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1、1八年级( 下 )Unit 3-42重点单词1.foldv.折叠;对折unfold( 反义词 )v.展开2.sweepv.打扫,扫swept( 过去式/过去分词 )3.throwv.扔,掷threw( 过去式 )thrown( 过去分词 )4.neitheradv.也不adj.两者都不的pron.两者都不conj.也不,既不5.passv.给,递;走过;通过6.borrowv.借,借入lend( 反义词 )v.借出7.hatev.讨厌,厌恶8.stressn.精神压力;心理负担v.强调9.wasten.浪费;垃圾v.浪费;滥用310.providev.提供,供给11.dependv.依靠,依赖

2、12.developv.发展;壮大developmentn.发展13.neighbo( u )rn.邻居neighbo( u )rhoodn.地区;附近14.dropv.落下;掉下15.fairadj.合理的,公平的unfair( 反义词 )adj.不公平的16.allowv.允许,准许allowancen.默许;补贴17.guessv.猜测;估计18.dealn.协议;交易v.处理;交易19.relationn.关系;联系;交往relatev.有联系relationshipn.人际关系municationn.交流,沟通communicatev.沟通;传达;通讯21.arguev.争吵;争论a

3、rgumentn.辩论;争论22.insteadadv.代替;反而;却23.nervousadj.紧张的24.offerv.主动提出;自愿给予25.properadj.正确的;恰当的properlyadv.适当地;正确地26.secondlyadv.第二,其次secondnum.第二 n.秒427.explainv.解释,说明explanationn.解释,说明28.clearadj.清楚的;晴朗的clearlyadv.明确地;清楚地29.copyv.抄袭;模仿;复制30.returnv.归还;回来,返回31.membern.成员;分子32.pressuren.压力pressv.压,按pete

4、v.竞争;对抗competitorn.竞争者competitiveadj.竞争的competitionn.竞争34.opinionn.意见;想法;看法35.skilln.技艺;技巧skil( l )fuladj.灵巧的;熟练的36.continuev.持续;继续存在parev.比较,对比38.crazyadj.不理智的,疯狂的39.pushv.鞭策;推动;督促40.causev.造成;引起41.usualadj.通常的;寻常的unusual( 反义词 )adj.不寻常的42.perhapsadv.可能,大概,也许43.illadj.生病的;不舒服的illnessn.疾病44.wrongadj.

5、有毛病的;错误的5重点短语1.take out the rubbish倒垃圾2.all the time反复;频繁 3.as soon as一就4.in order to目的是,为了 5.provide sb.with sth.给某人提供某物 6.depend on依靠,依赖 7.take care of照顾,照料 8.look through浏览,快速查看 9.big deal重要的事10.work out解决;算出 11.get on ( well ) with和睦相处 12.argue with与争吵 municate with与交流 14.in ones opinion在某人看来15.

6、cut out删除;除去 pare.with比较,对比678单元高频词汇训练单元高频词汇训练 .根据首字母及汉语提示填空1.With the help of our neighbo( u )rs( 邻居 ),we found our pet dog finally.2.Every student should have a good communication( 沟通 ) with his or her parents.3.We are here to provide( 提供 ) a service for the public.4.The old lady depends( 依靠 ) on

7、her daughter in her later life.5.The village has developed( 发展 ) from a small village into a big city in the past thirty years.6.Mary wanted to explain( 解释 ) that problem to Peter,but he refused.7.Most stores will allow( 允许 ) the buyer to exchange goods.8.It seems so unfair( 不公平的 ) that this should

8、happen to me.9.Soon they became very skil( l )ful( 熟练的 ) in answering such questions.10.Before the exam,he often feels very nervous( 紧张的 ).9.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.He has finished sweeping( sweep ) the bedroom already.2.He is a serious man and always doing things properly( proper ).3.He took part in severa

9、l competitions( compete ) and won a lot of prizes.4.He picked up a stone from the sand and threw( throw ) it into the river.10重点短语重点单词重点句型考点1neither的用法 Neither of us did any housework for a week.在一周内我们两人谁都没做家务。( P19 )1.neither作代词时,常用“neither of+名词/代词宾格”,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,名词之前必须有限定词,如my,the,any,these等。

10、例如:Neither of my parents enjoys music. 我的父母都不喜欢音乐。2.neither作形容词时,置于单数名词之前,“neither+单数名词”表示“两者都不”。例如:Neither chair is comfortable.两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。3.neither作副词时,置于句首,句子用倒装语序,neither也可用nor替换,即“neither/nor+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”,表示前面所表述的否定情况也适用于后者。例如:You dont know his address.Neither/Nor do I. 你不知道他的地址,我也不知道。11重

11、点短语重点单词重点句型4.neither作连词时,可构成neither.nor.,表示“既不也不”,与both.and.意思相反。当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。例如:Neither he nor I am able to understand the meaning of the words. 我和他都无法明白那些话的意思。活学活用( 2017山东临沂 )Do you plan to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight?.I cant stand them.I plan to watch a sitcom.

