 card package - 1048.1.1 external s
15、ignal contacts (esc) - 1048.1.2 design and format - 1058.1.3 reliability and durability - 1058.1.4 electrical static discharge (esd) requirements (target spec) - 1068.1.5 quality assurance - 1078.2 mechanical form factor - 1078.3 system: card and connector - 1108.3.1 card hot insertion - 1108.3.2 in
16、verse insertion - 1108.4 thin (1.4mm) sd memory card (preliminary) - 1119 appendix - 1129.1 power supply decoupling - 1129.2 connector - 1129.2.1 general - 1129.2.2 card insertion and removal - 1139.2.3 characteristics - 11410 abbreviations and terms - 117 do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandis
17、k,toshiba)date: february 20005confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 general description1general descriptionsd memory card (secure digital memory card) is a flash-based memory card that is specificallydesigned to meet the s
18、ecurity, capacity, performance and environment requirements inherent innewly emerging audio and video consumer electronic devices. the sd memory card will include acopyright protection mechanism that complies with the security of the sdmi standard and will befaster and capable for higher memory capa
19、city. the sd memory card security system uses mutualauthentication and a new cipher algorithm to protect from illegal usage of the card content. a nonesecured access to the users own content is also available. the physical form factor, pin assignmentand data transfer protocol are forward compatible
20、with the multimediacard with some additions.the sd memory card communication is based on an advanced 9-pin interface (clock, command,4xdata and 3xpower lines) designed to operate in a low voltage range. the communication protocolis defined as a part of this specification. the sd memory card host int
21、erface supports regularmultimediacard operation as well. in other words, multimediacard forward compatibility was kept.actually the main difference between sd memory card and multimediacard is the initialization pro-cess.the sd memory card specifications were divided to several documents. the sd mem
22、ory carddocumentation structure is given in figure 1.sdmemoryaudio applicationother application documentscard securityspec.file system specificationsd memory card physical layer spec. (this document) figure 1: sd memory card documentation structuresd memory card audio application specification:this
23、specification along with other application specifications describe the specification of certainapplication (in this case - audio application) and the requirements to implement it.sd memory card file system specification:describes the specification of the file format structure of the data saved in th
24、e sd memory card (inprotected and un-protected areas).sd memory card security specification:describes the copyright protection mechanism and the application specific commands that supportit.sd memory card physical layer specification (this document):describes the physical interface and the command p
25、rotocol used by the sd memory card.the purpose of the sd memory card physical layer specification is the definition of the sd memorycard, its environment and handling.the document is split up into several portions. chapter 3 gives a general overview of the system do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei
26、,sandisk,toshiba)date: march 20006confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 general descriptionconcepts. the common sd memory card characteristics are described in chapter 4. as thisdescription defines an overall set of card p
27、roperties, we recommend to use the product documenta-tion in parallel. the card registers are described in chapter 5.chapter 6 defines the electrical parameters of the sd memory cards hardware interface.chapter 8 describes the physical and mechanical properties of the sd memory cards and the mini-ma
28、l recommendations to the card slots or cartridges.as used in this document, “shall” or “will” denotes a mandatory provision of the standard. “should”denotes a provision that is recommended but not mandatory. “may” denotes a feature whose pres-ence does not preclude compliance, that may or may not be
29、 present at the option of the implemen-tor. do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: march 20007confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 system features2system featurestargeted for portable and stationary ap
30、plicationsvoltage range: sd memory card - basic communication (cmd0, cmd15, cmd55, acmd41): 2.0 - 3.6v other commands and memory access: 2.7 - 3.6v sdlv memory card (low voltage) - operatiing voltage range: 1.6 - 3.6vdesigned for read-only and read/write cards.variable clock rate 0 - 25 mhzup to 10m
31、byte/sec read/write rate (using 4 parallel data lines).maximum data rate with up to 10 cardscorrection of memory field errorscard removal during read operation will never harm the contentforward compatibility to multimediacardcopyrights protection mechanism - complies with highest security of sdmi s
32、tan-dard.password protection of cards (option)write protect feature using mechanical switchbuilt-in write protection features (permanent and temporary)card detection (insertion/removal)application specific commandscomfortable erase mechanismprotocol attributes of the communication channel:sd memory