12、 A.NeitherB.BothC.NoneD.Either【解析】考查不定代词。根据答语中的“I plan to watch a sitcom.”可知,说话人既不喜欢选秀节目,也不喜欢体育节目。neither表示“两者都不”,none指“( 三者或三者以上 )没有一个”。【答案】 A12重点短语重点单词重点句型考点2辨析borrow,lend和keep Could I borrow that book?我可以借那本书吗?( P20 ) 1.borrow表示“借入”之意,不能和一段时间连用。常用结构:borrow sth.from sb.“向某人借某物”。例如:You can borrow t

13、his kind of book from the school library.你可以从学校图书馆借这类书。2.lend表示“借出”之意,意思和borrow相对,也不可以和一段时间连用。常用结构:lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.“把某物借给某人”。例如:Can you lend me your car this evening?今晚你能把车借我用一用吗?3.keep“保留,存放”,表示借一段时间,常和一段时间连用。例如:Can I keep this book for a month?这本书我可以借一个月吗?13重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用( 2017甘肃天水

14、 )How long may Ithese books?For a week.A.borrowB.to borrowC.keepD.lend【解析】考查动词。句意:这些书我可以借多久?一周。borrow是非延续性动词;keep意为“保持,保留”是延续性动词。答语“For a week.”属于时间段,故用延续性动词keep。【答案】 C14重点短语重点单词重点句型考点3provide 的用法 It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.在家里为自己的

15、孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长的职责。( P22 )provide意为“提供,供应,给予”。常见搭配:provide sb.with sth.和provide sth.for sb.都表示“给予某人某物”。例如:We are here to provide a good meal for the workers.我们来这里是为了给工人们提供一顿丰盛的饭菜。15重点短语重点单词重点句型16重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用( 2017江苏连云港 )The newly-opened companythe local people with more chances to work. A.give

16、s B.providesC.offers D.shows【解析】考查动词。provide sb.with sth.意为“给某人提供某物”,为固定搭配,符合语境。【答案】 B17重点短语重点单词重点句型考点4allow的用法 My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.我的父母不允许我和朋友在外闲逛。( P25 )allow为动词,意为“允许,让”,后面可直接接名词或代词作宾语。常用结构:allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”;allow doing sth.“允许做某事”;be allowed to do sth

17、.“被允许做某事”。例如:1.If you allow me,I will send you back.如果你同意,我就送你回家。2.His parents allowed him to stay out late.他的父母允许他在外面待到很晚。3.Smoking is not allowed in the hall.大厅里禁止抽烟。18重点短语重点单词重点句型19重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用( 2017山东东营 )In Switzerland,keeping only one goldfish isnt,because the government believes it is very

18、 bad to make such social animals live alone. A.stoppedB.doubtedC.refusedD.allowed【解析】考查动词。 句意:在瑞士,饲养一只金鱼是不允许的,因为政府认为这种群居动物独自生活是很糟糕的。stop“停止”;doubt“怀疑”;refuse“拒绝”;allow“允许”。【答案】 D20重点短语重点单词重点句型考点5compare的用法 And they are always comparing them with other children.并且她们总是把自己的孩子和别的孩子作比较。( P30 )compare作动词,

19、意为“比较,对照”,常和with及to连用。compare.with.意为“把和相比”;compare.to.意为“把比作”。例如:1.My mother always compares me with other kids.我妈妈总是把我和别的孩子相比。2.People like to compare teachers to candles.人们喜欢把老师比作蜡烛。21重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用1.Compared( compare ) with some unhappy people,those who are always pleased and relaxed are less

20、likely to suffer from colds.【解析】考查固定搭配。固定搭配compared with意为“与相比”,一般放在句首作状语。2.If you alwaysyourself with others,you may have tons of pressure. I agree.We should believe in ourselves.A.compareB.communicateC.create D.consider【解析】考查动词。句意:如果你总是将自己和其他人比较,你会有很大的压力。我同意。我们应当相信自己。A项意为“比较,对照”;B项意为“交流”;C项意为“创造”;

21、D项意为“考虑”。【答案】 A22重点短语重点单词重点句型考点6in order to的用法 They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.他们应该把时间花在学业上,以便能取得好成绩并进入一所好大学。( P22 )in order to意为“为了”,后跟动词原形,表示目的,同义短语为so as to。in order后还可接that引导的目的状语从句,意为“为了”,有时可以与so that互换。另外,动词不定式也可以作目的状语。例如:I

22、got up early in order to catch the early bus.=I got up early so as to catch the early bus.=I got up early in order that I could catch the early bus.=I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.=I got up early to catch the early bus.我早起是为了赶上早班车。23重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用She dressed upeveryone might no

23、tice her. A.in order toB.in order thatC.althoughD.thanks to【解析】考查固定短语。in order that后接目的状语从句;in order to “为了”,后接短语;although“尽管”;thanks to“多亏,由于”。句意:她盛装打扮以便每个人都注意到她。【答案】 B24重点短语重点单词重点句型考点7Peter,could you please take out the rubbish?彼得,你可以把垃圾扔出去吗?( P17 )1.could引起的疑问句表示有礼貌地提出请求。“Could you please do sth.

24、?”意为“请你做某事好吗?”句中could是can的过去式,但这里不表示时态,只表示委婉语气。常见答语:Sure./Certainly./Of course./Sorry,I cant.例如:Could you please answer the telephone?请你接一下电话好吗?Sure./Sorry,I cant.Im too busy now.当然可以。/对不起,我不能。我现在太忙了。2.否定结构为“Could you please not do sth.?”常见答语:Sorry,I wont do that ( any more/again ).例如:Could you plea

25、se not smoke here?请你不要在这里抽烟好吗?Sorry,I wont do that again.对不起,我再也不会了。25重点短语重点单词重点句型26重点短语重点单词重点句型活学活用( 2017重庆B )Robert,could you wash the car for me?Yes,I.Im coming,Dad. A.could B.couldntC.canD.cant【解析】考查情态动词。根据答语中的“Im coming”可知,此处应作肯定回答。对一般疑问句“Could you.?”的肯定回答应用“Yes,I can.”。【答案】 C271.( 2016安徽第33题 )

26、Helen has got two brothers.of them likes chocolate,but she loves it. ( A )A.NeitherB.None C.EachD.Any2.( 2014安徽第34题 )Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture he came to China. ( D )A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.since3.( 2014安徽第45题 )You can takeof the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. (

27、 C )A.bothB.noneC.either D.neither4.( 2013安徽第43题 )It is helpful toa good habit of reading in language learning. ( C )A.takeB.show C.developD.match281.The speech is really boring!I agree with you.It is aof time to listen to it. ( B )A.result B.wasteC.stress D.flow2.The little boy was always doing his

28、 homework on his. ( A )A.ownB.purposeC.mind D.time3.The girl is shy.She always feelswhen speaking in front of her classmates. ( B )A.excitedB.nervousC.interestedD.surprised294.I have seen a big difference in this schoolI came here three years ago. ( C )A.afterB.whenC.since D.before5.You see,SandySim

29、on is good at art. Well,then I have to ask someone else for advice. ( D )A.both;andB.either;orC.not only;butD.neither;nor6.Will you go to the beach tomorrow?Itthe weather.If its fine,Ill go there. ( D )A.goes onB.keeps onC.puts onD.depends on7.You wont pass the examyou dont work hard. OK,Ill do my b

30、est. ( C )A.andB.but C.if D.so308.In his eyes,the best way of showing love to his wife was byher with all his wealth and comforts of life. ( D )A.collectingB.feeding C.offeringD.providing9.Can I use your bike this afternoon?. ( D )A.Im OKB.Dont mention itC.Have a good timeD.Yes,go ahead10.Jane is ve

31、ry busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to. ( A )A.deal withB.keep up withC.compare withD.get on with31语言与文化语言是文化的载体,因此学习英语的同时,我们应该了解英语国家文化。只有了解当地文化、风俗习惯等,我们才能更加灵活地掌握一门语言的运用。文化是渗透于语言之中的,而对文化的学习与领悟不是一朝一夕可以完成的,因此,在平时的学习中考生要多注意了解并积累有关英语国家文化和风俗习惯的知识。【词汇积累】language语言western西方的culture文化tradition传

32、统develop a good eating habit养成好的饮食习惯get up early and go to bed early早睡早起remember a lot of words and expressions记住大量的词汇和短语understand how to use grammar rules理解如何运用语法规则behave politely and properly举止礼貌得体32【句式训练】仿写句子1.例句:When in Rome do as the Romans do.仿写: 2.例句:Practice speaking as much as possible.仿写: 3.例句:When you have meals at table,follow others.仿写: 4.例句:When you travel around the world,you should learn some cul


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