33、card communication channelsix-wire communication channel (clock,command, 4 data lines)error-protected data transfersingle or multiple block oriented datatransferthin (1.4mm) sd memory card (preliminary) do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: february 20008confidential standard mi
34、crosystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 sd memory card system concept3sd memory card system conceptthe sd memory card provides application designers with a low cost mass storage device, imple-mented as a removable card, that supports high security
35、level for copyright protection and a com-pact, easy-to-implement interface.sd memory cards can be grouped into several card classes which differ in the functions they pro-vide (given by the subset of sd memory card system commands):read/write (rw) cards (flash, one time programmable - otp, multiple
36、time programmable -mtp). these cards are typically sold as blank (empty) media and are used for mass data stor-age, end user recording of video, audio or digital images.read only memory (rom) cards. these cards are manufactured with a fixed data content. theyare typically used as a distribution medi
37、a for software, audio, video etc.in terms of operating supply voltage, two types of sd memory cards are defined:sd memory cards which supports initialization/identification process with a range of 2.0-3.6vand operating voltage within this range as defined in the csd register.sdlv memory cards - low
38、voltage sd memory cards, that can be operate in voltage range of1.6-3.6v. the sdlv memory cards will be labeled differently then sd memory cards.sd memory card system includes the sd memory card (or several cards) the bus and their host /application. the host and application specification is beyond
39、the scope of this document. the fol-lowing sections provides an overview of the card, bus topology and communication protocols of thesd memory card system. the copyright protection (security) system description is given in “sdmemory card security specification” document.3.1bus topologythe sd memory
40、card system defines two alternative communication protocols: sd and spi. appli-cations can choose either one of modes. mode selection is transparent to the host. the card auto-matically detects the mode of the reset command and will expect all further communication to be inthe same communication mod
41、e. therefore, applications which uses only one communication modedo not have to be aware of the other. do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: march 20009confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 sd memory c
42、ard system concept3.1.1 sd bushostclkvddvssd0-3(a),cmd(a)d0-3(b),cmd(b)d0-3(c)cmd(c)clkvddvssd0-d3, cmdclkvddvssd0-d3, cmdclkvddvssd0, cs, cmdsd memorycard (a)sd memorycard (b)multimediacard(c)d1&d2 notconnected figure 2: sd memory card system bus topologythe sd bus includes the following signals:cl
43、k:cmd:dat0 - dat3:host to card clock signalbidirectional command/response signal4 bidirectional data signals.vdd, vss1, vss2:power and ground signals.the sd memory card bus has a single master (application), multiple slaves (cards), synchronousstar topology (refer to figure 2). clock, power and grou
44、nd signals are common to all cards. com-mand (cmd) and data (dat0 - dat3) signals are dedicated to each card providing continues pointto point connection to all the cards.during initialization process commands are sent to each card individually, allowing the application todetect the cards and assign
45、 logical addresses to the physical slots. data is always sent (received) to(from) each card individually. however, in order to simply the handling of the card stack, after theinitialization process, all commands may be sent concurrently to all cards. addressing information isprovided in the command
46、packet.sd bus allows dynamic configuration of the number of data lines. after power up, by default, the sdmemory card will use only dat0 for data transfer. after initialization the host can change the buswidth (number of active data lines). this feature allows easy trade off between hw cost and syst
47、emperformance. do not copy (c)2000 by sd group (mei,sandisk,toshiba)date: march 200010confidential standard microsystemssd-memory card specifications / part 1. physical layer specification; version 1.0 sd memory card system concept3.1.2 spi busthe spi compatible communication mode of the sd memory c
48、ard is designed to communicate witha spi channel, commonly found in various microcontrollers in the market. the interface is selectedduring the first reset command after power up and cannot be changed as long as the part is pow-ered on.the spi standard defines the physical link only, and not the com
49、plete data transfer protocol. the sdmemory card spi implementation uses the same command set of the sd mode. from the applica-tion point of view, the advantage of the spi mode is the capability of using an off-the-shelf host,hence reducing the design-in effort to minimum. the disadvantage is the loss of performance, rel
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